JS (React) Technical Interview: Structure, Coding Tasks Examples, Tips

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Last year I was involved in many technical interviews, and in this article, I want to share my experience.

The first step in every interview is preparation. This is a very important part, and it starts with reading the candidate’s CV. It shouldn’t be very long, but it should contain all the main information about the candidate’s achievements in his previous places and his tech skills. It is very good to check that the CV contains information about skills that are required for the target position. If something is not clear, you can ask HR to clarify these questions before the interview.

[DZone Survey] Calling All SRE and IT Ops Professionals to Take our Performance and Observability Survey!

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The concept of observability was introduced a little over 60 years ago as a notion related to control theory, systems theory, and signal processing. Today, modern observability is still very much focused on looking at systems’ outputs to determine their internal states. Sprinkle in site reliability engineering, and there should be little to no performance issues in distributed systems, right? In an ideal world, yes, but in reality, there is still work to be done.

And this is where we could use your insights!

Strategies for Governing Data Quality, Accuracy, and Consistency

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This is an article from DZone's 2022 Database Systems Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report


In 2006, mathematician and entrepreneur Clive Humby coined the phrase, "Data is the new oil." The primary point of this comparison is to highlight that, while extremely useful, data must be extracted, processed, and refined before its full value can be realized. Now over fifteen years later, it is easier than ever to accumulate data, but many businesses still face challenges ensuring that the data captured is both complete and correct.

How to Continuously Locate a Device in the Background

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Nowadays, apps use device locations to provide a wide variety of services. You may want to see a user's location to show services around them, learn the habits of users in different areas, or perform location-based actions, like a ride-hailing app calculating travel distance and trip fare.

In order to protect user privacy, however, most apps request device location only when they run in the foreground. Once switched to the background, or even with the device screen turned off, apps are usually not allowed to request device location. As a result, they cannot record the GPS track of a device, which negatively affects the user experience of core functions of many apps, such as ride-hailing, trip-sharing, and exercise, all of which need to track location in real time.

The Data Journey

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During the last few years, I talked to many retailers and other large tech companies dealing with Data.

I've observed the same pattern repeatedly so far: these organizations are in the middle of three steps process, which usually takes more than 5 years.

ACF 6.0 Introduces Refreshed Admin UI and ACF Blocks Version 2

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Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) has announced the availability of version 6.0, an update that applies to both the free and pro versions of the plugin. This release introduces a refreshed admin UI that ACF product manager Iain Poulson said users had been requesting since 2021.

“We didn’t want this to be a huge change that would disrupt a user’s workflow, but instead a light reskin that focuses on bringing user experience improvements to the Field Group editor,” Poulson said.

“The team have done a great job with the new design, improving all the ACF plugin admin screens from the Field Group editor to the Tools page.”

The reskinning delivers the following improvements:

  • Reduces the vertical height of the field settings
  • Improved experience adding new fields to a Field Group
  • Added a sticky “Save Changes” button to the header bar that is always visible without users having to scroll up to the top of the page
  • Added more width to “Fields” box to reduce cramping from nested subfields
  • Keyboard navigation for fields
  • Improved focus states across the Field Group editor, toggle switches, radio buttons, and checkbox groups
  • New opt-in setting for Repeater pagination

Version 6.0 also includes ACF Blocks Version 2, a feature included in ACF PRO. It allows developers to use a PHP-based framework for developing custom block types.

“ACF 6.0 contains a new block versioning system, allowing you to opt in to new versions which will change things like the markup and structure of ACF Blocks in both the backend and frontend, and may require updates to your theme to support,” Poulson said.

“This next generation of ACF Blocks brings us much closer to the native block experience, while still giving you the PHP based templating language you know as a WordPress developer.”

ACF users were encouraged to see that the plugin is still moving forward after having changed hands twice in the past two years. Delicious Brains acquired ACF from its creator Elliot Condon in June 2021. By November of that year, Delicious Brains was soliciting the plugin’s Lifetime License holders for contributions via email, urging them to purchase annual subscriptions. Seven months later, Delicious Brains sold off ACF and four other products to WP Engine, rattling customers who were concerned about the plugin’s lack of innovation and its stability in the hands of a large hosting company.

Poulson, who continued on with WP Engine to support Delicious Brains’ products after they were acquired, said the next thing on the roadmap is adding the ability to register custom post types and taxonomies in the UI and improvements to how field types are selected.

WordPress vs Webflow: Which is Better for Web Design?

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WordPress vs WebflowIf you’re planning on building your website you may have heard of Webflow and WordPress, two of the most popular website builders available today. But before you can begin your project, you should carefully weigh its pros and cons. Here we will compare WordPress and Webflow to figure out which one is the better solution […]

The post WordPress vs Webflow: Which is Better for Web Design? appeared first on WPExplorer.

CSS Rules vs. CSS Rulesets

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The latest spec:

style rule is a qualified rule that associates a selector list with a list of property declarations and possibly a list of nested rules. They are also called rule sets in CSS2.

Louis Lazaris:

As the above quote from W3C indicates, it seems like the W3C considers “rule set” to be a bit of an outdated term, preferring the term “style rule” (or possibly “rule” for short).

I never noticed that! “Rule set” is so gosh darned branded on my brain that it’s gonan take losing a lot of muscle memory to start using “style rule” instead. I didn’t see a specific note in the spec’s Changes section, but you can see the change in the table of contents between versions:

Side-by-side screenshot comparing the table of contents for both the CSS 2 and CSS 3 specifications.

Louis nicely sums up the parts of a style rule as well:

/* Everything below is a style rule (or rule set, or just rule) */
section { /* Everything between the braces is a declaration block */
  margin: 0 20px; /* This line is an individual declaration */
  color: #888; /* Another declaration */

I know nothing of the context and, at first, I was gonna poo-poo the change, but “style rule” really makes sense the more I sit with it. If the property:value pairs are declarations that sit in a declaration block, then we’ve got something less like a set of rules and more like one rule that defines the styles for a selector with a block of style declarations. 👌

Once again, naming things is hard.

To Shared LinkPermalink on CSS-Tricks

CSS Rules vs. CSS Rulesets originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.

Thinking Like a Hacker: Abusing Stolen Private Keys

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If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. – Sun Tzu, “Art of War”

When you’re on the Blue Team, you’re expected to understand the systems you have to secure and the configurations to look out for. New vulnerabilities and attack paths are constantly being discovered, and it seems like there is an ever-growing list of things to not do wrong. Sometimes, though, we need to think beyond lists of vulnerabilities and put ourselves in the shoes of an attacker.

In this series, we will dissect not just what an attacker can do to get access to credentials, but also what they would do after getting that initial access. We will walk through a different threat scenario in each part of the series and tell stories of malicious hackers that are either true, based on a true incident, or reasonably theoretical.

Comparing Two Arrays Using Dataweave

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While Dataweave 2.0 provides several out-of-the-box functions to transform the data, sometimes we need to orchestrate more than one such function to achieve the desired result. One such thing we often encounter is comparing two arrays and finding out the differences. Let's check out the different scenarios and see how we can achieve them.

Scenario 1: Comparing Two Arrays With Identical Structure

In this case, both arrays will have the same fields. If we want to see the items which are present in array 1 but not in array 2, we can use the "--" function.

The Block Allocation Policy of Virtual Distributed File System at the Source Code Level

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Alluxio workers are responsible for managing local resources, and they store data as blocks. Users can allocate different storage tiers as the resources for Alluxio workers, including MEM/SSD/HDD, which are further composed of directories. 

How does an Alluxio worker decide which directory to put a block in when a user reads or writes data through Alluxio? In this article, we analyze the policies of block allocation from the source code.