Quick Guide to Migrate GoDaddy DNS to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

Why Migrate DNS 

Most of the hosting solutions are reliable and cost-effective, which helps businesses and individuals to host sites quickly with little to no manual intervention. These services are simple to use and require just basic technical knowledge. However, if you already have a cloud account and host the web services on multiple computes with/without a public load balancer, then it makes sense to migrate the DNS to your cloud account. It is also helpful if you want to control every aspect of hosting, for example using custom web content software, custom security policies, changing DNS records to your custom public IPs,  budget predictions based on the compute resources, traffic, etc.

Now, we detail the steps of how to migrate the DNS domain name from GoDaddy (a popular web hosting provider) to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). 

A Practical Guide To Light and Dark Mode in Bootstrap 5 and Jekyll

Adding light and dark mode to my side project was a fun journey. I especially loved how intuitive the entire process was. The prefers-color-scheme CSS property contains the user’s color scheme - light or dark. We then define SASS or CSS styles for both modes, and the browser applies the style the user wants. That’s it! The seamless flow from the operating system to the browser to the website is a huge win for users and developers.

After tinkering with Fediverse, I decided to add light and dark modes to this website as well. I began with some internet research on how to best approach this. This GitHub thread shows the current progress of the feature. And this in-depth POC demonstrates how challenging the process can be.

The Differences Between Alpha Testing and Beta Testing

Alpha and Beta testing are equally crucial in every organization, and both types of testing are critical to a product's success. However, before we begin utilizing alpha or beta testing, it's important to understand the differences between the two.

What Is Alpha Testing?

Before releasing the final product to end-users or the general public, Alpha Testing is done to find any flaws. The major purpose of alpha is to find and test tasks that a normal user may do.

How Can Backend Development Help To Improve User Experience?

We often confuse the User Experience (UX) with the User Interface (UI), which is associated only with the most visual part of a web or application.

In this article, we will briefly clarify what user experience refers to, and we will discuss the experience of my colleagues and myself providing solutions and improvements in this aspect of our application. We will also see how this has a direct impact on what is known as the Conversion Funnel. In short, we will understand how we can add value to our users, so we can get a better experience using our application and also, incidentally, end up improving our e-commerce sales.

Vuetensils 0.10: Vue 3, Vite, Better Forms, and More

I’ve recently published the latest version of Vuetensils and wanted to take some time to share some of the features I’m most excited about.

Vue 3 and Vite

Great news for anyone working with new or newly upgraded projects: Vuetensils now works with Vue 3. We’re leveraging vue-demi to do a little bit of magic to check whether the current version is Vue 2 or 3. 

Ruby: Map With Index

Just like many other programming languages, the Map Method is also in Ruby. You use a Ruby Map or Map, in general, to transform the data and perform functions on each element of the object. You can use it with the hashes, ranges, and arrays. All these work as an enumerable object with a map. Let's dive into this guide and learn more about the Ruby Map Method.

Map With Index

There is no direct "map_with_index" method in Ruby. Instead, you could do one of these :

Kubernetes Package Management With Helm

This is an article from DZone's 2021 Kubernetes and the Enterprise Trend Report.

For more:

Read the Report

Introducing Helm

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes. Given a running Kubernetes cluster of any type, Helm is used to manage the deployment lifecycle of just about any type of Kubernetes resource, including the management of many Kubernetes runtime components. A very common analogy used in describing Helm is that Helm is to Kubernetes as apt is to Debian-based systems and yum or rpm is to Red Hat-based systems. Beyond package management, many aspects of configuration management are also built into Helm. Helm was initially developed by a company named Deis, which was acquired by Microsoft. Microsoft fully supported and accelerated the development of Helm, and it is now a part of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). 

Using Java @Annotations to Build Full Spring Boot REST API

Here's more on building Java annotations for full Spring Boot REST APIs

This post aims to demonstrate important Java @annotations used to build a functional Spring Boot REST API. The use of Java annotation gives developers the capability to reduce the code verbosity by a simple annotation.

As an example, we can refer to a transaction. By the standard pro-grammatically process with a transaction template, this requires a more complex config and boilerplate code to write, while this can be achieved with a simple @Transactional declarative annotation.

The Relevance of TypeScript in 2022

It’s 2022. And the current relevance of TypeScript is undisputed. TypeScript has dominated the front-end developer experience by many, many accounts. By now you likely already know that TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, building on JavaScript by adding syntax for type declarations, classes, and other object-oriented features with type-checking.

And when I say dominated, I mean TypeScript has literally exploded on the scene since it was introduced in 2012.

The relevance of TypeScript illustrated in a line chart showing the popularity of multiple languages since 2014. TypeScript's popularity has risen the fastest among 10 popular languages and ranks fourth overall.
Source: State of the Octoverse 2021 (GitHub)

That sort of growth is incredible, especially considering it really started taking off in 2017. But as we get into 2022, just how relevant is TypeScript going to be moving forward? It’s not like TypeScript will continue to grow leaps and bounds this way forever… right?!

It’s interesting to poke at the idea a bit to see where TypeScript is today and how it will continue playing a role in front-end development into the future. Jake Albaugh has already poked at the relevance of TypeScript himself, but from the perspective of whether or not knowing JavaScript makes you relevant as a developer.

So, what’s the future relevance of TypeScript look like? Let’s see.

TypeScript’s roots

OK, so we know TypeScript adds syntax to JavaScript. This syntax is used by TypeScript’s compiler to sniff out code errors before they happen, then it spits out vanilla JavaScript that browsers can understand. It’s also worth mentioned that TypeScript is maintained by Microsoft, licensed under Apache 2 license.

A blue oval labeled TypeScript code with an arrow to the right pointing at a green oval labeled TypeScript compiler, followed by another arrow pointing right toward a red oval labeled JavaScript code.

And we can’t really talk about TypeScript without also calling out ECMAScript (ES), the JavaScript standard and scripting language specification standardized by ECMA International. The JavaScript naming convention started with ES1 and has evolved to ES6. The most recent version, the 12th edition — or ECMAScript 2021 — was published in June 2021.

TypeScript is a strict superset of ECMAScript 2015. That means a JavaScript program is also a valid TypeScript program. Conversely, a TypeScript program can effortlessly consume JavaScript.

Concentric circles in blue, orange, green, and magenta showing how TypeScript encompasses ES 2016, ES 2015, and ES 5.
Credit: Seema Saharan

It’s important to know all this because we need to know where TypeScript gets its roots in order to poke at its possible future.

TypeScript’s components

There are three fundamental components of TypeScript that make it as awesome as it is. Not only do we get the aforementioned type-checking that comes with the TypeScript language, but we get the TypeScript compiler and language service as well.

A tree chart showing TypeScript at the top with three branches representing its language, compiler, and language service. Each of those has a single branch explaining what those components do.

These are the pieces that keep TypeScript relevant, so to speak. The language is what developers love writing. The compiler is what interprets the language for browsers. The service processes the language on demand with blazing speed. Without these, TypeScript just ain’t what it is.

TypeScript support

There’s another key piece to TypeScript’s relevance that often goes overlooked: it’s super well-supported by text editors. TypeScript’s relevance is only as good as it is accessible and something that can be picked up by just about any front-ender.

TypeScript was initially supported only in Microsoft’s Visual Studio code editor. Makes sense, right? I mean, TypeScript is maintained by Microsoft and all. But as TypeScript grew legs, more code editors and IDEs began started supporting it either natively or with plugins.

Some of the most popular editors and IDEs, besides Visual Studio Code, include:

And with more support comes more TypeScript relevance. The fact that you can pick up nearly any code editor and start hammering out TypeScript code makes it more and more a go-to choice as it’s simply available where you want it.

TypeScript’s evolution

From its initial release in 2012 to the present day (early 2022), there have been many improvements released in each version of TypeScript, like:

  • TypeScript 1.6 introduced the .tsx file extension, which enabled JSX within TypeScript files and made the new as operator the default way to cast.
  • TypeScript 2 brought in a major improvement by allowing developers to optionally prevent variables from being assigned null values.
  • Version 2.3 of TypeScript introduced support for ES6 features, such as generators and iterators.
  • TypeScript 3 brought in language enhancements, such as tuples in REST parameters and spread expressions.
  • TypeScript 4 (we’re currently at 4.5.2 at the time of this writing) continues the evolution with refinements to tuples, template literal types, smarter type alias preservation, and improvements to Awaited and Promise.

This is exactly the sort of speed at which you might expect to see a blossoming programming language iterating and releasing new features. Again, good context when evaluating the relevance of TypeScript moving forward.

TypeScript’s popularity

We’ve already established that TypeScript is, like, super popular. The chart that kicked off this post showed TypeScript growing at breakneck speed in a matter of a few years to rank as the fourth most popular language. But don’t just take my word and GitHub’s word for it (it is owned by Microsoft after all). Here’s a bunch of published research from various places saying the same thing.


RedMonk, a development industry analysis firm has this to say about ranking TypeScript eighth in its 2021 list of most popular languages:

Does [TypeScript] have the capacity to move up and outperform long term incumbents such as C#, C++ or even PHP eventually, or is TypeScript essentially at or near the limits of its potential? It’s impossible to say with any reliability, but it is interesting to note that a year ago at this time TypeScript lagged the fifth place languages by six points in the combined score that the rankings are based on, but in this run the gap was only two points. Past performance doesn’t always predict future performance, of course, but it suggests at least that TypeScript might yet have some room in front of it.

PYPL Index

The PYPL Index is a measure of Google searches for programming language tutorials. It’s not exact science, but a good indicator of interest. And, over time, TypeScript appears to be trending in a flat direction. TypeScript currently ranks eighth and, compared to a year ago at this time, PYPL indicates that TyeScript is trending flat overall while other languages, like Python and C++ are trending up year-over-year.

Stack Overflow 2021 Developer Survey

According to Stack Overflow’s 2021 Developer Survey, TypeScript is about as popular as PYPL indicates it is, coming in as the seventh most popular language, as ranked by approximately 83,000 developers.

An orange bar chart on a dark background showing TypeScript ranking seventh behind the likes of JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Python, SWL, Java, and Node.

The Stack Overflow annual survey is one of the most credible and most-awaited developer surveys. It uses a humongous developer base from all over the world to arrive at its conclusions. And how relevant does this say TypeScript is in the front-end community? Well, it’s not only the seventh most popular language, but it the second technology that developers want to work with the most (followed by Python), and the third most loved language (behind Rust and Clojure).

Source: Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2021

2020 State of JavaScript

This annual survey (the next one is open now!) shows that TypeScript boasts a sparkling 93% satisfaction rate (up from 89% in 2019) among developers which is tops in the rankings. It also took top prize in interest (70%, up from 66%), usage (78%, up from 66%), and awareness (100% which is shockingly flat from 2019).

Screenshot of the 2021 State of JavaScript survey chart of popular JavaScript flavors. TypeScript was second in 2016 but took first place in 2017 and has remained there since, above PostScript, Reason, Elm, and ClojureScript.

GitHut 2.0 Language Rankings

This ranking is an analysis that interacts with GitHub to suss out the most used languages across GitHub. And it’s indicative of TypeScript’s relevance in that TypeScript ranked seventh in the first quarter of 2021 before leaping up to fourth in the fourth quarter, and with the highest year-over-year change.

OK, so it’s clear that TypeScript is a big deal. But again, how relevant will it be moving forward?

The relevance of TypeScript in 2022 and beyond

So far, I’ve tried to paint a picture that identifies where TypeScript fits into the front-end development landscape, showing how it’s quickly evolved into a mature and serious contender as a programming language, and is fast-becoming both the programming language of choice and the one people like most.

In other words: TypeScript is relevant today.

But if we want to take a guess at where TypeScript’s current success is taking it, then it’s worth taking a peek the official TypeScript roadmap over at GitHub.

Here’s what we have to look forward to:

  • typeof class changes
  • Allow more code before super calls in subclasses
  • Generalized index signatures
  • --noImplicitOverride and the override keyword
  • Static index signatures
  • Use unknown as the type for catch clause variables
  • Investigate nominal typing support
  • Flattening declarations
  • Implement the ES decorator proposal
  • Investigate ambient, deprecated, and conditional decorators
  • Investigate partial type argument inference
  • Implement a quick fix to scaffold local @types packages
  • Investigate error messages in haiku or iambic pentameter
  • Implement decorators for function expressions and arrow functions

I think all of these roadmapped features are both exciting and will play a big role in maintaining the relevance of TypeScript for the foreseeable future. And while I think all of them are worthy of deeper discussion, here are a few I believe are core for TypeScript in 2022 and beyond.

Flattening declarations

The flattening declarations proposal, for example, aims to enable bundling declarations for TypeScript projects so that a library can be consumed with a single TypeScript file, regardless of how many modules it may contain internally.

The idea with flattening declarations is that a single amalgamated and flattened .d.ts file, in addition to a single output .js file, should be emitted by the TypeScript compiler. Access modifiers should be taken into consideration and respected when generating the DTS. Having a single declaration file with flattened declarations will make things much easier for developers and improve maintainability in the long run.

Ambient, Deprecated, and Conditional decorators

Design time decorators— such as ambient and conditional decorators — are another feature to look forward to. Decorators enable developers to add both annotations and metadata to existing code in a declarative way. In TypeScript, each decorator has a special name starting with @ that will not be emitted in the converted JavaScript, but can be persisted in .d.ts outputs.

Consider, for example, if you could issue a warning whenever someone attempts to employ a deprecated method or property so that they could upgrade to a newer library version. By having ambient, deprecated, and conditional decorators as part of the TypeScript specification in the future, the language will provide more powerful ways for developers to annotate their code and include metadata in it.

Decorators for function expressions/arrow functions

Decorators for function and arrow expressions is another feature I think will build on TypeScript’s ongoing relevance. Adding annotations or metadata to those expressions will enable developers to determine at runtime information about which the decorator has been applied.

Investigate error messages in haiku or iambic pentameter

OK, so maybe this one isn’t so much about the relevance of TypeScript’s robust feature set, but I think the personality it adds to the language is part of the overall package that makes TypeScript a pleasure to use. How cool (and pleasant) would it be to get an error message like this:

Sure beats a programmatic message that can sometimes feel like a scolding! And while there has been no progress on this proposed feature in the last two years, it still exists on the official roadmap which means someone will eventually work on it.

Microsoft unveiled Visual Studio 2022 Preview 3 back in August 2021. There was a lot to get excited about with that release, like new JavaScript and TypeScript tools to enhance the experience for single-page applications and front-end development. Plus, it included a new JavaScript/TypeScript project type to facilitate developers building standalone Angular, React, and Vue projects. Then there’s the enhancement that Visual Studio will leverage the native CLIs of each JavaScript framework to build front-end project templates.

All of this to say that TypeScript is not just evolving; it is exploding and only gaining momentum as we settle in 2022. So, yes, TypeScript is relevant in 2022… and will continue to be for some time to come.

The Relevance of TypeScript in 2022 originally published on CSS-Tricks. You should get the newsletter and become a supporter.

CI for APIs with the Kong Insomnia CLI and GitHub Actions

Insomnia is a desktop app from Kong that’s great for building, debugging, and testing backend APIs. While ad hoc manual testing is nice, wouldn’t it be even better to include our API tests in our continuous integration (CI) pipelines? With Inso, Kong Insomnia’s CLI tool, we can!

Inso allows you to run your automated API tests directly from the command line, which means setting up a workflow with GitHub Actions is a snap.

fstream pointer in vector of struct


I am writing a program in C++ that is reading some files with fstream then writes with simple function and after that closes them.

I created a struct and i keep there filetag,filepointer and lines. The problem is that from main i can't write or close the file ... but i can acess filetag and lines variables. Here is my code:

struct Fileoutput
    string filetag;
    std::fstream* filepointer;
    int lines = 0;

static std::vector<Fileoutput> vect_fileoutputs;

static void open_files()
    // open all
    struct Fileoutput fo_all;
    fo_all.filetag = "all";
    fo_all.lines = 0;
    std::fstream fs_all;
    fs_all.open("all.log",std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app);
    fo_all.filepointer = &fs_all;
    //*fo_all.filepointer << "something from struct" << endl; // here it is working, in other scope ... no
    for(const struct Fileoutput fo : vect_fileoutputs)
        *fo.filepointer << "something from vect" << endl; // here is working

    // open error
    struct Fileoutput fo_error;
    fo_error.filetag = "error";
    fo_error.lines = 0;
    std::fstream fs_error;
    fs_error.open("error.log",std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app);
    fo_error.filepointer = &fs_error;

static bool write_to_outputfile(char* outputfile,char* content)
bool write = false;
for(const struct Fileoutput fo : vect_fileoutputs)
    if(strcmp(fo.filetag.c_str(),outputfile) == 0)
        printf("Writing [%s] to [%s]\n",content,outputfile);
        std::fstream* fs_write;
        fs_write = fo.filepointer;
        *fo.filepointer << content; // NOT WORKING ... seg fault
        write = true;

return write;

static void close_files()
    for(const struct Fileoutput file_output: vect_fileoutputs)
        printf("Closing file [%s]\n",file_output.filetag.c_str());
        std::fstream* fs_temp;
        fs_temp = file_output.filepointer;
        fs_temp->close(); // NOT WORKING ... seg fault
        printf("Closed [%s]\n",file_output.filetag.c_str());

int main(int argc, char* argv[])



    return 1;

The gdb error looks like :

gdb error :

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000405de9 in ?? ()
(gdb) x 0x0000000000405de9
0x405de9:   0xe8420348
(gdb) x 0x405de9
0x405de9:   0xe8420348
(gdb) x 0xe8420348
0xe8420348: Cannot access memory at address 0xe8420348

What is wrong with the code?

Thank you.

Help for SEO positioning

Hello everybody! I'm Javier Abad, a marketing student, and I have a question to ask you, I hope you can give me a hand! The marketing agency Comunicare, where I'm doing my internship, is restructuring their website (https://www.comunicare.es/). They want to insert in the home page several forms so that potential clients can request information about their services. I would like to ask for your advice and comment, considering the current structure of our website, where these forms would fit and how the inclusion of these contact forms would be beneficial or detrimental to the positioning of the agency. Also, looking at the structure of the website, what improvements can you think of that could be made to boost it?

As I told you, I am doing my internship in this agency and they have asked me to offer suggestions on how we can put these forms on the web and at the same time be beneficial for the SEO of the company, and I thought that from this forum you could help me. thank you very much!

How to Add Google Maps in WordPress (The RIGHT Way)

Do you want to show Google Maps on your WordPress website?

If you’re running a local business, then displaying Google Maps on your site can help users easily find your location. It can also help improve your site’s search engine visibility so you can attract more website visitors.

In this article, we will show you how to add Google Maps in WordPress.

Add Google Maps in WordPress

Why Add Google Maps in WordPress?

Did you know that Google Maps is the most popular navigational app on all platforms?

If you have an office or physical store address, then adding Google Maps to your WordPress website makes it easy for users to quickly locate your physical stores, restaurants, or retail outlets. This helps you attract more customers and generate more business.

Not only that, but embedding Google Maps can also improve your WordPress SEO. According to Google, 46% of all searches are local. Adding Google Maps to WordPress can boost your local SEO and improve your visibility in local searches.

Now there are two ways to embed Google maps in WordPress, and we will show you both of them.

The benefit of the second method is that it follows all local SEO best practices, so if you use it, then Google will start to include your location on Google Maps. It will also display your business information like name, logo, address, phone number, open hours, and more in local search results.

Below are the quick links that you can use to go to the section you prefer:

That being said, let’s see how you can add Google Maps to WordPress.

How to Add Google Maps in WordPress without Plugin

If you just want to quickly embed Google maps in a WordPress post or page, then you can use the default iFrame method.

Simply go to the Google Maps website and type in any street address in the search area.

Find location in Google Maps and Click Share to Embed

Next, you need to click the Share icon and it will show a popup with the option to either Send a location link or Embed a map. You need to select the Embed a map option.

Copy Google Maps HTML Embed Code

After that simply copy the HTML code for Google maps, and then open the page where you want to embed the map. Inside the block editor, you need to add a Custom HTML block.

Select Custom HTML block in WordPress

Now you can simply paste the embed code you copied from Google maps, and then update or publish the page to preview the changes.

Google Maps iFrame Embed Code in Block Editor

This method works for quickly embedding Google maps, but it doesn’t give you maximum SEO benefits.

If you’re a small business, restaurant, or online store with either a single or multiple physical location, then we recommend using the next solution to maximize your Local SEO rankings because it uses proper open graph data to help you rank higher in Google.

How to Add Google Maps to WordPress with Local SEO Plugin

The best way to add Google Maps and optimize your site for local SEO is by using All in One SEO (AIOSEO).

It’s the best SEO plugin for WordPress because it helps you get higher SEO rankings without editing code or hiring a developer. Over 3 million professionals use AIOSEO to improve their search engine rankings.


For this tutorial, we’ll be using the AIOSEO Pro version because it includes the Local SEO feature and other powerful optimization options. There is also a free version of AIOSEO that you can use to get started optimizing your site for search engines.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the AIOSEO plugin in WordPress. For more details, please see our tutorial on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, the plugin will launch the setup wizard. You can click the ‘Let’s Get Started’ button to configure the plugin. If you need help, then please refer to our guide on how to properly set up All in One SEO in WordPress.

AIOSEO setup wizard

Next, you can head over to All in One SEO » Local SEO from your WordPress dashboard.

Then click the ‘Activate Local SEO’ button to get started configuring the local settings.

Activate local SEO

Once the Local SEO addon for WordPress is activated, you can add a single location or multiple locations in AIOSEO and display them on Google Maps. We’ll show you how to add both to your website.

Adding a Single Location

To add your locations, business information, open hours, and more, first you need to go to the ‘Location’ tab under All in One SEO » Local SEO.

If you have a single physical location, then keep the ‘Multiple Locations’ option set to No.

Location tab under local SEO

After that, scroll down to the ‘Maps’ section to pin your exact location.

Simply enter your address in the ‘Enter a query’ field and Google Maps will show your location.

Pin your store location

Once you’ve entered your location, don’t forget to click the Save Changes button.

Adding Multiple Locations

If you have more than one physical location, then you’ll need to enable the ‘Multiple Locations’ setting under the ‘Location’ tab in Local SEO.

Enable multiple locations

After that, a new Locations menu will appear in your WordPress admin panel.

Go ahead and navigate to Locations and then click the ‘Add New’ button.

Add a new location

Once you’re in the WordPress editor, scroll down to the ‘Map’ section.

Here you can enter your address in the ‘Enter a query’ field.

Add multiple map locations

After entering your location on the map and adding location information, go ahead and click the ‘Publish’ button.

You can now repeat this step and add as many locations as you want for your business.

Once you’re finished adding your locations, you can go to the ‘Maps’ tab back in the All in One SEO » Local SEO menu.

Here you will have to enter a Google Maps API key.

Enter Google maps API key

Now, let’s see how to create an API key for Google Maps.

Creating a Google Maps API Key

To start, you’ll need to visit the Google Maps Platform website and click the ‘Get Started’ button.

Google maps platform

After signing in with your Google account, you’ll need to set up a billing account.

Google Maps Platform has pay-as-you-go pricing, and they offer the first $300 of monthly usage for free for all users. For most websites, that will easily cover a simple map embed like the one we’re creating in this tutorial.

Don’t worry, they will not charge you any fees unless you manually upgrade to a paid account.

To get started, go ahead and click the ‘Create Billing Account’ button.

Create a billing account

Next, you can select your country and choose what best describes your organization from the dropdown menu.

Once you’ve selected this information, click the checkbox for Terms of Service and then click the ‘Continue’ button.

Enter personal details for billing account

On the next screen, you’ll need to enter your phone number for verification and click the ‘Send Code’ button.

Enter mobile number

After verifying the code, the next thing to do is enter your business name, payment method details, and billing address.

Once you’ve entered these details, click the ‘Start my Free Trial’ button.

Enter business name and payment details

Next, you’ll be asked a series of 4 questions about your organization and how you’ll use the Google Maps Platform.

Google Maps will ask about your primary goal for using the platform, which industry you’re in, select a use case, and your company size.

After answering these questions, go ahead and click the ‘Submit’ button.

Answer few questions for google maps

You’ll now see a popup with your Google Maps API key.

You can copy and save this key in a text file for future use.

Copy the API key

Now that you’ve created a Google Maps API key, you’ll need to head back to your WordPress dashboard to enter it in AIOSEO Local SEO settings.

Configuring Google Maps Settings in WordPress

You can now go back to All in One SEO » Local SEO from your WordPress dashboard and then navigate to the ‘Maps’ tab.

Go ahead and enter the Google Maps API Key in the ‘API Key’ field. You’ll see a preview of the map in AIOSEO as soon as you add the key.

Add API key and see map preview

Next, you can scroll down to edit the map settings.

AIOSEO lets you display Google Maps using a Gutenberg block, shortcode, widget, or PHP code. It also lets you choose different map styles and add a custom marker to your map.

Edit map settings

Don’t forget to click the ‘Save Changes’ button when you’re done.

Displaying Google Maps in WordPress

Next, you can add Google Maps to any WordPress post or page. To start, simply edit or add a new page on your website.

Once you’re in the block editor, click the ‘+’ button at the top and add the ‘AIOSEO Local – Map’ block anywhere on the page.

Add local maps block

After that, your Google Map will be added to the page.

AIOSEO also lets you edit the map settings from the options on your right. For instance, you can show labels and icons, add a custom marker, and edit the map’s width and height.

Edit your map in WordPress

If you have multiple locations, then you can select which location to highlight by choosing from the options given in the menu on your right.

Simply click on the ‘Location’ dropdown menu and select your preferred location to display on your website.

Choose which location to display

Once you’re satisfied with your settings, go ahead and publish the page.

Now you can visit your website to see Google Maps in action.

Preview your map

You can also add Google Maps to your site’s widget section, like the sidebar or footer.

To start, head over to Appearance » Widgets from your WordPress admin panel. Next, click the ‘+’ button and add the ‘AIOSEO Local – Map’ widget block where you’d like to display your location.

Add maps widget

After that, you can edit the widget settings.

For example, you could add a title, change the width and height of the map, choose which location to display if you have multiple locations, and edit the label.

Edit map widget settings

That’s it!

Now when you update your website you’ll see Google Maps in your widgets area.

Maps preview in widget area

We hope this article helped you learn how to add Google Maps to your WordPress site. You can also check out our guide on the best WordPress plugins for small business, and our expert pick of the best identity theft protection service for entrepreneurs.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Google Maps in WordPress (The RIGHT Way) first appeared on WPBeginner.

.COM vs .NET vs .ORG: Which Domain to Get

Should you go with .com vs .net vs .org? Is there a difference? Hold that thought. We have the answers for you here. So, you have the perfect domain name in mind for a new website, but then you go to buy it and it’s not available under the .com top-level domain (TLD) extension. What next? Do you stick with the domain name but switch to an alternative domain extension like .net or .org? Or, is it more important to get that .com extension, which requires you to pick a new domain name?

Help moving from PHP Version 5.4 to 7.4

HELP! We are a volunteer-driven not-for-profit offering motorcycle safety training and skill development with a huge database issue as described below. We cannot identify any of our volunteers that can tackle our database issue...here it is, can you volunteer your time to help us? We would be glad to hear from interns who need hours:

*Our custom-made education database frontend was created utilizing PHP version 5.4 and connected to a SQL server.

GoDaddy moved the SQL information and the webpages to an updated server, currently utilizing PHP 5.6.

My issue now is that the code is not allowing access to the information due to the differences in the PHP versions. Login errors. Depreciated calls, etc.

I understand it would be best to move up to PHP 7.4 minimally so this issue does not occur again soon.

We are in need of someone that can take our older code and freshen it up to work with a newer version of PHP.*

Please respond at your earliest convenience. We are a month into this and it has literally stopped us from performing important tasks to support our program. Thank you in advance for your consideration.