Using CockroachDB Workloads With Kerberos

GSSAPI authentication is becoming increasingly popular as CockroachDB starting to make inroads in Fortune 2000 customer bases and financial services segment. That said, ecosystem coverage for GSS needs to improve for parity with other authN methods. Today, we are providing a workaround and a look at the future. By the way, do you realize this is my 15th article on Kerberos and CockroachDB?

Articles Covering CockroachDB and Kerberos

I find the topic of Kerberos very interesting and my colleagues commonly refer to me for help with this complex topic. I am by no means an expert at Kerberos, I am however familiar enough with it to be dangerous. That said, I've written multiple articles on the topic which you may find below:

Harmful Misconceptions in Software Testing

In 1870, the German chemist Erich von Wolf was investigating the amount of iron in spinach. When writing down his findings in his notebook, he misplaced a decimal point, changing the iron content in spinach ten times more than in reality. While Mr. von Wolf found out that there are just 3.5 milligrams of iron in a 100g serving of spinach, the published number became 35 milligrams thanks to his mistake. This caused the well-known misconception that iron is exceptionally high in spinach, which makes the body stronger. 

Though Mr. von Wolf's error was detected and fixed 67 years later when someone re-checked his results, spinach is still popularly thought to be one of the most iron-rich vegetables, probably due to the popular cartoon character Popeye.

Pokies Parlour Review – Get up to AU$7,777 for the First 7 Deposits

Contents Pokies Parlour Remarkable Bonus Strategy What should you know about Pokies Parlour Casino? Tell me the importance of Pokies Parlour security? Top AU$20 deposit casino Pokies Parlour Casino offers its customers a fantastic welcome package that can give up to AU$7,777 for the first seven deposits. This is an excellent offer for slots and […]

From IBM Integration Bus to IBM App Connect Enterprise in Containers (Part 3)

In Scenarios 2a and 2b, we showed different ways of deploying an App Connect flow onto containers on OpenShift – via the command line, and via the dashboard. We eventually saw a response from our deployed integration, but so what! We haven’t yet really seen what Kubernetes is bringing to the table. We will now explore some of the things that Kubernetes significantly simplifies and extends compared to traditional deployments. In this scenario, we’ll specifically look at load balancing and autoscaling.

If you feel you already understand basic load balancing and autoscaling in Kubernetes, perhaps take a look at the Advanced Scaling Topics section at the end of this post.

10 Top Audio APIs

Audio technology has undergone several transformations over the years, from analog to digital. The latest digital audio trends include interactive audio, shareable streaming audio, spatial audio & immersive sound, audio ad automation, smart speakers, automated audio transcription, advanced wireless connect technology such as 5G, and hardware for higher quality listening.

Developers can use this new audio technology for engaging their application users but they need to seek out the proper Audio APIs to get the job done.

Why Do We Encourage Poor Coding Patterns?

For what feels like an eternity at this point, we’ve discussed “shifting left” in the SDLC, taking into account security best practices from the start of software development. DevSecOps was a great leap forward, in no small part because of the emphasis on shared responsibility for security, and the power of a security-aware developer to thwart common vulnerabilities as they write code. 

We have also known — again, for eons — that the type of secure code training chosen to engage and upskill developers makes all the difference. Low-effort solutions motivated solely by regulatory compliance do not build up the bright security minds of the future, and most security awareness professionals have worked that out. Dynamic, contextually relevant learning is best, but it’s critical that the nuances within are understood. 

How To Embed Data Protection Principles in the Application Development Process

The pace of digitization over the past two years has accelerated due to organizational needs driven by the ongoing pandemic. And that has meant that there's an ever-increasing flow of data now passing through digital channels that nobody anticipated. And for developers, it has spotlighted the importance of implementing clear data protection standards in everything they do.

But for developers who've never written software that requires a careful approach to data protection, it's not always obvious how to convert best practices into development standards. To help those who lack experience with embedding data protection standards into their development process, here's a guide to what they need to do.

What is user interface design?

User interface (UI) design is a process used by designers to create interfaces in software, such as computer devices, that focus on appearance or style. Designers want the interfaces to be easy to use and user-friendly. User interface design covers graphical user interfaces and other forms - such as voice-controlled interfaces. The combination of UX and UI creates your entire experience into one product. While two identical products can give you the same results, their UX / UI shows how they provide. If one product has a better UX / UI design than the other, people will use it more because they want the overall experience. Let's hope you now understand the subtle differences between UI and UX design. Yes, they are together, but they are very different. UX design is more analytical. It has its roots in human moral and psychological thinking. User interface design software focuses more on the visual side - or whether the product is comfortable in appearance.

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Why search engine optimization (SEO)

Of all forms of marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) provides what is widely considered the best return on investment (ROI) of any type of marketing.

Organic searches are typically the highest intent prospects. This means serious shoppers, looking to buy. This is largely because consumers typically realize that PPC results are advertisements. And that if a companys website is highly ranked in organic search results, that the company is most likely well established, with a significant amount of value to offer.

And while there are times where a well-designed and implemented PPC (pay per click) campaign is appropriate, SEO is always essential for the health and profitability of your business. After all, the primary goal of SEO is making your website easier to find by your prospective customers.

Every website absolutely needs SEO. This is due to the fact that without SEO your website is essentially invisible. And what good is a website if potential customers that are looking for your product or service cant find you?

code for this question

Create three classes the Calculation class, Conversion class and Menu Class.
The Conversion class should have the following methods.
double KMToMiles(double distance)
double MilesToKM(double distance)
double FeetToMetres(double distance)
double MetresToFeet(double distance)
double KgToPounds(double weight)
double PoundsToKg(double weight)
double CelciusToFahrenheit(double temperature)
double FahrenheightToCelcius(double temperature)
The Calculation class should have the following methods.
int SumOfSeries(int start, int end, int incr)
int SumOfArray(int data[], int size)
int ProductOfSeries(int start, int end, int incr)
int ProductOfArray(int data[], int size)
e.g. SumOfSeries(10,20,2) should produce the answer 90
Hint : 10+12+14+16+18+20
Similary ProductOfSeries(100,200,50) should produce 3,000,000
Hint : 100x150x200 = 3,000,000
The Menu class should have the following methods.
void displayMainMenu()
void displayConversionSubMenu()
void displayCalculationSubMenu()
void displayConversionLengthSubmenu()
void displayConversionWeightSubmenu()
void displayConversionTemperatureSubmenu()
The menu class methods should display the options available under each selected menu.
e.g. The displayConversionSubMenu() method should display the following.
Conversion Sub Menu

  1. Sum of Series
  2. Sum of Array
  3. Product of Series
  4. Product of Array
  5. Exit
    If the user selects the sum of array option (option 2), your program should input the size of the array, get
    values to the array from the keyboard, create a Calculation type object and invoke the SumOfArray()
    method to calculate the sum of the Array element and to display it. After displaying the answer the same
    sub menu should be displayed. When the user selects Exit (option 0), you should exit from that sub menu.