What are WordPress Microinteractions?

What are WordPress Microinteractions?Microinteractions can significantly improve your website’s user experience. In this article, we’ll tell you what microinteractions are and how you can add them to your WordPress site. You’ll also learn the following: How to use microinteractions in WordPress How to make the most of microinteractions Then, we’ll go over a few tips to help you […]

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4 Major Steps Of Web Application Penetration Testing

In the early days of the internet, security was little but an afterthought. Then as hackers started to exploit businesses' lax security postures, things gradually started to change. At first, nonprofits like the Electronic Frontier Foundation started pushing web users to embrace HTTPS Everywhere. In response, certification authorities began offering free SSL certificate variations to any site admin that wanted one. As a result, at least 79.6% of all active websites now use SSL.

That was only the beginning. In the ensuing years, developers and web application administrators gradually started to harden their apps against all manner of attacks. They rolled out more complex password requirements. They started to add two-factor authentication as a default measure. They even started putting public-facing services behind high-performance web application firewalls.

API Security Weekly: Issue 168

This week, we have news of a vulnerability in the IndexedDB API in Safari 15 that exposed user information, a pair of vulnerabilities in AWS affecting AWS Glue and AWS CloudFormation, and a podcast featuring Rinki Sethi and Alissa Knight discussing API security.

Last week, we featured an “awesome API security” guide from a 3rd-party site with good intentions. Subsequently, we’ve discovered that this guide is a direct and unattributed copy of the excellent guide by André Rainho previously featured in this newsletter. Our apologies to Andre for this oversight, and we strongly advise readers to check out his original Awesome API Security guide.

Security and Compliance Considerations for the Public Cloud

Setting up your own servers requires a lot of up-front investment and ongoing maintenance. That’s why most technology companies today use an Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider for their compute needs. Cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure take care of infrastructure tasks like provisioning new machines and keeping them up to date for you, and their services free up your team to focus on building valuable new functionality for your application.

This post is the fourth in a series about what developers need to keep in mind when sorting out security and compliance for their application. Cloud-based companies frequently need to prove that their software is set up with security best practices in mind. Compliance standards and certifications are an effective way to communicate a company’s security posture and build trust with customers.

The Cost of Production Blindness

When I speak at conferences, I often fall back to the fact that, just a couple of decades ago, we’d observe production by kicking the server. This is obviously no longer practical. We can’t see our production. It’s an amorphous cloud that we can’t touch or feel. A power that we read about but don’t fully grasp.

In this case, we have physical evidence that the cloud is there.

AWS Lambda Provisioned Concurrency AutoScaling Configuration With AWS CDK

A couple of weeks ago, I was working on some AWS CDK-based code and I was trying to figure out how to configure auto-scaling for the provisioned concurrency configuration of an AWS Lambda function. We wanted to run some performance tests on our service and were wondering how scaling provisioned concurrency would impact our overall latency. We tried with the default configuration but also wanted to experiment with a bit more aggressive scaling policy so we had to provide our own metric configuration. 

In this article, I will explain what provisioned concurrency is and how to set up an auto-scaling configuration for it using AWS CDK. We’ll be looking at using predefined metric configurations, but also how to do it with a custom metric.

Groovy 4.0: These 10 New Features Make It AWESOME!

Switch Expression

Groovy has always had much more powerful switch statements compared to Java. Class case values, regular expression case values, collection case values, closure case values, or at the end, equal values case. All these options made the switch statement a first-class citizen in the Groovy world. And now, following the latest updates in the Java programming language, Groovy also supports a switch expression. The main difference between a switch statement and a switch expression is that the latter introduces a syntax compatible with Java and returns a value. You can still use a variety of combinations as cases, but the new syntax will make your code a bit more elegant. 

switch (value) {
    case null -> 'just a null'
    case 0 -> 'zero'
    case 1 -> 'one'
    case { it instanceof List && it.empty } -> 'an empty list'
    case List -> 'a list'
    case '007' -> 'James Bond'
    case ~/\d+/ -> 'a number'
    default -> 'unknown'


Records, a handy immutable "data carrier" type, were introduced in Java 16. Now, they are also available in Groovy. The same syntax, though Groovy also introduces a `@RecordType` annotation that you can use interchangeably. And even if this is not that a game-changer as it was for Java, it's good to see Groovy heading up with the latest features introduced in its mother language.

WordPress Seeks User Input on Homepage and Download Page Redesign Project

WordPress.org hasn’t seen a redesign since 2016, when it went from sketches to prototype to live in a matter of a couple weeks. In six years, the software has undergone a metamorphosis by adopting a new block paradigm that should be reflected in its website. Contributors are now looking at giving the homepage and download page a design overhaul that showcases its new capabilities.

“Since then, WordPress has seen a lot of changes, including the Gutenberg editor, Full Site Editor, block themes, and more,” Automattic-sponsored marketing team rep Nicholas Garofalo said. “All of these have revolutionized WordPress in the past few years, and the brand is starting to modernize and evolve as well.”

Earlier this year WordPress.org launched design updates for the news and Gutenberg pages. “There’s a ton of room to expand and evolve this look as we turn our attention to other parts of the site,” Garofalo said.

The designers working on the project are particularly interested in hearing from WordPress.org users about what they want to see on the homepage, which means everyday users are welcome to contribute their thoughts and suggestions.

The Download page used to prominently feature the download button at the top of the page, but sometime in mid-January 2021, it was pushed further down below recommended hosts. This was presumably to help people who want to set up a self-hosted site but don’t know where to get started but doesn’t make sense for those who came there to download the software. A transparent approach to redesigning this page would be appreciated, as changes like this are not always publicly documented.

So far, only a handful of full-time contributors have weighed in on the upcoming redesign in the comments of the post.

“I’d love to see the design showcase the modernization of the site editor and layout capabilities – even going so far as to do things many haven’t seen before, while also taking a moment to use words to describe why WordPress is so important in site-building,” Automattic-sponsored marketing contributor Dan Soschin said. “It provides freedom, empowerment, and democracy in publishing. And what’s more, you can be technical or not technical, and still achieve all your goals.”

Soschin also suggested that the Download page offer more of an explanation on what it takes to self-host WordPress by either posting steps or directing visitors to guides and resources.

Automattic-sponsored design team contributor Javier Arce had a unique idea of making the page with patterns in sections that users can copy and paste into their own websites.

“Since the website is made using WordPress and it’ll have a refreshed and modern look, I think it would be very cool not only to advertise that fact (‘hey, so this fantastic site you are on right now was made entirely with the software you came here to download!’)… but also to allow people to grab the patterns used for each section… maybe even from the page itself, in a sort of self-referential nod to the platform,” Arce said.

Several contributors commented requesting the homepage highlight the community, “since the vibrant, active WP community is such a huge differentiator,” Automattic-sponsored marketing contributor Jonathan Pantani said.

“Aside from the power of the software itself and what it can do, there’s the whole community of people that have been coming together regularly to share in a movement,” Automattic-sponsored marketing contributor Lauren Stein said. “This currently feels like it’s downplayed. I think it would be wonderful if it were highlighted more.”

This project needs more diverse input from contributors across the ecosystem and regular WordPress users who visit the website. If you have thoughts or suggestions, you can comment directly on the post and watch for future discussions on WordPress’ design, marketing, and meta blogs.

Introduction to Data Replication With MariaDB Using Docker Containers

Clones. Send in the clones. That’s what we do when we replicate databases. At least to some extent. In this article, you’ll learn how to perform the most basic form of replication with MariaDB.

You can adapt the instructions in this article to use virtual machines or bare metal, but Docker is probably one of the easiest ways to try out MariaDB replication without having to install a full operating system before getting to the meat of the matter. So, the only requirement here is to have Docker installed and running on your system (check with docker --version in a terminal).

Write Your Kubernetes Infrastructure as Go Code – Getting Started With Cdk8s

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a well established paradigm and refers to the standard practice of treating infrastructure (network, disk, storage, databases, message queues etc.) in the same way as application code and applying general software engineering practices including source control versioning, testing and more. For example, Terraform and AWS CloudFormation are widely-adopted technologies that use configuration files/templates to represent the infrastructure components.

Infrastructure-IS-Code - A Different Way of Thinking About This

Imagine you have an application that comprises a Serverless function fronted by an API Gateway along with a NoSQL database as the backend. Instead of defining it in a static way (using JSON, YAML, etc.), one can represent these components using standard programming language constructs such as classes, methods, etc. Here is a pseudo-code example:

Test Management for QA Engineers

The projects that a QA Engineers participate can range from small maintenance projects, emergency fixes( spanning 1-2 days or less), mid-range projects(spanning weeks or months) to full-scale large projects( can last up to a year or more). While each of these projects may differ in terms of testing efforts and resources, they all adhere to common test process.

Let’s divide this test management process into 3 categories:

GoDaddy Expands API Access for Expired Domain Auctions

GoDaddy has extended API capabilities for its expired domains auction platform. This will give greater access to all domain investors to bid on auctions.

Until now, access to the Aftermarket API, specifically its Auctions endpoints, had been limited to select investors. The company has previously said that it needed to make back end changes before more users could be accommodated. Now that access has been opened, anyone can acquire closeout domains through the API. 

WordPress Performance Team Proposes Adding Persistent Object Cache and Full Page Cache to Site Health Checks

In the near future, WordPress may be able to provide better caching recommendations for site owners. Performance team contributors are proposing two new Site Health checks for Persistent Object Cache and Full Page Cache. The modules have been tested inside the Performance Lab plugin and version 1.2.0 has them both in a state the team says is ready for merging into core.

Here is an example of what users might see on the Site Health screen if page caching is not detected:

The modules are extensible so hosting companies and developers can further customize the output that users see. Performance team contributor Manuel Rodriguez detailed a few ways to use the filters:

  • Hosts may want to replace the notes to recommend their preferred object caching solution.
  • Hosts may want to replace the original link to WordPress documentation with a link to  their own guide.
  • Hosts or site owners may want to bypass thresholds and force suggestions, or filter them to determine whether to suggest the use of a persistent object cache.
  • Developers can filter the threshold below which a response time is considered good.

The team is targeting WordPress 6.1 for merging the modules into core. The proposed modules are just two of many more planned enhancements and improvements to Site Health audits and reports.

How To Perform OCR on a Photograph of a Receipt Using Java

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate an API that is specifically designed to perform OCR (Optical Character Recognition) operations on photographs of receipts and extract key business information from them automatically, such as the name and address of the business, the phone number, the receipt total, and much more.   Further down the page, I’ve provided code examples and instructions to help you structure an API call in Java.

There are dozens of costs associated with running a business, and efforts to manage those costs vary in complexity.  While corporate expenditures such as office rent, salaries, and vendor contracts represent cyclical and manageable invoices that internal teams (i.e., accounts payable) can handle directly, employee expenditures in the form of client dinners, taxi rides, and team outings require corporate reimbursement which may only be accomplished with proof of the employee’s transactions.  For the employee, proving such transactions entails presenting a receipt to the business. Along with displaying the all-important total cost of the outing, receipts provide other useful information which the employee’s business can verify, including the name of the venue the employee visited, its website, address, phone number, and a list of the specific purchased goods or services at that location. As simple as the receipt-expensing process may appear, however, it often suffers from a major technological deficiency: most businesses have fully digitized their payroll and expensing procedures, and receipts are still often obtained in hard-copy form. As a result, transitioning a physical receipt into a digital form presents a relevant business technology challenge.

Programming error -Java

public class Clock
private int newHour;
private int newMinutes;
private int newSeconds;

public Clock ()
public Clock (int newHour, int newMinutes, int newSeconds)
this.newHour = newHour;
this.newMinutes = newMinutes;
this.newSeconds = newSeconds;

public int getNewHour(int newHour){
return this.newHour;
public int getNewMinutes (int newMinutes){
return this.newMinutes;
public int getNewSeconds (int newSeconds){
return this.newSeconds;

public void setHour(int newHour){
    this.setHour = setHour;
public void setMinutes (int newMinutes){
    this.newMinutes = newMinutes;
public void setSeconds (int newSeconds){
    this.newSeconds = newSeconds;

public void display (){
System.out.println (int newHour + int newMinutes + int newSeconds);

public String showTime (){
System.out.println ("hh:"+ "mm:"+"ss");

public static void main(String[] args)
    Clock objClock = new Clock();


Everything You Should Know About APIs

API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a connector/ intermediary between two software components. It is a set of definite protocols that makes the interface possible. The interface simply means the nature of requests and responses. How developers would form the request and responses comes under API documentation.

In simpler words, API allows two applications to communicate with each other. We use API when we check the weather on our phones or while sending and receiving messages on apps like Instagram or Facebook, etc.