GiveWP Launches Standalone Donation Form Block for Stripe

GiveWP quietly released its new plugin, Donation Form Block for Stripe, in the WordPress directory last week. It is a standalone block that allows users to accept donations almost instantly. No complicated setup. Just install, activate, connect to Stripe, and play.

I named the GiveWP plugin my favorite of 2019. The team behind the donation plugin has consistently produced top-tier plugins and extensions, and I have long been of fan of the company’s work. It did not take me long to install and activate its latest plugin.

Donation Form Block for Stripe is essentially a lite version of GiveWP. The primary product is far more powerful and has an entire ecosystem of extensions built around it. In general, it is geared more toward charities, non-profits, and other fundraising efforts where users might need more flexibility, reporting, and integration with third-party systems. It can be overkill for someone who merely needs a simple donation form.

The one-off donation form block is better-suited for those “buy me a coffee” scenarios than well-organized fundraisers. I am glad to see GiveWP tackling this side of the donation arena.

Inserting the block is as easy as adding any other. However, before using it, users should connect their Stripe account, and the plugin provides a handy button for doing so in the block sidebar:

Donation form in the WordPress editor in the middle of connecting it to Stripe.
Connecting to Stripe.

The Stripe connection persists, so it only needs to be configured once. From that point, everything is relatively straightforward. Plug in a few details and publish.

In a couple of minutes, I had created and published a fictional fundraiser for cleaning a local basketball court.

Fictional donation form for cleaning a local basketball court.  Has a header image, text, and buttons for donating various amounts.
Full donation form on the front end.

As much as I love the idea of this block, I was not entirely happy with the user experience. However, keeping in mind that this is version 1.0.x, it has a ton of potential.

GiveWP’s donation form managed to break nearly every one of my block-related cardinal sins while still managing to be an exceptional product.

Users must add an image, custom text, and donation field text via the block options sidebar. This means there is no Rich Text input, so users cannot even add simple bold and italic styles. It also feels unintuitive working from the sidebar instead of modifying the fields directly from the content canvas.

Form block in the content canvas of the WordPress editor but its fields are in the sidebar for editing.
Text editing in the sidebar instead of the block in the content canvas.

A more ideal approach would have used the “inner blocks” feature to put Heading, Paragraph, and Image/Cover blocks — locked in place — into the main donation form. It could have done the same with the buttons and other form elements via custom blocks.

Ultimately, most of the problems are related to control over the design. One of the worst things block plugins can do is overrule everything the theme styles on the front end.

Do not get me wrong; blocks should ensure quality control over their own output. Their functionality should be unencumbered, and their layout should work well regardless of the theme.

However, this donation block takes its duties a step too far, using JavaScript to inject CSS into the page and doubling up on the specificity with !important. Even if a theme wanted to integrate with the block, it is next to impossible to style the donation form elements. Is there really any reason that the inputs are required to have 2px, solid, rounded borders?

And, why are my theme and user-registered colors not even available for the single color option provided?

Colored buttons in the WordPress editor inside of a donation form.  The sidebar color option shows custom colors instead of theme/user-registered ones.
Theme colors not selectable.

That is what frustrates me the most — not just with this block. WordPress has built this standardized system that allows communication between the platform, plugins, themes, and end-users. It lets developers build output that should always be customizable. By no means does it cover every aspect of design. However, the foundational components are in place. Colors and font sizes have been around for over three years. Extended typography and border controls are available now.

There is no way to make a wide or full-width form. The block does not support alignments, and even when wrapping a Group block, the plugin limits it to a maximum width of 650 pixels.

Some of these problems are similar to the issues I was writing about nearly two years ago with the release of GiveWP 2.7. I would have liked to have seen them addressed on an entirely new plugin release from the outset.

Despite my complaints, the plugin does the one thing it must do correctly, at least as good as anyone and better than most. It makes accepting donations as simple as inserting a block into a page, customizing a handful of fields, and hitting the publish button. If the dev team never added another enhancement, that would be all most of its users need.

Apache Druid vs StarRocks: A Deep Dive

In recent years, an increasing number of enterprises began to use data to power decision-making, which yields new demands for data exploration and analytics. As database technologies evolve with each passing day, a variety of online analytical processing (OLAP) engines keep popping up. These OLAP engines have distinctive advantages and are designed to suit varied needs with different tradeoffs, such as data volume, performance, or flexibility.

This article compares two popular open-source engines, Apache Druid, and StarRocks, in several aspects that may interest you the most, including data storage, pre-aggregation, computing network, ease of use, and ease of O&M. It also provides star schema benchmark (SSB) test results to help you understand which scenario favors which more.

DigitalOcean Acquires CSS-Tricks

CSS-Tricks has been acquired by DigitalOcean, a cloud hosting provider popular among developers. Chris Coyier started the site in 2007 and will be working with DigitalOcean as an advisor during the transition before stepping back to focus on his other projects.

“CSS-Tricks deserves more human muscle behind it than I’ve been able to provide for it,” Coyier said. “That’s where DigitalOcean comes in. That’s the ‘why now.’ They have the resources to put behind CSS-Tricks, and the motivation to do so. I fully trust them to do it, as they’ve been successfully doing it themselves for a long time.”

DigitalOcean announced the news on Twitter with a charming CSS animation, and many developers chimed in with their gratitude for what CSS-Tricks has done for their professional skills while they were learning web development.

Over the past 15 years, CSS-Tricks has became an authoritative, inexhaustible resource for frontend developers. Navigate through the archives to the earliest days of CSS-Tricks for a blast from the past, with tutorials and code samples for things like how to create a CSS menu with rollover images and the hows and whys of clearing floats. If there was a time capsule for the web, CSS-Tricks is an important historical record that should be inside it.

“I can’t think of another website that I’ve grown up with that’s continued to be such an important part of my life,” long-time contributor Robin Rendle said, echoing the experiences of a whole generation of developers.

“Whenever I’ve been stuck on a front-end problem or whenever I hit a snag with something, there is an almost 100% chance that Chris would’ve already written about the problem and the 18 different solutions to it.”

The archives include 1,475 articles that relate to WordPress in one way or another, with many helpful tutorials like A Deep Introduction to WordPress Block Themes. Jetpack and have many sponsored many articles on CSS-Tricks, as the resource is so widely used in the tech industry.

What will become of CSS-Tricks in the hands of its new owner? DigitalOcean has built a well-respected technical writing team over the years and has prioritized producing developer education resources. The company and its network of contributors have authored 6,000 developer tutorials and approximately 30,000 community-generated questions and answers. They are well-equipped to continue what Coyier started.

The beloved publication will continue on as a standalone site managed by DigitalOcean and will continue publishing new frontend content.

“CSS-Tricks will broaden and complement our existing library of content, furthering DigitalOcean’s reach with both frontend and full-stack developers, and supports our community strategy, a key differentiator for DigitalOcean in the cloud computing space,” DigitalOcean CEO Yancey Spruill said.

Create Stunning Infographic With These Great Tips And Tutorials

Infographics are where data and information meet design. These graphic visual representations are able to quickly and effectively share knowledge with your audience. In Today’s post, you will learn how to create a stunning infographics with these very useful tutorials and articles. They will arm you with all the latest techniques and information to help...

The post Create Stunning Infographic With These Great Tips And Tutorials appeared first on DesignrFix.

Overcoming Web Test Automation Challenges With Ease


Automation has become an integral part of any software development process. It has contributed to the digital transformation of many organizations worldwide. In this era where agile development is adopted widely to stay ahead in the competition, the demand for automation has become inevitable. Organizations are relying on their fast and sleek websites and mobile apps as their primary source of revenue generation, customer interaction, transaction processing, feedback, etc. Keeping the website usability and mobile apps at the focus, it becomes absolutely necessary to automate the testing process to provide a better user experience through a stable and friendly UI, and web test automation can make this possible.

Web automation testing is transforming the whole software industry. It has made the testing process so easy for testers that it has enabled them to catch and resolve issues in the development process rapidly and effortlessly. Adopting Agile development is a costly affair and demands quick delivery in a limited timeframe. The responsibility to identify issues in a timely manner and ensure a quality software release at the same time demands more from the testing teams. Web test automation eases this pressure to perform by providing high test coverage, easy identification of prevailing issues, and enabling faster test execution.

Best Practices to Secure Your API

An Application Programming Interface (API) is a set of protocols that allow software components to interact. The intermediary interface is commonly used for streamlining development by enabling software teams to reuse code. APIs also abstract functionality between systems by decoupling applications from the infrastructure they run on. Though APIs’ benefits and use cases in modern business continue to rise, inherent security challenges present various security risks. 

This article delves into various risks associated with API vulnerabilities while learning common API security best practices to implement robust security mechanisms.

The Rise of the Data Reliability Engineer

With each day, enterprises increasingly rely on data to make decisions. This is true regardless of their industry: finance, media, retail, logistics, etc. Yet, the solutions that provide data to dashboards and ML models continue to grow in complexity. This is due to several reasons, including:

This need to run complex data pipelines with minimum rates of error in such modern environments has led to the rise of a new role: the Data Reliability Engineer. Data Reliability Engineering (DRE) addresses data quality and availability problems. Comprising practices from data engineering to system operations, DRE is emerging as its own field within the broader data domain.

The Basics of Breakpoints You Might Not Know

In episodes 4 and 5 of “140 Second Ducklings”, I got deeper into the more advanced underpinnings of breakpoints. There’s still a lot more to learn to move forward, but even at this stage, it’s surprising how many things are relatively unknown in the developer community, and I’m just getting started.

What Is a Vector Database?

In this introductory article, we’ll introduce concepts related to the vector database, a new type of technology designed to store, manage, and search embedding vectors. Vector databases are being used in an increasingly large number of applications, including but not limited to image search, recommender system, text understanding, video summarization, drug discovery, stock market analysis, and much more.

Relational Is Not Enough

Data is everywhere. In the early days of the internet, data was mostly structured, and could easily be stored and managed in relational databases. Take, for example, a book database:

CSS-Tricks is joining DigitalOcean!

Hey hey!

I’ve got a big announcement to make here. (Where’s my gong? I feel like this really needs a good gong hit.)

CSS-Tricks, this very website you’re looking at, has been acquired by DigitalOcean!

You can hear from them directly on the DigitalOcean blog as well.

Digital Ocean logo + CSS-Tricks logo under the sea with little fishies.

This will be the most fun if we have a conversation about it, so allow me to kick it off. I’ll pretend to be you at first and then you can be you in the comments.

Hey, congrats!


DigitalOcean? Aren’t they like a… web host?

They are! A very good one. You can build anything on DigitalOcean infrastructure (probably best to think of them as a cloud computing platform that has tools ranging from servers to managed Kubernetes). One thing I think is particularly cool is their new App Platform which to me feels extra aligned with front-end developers like me. We’ve covered that before. Also, their whole concept of Droplets (super simple servers that are quick to spin up) has been transformative in the industry.  But more importantly about this acquisition… have you seen their DigitalOcean Community site? It’s loaded with top-notch developer education. DigitalOcean has been super committed to that for a long time, and to me makes this a very natural and well-suited move.

What happens to CSS-Tricks?

The site and content is staying right here. DigitalOcean is committed to continuing to produce high-quality content on front-end development and tending to the trove of content that exists here already. 

Will you still be running CSS-Tricks?

I will be working with the DigitalOcean team as an advisor as we transition CSS-Tricks to DigitalOcean’s management, and will then step back to focus on my other projects. 

Why now?

When I started CSS-Tricks in 2007, I couldn’t have imagined how much it would grow. I wanted it to grow, that was the plan, but now it’s a far bigger job than any one person can do. That, I was never ready for. 

Let me take a quick moment to give some thanks here. I had the incredible help of Geoff as lead editor, sponsor wrangler, and site manager. Robin turned the newsletter into the must-read industry rag it is now. It’s a family business as well! My wife Miranda helped with the books, working with authors, and her guidance on running the site as a proper publication has led the site where it is. I literally couldn’t have done it without any one of them. And of course, the incredible group of authors, with a special shout out to Sarah, a long-time staff writer and friend.

A small but mighty team, indeed. And that’s the thing. CSS-Tricks deserves more human muscle behind it than I’ve been able to provide for it. That’s where DigitalOcean comes in. That’s the “why now.” They have the resources to put behind CSS-Tricks, and the motivation to do so. I fully trust them to do it, as they’ve been successfully doing it themselves for a long time.

OK! Your turn! If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to comment below. We’ll read them all and publish anything useful and constructive.

CSS-Tricks is joining DigitalOcean! originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter.

Sencha Ext JS: The Most Secure, Fastest, and Full-Featured JavaScript Grid Library

Does your team require a robust grid that can handle millions of records? When it comes to incredibly fast data processing, Sencha Ext JS is the solution! With its ability to load and manipulate large data sets within milliseconds, Sencha can handle your most data-intensive inputs without any problems. 

Don’t believe us? According to our research, 60% of Fortune 100 Companies trust Sencha with their data! And, the reason why is clear – Sencha Ext JS offers the most secure and feature-rich JavaScript grid library on the market. 


5 Key Features of Sencha

  • Users have full customization control. 
  • Sencha’s high-performing grid can handle massive amounts of data. 
  • Built to handle data, Sencha Ext JS offers an advanced feature set that includes filtering, grouping, infinite scrolling, pagination, live data streaming, and more!
  • Users can export data to CSV, TSV, HTML, XLS, and PDF file formats.
  • Sencha Ext JS has been pre-tested across a wide range of browsers and platforms (for web, mobile, and desktop).

Sencha Top Grid features


Sencha Ext JS offers potential users the opportunity to demo top grid features such as row and column operations, data import/export, and widget integration, directly on their website. If users like what they see, they can sign up for a 30-day trial, free of charge. 

For those ready to commit to Sencha as the go-to grid library, there are perpetual license and annual subscription options – both broken down into the community, enterprise, and professional editions.

The pricing starts with a free tier for the community edition, which has significantly fewer features but offers a way to get started with building data-intensive, cross-platform web applications. The enterprise and professional editions vary in price, both exceeding $1,200 per developer and offering 140+ components – which include Ext JS Framework, Open Tooling, Architect, Themer, IDE Plugins, and many more!


Your data is important. Sencha Ext JS can help you manage your large data sets with full control. And its grid library can even handle data requests from local or remote data sources through Ajax, JSON, RESTful methods; making it perfect for individual developers and teams alike. 


Expanding Rounded Menu Animation

Menu animations are something that can elevate a design to another level. There are endless possibilities and they provide an opportunity to do something unique. Sometimes it’s also interesting to pair them with other animations. Already a while back I saw this really nice menu animation by Ruslan Siiz called “365 Magazine”:

It’s a really beautiful design and animation so I tried replicating it but with more of a dark theme. That dark theme is inspired by another design which I can’t recall (it’s probably from a year ago or so), especially the big letters.

This is the initial page:

When clicking on one of the links in the top menu, two things happen. First, we have a background cover animation which works with an “unreveal” effect. In this tutorial you can learn how this effect works and how to code it up. Second, we have the expanding menu animation in the foreground. This is the how the menu looks like when it’s expanded:

The whole animation looks as follows:

The rounded appearance of the menu is preserved by placing the submenu in a way that it overlaps the top menu. Using an element that wraps the submenu with the background color and border radius, and that has the overflow set to “hidden”, allows us to hide the inner menu element by setting its Y transform to -100%.

I really hope you enjoy this demo and find it inspiring! Let me know what you think via @codrops or @crnacura!

The post Expanding Rounded Menu Animation appeared first on Codrops.