If you download multiple files with the same name, a number is automatically added to the file name, for example: filename(1), filename(2) etc..
What I am trying to do is when I am creating a name and there is already a same one, the name I create to appear in the list as: name(1), name(2) etc.
This is the code that I use now that only creates: name and name (1), then I get this error when trying to create the next same name, example: name (1) already exists in your list., but I shouldn't get that error and should create the next name in the list: name (2) etc..
$deviceUser = "07NAV" . $var;
$sameNames = $mktApi->comm("/ppp/secret/getall", array(
".proplist" => ".id",
"?name" => $deviceUser
$i = 0;
if($sameNames) {
$mktApi->comm("/ppp/secret/add", array(
"name" => $deviceUser . " ($i)",
"remote-address" => $IPs[$ipAddress],
"password" => $devicePass,
"service" => "pppoe",
"comment" => $fullAddress
Also, I've tried using this one:
$i = 0;
if($sameNames) {
for($i = 0; $i < 99999; $i++) {
$mktApi->comm("/ppp/secret/add", array(
"name" => $deviceUser . " ($i)",
"remote-address" => $IPs[$ipAddress],
"password" => $devicePass,
"service" => "pppoe",
"comment" => $fullAddress
but when I create only one name in my list, automatically creates X names and I do not want that.
I've been searching for help on other communities too and somebody provided me this code, but I still get the same error ("user with same name already exists"):
// Start your update here:
$i = 0;
$deviceUser = $deviceUserOriginal = "07NAV" . $var;
$sameNames = false;
do {
// First - check if a dupe exists...
$sameNames = $mktApi -> comm("/ppp/secret/getall", array(
".proplist" => ".id",
"?name" => $deviceUser
// Second - update and prepare for rechecking ...
if($sameNames === true) {
$i ++;
$deviceUser = $deviceUserOriginal . "(". $i .")";
// Finally, below, if check failed, cycle and check again with the new updated name...
while($sameNames === true);
// Finally, tidy up.
// If you need the original value of $deviceUser you can retain it.
unset($i, $deviceUserOriginal);
// Continue your script here:
$mktApi -> comm("/ppp/secret/add", array(
"name" => $deviceUser,
"remote-address" => $IPs[$ipAddress],
"password" => $devicePass,
"service" => "pppoe",
"comment" => $fullAddress