WordPress 5.9 to Introduce Language Switcher on Login Screen

More than half of all WordPress sites (50.5%) are using translations for non-English speaking locales. It’s only natural that these users would want the ability to register, log in, and reset their passwords in their own languages. A new language switcher on the login screen has finally made its way into core, four years after the ticket was opened.

WordPress 5.9 will introduce a new dropdown on the login screen that will display all the languages that are currently installed. (New languages can be added under the Settings > General screen in the admin.)

In a dev note for the new features, WordPress Core Committer Jb Audras demonstrated how developers can filter the default arguments for the languages dropdown. This might be useful for sites that have dozens of languages installed where administrators only wish to display a handful in the dropdown.

WordPress 5.9 beta 3 was released last week. In addition to the new language switcher, the latest beta also includes the following:

  • Editor: Add FSE infrastructure from Gutenberg plugin into Core (#54335).
  • Formatting: Allow PDFs to embedded as objects (#54261)
  • REST API: Add navigation areas REST API endpoint from Gutenberg plugin (#54393)
  • Themes: A fix for the Live Preview button bug (#54578)

RC1 is expected January 4, 2022, which will bring a code freeze for both Gutenberg and core and a hard string freeze. Contributors are also aiming to have the field guide with dev notes published at this time.

If you have time to contribute during the upcoming holiday weeks, the 5.9 release team welcomes more testing for bugs. Anne McCarthy has published a detailed guide to testing the full-site editing features that are anticipated in 5.9. Testers should check against the list of known issues before reporting bugs on Trac or in the Alpha/Beta forums.

The WordPress Photo Directory Is the Open-Source Image Project We Have Long Needed

Screenshot of the WordPress Photos directory's homepage, which has a search bar and a three-column grid of images.

In last week’s annual State of the Word address, WordPress project lead Matt Mullenweg announced the WordPress.org photo directory. Officially, it has not yet “fully launched.” However, it is live on the site, and anyone with an account can submit their photos.

Thus far, the directory has 103 submissions and are under the CC0 license. Unfortunately, there is only a single photo of a house cat. Perhaps I will need to contribute to the commons that this project has made possible.

This is a separate project from Openverse, a search engine for finding open-source media, launched before the State of the Word event. Eventually, images from WordPress Photos should be discoverable via the Openverse search.

Earlier this year, I was already envisioning what Openverse could be. However, what I really wanted was a WordPress photo directory. Actually, I wanted a WordPress media directory, but starting with images is easier:

Openverse must become more than a media search engine. It needs to be a project where the Average Joe can upload a nice nature picture he took over the weekend barbecue. A place where Average Jane can share a video clip of the ocean waves hitting the shoreline from her beach trip. And a place where professionals can pay it forward to the world.

When Jeff Chandler of WP Mainline shared his first photo, I quickly turned it into a block pattern that wrapped the image in a wooden frame (pattern and image links available via Gist). When the WordPress pattern directory opens its submission process, I would love to submit it or some variation.

Wooden frame block pattern around Chandler’s image.

My customization was not anything special. I wanted to showcase how vital CC0 photos are to those building WordPress extensions like patterns and themes. Having a reliable image resource is invaluable to our creator community. It also gives non-developers another way to contribute to the project.

I also like seeing the faces of people I know listed in the directory. It very much feels like a photo directory made by the people of WordPress. One of my favorites is this one from Topher DeRosia (he has already submitted five):

Screenshot of a photograph post with a yellow flower from the WordPress photo directory.

Single image posts provide additional photo information, categories, and tags. Each photo also has multiple download sizes.

The front page and search could still use a little work. Being able to at least search for images based on orientation (e.g., landscape vs. portrait) would be helpful. A nav menu with all of the categories would be handy too.

The Space Needed Disruption

The stock imagery space needed to be turned upside down. More and more, creators from the WordPress community have stepped away from some of the sites they once loved.

Unsplash. Pexels. Pixabay. They have all had an opportunity to become the most significant open-source photo website in the world. They are places for snagging a quick photograph for free. And, for the most part, they have allowed people to give back with their art.

However, these stock photo sites that previously distributed images in the public domain began adding restrictive licensing terms. It started with Unsplash in 2017. Pexels soon followed, and Pixabay was in lock-step with the others by 2019.

Most of these restrictions disallow users to build similar “collection sites” with those same images, essentially creating a competing service. However, they all have other restrictive terms on selling photos, especially unaltered ones. Note: Pexels still allows its contributors to choose between the Pexels License and CC0 (public domain).

Many photo-sharing sites built their empires on top open source, only to turn their backs on it down the road. The open-source spirit embraces competing websites. The art itself is meant to be shared. That is kind of the point. To be fair, the aforementioned were not the only such sites. They were just the most prevalent in the WordPress ecosystem.

WordPress theme authors were often champions of those sites in years prior. However, they saw service after service disappear before their eyes as they were banned from use on WordPress.org. Themers could not distribute the images because the users who downloaded them would not have the same freedoms as promised by the GPL. It was a loss for open-source.

Now that WordPress has a pattern directory, the issue has become more evident. In the coming months and years, creators will need high-quality photos to showcase their patterns.

The easiest path was to leverage the millions of people who use WordPress and build our own thing. WordPress Photos could very well become the de facto standard of open photos on the web, and that is something we should all welcome with open arms.

The project is necessary. WordPress.org has the resources to make something remarkable: a photo-sharing site that is 100% open and will never change.

How To Prevent Clickjacking Attacks

A clickjacking attack is usually accompanied by some form of social engineering to lure targets to a compromised link. This article discusses the types of clickjacking attacks, their various impacts, and best practices to prevent them. 

What Is a Clickjacking Attack?

Clickjacking attack, also known as User Interface (UI) Redressing, is a web application attack where the hacker tricks a user into clicking an invisible web page element. The hackers set up multiple opaque or transparent layers. Hence, the user clicks a button or link that may cause them to visit malicious pages, download malicious software, transfer funds or give away sensitive data. Using an iFrame on top of a regular web page to display an invisible HTML element or web page performs a typical clickjacking attack. 

Java: Why a Set Can Contain Duplicate Elements

In low-latency applications, the creation of unnecessary objects is often avoided by reusing mutable objects to reduce memory pressure and thus the load on the garbage collector. This makes the application run much more deterministically and with much less jitter. However, care must be taken as to how these reused objects are used, or else unexpected results might manifest themselves, for example in the form of a Set containing duplicate elements such as [B, B].

HashCode and Equals

Java’s built-in ByteBuffer provides direct access to heap and native memory using 32-bit addressing. Chronicle Bytes is a 64-bit addressing open-source drop-in replacement allowing much larger memory segments to be addressed. Both these types provide a hashCode() and an equals() method that depends on the byte contents of the objects’ underlying memory segment. While this can be useful in many situations, mutable objects like these should not be used in most of Java’s built-in Set types and not as a key in most built-in Map types.

What Is API Test Automation?

APIs have become the heart of software development in various applications and systems, linking and exchanging data and code. Fortunately, testing the software will dramatically improve the efficiency of the entire testing process, allowing you to produce applications faster than ever before.

What Is an API?

The application programming interface (API) is a computer interface that allows two different software systems to communicate and share data. Newsdata.io Newsdata.io news API also allows two different software systems. The software system running an automation API requires many functions/subroutines from another software program.

4 Ways Data Science Will Improve Customer Communication Efficiency in 2022

Customer communication is fundamental to any business. Efficiently communicating with customers, resolving their issues, and answering their questions earns you their trust. You’ll see this reflected in both your sales figures and the reviews people leave online when it comes to nearly every review site. The reverse is true as well.

Unanswered emails. Hours spent on hold. Incompetent agents on the line. All this can easily result in lost business and bad reviews. In fact, 65 percent of customers have ditched businesses before due to a bad customer service interaction. When it comes to the data science field, people largely associate negative emotions with this kind of thing. That's because automation has traditionally made these communications workflows much worse. Communications barriers could be costing businesses around $37 billion a year, and that number keeps rising.

Why You Should Rethink Your Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)

Effective management of a software bill of materials (SBOM) has always been important from a cybersecurity and compliance standpoint. The May 2021 executive order on SBOMs and recent House action on the DHS Software Supply Chain Risk Management Act of 2021 has made these management practices even more crucial.

This is why the software industry needs to rethink its approach to SBOMs — and how new management strategies could unlock significant benefits for developers.

Open Source Software Product Development Day 1: Building DDTJ

Article Image

I’m on a two-week vacation from Lightrun and I have this urge to build something new. I also have a great product idea: DDT. In the past, I built many projects, both commercial and open source. I never documented the complete process. This is something I’d like to change. So in this blog, I’ll go over that process from concept development to product prototype. Notice that this process is identical for proprietary software too, it’s a remarkably similar approach.

You, the reader, have a crucial part in this: You’re my “daily”. I don’t have project and product managers who can keep me in check, so I need you.

Is Mathematics Crucial as a Software Developer?

Mathematics has been seen as a universal skill that every industry can benefit from, but how crucial is it exactly when put into practice? Software developers may seem like a highly technical field in which math skills will come in handy, but the truth is that while it can be beneficial, it isn’t highly necessary. However, it also depends on which facet of software development you are talking about. When it comes to networking or performance, maths may not be high on the list of necessary skills, but if the developer is focused on creating algorithms and trees or graph theory, it may be something that you cannot do without. 

According to professionals in the field, there are certain math-heavy niches in software development that may require the use of maths such as statistics and probability, but if you’ll be largely dealing with data science, it may accelerate your grasp on certain concepts as well as evaluating your data and results, but you can also use A.I. or machine learning techniques in order to bypass the need for mathematics. 

Best Business Intelligence Tools: 10 of the Top Tools to Know It All

Every business must pay close attention to their numbers and performance metrics at all times. One way to do that is to get on board with some of the best business intelligence tools available on the market. These platforms help collect data (from different data sources), prepare and analyze it, create good-looking visualizations, and then share reports instantly.

QA To Support Software Development Life Cycle: Best Practices To Follow

Hardly anyone would argue that speed and innovation are pillars of efficient product delivery contributing to success on the market today. With the ability to smoothly introduce tech novelties and release top-tier software faster, companies embark on the path to recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath and adjusting to the "next normal." 

To do it confidently and guarantee that software meets planned business requirements, open-minded companies embed QA into a software development life cycle (SDLC). 

7 Challenges of Creating Progressive Web Applications (PWAs)

Here’s a scenario for an e-commerce brand without a PWA (progressive website app). Say your site has a low loading speed or offers a poor user experience. In response, most mobile shoppers will quickly move to another website to do their shopping. 

Poor user experiences and related issues are significant contributors to mobile’s astonishing cart abandonment rate of 88% in the third quarter of 2020. As far back as 2016, mobile phones overtook laptops and desktops to become the most popular device for accessing online experiences. And with seven out of every ten customers preferring to make purchases on their mobile phones, your e-commerce brand must find a way to satisfy demand. 

What are SEO Services?

SEO services that are being used by different companies to boost up their presence and to increase their traffic organically, SEO services play an important role in the business in which the goal is to increase the traffic of the website by organic means.

Some search engine optimization services that should be tailored to the users business needs:

  1. Gola Defination
  2. Technical Site Audit
  3. Keyword Strategy
  4. Content Strategy
  5. On-page optimization
  6. Off-page optimization
  7. Reporting
  8. Website support
  9. Competitors Analysis
  10. Content Analysis