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AI: The Future of HealthTech

Being bolstered by AI, both automation and hyper-automation have remained leading IT trends for several years in a row while amplifying numerous industries. However, there is one area tech scions never took seriously before the pandemic: the potential of AI in HealthTech. 

In 2022, HealthTech has made it into common flagship services and a fast lane across global tech companies. With that said, let's see how AI can be used in healthcare software, its current stand on the market, and related technologies you might want to look into further. I’ll also go over one of the technicalities of intelligent drug discovery and gene-sequencing, based on real cases from some of my clients.

Strengthen Your Team Relationships and Take Your Team to the Next Level


In our day-to-day, and mainly, in the positions of full remote work, the dedicated time to achieve our tasks and objectives is covered with squalls of meetings (clients, troubleshooting, at a company or team level, dependencies with other people, etc.), and we forget some important factors such as:

  • Communication and relationship: Of every monthly and weekly meeting; What percentage do I dedicate to strengthening my relationship with the team to get to know them better and know how they are doing, what motivates them, what concerns them, their hobbies, etc?
  •  Target: What is the purpose of the meeting? Personal to connect and build relationships with my colleagues or for work purposes? I have a 30-minute meeting to agree on estimates and 15 minutes have been for off-topic discussions.
  • Time value: Is the meeting necessary or can the goal of collaborating asynchronously be met? I attended the meeting but, did I have something to contribute or did I learn something that will help me in the future?

In this article, we will focus on the communication side, in which, besides strengthening, we will get feedback that will allow us to improve personally and as a team to also offer a better service and a better quality.

Comparing 3 Types of App Development: No-Code vs Low-Code vs Full Code

In this article, we will explore and compare the three major categories of app development: no-code vs low-code vs full code. No-code is the easiest type of app development because it requires no programming experience whatsoever and can be done without any coding skills at all.

The low-code category falls in between no-code and full code as it does not require the same amount of coding that full code does, but still needs to be programmed. Low-code may or may not require writing code at all.

Finally, full code is the most advanced form of app development and requires a high level of coding skills. This article will explore in detail each different software development approach and how to determine which approach is best for your project.

pc run for few second then stops then repeats …

When I pressed the on button, it started for a second and then stopped. It then repeated this process every 4 or 5 seconds without me touching the on button again.
before the problem I was have
Intel core 2 duo E5700
Motherbord : G41m sp20 ms-7592
I replaced the cpu by Pentium 4 to try a overclock , but I was stupid because I didn't use a Cooling paste ... the temperature was 95 in bios so I switch of the power quicky then I removed the Pentium 4 and replaced it by E5700 ...
I tried to switch on the power and problem starts...

API Gateway to EventBridge With Pulumi

If you’re familiar with Amazon API Gateway, you know it’s all about making it easier to provision and manage a web API. Maybe you’ve used it, as I have, with Crosswalk, our AWS extension library, to stand up a REST API and handle requests with AWS Lambda functions:

import * as awsx from "@pulumi/awsx";

// Create a new API Gateway instance.
const api = new awsx.apigateway.API("my-api", {
    routes: [
            // Define an HTTP endpoint.
            method: "GET",
            path: "/things",

            // Handle requests with an AWS Lambda function.
            eventHandler: async (apiGatewayEvent) => {
                return {
                    statusCode: 200,
                    body: JSON.stringify([

// Export the API's public URL. 
export const apiUrl = api.url;

Dataweave Exercise: Filter Like Functions in Arrays Module – Part 1

Functions are divided into modules in dataweave, just as methods are divided into packages in Java. Today I'll show you how to use a few functions in the arrays module that are similar to but not equivalent to the filter function.

Arrays module functions that we are going to discuss are drop, dropWhile, which are introduced in the dataweave 2.2.0 version. The reason for comparing these functions to filter is that, just like filter, they also operate on an array to produce the desired result based on some criteria.

How To Build a Webex Chatbot in Node.Js

Workers in healthcare, education, finance, retail—and pretty much everywhere else—are clocking in by logging on from home. This has opened up opportunities for developers to build tools to support hybrid work for every industry, not just their own. One of those opportunities is in the area of ChatOps, the use of chat applications to trigger workflows for operations.

As software developers, we’ve been doing ChatOps for years—sending commands from inside a chat space to deploy applications, restart servers, and open pull requests. However, IT professionals aren’t the only ones collaborating through virtual meetings and team platforms these days. In 2020, everybody else started doing it, too.

Backing Up K8ssandra With MinIO

K8ssandra includes Medusa for Apache Cassandra® to handle backup and restore for your Cassandra nodes. Recently Medusa was upgraded to introduce support for all S3 compatible backends, including MinIO, the popular k8s-native object storage suite. Let’s see how to set up K8ssandra and MinIO to backup Cassandra in just a few steps.

Deploy MinIO

Similar to K8ssandra, MinIO can be simply deployed through Helm.

Creating a Vue.JS Websocket Server

Using a WebSocket server is a great way to speed up your applications. APIs inherently come with their own HTTP overhead, which means every time you call an API, you have to wait a little bit for the HTTP response.

This is mostly fine, but if you have an application with a lot of time-sensitive and frequent server requests, it can become a problem. A good example of this is a chat app, where you need to see what the other person is saying immediately. APIs can still work in this scenario, but it's not the best solution for the job.

Parse error in my php code

I am a newbie and i am working with php and i have got the following error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'INSERT' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ')' in verify.php on line 9



Looping through the checkbox values

Hello All,

I want to get the values of checkboxes and pass them to another page in
Below I attached a file with that checkbox list. Kindly let me know how to loop through it.
TThank in advance!