ArrayList: Semantic Error

ArrayList<MArry> databas = new ArrayList<MArry>();
        //Add data into the databas
        databas.add(new MArry("Timothy", "SS1"));
        databas.add(new MArry("Olayemi", "SS2"));

        for (MArry myarry: databas) {
            System.out.printf("%s \n", myarry);

  /*Please I need someone to check this out.
  Each time I run the code the output I'm getting is the memory address of the ArrayList */

Accepting Crypto Payments in a Classic Commerce App

E-commerce storefronts have been slow to offer crypto payment methods to their customers. Crypto payment plug-ins or payment gateway integrations aren't generally available, or they rely on third-party custodians to collect, exchange, and distribute money. Considering the growing ownership rate and experimentation ratio of cryptocurrencies, a "pay with crypto" button could greatly drive sales.

This article demonstrates how you can integrate a custom, secure crypto payment method into any online store without relying on a third-party service. Coding and maintaining smart contracts needs quite some heavy lifting under the hood, a job that we’re handing over to Truffle suite, a commonly used toolchain for blockchain builders. To provide access to blockchain nodes during development and for the application backend, we rely on Infura nodes that offer access to the Ethereum network at a generous free tier. Using these tools together will make the development process much easier.

Apache BookKeeper: What Makes A Qualified Storage System for Apache Pulsar

If you are familiar with messaging systems like Kafka and RocketMQ, you may know that services are typically closely related to storage in their architectures. Different from them, Apache Pulsar is designed with a two-layer architecture that separates storage from compute, which actually happens on its stateless brokers. Pulsar relies on Apache BookKeeper servers for persistent storage, also known as bookies. This blog focuses on the basics of BookKeeper and illustrates how it works to achieve high availability for the data it handles.

What is Apache BookKeeper

Originally developed at Yahoo, BookKeeper represents a reliable, high-performance storage system. It provides distributed, scalable storage services, featuring low latency and strong fault tolerance. These speak volumes about why it is capable of serving as Pulsar’s storage layer. BookKeeper stores data in ledgers, which are append-only and immutable. With a special replication protocol, BookKeeper stores log entries securely across multiple nodes in a concurrent way, which are highly available.

Security vs. Performance in the SQL World

If you found yourself inside of the world of databases in one way or another, you already know a little about database security and performance. Database management systems certainly do come with benefits to your databases, but have you thought about what options you need to weigh from the security and performance perspectives for your choice to be the most effective? That’s what we’re going to explore in this post.

Are Security and Performance Linked Together?

One of the first things we would like you to consider is the fact that performance and security are very closely intertwined. The main reason that’s happening is that developers, juniors, and seniors alike, at some point in their careers start noticing that:

Adding Templates to a Video Editor

This, I think, is the very reason why templates are gaining popularity in text, image, audio, and video editing, and more. Of all these templates, video templates are probably the most in-demand by users. This is because a video is a lengthy creation that may also require high costs. And therefore, it is much more convenient to create a video using a template, rather than from scratch — which is particularly true for video editing amateurs.

The video template solution I have got for my app is a template capability of HMS Core Video Editor Kit. This capability comes preloaded with a library of templates that my users can use directly to quickly create a short video, make a vlog during their journey, create a product display video, generate a news video, and more.

Learn Microservices With Coding Over Cocktails

Microservice architectures enable cross-functional teams to build, test, debug, deploy, and upgrade services independently, resulting in quicker deployment and troubleshooting.

And if you’re curious to learn more about microservices, then you’ve come to the right place!

From Git to Fuse Engine

Databend, developed with Rust, is a new, open-source data warehouse with a cloud-oriented architecture. It is committed to providing fast elastic expansion capabilities and a pay-as-you-go user experience. GitHub:


This article introduces the Databend base: Fuse Engine, a powerful columnar storage engine. The engine was designed by the Databend community with the following principles: Powerful performance, simple architecture, and high reliability.

How to Add Old Post Notification on Your WordPress Blog

Do you want to add an old post notification in WordPress?

If you have been producing content for some time now, then there is a chance that some of your content may be outdated.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily add old post notification to your WordPress blog.

Adding old post notice to WordPress

Why Add Old Post Notification to WordPress Blog Posts

Content decay (outdated blog posts) can be a bit of a problem for a growing WordPress blogs.

Depending on your niche, sometimes your content may become irrelevant, incorrect, or inappropriate over a period of time. This may cause a bad user experience, a higher bounce rate, and lower search rankings.

Ideally, you would want to edit those articles and update them with more useful, accurate, and up-to-date information.

But that’s not always possible because your site may have too many old articles, and you may not have enough resources to update them. In that case, adding an old post notification may be helpful for your users.

It will let them know that the content is a bit older, and they should keep this in mind when using the information presented on that page.

Another solution that many blogs use is by simply adding the ‘Last updated date’ instead of the publishing date.

An older article with last updated date

That being said, let’s take a look at how you can add the old post notification in WordPress, and how to display the last updated date on your articles.

Method 1. Display Old Post Notification Using Plugin

This method is easier and recommended for all users that want to display an old post notification.

First, you need to install and activate the DX Out of Date plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Settings » Out of Date page to configure plugin settings.

Out of date settings

Here, you need to choose the period and duration. This is the time after which a post will be considered old by the plugin.

Below that you can provide a custom message to display on older posts and enable the notification to be displayed for all old posts. Don’t worry, you’ll be able to hide it for specific posts by editing them.

On the settings page, you can also choose post types, colors for the notification box, and add custom CSS if needed.

Advanced settings for outdated posts

Don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.

You can now visit an old post on your website to see the plugin in action.

Old post notification displayed on an article

Hiding Old Post Notification on Individual Posts

Now let’s say you have an article that is older, but it is still accurate, up-to-date, and has great search rankings. You may want to hide the old post notification there.

Similarly, what if you have updated an old post with new information. The plugin will keep showing old post notification because it uses the post’s published date to determine its age.

To fix this, you can edit the post and scroll down to the ‘Out of Date Notification’ tab under the Post panel of the block editor. From here, simply uncheck the notification option and save your changes.

Hide old post notification

The plugin will now stop showing old post notification on this particular article.

Method 2. Display Last Modified Date for Your Posts

A lot of WordPress websites display the last modified date for their blog posts. Some replace the publish date with the last modified date as well.

The advantage of this method is that it shows users when a post was last updated without showing an old post message.

First, you need to install and activate the WP Last Modified Info plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, head over to Settings » WP Last Modified Info page to configure plugin settings.

Last modified settings

On the settings page, you need to turn on the Global display of the last modified info toggle. After that, you can choose how you want to display the modified date.

You can replace the published date, show it before or after the content, or manually insert it into a post.

Below that, you’ll find a bunch of options. If you are unsure, then you can leave them to default.

Don’t forget to click on the Save Settings button to store your changes.

You can now visit your website to see the last updated information for all your blog posts.

Last updated notice

This problem with this method is that it will show the last updated date for all posts including the newer posts.

You can set a time gap under plugin settings. But this gap is only limited to 30 days.

Time gap between published and updated posts

The plugin also provides three blocks that you can manually insert into a post or page to display last modified info.

Add last modified information using blocks

You also have the option to use custom CSS to style your last updated date notice. We used the following custom CSS in the screenshots above. {
    background: #fbffd8;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid orange;
    font-size: small;
    font-weight: bold;

Method 3. Add Old Post Notification Using Code

This method requires you to manually add code to your WordPress theme files. If you haven’t done this before, then take a look at our guide on how to add custom code snippets in WordPress.

Simply copy and paste the following code in your theme’s single.php template.

// Define old post duration to one year
$time_defined_as_old = 60*60*24*365; 

// Check to see if a post is older than a year
if((date('U')-get_the_time('U')) > $time_defined_as_old) {

$lastmodified = get_the_modified_time('U');
$posted = get_the_time('U');

//check if the post was updated after being published
 if ($lastmodified > $posted) {
// Display last updated notice
      echo '<p class="old-article-notice">This article was last updated ' . human_time_diff($lastmodified,current_time('U')) . ' ago</p>';   

  } else { 
// Display last published notice 
echo '<p class="old-article-notice">This article was published ' . human_time_diff($posted,current_time( 'U' )). 'ago</p>';


This code defines old posts to be any articles published at least one year ago.

After that, it checks if a post is older than a year. If it is, then it checks if the post was updated after publication. Then it displays a notice based on those checks.

Here is how it looked on our demo website for post that is old and was never updated.

Last updated information for old post

Here is how it looked for a post that is old, but it was updated after being published.

An old post that is never updated

We customized the old post notification with the following custom CSS.

p.old-article-notice {
    background: #fbffd8;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 1px solid orange;
    font-size: small;
    font-weight: bold;

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily display old post notification on your WordPress blog. You may also want to see our WordPress SEO guide or see our pick of the best popular posts plugins for WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Old Post Notification on Your WordPress Blog first appeared on WPBeginner.