Use a Form’s Style Everywhere (for Free!) with Forminator’s Global Appearance Presets

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Maintaining the same form styles and appearance across all of your forms has never been easier with Forminator’s Global Appearance Presets.

The look and style of a form you create with our free plugin, Forminator, can be replicated and used for all of your forms. Even change existing forms to your new style and appearance with a click of a button!

This article shows you how it’s done. We’ll be covering how to…

Using a form to your specification across multiple platforms is excellent for branding, saves you time, and helps manage your form creation as simple as possible.

Let’s get to it!

Update the Default Preset

Forminator starts from scratch with its Default preset. Before we dive into making new presets, here’s a look at how you can change the default settings.

The whole process begins in Settings and Appearance Presets. You’ll see at the top of the page an area called Preset.

A look at the preset dropdown.
This Preset dropdown is what shows up first.

The preset design that pops up is Forminator’s Default Preset.

The default design style
This is the blank slate of style for your form.

Underneath this, jazz things up for the default design. You have your choice of any Color, Hundreds of Fonts, Form Container, and even Custom CSS.

Check out all of the configurations options in our documentation and below…

There are a TON of configuration options.

When you have it edited according to your configuration, hit Update – and that’s it! We’ll talk about how to apply it to all of your forms and more coming up in this article.

Create a New Preset

Let’s say you want to create a new preset and leave the default one alone. Or, you decide to change the default configuration and make a new configuration. Either way – it’s simple to do!

We’ll head back to the banner on the top of the Settings and Appearance Presets web page. From there, it’s just a matter of clicking on the plus sign for a New Preset.

Where you add a new preset.
New Preset is a click away!

You’ll first give the form a Preset Name.

Where you create a preset.
This window will appear after hitting New Preset.

Additionally, you can import the style from an existing form that you created by clicking the Import Style From Form dropdown. It’s up to you.

List of created forms.
All of my current forms are displayed.

We’ll create a new preset for this example and name it Preset One. Once named, you’ll hit Create Preset.

Where you create a preset.
Name the preset anything you’d like!

After that, you’ll see the new preset in the dropdown.

The preset dropdown.
All of your presets will be shown here.

And that’s all it takes. If needed, you can access it at any time to edit.

All of your presets will appear in the dropdown. You can create unlimited amounts of presets as you want!

Apply Your Preset to Multiple Forms in Bulk

There are several ways to apply a preset to multiple forms – either in bulk or individually. All of this is done from Forminator’s dashboard under Forms.

Let’s say you want to apply a preset to ALL of your forms. That can be done in just a few clicks. Simply click the checkbox to the left of the dropdown, and click Apply Appearance Preset.

This updates all of the forms at once.

After choosing your bulk action, you’ll select which preset you’d like to apply. Select the one you’ll use from the dropdown, click Apply Preset – and you’re done.

Where you choose a preset
All the presets created will show in the dropdown.

Additionally, you can check only certain forms to apply the appearance preset. The choice is yours!

Add Preset to Individual Form

You can use the method I just touched on with bulk by checking the box to the form you want to change. However, there’s another option.

Each form has a Gear icon. When clicked, a dropdown appears of various functions (e.g. preview, duplicate, etc.). One of those options is Apply Preset.

The gear icon
All of your forms will have the gear icon.

Just like with bulk presets, you’ll choose which preset form you’d like to apply. The preset will then be applied to that individual form.

Looks and Style at Peak Per-FORM-ance

As you can see, it’s as easy as ever to apply Forminator’s Global Appearance Presets to all or individual forms. It makes branding and form creation much more manageable than starting from scratch with each new form you create.

This keeps the style of your form and looks consistent throughout, no matter where you’re using them.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to start using our Forminator plugin to implement this useful feature and check out the documentation if you need help. Forminator is free to use, with over 200k active installs and a solid 5-star review.

Keep your forms on form!

FV Bank Adds API for Banking Automation

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FV Bank, a Puerto Rico-based digital bank, has announced the release of a new API that is intended to reduce the complexity of integrating both traditional and digital asset banking services. Using the API will provide for real-time webhook notifications and access to compliant banking solutions. 

The company’s API announcement highlighted its potential value to partners:

How to Get Your WordPress Blog Listed in Google News

Fotolia Subscription Monthly 4685447 Xl Stock

How to Get Your WordPress Blog Listed in Google NewsDo you run a WordPress blog and want to skyrocket your daily readership? You’ve probably jumped through plenty of hoops thus far just to get where you are: social media strategizing, bookmarking, and getting mentioned in blog directories are likely just a few of the methods you’ve used to make your blog a success. But […]

The post How to Get Your WordPress Blog Listed in Google News appeared first on WPExplorer.

Why search engine optimization (SEO)

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Of all forms of marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) provides what is widely considered the best return on investment (ROI) of any type of marketing.

Organic searches are typically the highest intent prospects. This means serious shoppers, looking to buy. This is largely because consumers typically realize that PPC results are advertisements. And that if a companys website is highly ranked in organic search results, that the company is most likely well established, with a significant amount of value to offer.

And while there are times where a well-designed and implemented PPC (pay per click) campaign is appropriate, SEO is always essential for the health and profitability of your business. After all, the primary goal of SEO is making your website easier to find by your prospective customers.

Every website absolutely needs SEO. This is due to the fact that without SEO your website is essentially invisible. And what good is a website if potential customers that are looking for your product or service cant find you?

code for this question


Create three classes the Calculation class, Conversion class and Menu Class.
The Conversion class should have the following methods.
double KMToMiles(double distance)
double MilesToKM(double distance)
double FeetToMetres(double distance)
double MetresToFeet(double distance)
double KgToPounds(double weight)
double PoundsToKg(double weight)
double CelciusToFahrenheit(double temperature)
double FahrenheightToCelcius(double temperature)
The Calculation class should have the following methods.
int SumOfSeries(int start, int end, int incr)
int SumOfArray(int data[], int size)
int ProductOfSeries(int start, int end, int incr)
int ProductOfArray(int data[], int size)
e.g. SumOfSeries(10,20,2) should produce the answer 90
Hint : 10+12+14+16+18+20
Similary ProductOfSeries(100,200,50) should produce 3,000,000
Hint : 100x150x200 = 3,000,000
The Menu class should have the following methods.
void displayMainMenu()
void displayConversionSubMenu()
void displayCalculationSubMenu()
void displayConversionLengthSubmenu()
void displayConversionWeightSubmenu()
void displayConversionTemperatureSubmenu()
The menu class methods should display the options available under each selected menu.
e.g. The displayConversionSubMenu() method should display the following.
Conversion Sub Menu

  1. Sum of Series
  2. Sum of Array
  3. Product of Series
  4. Product of Array
  5. Exit
    If the user selects the sum of array option (option 2), your program should input the size of the array, get
    values to the array from the keyboard, create a Calculation type object and invoke the SumOfArray()
    method to calculate the sum of the Array element and to display it. After displaying the answer the same
    sub menu should be displayed. When the user selects Exit (option 0), you should exit from that sub menu.

23 Cool Custom Binder Designs

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These funky, fresh binder designs will guide you to the middle ground of utility and uniqueness. Binders aren’t just for homework anymore. They are used for a myriad of purposes, which include portfolios, business proposals, and marketing materials. And like those school day binders, they weren’t cool unless the design showed it. It’s now time...

The post 23 Cool Custom Binder Designs appeared first on DesignrFix.

7 Strategies to Grow Affiliate Sales for WordPress Blogs

Fotolia Subscription Monthly 4685447 Xl Stock

Strategies to Grow Affiliate Sales for WordPress BlogsYou may have started your blog with the sole intention of helping the community by providing much-needed information and answering questions around a given subject, but now you’re thinking you deserve to get some money out of it. Maybe you’re looking for new ways to make a little extra money on the side or you […]

The post 7 Strategies to Grow Affiliate Sales for WordPress Blogs appeared first on WPExplorer.

Win Your War Against Hackers and Secure Your Network

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"Security is always going to be a cat and mouse game because there'll be people out there that are hunting for the zero day award, you have people that don't have configuration management, don't have vulnerability management, don't have patch management." - Kevin Mitnick (American Businessman)

Work culture has changed a lot recently. The ability to work from anywhere and at any time has become comfortable for employees, which in turn has brightened up things for hackers too. These days, sites are being bombarded by hack attacks from groups of hackers who later claim responsibility for the incident and make demands. There are a few pain points where hackers start their games.

Let's look into those vulnerable spots one by one.

scientific or simple calculator


statement: write a code in which user first select what type calculator they want to use. Simple or scientific and on that basis they do the calculations.
I have written the following code but it is not running. I am unable to figure out the problem. Please anybody help!!

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
int input;
cout << "[1] Scientific" << endl << "[2] Simple" <<endl;
cin >> input;

case '1':
float a,b;
int z;
void Power(float,float);
void Sine(float);
void Square(float);
void Cos(float);
void Tan(float);
void Log(float);
void Baselog(float);
cout<<"WHAT YOU WANT TO FIND: "<<endl;
cout<<"Press '1' for Power: "<<endl;
cout<<"Press '2' for Sin: "<<endl; 
cout<<"Press '3' for Square: "<<endl; 
cout<<"Press '4' for Cos: "<<endl; 
cout<<"Press '5' for Tan: "<<endl;
cout<<"Press '6' for Log: "<<endl;
cout<<"Press '7' for Base Log: "<<endl;

case 1:
cout<<"Enter the Number for Calculating its Power: "<<endl;
int a;
cout<<"Enter the Power for a Number: "<<endl;
int b;

case 2:
cout<<"Enter the Number for Calculating SIN: "<<endl;

case 3:
cout<<"Enter the Number for Calculating Square: "<<endl;

case 4:
cout<<"Enter the Number for Calculating COS: "<<endl;

case 5:
cout<<"Enter the Number for Calculating TAN: "<<endl;

case 6:
cout<<"Enter the Number for Calculating LOG: "<<endl;

case 7:
cout<<"Enter the Number for Calculating LOG WITH BASE 10: "<<endl;

void Power(float x,float y)
float p;
p = pow(x,y);
cout<<"Power: "<<p;

void Sine(float x)
float s;
s = sin(x);
cout<<"Sin: "<<s;

void Square(float x)
float sq;
sq = sqrt(x);
cout<<"Square of a Given Value is: "<<sq;

void Cos(float x) 
float c;
c = cos(x);
cout<<"COS: "<<c;

void Tan(float x)
float t;
t = tan(x);
cout<<"TAN: "<<t;

void Log(float x)
float l;
l = log(x);
cout<<"Natural Logarithm: "<<l;

void Baselog(float x);

float bl;
bl = log10(x);
cout<<"LOG with Base 10: "<<bl;


case '2':

int num1,num2;
char op;
cout << "Enter an operator (+, -, *, /): ";
cin >> op; 
cout << "Enter two numbers: " << endl;
cin >> num1 >> num2;

if(op=='+') {
    cout << num1 << " + " << num2 << " = " << num1 + num2; }

else if(op=='-') {
    cout << num1 << " - " << num2 << " = " << num1 - num2; }

else if(op=='*') {
    cout << num1 << " * " << num2 << " = " << num1 * num2; }

else if(op=='/') {
    cout << num1 << " / " << num2 << " = " << num1 / num2; }

        cout << "Error! The operator is not correct"; 

return 0;

355: With Adam Argyle

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I grabbed Adam intending to chat about all sorts of CSS stuff and his work at Google and on VisBug. But then we chatted pretty much the entire time about color and what’s coming there to the web platform.

Time Jumps

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The post 355: With Adam Argyle appeared first on CodePen Blog.