Archiving Composition Over the Heritage With CDI Decorator and Delegator

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Composite over inheritance is an OOP design principle we've followed for several years. Like me, you might have seen it in the Effective Java book, and we have wanted to pursue it since then. 

The inheritance brings several pitfalls, such as maintainability and a clear code. Beyond the semantics, the sample that I love to use is the cake that needs Salt. It does not make sense for a Cake to extend a Sea only because it needs Salt. In this case, it is a much better composition as well. 

What Is Product-Led Growth and Why Is It Critical for API-First Companies?

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There’s a common misconception that product-led growth means a business doesn’t focus on sales. That’s not the case. It’s just that product-led growth layers in sales later in the customer journey. This can be a hugely effective approach, particularly when it’s combined with deep data insights to drive that growth.

For API-first companies, this product-led approach is a cornerstone of success. We’ll dive into the detail of why it’s so critical below, but first, let’s start with the basics…

Getting Started with Chaos Engineering

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Breaking stuff on purpose primarily in the production environment is one of the mantras in chaos engineering. But when you tell your plan to your engineering manager or product owner, you will often get some resistance. 

Their concerns are valid. What if breaking stuff is irreversible? What will happen to the end users? Will our support ticket system get busy?

The Future of Observability: OpenTelemetry Adoption

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Chronosphere has its eye on the future of observability, and we are constantly talking to companies and industry experts about the observability challenges ahead. Sharing is caring, so we’ve started a video series talking about hot observability topics, and we’re summarizing those discussions in some quick-read blogs.

We kick things off with the spotlight on Chronosphere co-founder and CEO, Martin Mao, who shares his insights with Chronosphere Technical Writer, Chris Ward, about why 2022 will be a big year for OpenTelemetry adoption. 

iShadeed’s Container Queries Lab

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Ahmad Shadeed got an early jump on container queries and has a growing collection of examples based on everyday patterns.

And, if you missed it, his latest post on container queries does a wonderful job covering how they work since landing in Chrome 105 this month (we’ll see them in Safari 16 soon). Some choice highlights and takeaways:

  • Containers are defined with the container-type property. Previous demos and proposals had been using contain instead.
  • Container queries are very much like the media queries we’ve been writing all along to target the viewport size. So, rather than something like @media (min-width: 600px) {}, we have @container (min-width: 600px) {}. That should make converting many of those media queries to container queries fairly straightfoward, minus the work of figuring out the new breakpoint values.
  • We can name containers to help distinguish them in our code (e.g. container-name: blockquote).

Great job, Ahmad! And thanks for sharing!

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iShadeed’s Container Queries Lab originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.