Get paid to post in the forums

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Many years ago, DaniWeb offered a pay-to-post system where each post was awarded a monetary value (typically between 5 and 50 cents), depending upon how in-depth it was, upvotes, etc.

Members could cash out once a month if they earned $10 or more from their posts.

Very few members took us up on this opportunity, and we ultimately ended the program.

I'm debating whether we should start it up again. Does anyone still think it's a good idea, 10 years later?

Help with laying together a list of Instagram with captions is required

Category Image 023

Hi There,

I'm trying to figure out the best method of marking up this list of images with captions. The images vary in height and the captions are aligned to the right of the images, sometimes with two lines of text and as close to vertically centered with the image as possible
See the below image for what I'm trying to achieve. I'd be tempted to use a definition list, floating the captions to the right, but getting each bit of text aligning correctly without styling each individual caption has got me stumped.

There will be a lot more images than those shown (the grey boxes are representing the images just to clarify), so a solution that works without resorting to applying diferent classes to each caption would be amazing!

i really need help with this Q, and i’m comfused with kinda bit with this q


A number m is called a proper divisor of n if m<n and m divides n. A positive integer is perfect if it is the sum of its proper positive divisors. For example 28 is perfect because 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28 . 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14 are the proper positive divisors of 28.
Write a java program ask the user to enter any positive number and the program will find if this number is perfect or not;