SaaS Galore: Integrating CockroachDB With Confluent Kafka, Fivetran, and Snowflake


The problem this tutorial is trying to solve is the lack of a native Fivetran connector for CockroachDB. My customer has built their analytics pipeline based on Fivetran. Given there is no native integration, their next best guess was to set up a Postgres connector:

CockroachDB is PostgreSQL wire compatible, but it is not correct to assume it is 1:1. Let's attempt to configure the connector:

The Complete Guide to SDLC


35. That is the average number of applications installed on smartphones. I believe it won’t be out of place to say that we live in a software world. I mean, we are in a digital age, aren’t we? Have you ever wondered what it takes to build this software? Yes, we all know developers make them, but that isn’t all. It takes a lot more.

This article will discuss the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and its phases and methodologies.

How to run Cronjobs in PHP?

Hello webmasters,

I am trying to create a script using vanilla PHP. I am familiar with the language and I have created a cronjob before, but only using cPanel. I want to create cronjobs using PHP if possible with out the need to go to cPanel.

I am trying to make it easier for users to install the script and make it hassle free.

So how can I run a cronjob using PHP?

How to Configure Apache ActiveMQ on AWS

Apache ActiveMQ is an open-source message broker. It is one of the most popular Apache open source products and supports multiple industry-standard connectivity protocols. Clients can choose among multiple different languages and platforms for connectivity to ActiveMQ. Apache ActiveMQ provides client libraries in C++, Python, Java, C, etc. for developing applications. Some of the most popular protocols supported by ActiveMQ are AMQP, STOMP, MQTT, and JMS. ActiveMQ supports a wide variety of messaging use cases to meet almost all the needs of a production-grade messaging system.

Amazon MQ

AWS provided Amazon MQ is a managed service that can be used for Apache ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ. Amazon MQ service makes the management, configuration, deployment, and usage of these two message brokers easy on AWS. Amazon MQ makes the lifecycle management and operation of these services easy for an IT organization as this is a fully managed service provided by AWS. Code written to connect to on-prem Apache ActiveMQ can be transparently migrated to use ActiveMQ using AWS.

How to Send Mail From Camunda to the SMTP Server

Camunda exposes a mail interface to connect with SMTP using Camunda-bpm-mail-core library as a dependency in POM.xml file. Here Camunda acts as a mail client.


  • Eclipse (any version) with Maven capabilities
  • Java 8+
  • SMTP Mail Server
  • Camunda

Installing Eclipse-IDE on Windows

  1. Click on the link:
  2. Download the eclipse-inst-jre-win64.exe file and run the eclipse installer.Run the installer
  3. Select Eclipse IDE for Eclipse committers and install.Set Eclipse IDE

Creating a Maven Project in Eclipse IDE

  • Open the Eclipse IDE
  • Go to File  > New > Project:

Go to File and select new project

Introduction to Kubernetes for Application Developers

Kubernetes is a highly configurable and complex open-source container orchestration engine. Therefore, it is very easy to feel completely overwhelmed when learning it. The goal of this article is to present the very basic concepts at the core of it while keeping the focus on the development side.


First, let’s start with some concepts we will play with in this article.

APISIX: An API Gateway the Apache Way

During the pioneer area of the World Wide Web, the content was static. To serve it, a group of developers created a web server, which is now known as the Apache Web Server.

The Apache Web Server is built around a module architecture. Developers created a module to run CGI scripts to add dynamic content to the lot. Users wrote early CGI scripts in Perl. After a while, it became evident that generating a complete HTML page from scratch was not the best way and that templating - providing an HTML page with placeholders - was a much better approach. The PHP language started like this as a simple templating engine interpreted by a module.

11 Spring MVC and REST Web Service Interview Questions

If you are preparing for Java and Spring interviews or Spring certification and looking for some frequently asked Spring MVC and REST interview questions, you've come to the right place. 

Since the Spring Framework is the most popular and standard framework for developing Java web applications and RESTful web services, a good knowledge of Spring core and Spring MVC is expected from any senior Java developer.

How the cp Command Works on Linux

The cp command (not to be confused with cd), allows us to copy files or directories. As such it is very commonly used on Linux and Unix-like systems like MacOS.

The syntax for cp is shown below, where [OPTIONS] are optional settings we can change, SOURCE is one or more files/directories we want to copy, and LOCATION is where we want to copy them to:

Taking a Proactive Approach to Cybersecurity With Laurie Williams [Podcast]

The SolarWinds hack in December of 2020 is considered one of the largest and most sophisticated attacks known to date. The attack, which potentially put 18,000 public and private organizations at risk, was used as a springboard to compromise a raft of U.S. government agencies. SolarWinds later claimed that less than 100 were actually hacked as a result. 

According to experts, this hack could be the catalyst for broad changes in the cybersecurity industry, prompting companies and governments to devise new methods on how to protect themselves and react better to breaches and attacks.

Logging Best Practices – MDC, Ingestion, and Scale

I don't care about religious wars over "which logger is the best". They all have their issues. Having said that, the worst logger is probably the one built "in-house"... So yes, they suck, but re-inventing the wheel is probably far worse.

Let's discuss making these loggers suck less with proper usage guidelines that range from the obvious to subtle. Hopefully, you can use this post as the basis of your company's standard for logging best practices.

What Crazy Winner Casino Has the Highest Payout?

  Contents Crazy Winner Casino Promotions that Never End Most popular online casino games Make Super-Fast Withdrawals Casino that welcomes Australian players Varieties of online roulette Crazy Winner Casino gaming What to play in the Crazy Winner Casino Bonuses and gifts from Crazy Winner Casino Look no further than Crazy Winner Casino! This popular online […]

How Bitset Enables the Versatility of Vector Search

Various new essential features of a vector database are provided together with the release of Milvus 2.0. Among the new features, Time Travel, attribute filtering, and delete operations are correlated as these three features are achieved by one common mechanism: bitset.

Therefore, this article aims to clarify the concept of bitset in Milvus and explain how it works to support delete operations, Time Travel, and attribute filtering with three examples.

How to make a calculator?

I am making a calculator in Virtual Basic for almost a week. I am encountering a problem when using the equals sign. When I type problems like 4 + 6 = 10 it answers correctly. When I press the equal again immediately after the calculator answers 10. It should enter as 10 + 6 = 16 but it does not work like that. How do I create a calculator that when users press again and again they will have a loop of + 6? Please help me. This is the code I used for my equal sign button.