Jaluh is making a room inventory in the Hostel where she is working. They have 16 rooms
labelled as A-P. She is doing this manually that it will consume more time. Make a program
that will automatically be identified if the room is taken or not. An array code.. ANYONE COULD HELP ME THIS GUYS.

A Playbook to Properly Implement Pay As You Go Pricing for Your API Product

Usage-based pricing, consumption-based pricing, and PAYG (Pay As You Go) are relatively new SaaS pricing models that enable you to drive top-of-line growth while also increasing net revenue retention over more traditional subscription pricing models such as license or seat-based pricing. With Pay As You Go, a customer only needs to pay for what they consume such as hours of a VM or number of messages sent. APIs naturally are transaction-based, which make them suitable for new consumption-based pricing. In fact, all three cloud providers (AWS, Google, and Azure) leverage consumption-based billing so their customers can optimize their infrastructure.

Prepaid vs. Postpaid Billing

First, you’ll want to decide whether you want prepaid or a postpaid billing. Prepaid billing requires the customer to purchase credits or pre-negotiated quota ahead of time creating a positive balance that is then “burned down.” If they are credits, a customer will need to periodically top off their account by purchasing additional credits before they run out. Some systems enable “automatic top off” once a balance falls below a defined threshold. This can improve your business cash flow since you’re able to leverage the spent capital even before any costs are incurred to deliver their service. Irrespective of Pay As You Go, most enterprise companies require enterprise contracts to be prepaid for the term as prepaid enables more payment options such as a bank wire or ACH. Customers also benefit since they can set hard budgets for your service and disable any “auto top off” functionality.

What You Should Know Before Setting Up Your First CI/CD Pipeline

You want to set up your first automatic deployment pipeline that builds, tests, and deploys code changes to your target cloud environment. You’ve spent days reading docs and blogs to figure out what your automatic deployment pipeline should comprise. But it all seems really overwhelming. They mention various tools like AWS, Azure, GitHub Actions, Ansible, Jenkins, CircleCI, Terraform, and Kubernetes — the list is endless. And you’re not sure which one is necessary for your initial automatic deployment pipeline.

What does your first continuous delivery pipeline need to do and not do?

The Future of the Data Engineer

In the world of data engineering, Maxime Beauchemin is someone who needs no introduction. 

One of the first data engineers at Facebook and Airbnb, he wrote and open-sourced the wildly popular orchestrator Apache Airflow, followed shortly thereafter by Apache Superset, a data exploration tool that’s taking the data viz landscape by storm. Currently, Maxime is CEO and co-founder of Preset, a fast-growing startup that’s paving the way forward for AI-enabled data visualization for modern companies. 

Most Used Streaming Protocols in 2022 With Technical Specifications

We will learn about the following streaming protocols in order:

  • RTMP
  • RTSP
  • WebRTC
  • HLS
  • SRT
  • CMAF

RTMP (Real-Time Messaging Protocol)

RTMP streaming protocol, a TCP-based technology, was developed by Macromedia for streaming audio, video, and data over the Internet between a Flash player and a server. Macromedia was purchased by its rival Adobe on December 3, 2005, but with the phasing out of Flash in 2020, its use has become less to do with viewer-facing delivery of content and more for ingesting live streams into a platform through RTMP-enabled encoders.

What Is Pair Programming?

When it comes to software development, writing high-quality and defect-free source code is imperative. In order to ensure or improve the quality of the source code developers write, they carry out a variety of tasks, including code reviews, error checking, iterative loops, linting, and fast feedback. 

However, developers perform all these activities once they write code. What if you get all these activities done simultaneously while writing the source code line by line? Wondering how it is possible? Yes, it is possible with the help of pair programming. 

Anyone here use Anaconda/Spyder for Python?

My son uses Anaconda so I thought I'd install it so we could collaborate. I downloaded and installed the latest version. When I ran Anaconda Navigator, the first thing it told me was "there is a new version available". That's when I started having misgivings, but I downloaded and installed the update anyway.

I ran Navigator again, then launched Spyder. I tried to run the Help -> Tutorial but just got two cryptic messages about missing dependencies for Jedi and Sphinx (both of which already appeared as installed in the Environments tab). There were no instructions as to how to resolve this. It also complained about missing something called Kite but I got that fixed. Don't know what it actually fixed, but at least it stopped complaining.

Wanting to at least test out the Python, I loaded a script that did a couple of additions and a couple of multiplications (it already ran fine from the command line). Then I just got


I tried to file a bug report (as per the dialog) but it seems I'd have to set up a github account first.

Has anyone else been able to set this up? It may be a powerful package but if you can't do the simple things, how can you do the complex ones?

How Does the Internet Speed Test Work?

Everyone deserves the right internet speed and everyone wants the best bang for a buck. To ensure our internet bandwidth, we all run speed tests from our Internet Speed Provider or public speed test tools like or and more. But do we know how the speed got measured under the hood? In this blog post, we will see how the Internet Speed Test works?

What Is an Internet Speed Test?

The Internet Speed Test helps us to understand how fast our internet connection is. It is primarily based on Download and Upload speed, usually measured in megabits per second (Mbps), but varies based on which tool you are using. One megabit is equal to 1,024 kilobits.

How to Reduce Cloud Cost by 99% for EDA Kafka Applications

While the cloud offers great convenience and flexibility, the operational cost for applications deployed in the cloud can sometimes be significant. This article shows a way to substantially reduce operating costs in latency-sensitive Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) Java applications by migrating from Kafka to Chronicle Queue open-source, a more resource-efficient and lower-latency queue implementation.

What Is EDA?

An EDA application is a distributed application where events (in the form of messages or DTOs) are produced, detected, consumed, and reacted to. Distributed means it might run on different machines or the same machine but in separate processes or threads. The latter concept is used in this article whereby messages are persisted in queues.

Dictionary Java ArrayList Socket

I don't get what's the problem with this Dictionary created using Arraylist and Socket . I get SocketException error I don't know why also I tried to created a method to read....


import java.util.Scanner;

public class Client {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int N;
        Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
        Socket cs=null;
        BufferedReader bfr=null;
        PrintWriter pw=null;
            cs=new Socket("localhost",5000)  ;
            InputStreamReader isr=
                    new InputStreamReader(cs.getInputStream());
            bfr=new BufferedReader(isr);
            pw=new PrintWriter(cs.getOutputStream());
            System.out.println("S-a setat reteaua!");

                System.out.print("Cuvantul care trebuie tradus:");
                String cuvant=sc.nextLine();
                //daca este STOP : se va deconecta
                if(cuvant.equals("STOP")) {pw.println(""); pw.flush();break;}
                else  {pw.println(cuvant); pw.flush();}
                //Citim raspuns server:
                String textIn=bfr.readLine();
        }catch( IOException e){
        System.out.println("Clientul s-a deconectat!");

ClientHandler code:

import java.util.ArrayList;

//Clasa firului de execuie pentru tratarea clientului conectat la server:
class FirClient extends Thread {
    private Socket cs;
    private BufferedReader bfr;
    private PrintWriter pw;
    ArrayList<String> listacuvinte;//la creare firului incarcam datele

    // din fisier intr-un ArrayList
    public FirClient(Socket cs) {
        try {
            this.cs = cs;
            pw = new PrintWriter(cs.getOutputStream());
            InputStreamReader isr =
                    new InputStreamReader(cs.getInputStream());
            bfr = new BufferedReader(isr);
            //incarcam fisierul cuvinte .txt in ArrayList:
            listacuvinte = new ArrayList<String>();
            System.out.println("Se copiaza fisier in al");
            FileReader f = new FileReader("date.txt");
            BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(f);
            for (; ; ) {
                String s = bf.readLine();
                if (s == null) break;//s-a terminat fisier
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void run()
                String cuvant = bfr.readLine();
                if(cuvant == null)break;
                //cautare cuvant in ArrayList:
                boolean gasit=false;
                for(int i=0;i<listacuvinte.size();i+=2){
                        String crt= listacuvinte.get(i+1);


        }catch(final Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}



public class Server {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Am pornit server...");
            ServerSocket ss=new ServerSocket(5000);
             Socket cs=ss.accept();
             FirClient firPtClient=new FirClient(cs);
             System.out.println("Avem o conectare!");
           }catch(Exception e){

