Validate or Verify: What Should Your Tests Actually Be Doing?

An overlooked challenge in updating your software testing strategy is simply understanding how effective existing testing is, making it hard to troubleshoot gaps or outdated practices. Understanding the distinctions between testing for validation and testing for verification can help your team build confidence and optimize software testing.

Validation and Verification: A Quick Intro 

Developers commonly divide software testing philosophies into a couple of major areas. Yes, there are more than just two families in the taxonomy of software testing strategies, but these essential classifications offer a tried-and-true starting point. 

Why Distributed Apps Need Dependency Management

Distributed cloud applications (aka microservices) have introduced an enormous amount of complexity into the design and operation of cloud software. What used to manifest itself as complexity hidden within a single process or runtime now finds itself spread across tens or hundreds of loosely coupled services. While all of these services can use different languages and can scale independently from one another, the distributed nature can often make the app as a whole hard to navigate, hard to deploy, and hard secure.

This new complexity makes it increasingly difficult to manage and contribute to cloud-native applications and beckons questions as to how we can maintain healthy cloud software. How can we take advantage of the benefits of service-oriented design without introducing friction and cost elsewhere?

What Is Dynamic Programming?

Why Should I Care?

Dynamic programming is the process of breaking down a larger problem into smaller problems. By using the answers to those smaller problems, we can find the overall solution more efficiently.

We'll also learn about the term "memoization," and how it relates to dynamic programming.

The Internet of Things in Solutions Architecture

As internet connectivity increases, an increasing number of small devices now exist with small memory and compute capacities. These sensors connect various physical entities, such as your home alarm, thermal sensors, and car. The data from millions of these connected devices needs to be collected and analyzed. For example, weather data collected from multiple sensors can be utilized to forecast weather for wind energy and farming. There are billions of connected devices in homes, factories, oil wells, hospitals, cars, and thousands of other places that are fueling digital transformation, generating huge volumes of data and growing exponentially. 

As IoT has become very common in the manufacturing industry for handling machine data and optimizing production, the concept of Industrial IoT (IIoT) was developed. Let’s learn more about this now.

Who Are We Helping?

It’s hard to deny the truth that for a lot of us “difficult” means “good,” and “more difficult” is “even better.” From video games to exercise to music to cooking, if someone accomplishes something perceived as hard to do, it’s a clear indication of their skill. Conversely, saying something is easy or simple is often a veiled insult, an insinuation that anyone could do it and therefore the thing is therefore barely worth acknowledging.

And, while I don’t want to discount the system upon which so much of our leisure activities are based, I think this is a lesson we in IT have taken too much to heart. I’m writing today to ask us to all consider shifting our thinking in the direction of “easy can also be good.” In fact, things which are easy are often better overall than things that require a greater level of individual virtuosity.

Using PDFs With the Jamstack: Adding Search With Text Extraction

A few weeks ago, I shared a couple of blog posts describing how to add PDFs to your Jamstack site. The first talked about using the Adobe PDF Embed API to give you more control over viewing PDFs on an Eleventy site. The second example took it a bit further by using Adobe's PDF Services API to generate thumbnails of the PDFs when the Eleventy site was developed. Since I wrote those posts, we released a new service, the PDF Extraction API.

This API extracts information from your PDF, including:

Defining Technical Debt With George Fairbanks

What is technical debt?

In this episode of Cocktails, we explore the definition and talk about how technical debt is anchored on our own thought processes, and how software architecture has evolved along with our development philosophies. We also dig into some great stories, analogies, and advice on how we can deal with and clean up our own technical debt.

Spring vs. Jakarta EE: Injecting Dependencies

The article “Spring vs. Jakarta EE: Defining Injectable Beans” addressed the “first half” of Dependency Injection in Spring and Jakarta EE: the definition of beans that shall be injected. The current article discusses the details of how these beans can be injected. This forms the second part of the dependency injection process, which can be further broken down into the following aspects:

  • Annotations: Which annotations can be used for injection?
  • Disambiguation: How to perform disambiguation if there are multiple candidates for injection?
  • Optional and Multiple Injection: How to gracefully deal with the absence of injectable beans, and how to inject several beans of the same type?
  • Programmatic Injection: How to inject dependencies without annotations?

For the impatient, here is a summary table for these topics, with more details following below:                                                                         

My query statement isn’t working correctly

There are 2 tables as orders$ and 'order items$'
orders$ Table have 4 columns as order_id, customer_id, status, order_date
'order items&' Table have 4 columns as order_id, item_id, product_id, quantity

I want to modify the SQL statement to show an average number of products each customer had on their orders.

SELECT DISTINCT (c.customer_id) AS CustomerID, o.order_id AS OrderID, AVG(o.product_id)AS AvgProductOrdered
FROM orders$ c
INNER JOIN ['order items$'] o ON c.order_id = o.order_id
WHERE c.order_id = o.order_id
GROUP BY c.customer_id, o.order_id
ORDER BY AvgProductOrdered

Search problem(value is store in reverse order)

i have two page one is search.php and other is detail.php
in search.php

 <div class="search-field ">
      <form class="d-flex align-items-center h-100" name="search" action="manage_visitor.php" method="post" >
        <div class="input-group" style="background-color: #f2edf3;">
          <input type="text" class="form-control bg-transparent border-0"name="searchdata" id="searchdata" placeholder="Search by names &amp; mobile no"   >

Detail.php i get the value of there pagination code like

echo '<li class="'.$active.'" ><a class="page-link" href="manage_visitor.php?page1='.$i.'&searchname='.$_POST['searchdata'].'">'.$i.'</a></li>';

$searchstring= isset($_GET['searchname'] )?$_GET['searchname']:"";

for the first click the url look like


but after 2nd time click


now is there way to store the value of searchname=bilal or set the value of search.php text field searchname value from detail.php