WP Engine, Pantheon, and Others Drop Support for Russian Business Customers

WordPress managed hosting company WP Engine has joined Acquia, Fastly, Gatsby, Netlify, and Pantheon to begin booting Russian companies off their platforms.

In addition to the joint protest, each organization has also pledged support to the Open Observatory of Network Interference (OONI), a non-profit that documents internet censorship around the world.

“As part of that effort to increase our support, we are adopting a stronger stance against the actions of the Russian government while supporting the ideals we hold true as an Open Web company, which is why WP Engine has joined with other Open Web companies Acquia, Fastly, Gatsby, Netlify, and Pantheon to stand with Ukraine,” WP Engine said in a statement. “WP Engine has ceased all business with Russian companies that were using our platform.”

These stricter measures came after the company had already donated to Polish and Ukrainian humanitarian funds, matching employee funds. WP Engine condemned Russia’s invasion in its first published statement on the matter:

As the world watches in horror, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine continues to leave heart-wrenching destruction in its wake. It is truly shocking that in 2022, a major world power would launch an unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation, causing the largest humanitarian crisis in Europe since WWII.

As they face unimaginable hardships, we stand firmly with the Ukrainian people and condemn the actions of the Russian government in Ukraine.  

Similarly, Acquia tweeted earlier this week that the company “will not provide software or services to organizations based in Russia.”

The coalition of organizations is sanctioning Russia in a similar way to Namecheap, and many other companies, that have terminated service for Russian customers. The world has never seen anything like it with the number of companies across every industry willingly sanctioning the Russian market without a government requirement to do so. Widespread outrage against Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has provoked a massive response from corporations and private enterprises.

“The net effect of so many companies exiting or pausing operations in Russia means the government sanctions might almost become a moot point. “It’s a chicken and egg story,” Leo Feler, senior economist at UCLA Anderson School of Management, told TIME magazine. “If enough businesses abandon the Russian market on their own, the Russian market is also going to shrink. You don’t need sanctions to do it if everyone self-sanctions.”

In the world of open source software, individuals, companies, and projects are grappling with the ethical implications of staying neutral versus imposing some form of sanctions. One misguided attempt at “protestware” was included as a dependency for a popular npm package with malicious code that deletes data by overwriting files for users based in Russia and Belarus. People are desperate to make a difference for those suffering in Ukraine, but they don’t always know the most effective way to direct their efforts.

The Open Source Initiative (OSI) has taken a firm stance on the immutability of the freedoms and protections that open source licensing confers.

“Civil society has many non-violent ways at its disposal to resolve conflicts and it’s important to explore all possible avenues,” OSI Executive Director Stefano Maffulli said.

“When it comes to open source software, however, the Open Source Definition is clear: There must be ‘no discrimination against persons or groups’ and ‘no discrimination against fields of endeavor.'”

Maffulli elaborated on these thoughts in an interview with The New Stack, noting that limiting distribution is one option for protesting but that this could hurt Russian citizens more than “the Russian military and powerful elites who certainly have the means to develop workarounds.”

Limiting distribution would likely be far more difficult than denying service to Russian businesses, which is why this tactic has been more readily adopted. Businesses are using whatever means they have within their spheres of influence to make an impact.

The WordPress project stopped short of explicitly condemning the aggression and has focused more on the humanitarian crisis and supporting peacebuilders. The project produced a special edition of its WP Briefing podcast to address the situation in Ukraine earlier this month.

“The downstream humanitarian crises of the invasion are unimaginable,” WordPress co-creator Matt Mullenweg said.

“And seeing destruction in the world we live in is confusing, disconcerting, and difficult.”

Mullenweg invited the WordPress community to stand “with those in the world working to end conflict and working toward a world of peace, promise, and opportunity.”

Many companies have followed this same approach with efforts aimed at providing relief for refugees and economic support for Ukrainians who are still fighting. WP Engine, Acquia, Fastly, Gatsby, Netlify, and Pantheon were compelled to go beyond their humanitarian efforts to put some pressure on Russia. It’s not yet clear whether disempowering Russian companies will have any bearing on the outcome of this conflict.

After a nearly month long war that has left cities like Mariupol in ashes, with Russia’s war crimes on full display across media outlets around the world, companies are coming under more pressure to act.

Block Accidental Edits of Shared Content With the Lock Reusable Blocks Plugin

Over the weekend, web developer Marie Comet released the Lock Reusable Blocks plugin. Since then, she has published a couple of more updates that polish that initial release. The extension blocks users from directly editing reusable blocks from the post-editing screen.

Reusable blocks allow users to group one or more blocks in the post editor, save them, and reuse anywhere blocks are supported. Technically, they are “shared” or “synced.” If editing a reusable block in one location, all uses of it will share those changes.

WordPress post editor with a group of blocks selected. The button for adding a reusable block has been selected, and a popup is on the screen for naming it.
Creating a reusable block.

The problem with the feature is that it is not always clear when you are editing a reusable block. WordPress will display its name in the toolbar, list view, and breadcrumbs nav. However, the only clear message that it is a shared instance is in the sidebar panel, which only appears if open.

Before WordPress 5.7, users had to click an “Edit” button to make changes to a reusable block. At least in that scenario, it was somewhat clear that the content was different from the main post or page content. However, 5.7 rolled out a “click-through” method for editing. The first click selects the wrapper element around the saved block, requiring a second click to edit any inner content. This change has made it far too easy to inadvertently edit global content.

I am familiar enough with the editor that I doubt I would slip up with this problem. However, I still hand sites over to friends and family from time to time. Most never discover the feature, but those who do inevitably make these global changes when they did not intend to. I have also heard enough client-related horror stories from others to know it is a legitimate issue.

There is an open ticket to bring a locking mechanism to reusable blocks, and there has been a patch for it since June 2021. However, there has not been much movement in the last several months. In the meantime, at least we have the Lock Reusable Blocks plugin.

Comet’s solution takes a different approach from earlier versions of WordPress and the proposed patch. Instead of giving users the option to edit in-content, they are blocked from doing so altogether:

Reusable block in the post editor grayed out with two buttons at the top.  One is for editing the block.  The other is for converting the block.
Lock Reusable Blocks overlay and buttons.

The plugin grays out the reusable block and adds two buttons over the top when selected in the editor. The first button enables editing, but it does so by opening a new browser tab/window and taking the user to the editor for the block itself. This approach makes it clear that the content is separate from the post.

WordPress’s reusable block management screen is hidden by default, but there are a few plugins that enable it.

The plugin’s second button in the overlay allows users to convert the reusable block to regular blocks. Doing this takes it out of the global scope and can be safely edited without affecting other uses.

I want to like the reusable blocks feature in WordPress. I understand how it could be one of the platform’s most powerful tools. However, its implementation has yet to live up to the potential it showed four years ago when under development in Gutenberg.

If we could fix the accidental-editing issue and the longstanding problem with wide alignments not working (I could not write this post without at least noting that ticket), it could start down the path of becoming the feature it was always meant to be.

Test Case vs. Test Scenario: Key Differences to Note for Software Developers

Test cases and test scenarios are two of the most common test artifacts: both are documentation produced by the software development team in order to track progress on a project. 

With the current shift away from the Waterfall method of software development and towards Agile testing, it is important to understand the differences between test cases and test scenarios. But it is also important to note that the methods are most valuable when used together appropriately.

How the LS Command Works on Linux

On a Linux or UNIX-based system, ls is one of the most useful commands you can know. Fundamentally, it tells you information of files and folders on your system - and is extremely useful when you only have access to a server or computer via a terminal window. Let's look at how it works, and discuss some of the features of ls that you may not know.

The syntax for ls looks like this, where [OPTIONS] are optional settings, and [FILE|FOLDER] is an optional link to the file or folder we want to check. If we only type ls, it will check the current folder.

How to Protect Against WordPress Zero-Day Attacks

How to Protect Against WordPress Zero-Day AttacksWhen it comes to cyber security, what you don’t know can hurt you. This is exactly the case with zero-day vulnerabilities and zero-day attacks. The repercussions of not taking your security seriously can be devastating to you and your business. Fortunately, the best weapon you have in your arsenal against malicious hackers and security threats […]

The post How to Protect Against WordPress Zero-Day Attacks appeared first on WPExplorer.

How to Import PayPal Transactions into Google Sheets

PayPal transactions in Google Sheets

This tutorial will show you how to import PayPal transactions into Google Sheets with the help of Google Apps Script. You can choose to import standard PayPal payments, recurring subscription payments, donations, or even refunds and chargebacks into Google Sheets.

Once the data has been imported into Google Sheets, you can export them into a CSV file and import them into Quickbooks accounting software. Tally users in India can export PayPal transactions from Google Sheets into XML format and bulk import them into Tally.

Also see: Automate PayPal with Google Forms

Import PayPal Transactions in Google Sheets

For this example, we will be importing the list of donors into Google Sheets who have made the donations through PayPal.

1. Create API credentials inside PayPal

Sign-in to your PayPal developer dashboard (developer.paypal.com) and create a new app in the live mode. Give your App a name - Transaction Importer for Google Sheets and click the Create App button.

PayPal will create a Client ID and Client Secret key that you will need in a later step. Under the Live App settings section, check the Transaction Search option and turn off all other options since we only want the API keys to list transactions and have no other functionality. Click Save to continue.

Paypal Account Credentials

2. Create a Google Sheets Project

Go to sheets.new to create a new Google Sheet. Go to Extensions menu and choose Apps Script to open the Apps Script editor.

Copy-paste the code in the editor. Remember to replace the transaction code with your own. You can use T0002 for PayPal Subscriptions, T0014 for Donation payments, or T1107 for PayPal Refunds and chargebacks.

The /* @OnlyCurrentDoc */ comment is a Google Apps Script comment that tells Google Apps Script to only run the code inside the current Google Sheet and not require access to any another spreadsheet in your Google Drive.

/* @OnlyCurrentDoc */
/* Author: digitalinspiration.com */

const TRANSACTION_TYPE = 'T0001';

// Enter your own PayPal Client ID and Client Secret key

// Enter start and end dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD
const START_DATE = '2022-03-01';
const END_DATE = '2022-03-15';

// Generate the PayPal access token
const getPayPalAccessToken_ = () => {
  const credentials = `${PAYPAL_CLIENT_ID}:${PAYPAL_CLIENT_SECRET}`;
  const headers = {
    Authorization: ` Basic ${Utilities.base64Encode(credentials)}`,
    Accept: 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Accept-Language': 'en_US',

  const options = {
    method: 'POST',
    contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    payload: { grant_type: 'client_credentials' },

  const request = UrlFetchApp.fetch('https://api.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/token', options);
  const { access_token } = JSON.parse(request);

  return access_token;

// Append the query parameters to the PayPal API URL
const buildAPIUrl_ = (queryParams) => {
  const baseUrl = [`https://api-m.paypal.com/v1/reporting/transactions`];
  Object.entries(queryParams).forEach(([key, value], index) => {
    const prefix = index === 0 ? '?' : '&';
  return baseUrl.join('');

// Fetch the list of PayPal transaction
const fetchTransactionBatchFromPayPal = (queryParams) => {
  const options = {
    headers: {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${getPayPalAccessToken_()}`,
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',

  const request = UrlFetchApp.fetch(buildAPIUrl_(queryParams), options);
  const { transaction_details, total_pages } = JSON.parse(request);
  return { transaction_details, total_pages };

// Extract the transaction details including the transaction ID,
// donation amount, transaction date and buyer's email and country code
const parsePayPalTransaction_ = ({ transaction_info, payer_info }) => [
  new Date(transaction_info.transaction_initiation_date),
  transaction_info.transaction_note || transaction_info.transaction_subject || '',

const fetchPayPalTransactions_ = () => {
  const startDate = new Date(START_DATE);
  const endDate = new Date(END_DATE);
  startDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
  endDate.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);

  const transactions = [];

  const params = {
    start_date: startDate.toISOString(),
    end_date: endDate.toISOString(),
    page_size: 100,
    transaction_type: TRANSACTION_TYPE,
    fields: 'transaction_info,payer_info',

  for (let page = 1, hasMore = true; hasMore; page += 1) {
    const response = fetchTransactionBatchFromPayPal({ ...params, page });
    const { transaction_details = [], total_pages } = response;
    transaction_details.map(parsePayPalTransaction_).forEach((e) => transactions.push(e));
    hasMore = total_pages && total_pages > page;

  return transactions;

// Import the transactions from PayPal and write them to the active Google Sheet
const importTransactionsToGoogleSheet = () => {
  const transactions = fetchPayPalTransactions_();
  const { length } = transactions;
  if (length > 0) {
    const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
    sheet.getRange(1, 1, length, transactions[0].length).setValues(transactions);
    const status = `Imported ${length} PayPal transactions into Google Sheets`;

3. Run PayPal Import Function

Inside the script editor, click the Run button to import transactions from PayPal. You may have to authorize the script since it requires permissions to connect to the PayPal API and also write data to Google Sheets on your behalf.

That’s it. If there are any PayPal transactions to import in the selected date range, the script will run and the transactions will be imported into Google Sheets.

Run PayPal Importer

In the next part of the tutorial, we will learn how to export the PayPal transactions from Google Sheets to an XML file for importing into Tally accounting software.

Also see: Send PayPal Invoices from Google Sheets

12 Useful JavaScript Newsletters

As any software developer knows, it's vital that you keep learning to improve your game and stay on top of things. This is especially important in the JavaScript ecosystem, where things keep evolving quickly, especially with all the awesome frameworks we have today.

One of the simplest ways to do this is by subscribing to useful JavaScript newsletters and getting updates and tutorials straight into your inbox. In this post, let's look at 12 of the best ones.

10 Designed Hoodies Review

Fashion is all about style and trends, about what´s new and what´s hot. And never could be any different when we’re talking about clothes. Thankfully this is exactly where the word customizes comes into play: from being a single word, it’s now the latest fashion trend that makes your wardrobe unique. Everyone knows that hoodies...

The post 10 Designed Hoodies Review appeared first on DesignrFix.

Chaos Mesh + SkyWalking: Better Observability for Chaos Engineering

Chaos Mesh is an open-source cloud-native chaos engineering platform. You can use Chaos Mesh to conveniently inject failures and simulate abnormalities that might occur in reality, so you can identify potential problems in your system. Chaos Mesh also offers a Chaos Dashboard which allows you to monitor the status of a chaos experiment. However, this dashboard cannot let you observe how the failures in the experiment impact the service performance of applications. This hinders us from further testing our systems and finding potential problems. 

Apache SkyWalking is an open-source application performance monitor (APM), specially designed to monitor, track, and diagnose cloud-native, container-based distributed systems. It collects events that occur and then displays them on its dashboard, allowing you to observe directly the type and number of events that have occurred in your system and how different events impact the service performance. 

15 Popular Tools and Resources That Designers Will Use in 2022

Web designers generally become more efficient at what they do as they gain experience. This gained efficiency saves time and typically results in higher quality end products.

Carefully chosen design tools and resources can have much the same effect. That they can enable web designers to accomplish more in a shorter time. Adding to their overall competence and adding value for their clients.

Whether it’s a tool or a resource you’re looking for, you want one that adds to your design options (flexibility). Also one that makes your work easier at the same time.

That is precisely what these top 15 tools and resources for designers have in common. Use one or more of them as you work your way through your projects in 2022. Then you can expect to more in a given amount of time and do it better.

  1. Be – The Biggest WordPress and portfolio WordPress theme

Let’s start with BeTheme’s 650+ pre-built websites. They have efficiency written all over them. They cover all major industry sectors and website types, they are responsive and fully customizable, and they have UX functionality built into them. Pick one that best fits your needs, and you may be able to build a reasonably complex website in a few hours.

All of BeTheme’s 40+ core features contribute their fair share. They include –

  • The Admin Panel, the Shortcode and Layout Generators, and the new fast, flexible, and easy to use BeBuilder page builder, the premier WordPress page-building tool.
  • An absolute gem of a BeBuilder Woo with customer-centric shopping features and single product layouts.

Size matters. BeTheme is the biggest multipurpose WordPress and WooCommerce theme of them all and can boast of having more than 240,000 customers.

Click on the banner, check out each of Be’s core features, and be prepared to be impressed by what this powerful theme and its new page building features could do for you.

  1. Total WordPress Theme

One mark of an efficient WordPress theme is that it will not slow you down by placing limits on the page layouts you create. Total’s designers know this and created a theme whose multiple style options and its flexible page builder are designed to never let you down.

  • You can create a page quickly and easily using Total’s easy-to-import Theme Demos and the selection of 90+ section templates.
  • You can also start from scratch if you prefer.
  • An extended version of WPBakery with frontend and backend drag and drop page capabilities is Total’s page builder of choice.
  • Live customizer theme settings combined with a dynamic template and dynamic layout functionality give you all the flexibility you’ll ever need
  • Total is 100% responsive and is loaded with animations and custom backgrounds

Click on the banner; there’s much, much more to see.

  1. LayerSlider

LayerSlider is one of the most popular and established products of its type on the market. It gives you the ability to build everything from sliders, animated page blocks, and popups to even complete websites. What LayerSlider does best of all is to add spice, flair, and excitement to an otherwise so-so website.

  • LayerSlider is cost-effective and easy to work with.
  • You can use it to create an expensive-looking website for a very small investment.
  • This WordPress plugin comes with an easy-to-use and modern editor interface similar to professional desktop applications. Anyone can use it without prior experience.
  • It has 150+ website, slider, and popup templates. Templates are a great way to learn as well as an ideal starting point for new projects.
  • LayerSlider includes thousands of icons, custom typefaces, shape generators, and other helpful add-ons.

Click on the banner to find out more about this amazing tool.

  1. Trafft

Trafft is an automated appointment scheduling system that lets you schedule appointments and group bookings, as well as meetings and events from a single platform.

  • Trafft also manages staff and service schedules, sends reminders to clients, and accepts payments online.
  • Trafft can schedule and manage bookings and manage staff services at multiple locations.

Trafft is free forever for single individuals, is free to get started, and offers Basic, Pro, and Expert plans.

  1. wpDataTables

The ability to quickly process huge amounts of data makes wpDataTables the most powerful and efficient WordPress plugin of its type on the market.

wpDataTables makes it a relatively quick and easy to –

  • create responsive, interactive, and easily maintainable tables and charts
  • quickly manage thousands of rows of data and process data from a variety of sources and in various formats
  • create informative tables and charts by color-coding key data
  1. Uncode – Creative & WooCommerce WordPress Theme

More than 90.000 sales make Uncode, a pixel-perfect multiuse theme for freelancers, bloggers, businesses, and agencies, an Envato Top Seller.

  • Uncode’s most impressive feature may be its WooCommerce custom builder
  • Uncode’s Wireframes plugin with 550+ section templates lets users create virtually any page layout, while the powerful frontend editor allows pages to be completed quickly and efficiently
  • The best way to see why Uncode is such a good investment is to view its gallery of user-created websites.
  1. Slider Revolution

Slider Revolution is a versatile WordPress plugin that helps beginner-and mid-level designers WOW their clients with pro-level website page visuals.

Rather than spend a lot of effort trying to change a boring website into one that at the very least borders on awesome, Slider Revolution lets you do so quickly and efficiently with its –

  • 200+ impressive website and slider templates and 25+ addons
  • use of dynamic content from social media sites
  • WebGL slide animations

“Find the font source yourself” might be a chore, but WHATFONTIS can usually do it for you in a matter of seconds.

  • With a catalog of 850K+ fonts and font-finding AI algorithms, whatfontis presents you more than 60 fonts for every image you upload.
  • 1 on 1 support is there for you if the AI search engine yields a strange result
  • Separate the letters and cursive fonts can be located as well.
  1. Mobirise Website Builder Software

Mobirise is an offline website builder that is perfect for creating small to medium size websites.

  • You are not tied to a specific platform, and you can host your site anywhere you wish.
  • Mobirise’s many page-building features include everything from sliders, galleries, and videos, to icons, forms, and Google maps.
  • Google AMP/Bootstrap4 assures your website will be super-fast and 100% mobile

Mobirise is free for personal and commercial use.

  1. Get illustrations Stock Illustrations Bundle

Downloading images from GetIllustrations’ library of premium illustrations could make a big difference in your approach to designing website UIs, apps, and presentations.

  • This library of 10,000+ illustrations makes up the world’s biggest bundle of its type
  • Vector AI, PNG, Sketch, SVG, Figma, and Adobe XD formats are featured
  • A commercial license is included with any illustration.
  • Illustrations you purchase are yours to keep and use without limitations.
  1. XStore – Best WordPress WooCommerce Theme for eCommerce

Add XStore to your designers’ toolbox and you’ll quickly see why this WordPress theme has built up and enthusiastic following from day 1. The package includes –

  • XStore’s 110+ impressive and inspirational ready-to-customize shops
  • The popular and powerful Elementor and WPBakery page builders
  • A live Ajax theme option and $500+ worth of hand-picked premium “must have” plugins
  • A single product page builder, single product layout options, and other eCommerce features and elements.
  1. Amelia

What separates Amelia from other booking solutions is the level of control it gives you over everything. Amelia enables you to tailor your booking forms to your business, and not all automated systems do that.

  • Amelia is easy to set up and does not require training to use
  • Clients can book appointments 24/7 online
  • Amelia can manage individual and group appointment bookings, event bookings, and employee schedules at multiple locations from a single platform.
  1. 8bio – Link in Bio Tool

Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok allow you to include a link in the profile so followers can visit your website, product page or other important pages. The 8bio app enables you to create a link that people can’t help clicking on. A link that can feature –

  • Your brief biography
  • Images
  • Beautiful skins and catch animation backgrounds

A biographical link can be much easier to maintain than an expensive website.

  1. Essential Grid

Essential Grid is a WordPress Gallery Plugin Created By The Developers of Slider Revolution. It has a fan base of 9 Million users, and you can use it to create breathtaking galleries guaranteed to inject new life into your websites.

Essential Grid makes it fun and easy to –

  • Present your thought-provoking and engaging blogs and your eye-catching portfolio
  • Create appealing displays of your unique products
  • Share your engaging videos and audio gems

And much more!

  1. Pixpa – Portfolio Websites for Designers

Pixpa is the perfect, DIY tool for creating a full-featured e-commerce platform and selling your products and services online, effortlessly.

You can –

  • sell products using the online store
  • sell images as prints or digital downloads using e-commerce galleries.
  • accept commission-free payments directly through Stripe or PayPal.

Pixpa’s cost-effective pricing plans start at just $3/month making it the preferred platform for creatives and small businesses around the world. You can start building your website, easily, with Pixpa’s full-featured, 15 day free trial. No credit card information required for sign up!


It’s not terribly difficult to find a tool or resource that is better than one you are currently using. There are so many of them out there.

What can be much more difficult is finding one that, for a small investment, can enable you to go about your design task with greater efficiency. While at the same time enhancing the quality and/or functionality of your end products.

The challenge in other words is to find tools and resources for designers that help you build websites better and quicker.

That is precisely the reason for publishing of this selection of top 15 design tools and resources. Picking one or more could help you “build better quicker”.

Read More at 15 Popular Tools and Resources That Designers Will Use in 2022

3 Steps To Streamline Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Management

The footprint of Kubernetes is expanding rapidly in all industries. Many enterprises already operate multiple Kubernetes clusters in multiple regions to address the needs of global operations and reduce application latency for customers worldwide. You may already have a large number of Kubernetes clusters in on-premises data centers and a number of public cloud locations, possibly using several cloud providers to avoid lock-in.

Unfortunately, operating a distributed, multi-cluster, multi-cloud environment is not a simple task. Kubernetes is a relatively new technology. It’s hard to find staff with Kubernetes skills or to identify the best tools for multi-cloud Kubernetes management.

Provide Your Customers With Accurate Nutrition Data via Edaman’s Nutrition Analysis API

Now more than ever, engaging in a healthy lifestyle is important to people across the planet. But it’s easier said than done. In the past, finding accurate nutrition data simply wasn’t possible. The good news is that there are modern solutions. 

Nowadays, when it comes to generating food recipes with detailed nutritional information, there’s no one you can trust more than Edamam – the leading provider of nutrition data and analytics. Whether you’re a food blogger, restaurateur, or web developer who can make a pretty yummy ratatouille; Edamam’s Nutrition Analysis API can provide you with nutritional facts in under a second! 

So, if you’re looking for an API that is capable of full recipe nutrition analysis and has a robust natural language processing engine that allows entity extraction combined with food database search; you’re in the right place! 

edamam screenshot

3 Key Features of Edamam’s Nutrition Analysis API

  • Full Recipe Nutrition Analysis
  • Text Analysis
  • Structured Data and Nutrition Data Output

Full Recipe Nutrition Analysis in Less Than a Second!

When users submit the full text of their favorite recipes or any list of ingredients, Edamam’s Nutrition Analysis API extracts the complete nutrition and ingredient data from the text. With its ability to process recipes in under a second, Edamam saves users hours of entering recipes line by line!

Why is this important, you ask? Well, think about it for a moment. If users have hundreds or thousands of recipes to analyze, Edamam’s Nutrition Analysis API can help establish an efficient and productive workflow that uses a fraction of the time as manual entry methods. 


Whether the end-user is a developer using Edamam’s API to submit recipes on behalf of a food blog or food-based e-commerce site or a nonprofit organization that needs accurate health, diet, and allergy labeling; Edamam can help!

Text Analysis

Edamam’s natural language processing engine is robust – not to mention it is incredibly effective. Built with nutrition analysis in mind, this API allows users to extract food-named entities from text with ease. And, it gets better! Edamam also allows combined entity extraction with a food database search to get users the best results possible. Not clear what we mean by that? Let us explain.

In a nutshell, when text is submitted by users and entities are extracted, Edamam searches its database for additional food matches to the extracted entities – leave no stone or scone left unturned! 


Structured Data and Nutrition Data Output

When users input data, Edamam returns detailed information for each ingredient line. For food items such as flour, sesame seeds, eggs, guavas, milk, etc; Edamam returns caloric information as well as data about carbohydrates, protein, sodium levels, etc – reporting a total of 28 macro and micronutrients to users. 

Additionally, all food nutrient data includes diet, allergy, and health labeling that Edamam calculates based on a recipe’s ingredients. Dietary labels such as vegan, paleo, gluten-free and dairy-free are among the 90+ health labels that Edamam can generate automatically. 

edamam api demo



Edamam is an affordable solution for those who need to aggregate large amounts of data on food and nutrition. With accessibility in mind, Edamam provides free recipe nutrition analysis and text analysis with its basic plan geared towards developers, startups, and non-profit organizations. This free-of-charge Developer tier includes food and quantity extraction, as well as the ability to analyze up to 400 recipes per month and submit 10 recipes per minute. However, there are limitations on data caching and reduced text analysis hits compared to Edamam’s Enterprise Core tier. 

For Enterprise Core users, there is a subscription fee of $49 per month, which includes data caching for four nutrients (protein, net carbs, total fat, kcal), the ability to analyze up to 50,000 recipes monthly, and 150 recipe submissions per minute. Want more than that? You got it! Edamam’s Enterprise Core tier even offers 100,000 text analysis hits a month and shopping aisle food labeling. 

Need to take it a step further? Want data caching for more than four nutrients? What about unlimited recipe analysis, text analysis, and recipe submissions? For those who want complete access to all that Edamam offers, the Enterprise Unlimited tier is for you!

The key difference between the Enterprise Core and Enterprise Unlimited plans is that the latter has no restrictions. It is truly unlimited and tailored to the user’s needs. For those who wish to unlock an all-access pass to Edamam – get in touch with their team to customize your API experience. 



No matter which Edamam Nutrition Analysis API plan you select, all users can enjoy the benefits of natural language processing, food and quantity extraction, health, diet, allergy labeling, commercial use, and support from the team at Edamam. So, if you’re looking for a solution to providing accurate nutritional information to your customers, Edamam is the best choice! Access it today from APILayer, a hassle-free API marketplace.