How AI Will Reinvent the Market Analytics Industry

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It has been consistently demonstrated that the use of AI improves efficiency, customer satisfaction, and ultimately drives higher sales and revenue. It comes as a surprise that the other half still does not consider AI its go-to when it comes to market analytics. 

In this article, learn more about the 3 ways market analytics can make the most of AI, which are:

Checking if in current combobox index (for next loop) a number is >=1 <= 10


Hi, I like to ask for a clarification about it. I have combobox.items(i) that go trough a for next loop for each index I need to check if its content (number) will be >=1 or <=10. Now I tried this one, but I know where the error might be, the + " Days" combination that it's a string and when checking in the if statement the text it give me an error of course. It's there any tip to check only a number in a integer + string combination on an if?
In case I can delete the + " days" and put it in an label so the combobox will be filled only with the integer part, and the if can work (if I'm right)
This is the part of code

   ComboBox3.Items(i) = (365 - dysdiff).ToString + " Days"
            If ComboBox3.Text.ToString >= 1 <= 10 & " Days" Then
                MsgBox("post old", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
            End If

Filter Database through 2 comboboxes

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Hi, I'm using a MDB database that i would like to filter based on selections made in 2 comboboxes.

say: cmbBase and cmbMix.
cmbBase connects to "Base"
cmbMix connects to "Mix"
I have use the automated database method in C#
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 private void BaseMixBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


        private void frmImport_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//filter out doubles

                    cmbBase.DataSource = DSBaseMixDataSet.BaseMix.Select(x => x.Base).Distinct().ToList();


The problem is that i have no idea how i can filter the other combobox in such a way that it only shows the data in the next row of the selcted combobox.

So if i select "A" in cmbBase, cmbMix should only show the values "A+1; A+3; A+6" if there were only a few values i could use an if function, but this is a database with a lot of numbers. I tried many of the solutions i found, but none of them work as i expected. Anyone that can help me out here?

How to Clean iPad Screen & Device

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The iPad is a crucial piece of electronic equipment that contributes to technological advancement in various sectors of the economy today. Illustrators, artists, teachers, graphic designers are the primary users of apple pads in their workstations. But why? With an iPad, you have a smartphone, a computer, sketching tool, and e-learning device; anyone can use...

The post How to Clean iPad Screen & Device appeared first on DesignrFix.