GoDaddy Data Breach Exposes 1.2 Million Active and Inactive Managed WordPress Hosting Accounts

In a disclosure to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that was published today, GoDaddy announced a data security breach impacting its WordPress managed hosting customers. The company discovered unauthorized third-party access to its hosting environment on November 17, 2021, through an exploited vulnerability.

GoDaddy’s initial investigations show the attacker gained access using a compromised password beginning on September 6, 2021. Nearly every sensitive data point associated with hosting a WordPress website was compromised, including customer email addresses, admin passwords, sFTP and database credentials, and SSL private keys. GoDaddy published the following summary of data the attacker had access to for more than two months:

  • Up to 1.2 million active and inactive Managed WordPress customers had their email address and customer number exposed. The exposure of email addresses presents risk of phishing attacks.
  • The original WordPress Admin password that was set at the time of provisioning was exposed. If those credentials were still in use, we reset those passwords.
  • For active customers, sFTP and database usernames and passwords were exposed. We reset both passwords.
  • For a subset of active customers, the SSL private key was exposed. We are in the process of issuing and installing new certificates for those customers.

GoDaddy has more than 20 million customers but only the managed WordPress hosting accounts were affected by this breach. Looking further into the incident, Wordfence claims that GoDaddy was storing sFTP credentials as plaintext, although GoDaddy has not officially confirmed it:

GoDaddy stored sFTP passwords in such a way that the plaintext versions of the passwords could be retrieved, rather than storing salted hashes of these passwords, or providing public key authentication, which are both industry best practices.

We confirmed this by accessing the user interface for GoDaddy Managed Hosting and were able to view our own password…When using public-key authentication or salted hashes, it is not possible to view your own password like this because the hosting provider simply does not have it.

GoDaddy’s stock tumbled after the SEC disclosure got picked up by major news organizations, finishing down 5.25%. The company emailed its customers to notify them that their accounts may have been compromised during the two months when the attacker had unauthorized access.

The incident has damaged customers’ trust and puts developers and agencies in an uncomfortable position if they are required to notify their customers about the breach. Impacted site owners will need to watch for malware, suspicious activity, and potential phishing attacks.

Godaddy says it has already taken steps to further secure its provisioning system and is continuing its investigation with the help of an IT forensics firm and law enforcement.

How Do Post Formats Fit Into a Block Theme World?

Over the weekend, Nick Bohle asked Ellen Bauer of Elma Studio how post formats fit into the block-theming world. The question was a proposal for her a WordPress theme and FSE chat she held yesterday via Twitter Spaces. I could not attend and see if Bauer touched on the subject, but the question is something I have given a lot of thought to not that long ago.

Over the summer, I tweeted out a screenshot of an experiment around post formats. A part of me was trying to figure out if we could revive a dying feature, one I continue to use today.

Archive page in WordPress showing aside posts, each with a different-colored background.
Aside post format archive.

I have been using post formats since before they were a thing. “Asides” were one of the precursors to the feature landing in WordPress. I wrote my first on my personal blog back in 2006. I had borrowed some code that WordPress cofounder Matt Mullenweg had posted two years earlier. It was a concept he had borrowed from others.

For me, it was a way to give a unique layout to quick posts and links without all the beefiness of a long-form article.

In 2011, WordPress 3.1 launched with a new taxonomy. Users could choose between nine different formats for their posts, assuming their theme supported one or more of them. The goal was to allow theme authors to design custom layouts around each one.

For much of the community, it felt like WordPress was chasing Tumblr’s post content feature. The allure quickly wore off after it seemed to have hit a standstill beyond its initial release. Besides a few fixes and trivial enhancements under the hood, post formats never amounted to much.

They have remained a niche feature over the years. A few theme authors still add in support. Some of us old-school bloggers who have been using them in some form or fashion are still hanging on. But, post formats have been dead for a long time.

Therefore, I decided to try to make them work for block themes.

One of the most frustrating things I encountered with post formats in this block-based theme project was how powerless I felt over making them work “the old way.” The dynamic nature of classic theming meant that I could switch post content templates out on pages that listed multiple posts. Query Loop and its inner Post Template block do not allow me to show a different template for a quote or gallery-formatted post, for example.

This was frustrating because that part of the design process was out of my hands. If I wanted to do something as simple as show an entirely different design for an aside post within a mix of normal posts, I could not do so as the theme designer, at least not without doing some hacky workarounds.

My “light bulb” moment was when I realized that it was OK to not have that control. I needed to get outside of the mindset that the design was mine and mine alone. That is viewing creation through a classic theming lens. My approach was wrong. Instead, I had to start thinking about how to hand over these design tools to the user.

The question became: Can I create something that utilizes that original post format concept while giving users the freedom to do what they want?

Then, it dawned on me. The following is the response I tweeted to Jeff Chandler, who had asked if I thought post formats would work as patterns:

I think of blocks themselves as an evolution of post formats. Video, audio, embeds (basically cool links), quotes, etc. Most of the elements are already there. Patterns just give users an easy way to insert various designs, which could build off those blocks.

Maybe post formats as they currently exist are dead. However, the idea of designing a layout around specific types of posts is very much alive.

If users want to embed a single video into a post, it is just a matter of copying and pasting a link. To share a quote they found from their favorite author, they merely need to drop it into a Quote block. Other than chat posts (let’s just gloss over those entirely), the concept of post formats has simply been replaced with blocks.

However, theme authors still have a role to play. If all the elements for post formats have been essentially replaced by blocks themselves, that means designers can have a field day building patterns around them.

The WordPress patterns explorer with the Post Formats category open.  On the right, it shows three aside designs and one quote design.
Patterns built for post formats.

That led me to build off my original idea for asides, my favorite post format. Instead of offering a single design, I built three different patterns for users to choose from. End-users could mix and match how they appeared on the front end.

I also built a custom taxonomy-post_format-aside.html template to showcase them on their archive page. It merely displayed the published date and the post content, which the user controls.

I went back to the drawing board and built a quote pattern that I liked. Again, it would be up to the user whether they wanted that particular design. They could always go in a different direction.

A quote block within the WordPress editor.  It is wrapped in a Group block with a light blue background.
Quote block pattern and custom style.

In some ways, post formats were always limiting. The feature was never fleshed out, and there were only nine allowed formats. At the end of the day, each was merely a term within a taxonomy. There were never any rules about how it all was supposed to work. Maybe that is not such a bad thing. Now, posts can be anything users want them to be.

I tried to do codes to get e^x by using maclaurin series but it gives 0 .

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

int main()

float i, x;
double fact=0, sum=0;

printf("Enter value of x as the power of e: ");
scanf("%f", &x);

printf("Enter n as the number of terms:  ");

for (i = 0; i < 99999; i++)

    sum = 1 + x;
    fact = fact * i;
    sum = sum + pow(x, i)/(fact);   
if (sum == sum)

printf("The value of e^%f is %lf",x,sum);

return 0;

Sobel operator and pseudo color

i want write a code in C without using OpenCV library to code a Sobel operator to calculate the magnitude and direction of the gradient of an image then use pseudo color to display them using intensity for magnitude and hue for direction display input and output images

Guys i really need help with this assignment as im really out of ideas

Good day everyone. My assignment is to create a point of sale system for a bakery shop. I have done all the coding up to the part when i have to do a 'order summary details' means i have to put all the user inputs into the order summary details. But i have no idea how do you do it. I have learnt array and managed to finish a part of it but when i try to use array for another part i cant do it and alot of errors. Im here seeking help as it is my last resort....I know im not suppose to ask for help but i really need help this time...
The expected output for order summary details are :

Order Summary Details:
Total bread type ordered: 3
Bread Type #1:
Type : Bun
Number of Unit : 4
Filling Flavour : Coconut(2)
Sub-Total : RM14.50
Bread Type #2:
Type : White Loaf
Number of Unit: 3
Sub-Total : RM15.00
Bread Type #3:
Type : Croissant
Number of Unit: 5
Filling Flavour: Chocolate(2) + Chicken(3).
Sub-Total : RM22.65
Total sale is RM52.15
The customer is entitled for a ice cream.

The link to the code :

Smashing Workshops: Winter 2021

For many of us, personal workspace can feel quite comfortable and convenient, but nobody really wants to sign up for another full day of focused screen time. That’s why we break our online Smashing workshops down into 2.5h-sessions — with one session per day. This way, you always have enough time take it all in, try things out, rewatch a session or raise questions between sessions.

We’re super thrilled to announce the full program of workshops for the next months to come:

Our online workshops take place live and span multiple days across weeks. In every session, there is always enough time to bring up your questions or just get a cup of tea. We don’t rush through the content, but instead, try to create a welcoming, friendly and inclusive environment for everyone to have time to think, discuss and get feedback.

There are plenty of things to expect from a Smashing workshop, but the most important one is focusing on practical examples and techniques. The workshops aren’t talks; they are interactive, with live conversations with attendees, sometimes with challenges, homework and team work. Of course, you get all workshop materials and video recordings as well, so if you miss a session you can re-watch it the same day.

SmashingConf San Francisco 2022

Yes, it’s official! Next year, we’ll be organizing a SmashingConf in each of these cities: San Francisco, Freiburg, New York and Austin! Alongside in-house workshops, the first speakers have already been announced with talks by experts on accessibility, front-end, design systems, performance and interface design.

We’d love to meet you in person on March 28–31, 2022, at the waterfront next to the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. There will be two days of talks, a single track, two workshop days, and loads of side events (all included in your ticket). For both the talks and the workshops, we have a good range of topics, varying from Figma to Web Performance and from SVG Animation to CSS Custom Properties. Jump to all speakers and topics →

A friendly, inclusive conference for designers and developers. Let’s jazz together! The Next Smashing Conference In A City Nearby

Great conferences are all about learning new skills and making new connections. That’s why we’ve set up a couple of new adventures for 2022 — practical sessions, new formats, new lightning talks, evening sessions and genuine, interesting conversations — with a dash of friendly networking!

Austin, USA

We are so excited to be bringing SmashingConf to Austin again on June 27–30, 2022. We’ll be exploring how new web technologies and emerging front-end/UX techniques can make us all better designers and developers. More details will be announced very soon — make sure to subscribe to the SmashingConf newsletter to be one of the first ones to know! 🌮

Freiburg, Germany

We will be returning to our hometown for SmashingConf Freiburg on the 5-7 September 2022. We pour our hearts into creating friendly, inclusive events that are focused on real-world problems and solutions. Our focus is on front-end and UX, but we cover all things web — be it UI design or machine learning. The Freiburg edition is, of course, no exception! 🥨

New York, USA

Each and every one of our Smashing conferences is a friendly, inclusive event for people who care about their work. No fluff, no fillers, no multi-track experience — just actionable insights applicable to your work right away. Join us for SmashingConf NYC in October 2022 — an event that is always quite a popular one! Follow @smashingconf on Twitter to get notified once we spill the beans on the Who, When and Where! ✨

Thank You!

A sincere thank you for your kind, ongoing support and generosity — for being smashing, now and ever. We’d be honored to welcome you.

Ripple Effect on a Texture with Three.js

In this ALL YOUR HTML coding session you will learn how to recreate the interesting ripple effect seen on the website with Three.js. We’ll have a look at render targets and use a little bit of math.

This coding session was streamed live on November 21, 2021.



The post Ripple Effect on a Texture with Three.js appeared first on Codrops.

There is no Image to show after I upload image

if (count($_FILES) > 0) {
    if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['userImage']['tmp_name'])) {

        $imgData = addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['userImage']['tmp_name']));
        $imageProperties = getimageSize($_FILES['userImage']['tmp_name']);

        $sql = "INSERT INTO qr(user_id,file_name ,QrCode)
                VALUES('".$_SESSION['id']."','{$imageProperties['mime']}', '{$imgData}')";
        $current_id = mysqli_query($db, $sql) or die("<b>Error:</b> Problem on Image Insert<br/>" . mysqli_error($db));
        if (isset($current_id)) {
            header("Location: preview.php");
    <form name="frmImage" enctype="multipart/form-data" action=""
        method="post" class="frmImageUpload">
        <label>Upload QrCode File:</label><br /> <input name="userImage"
            type="file" class="inputFile" /> <input type="submit"
            value="Submit" class="btnSubmit" />

require_once '../php_action/database.php';
    if(isset($_GET['image_id'])) {
        $sql = "SELECT file_name , QrCode FROM qr WHERE id=" . $_GET['image_id'] . mysqli_error(($db)). mysqli_error(($db));
        $result = mysqli_query($db, $sql) or die("<b>Error:</b> Problem on Retrieving Image BLOB<br/>" . mysqli_error($db));
        $row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);
        header("Content-type: " . $row["file_name"]);
        echo $row["QrCode"];

Improving The Performance Of Wix Websites (Case Study)

A website’s performance can make or break its success, yet in August 2020, despite many improvements we had previously made, such as implementing Server-Side Rendering (SSR), the ratio of Wix websites with good Google Core Web Vitals (CWV) scores was only 4%. It was at this point that we realized we needed to make a significant change in our approach towards performance, and that we must embrace performance as part of our culture.

Implementing this change enabled us to take major steps such as updating our infrastructure along with completely rewriting our core functionality from the ground up. We deployed these enhancements gradually over time to ensure that our users didn’t experience any disruptions, but instead only a consistent improvement of their site speed.

Since implementing these changes, we have seen a dramatic improvement in the performance of websites built and hosted on our platform. In particular, the worldwide ratio of Wix websites that receive a good (green) CWV score has increased from 4% to over 33%, which means an increase of over 750%. We also expect this upwards trend to continue as we roll out additional improvements to our platform.

You can see the impact of these efforts in the Core Web Vitals Technology Report from Google Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) / HTTP Archive:

These performance improvements provide a lot of value to our users because sites that have good Google CWV scores are eligible for the maximum performance ranking boost in the Google search results (SERP). They also likely have increased conversion rates and lower bounce rates due to the improved visitor experience.

Now, let’s take a deeper look into the actions and processes we put in place in order to achieve these significant results.

The Wix Challenge

Let’s begin by describing who we are, what are our use-cases, and our challenges.

Wix is a SaaS platform providing products and services for any type of user to create an online presence. This includes building websites, hosting websites, managing campaigns, SEO, analytics, CRM, and much more. It was founded in 2006 and has since grown to have over 210 million users in 190 countries, and hosts over five million domains. In addition to content websites, Wix also supports e-commerce, blogs, forums, bookings and events, and membership and authentication. And Wix has its own app store with apps and themes for restaurants, fitness, hotels, and much more. To support all this, we have over 5,000 employees spread around the globe.

This high rate of growth, coupled with the current scale and diversity of offerings presents a huge challenge when setting out to improve performance. It’s one thing to identify bottlenecks and implement optimizations for a specific website or a few similar websites, and quite another when dealing with many millions of websites, having such a wide variety of functionality, and an almost total freedom of design. As a result, we cannot optimize for a specific layout or set of features that are known in advance. Instead, we have to accommodate all of this variability, mostly on-demand. On the positive side, since there are so many users and websites on Wix, improvements that we make benefit millions of websites, and can have a positive impact on the Web as a whole.

There are more challenges for us in addition to scale and diversity:

  • Retaining existing design and behavior
    A key requirement we set for ourselves was to improve the performance of all existing websites built on Wix without altering any aspect of their look and feel. So essentially, they need to continue to look and work exactly the same, only operate faster.
  • Maintaining development velocity
    Improving performance requires a significant amount of resources and effort. And the last thing we want is to negatively impact our developers' momentum, or our ability to release new features at a high rate. So once a certain level of performance is achieved, we want to be able to preserve it without being constantly required to invest additional effort, or slow down the development process. In other words, we needed to find a way to automate the process of preventing performance degradations.
  • Education
    In order to create change across our entire organization, we needed to get all the relevant employees, partners, and even customers up to speed about performance quickly and efficiently. This required a lot of planning and forethought, and quite a bit of trial and error.
Creating A Performance Culture

Initially, at Wix, performance was a task assigned to a relatively small dedicated group within the company. This team was tasked with identifying and addressing specific performance bottlenecks, while others throughout the organization were only brought in on a case-by-case basis. While some noticeable progress was made, it was challenging to implement significant changes just for the sake of speed.

This was because the amount of effort required often exceeded the capacity of the performance team, and also because ongoing work on various features and capabilities often got in the way. Another limiting factor was the lack of data and insight into exactly what the bottlenecks were so that we could know exactly where to focus our efforts for maximum effect.

About two years ago, we came to the conclusion that we cannot continue with this approach. That in order to provide the level of performance that our users require and expect we need to operate at the organizational level. And that if we do not provide this level of performance it will be detrimental to our business and future success. There were several catalysts for this understanding, some due to changes in the Web ecosystem in general, and others to our own market segment in particular:

  • Changes in device landscape
    Six years ago, over 70% of sessions for Wix websites originated from desktops, with under 30% coming from mobile devices. Since then the situation has flipped, and now over 70% of sessions originate on mobile. While mobile devices have come a long way in terms of network and CPU speed, many of them are still significantly underpowered when compared to desktops, especially in countries where mobile connectivity is still poor. As a result, unless performance improves, many visitors experience a decline in the quality of experience they receive over time.
  • Customer expectations
    Over the past few years, we’ve seen a significant shift in customer expectations regarding performance. Thanks to activities by Google and others, website owners now understand that having good loading speed is a major factor in the success of their sites. As a result, customers prefer platforms that provide good performance — and avoid or leave those that don’t.
  • Google search ranking
    Back in 2018 Google announced that sites with especially slow pages on mobile would be penalized. But starting in 2021, Google shifted its approach to instead boost the ranking of mobile sites that have good performance. This has increased the motivation of site owners and SEOs to use platforms that can create fast sites.
  • Heavier websites
    As the demand for faster websites increases, so does the expectation that websites provide a richer and more engaging experience. This includes features like videos and animations, sophisticated interactions, and greater customization. As websites become heavier and more complex, the task of maintaining performance becomes ever more challenging.
  • Better tooling and metrics standardization
    Measuring website performance used to be challenging and required specific expertise. But in recent years the ability to gauge the speed and responsiveness of websites has improved significantly and has become much simpler, thanks to tools like Google Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights. Moreover, the industry has primarily standardized on Google’s Core Web Vitals (CWV) performance metrics, and monitoring them is now integrated into services such as the Google Search Console.

These changes dramatically shifted our perception of website performance from being just a part of our offerings to become an imperative company focus and a strategic priority. And that in order to achieve this strategy implementing a culture of performance throughout the organization is a must. In order to accomplish this, we took a two-pronged approach. First, at an “all hands” company update, our CEO announced that going forward ensuring good performance for websites built on our platform will be a strategic priority for the company as a whole. And that the various units within the company will be measured on their ability to deliver on this goal.

At the same time, the performance team underwent a huge transformation in order to support the company-wide prioritization of performance. It went from working on specific speed enhancements to interfacing with all levels of the organization, in order to support their performance efforts. The first task was providing education on what website performance actually means, and how it can be measured. And once the teams started working off of the knowledge, it meant organizing performance-focused design and code reviews, training and education, plus providing tools and assets to support these ongoing efforts.

To this end, the team built on the expertise that it had already gained while working on specific performance projects. And it also engaged with the performance community as a whole, for example by attending conferences, bringing in domain experts, and studying up on modern architectures such as the Jamstack.

Measuring And Monitoring

Peter Drucker, one of the best-known management consultants, famously stated:

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”

This statement is true for management, and it’s undoubtedly true for website performance.

But which metrics should be measured in order to determine website performance? Over the years many metrics have been proposed and used, which made it difficult to compare results taken from different tools. In other words, the field lacked standardization. This changed approximately two years ago when Google introduced three primary metrics for measuring website performance, known collectively as Google Core Web Vitals (CWV).

The three metrics are:

  1. LCP: Largest Contentful Paint (measures visibility)
  2. FID: First Input Delay (measures response time)
  3. CLS: Cumulative Layout Shift (measures visual stability)

CWV have enabled the industry to focus on a small number of metrics that cover the main aspects of the website loading experience. And the fact that Google is now using CWV as a search ranking signal provides additional motivation for people to improve them.

Recommended Reading: An In-Depth Guide To Measuring Core Web Vitals” by Barry Pollard

At Wix, we focus on CWV when analyzing field data, but also use lab measurements during the development process. In particular, lab tests are critical for implementing performance budgets in order to prevent performance degradations. The best implementations of performance budgets integrate their enforcement into the CI/CD process, so they are applied automatically, and prevent deployment to production when a regression is detected. When such a regression does occur it breaks the build, forcing the team to fix it before deployment can proceed.

There are various performance budgeting products and open-source tools available, but we decided to create our own custom budgeting service called Perfer. This is because we operate at a much larger scale than most web development operations, and at any given moment hundreds of different components are being developed at Wix and are used in thousands of different combinations in millions of different websites.

This requires the ability to test a very large number of configurations. Moreover, in order to avoid breaking builds with random fluctuations, tests that measure performance metrics or scores are run multiple times and an aggregate of the results is used for the budget. In order to accommodate such a high number of test runs without negatively impacting build time, Perfer executes the performance measurements in parallel on a cluster of dedicated servers called WatchTower. Currently, WatchTower is able to execute up to 1,000 Lighthouse tests per minute.

After deployment performance data is collected anonymously from all Wix sessions in the field. This is especially important in our case because the huge variety of Wix websites makes it effectively impossible to test all relevant configurations and scenarios “in the lab.” By collecting and analyzing RUM data, we ensure that we have the best possible insight into the experiences of actual visitors to the websites. If we identify that a certain deployment degrades performance and harms that experience, even though this degradation was not identified by our lab tests, we can quickly roll it back.

Another advantage of field measurements is that they match the approach taken by Google in order to collect performance data into the CrUX database. Since it is the CrUX data that is used as an input for Google’s performance ranking signal, utilizing the same approach for performance analysis is very important.

All Wix sessions contain custom instrumentation code that gathers performance metrics and transmits this information anonymously back to our telemetry servers. In addition to the three CWV, this code also reports Time To First Byte (TTFB), First Contentful Paint (FCP), Total Blocking Time (TBT), and Time To Interactive (TTI), and also low-level metrics such as DNS lookup time and SSL handshake time. Collecting all this information makes it possible for us to not only quickly identify performance issues in production, but also to analyze the root causes of such issues. For example, we can determine if an issue was caused by changes in our own software by the changes in our infrastructure configuration, or even by issues affecting third-party services that we utilize (such as CDNs).

Upgrading Our Services And Infrastructure

Back when I joined Wix seven years ago, we only had a single data center (along with a fallback data center) in the USA which was used to serve users from all around the world. Since then we’ve expanded the number of data centers significantly, and have multiple such centers spread around the globe. This ensures that wherever our users connect from, they’ll be serviced both quickly and reliably. In addition, we use CDNs from multiple providers to ensure rapid content delivery regardless of location. This is especially important given that we now have users in 190 countries.

In order to make the best possible use of this enhanced infrastructure, we completely redesigned and rewrote significant portions of our front-end code. The goal was to shift as much of the computation as possible off of the browsers and onto fast servers. This is especially beneficial in the case of mobile devices, which are often less powerful and slower. In addition, this significantly reduced the amount of JavaScript code that needs to be downloaded by the browser.

Reducing JavaScript size almost always benefits performance because it decreases the overhead of the actual download as well as parsing and execution. Our measurements showed a direct correlation between the JavaScript size reduction and performance improvements:

Another benefit of moving computations from browsers to servers is that the results of these computations can often be cached and reused between sessions even for unrelated visitors, thus reducing per-session execution time dramatically. In particular, when a visitor navigates to a Wix site for the first time, the HTML of the landing page is generated on the server by Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and the resulting HTML can then be propagated to a CDN.

Navigations to the same site — even by unrelated visitors — can then be served directly from the CDN, without even accessing our servers. If this workflow sounds familiar that’s because it’s essentially the same as the on-demand mechanism provided by some advanced Jamstack services.

Note: “On-demand” means that instead of Static Site Generation performed at build time, the HTML is generated in response to the first visitor request, and propagated to a CDN at runtime.

Similarly to Jamstack, client-side code can enhance the user interface, making it more dynamic by invoking backend services using APIs. The results of some of these APIs are also cached in a CDN as appropriate. For example, in the case of a shopping cart checkout icon, the HTML for the button is generated on the server, but the actual number of items in the cart is determined on the client-side and then rendered into that icon. This way, the page HTML can be cached even though each visitor is able to see a different item count value. If the HTML of the page does need to change, for example, if the site owner publishes a new version, then the copy in the CDN is immediately purged.

In order to reduce the impact of computations on end-point devices, we moved business logic that does need to run in the browsers into Web Workers. For example, business logic that is invoked in response to user interactions. The code that runs in the browser’s main thread is mostly dedicated to the actual rendering operations. Because Web Workers execute their JavaScript code off of the main thread, they don’t block event handling, enabling the browser to quickly respond to user interactions and other events.

Examples of code that runs in Web Workers include the business logic of various vertical solutions such as e-commerce and bookings. Sending requests to backend services is mostly done from Web Workers, and the responses are parsed, stored and managed in the Web Workers as well. As a result, using Web Workers can reduce blocking and improve the FID metric significantly, providing better responsiveness in general. In lab measurements, this improved TBT measurements.

Enhanced Media Delivery

Modern websites often provide a richer user experience by downloading and presenting much more media resources, such as images and videos, than ever before. Over the past decade the median amount of bytes of images downloaded by websites, according to the Google CrUX database, has increased more than eightfold! This is more than the median improvement in network speeds during the same period, which results in slower loading times. Additionally, our RUM data (field measurements) shows that for almost ¾ of Wix sessions the LCP element is an image. All of this highlights the need to deliver images to the browsers as efficiently as possible and to quickly display the images that are in a webpage’s initially visible viewport area.

At the same time, it is crucial to deliver the highest quality of images possible in order to provide an engaging and delightful user experience. This means that improving performance by noticeably degrading visual experience is almost always out of the question. The performance enhancements we implement need to preserve the original quality of images used, unless explicitly specified otherwise by the user.

One technique for improving media-related performance is optimizing the delivery process. This means downloading required media resources as quickly as possible. In order to achieve this for Wix websites, we use a CDN to deliver the media content, as we do with other resources such as the HTML itself. And by specifying a lengthy caching duration in the HTTP response header, we allow images to be cached by browsers as well. This can improve the loading speed for repeat visits to the same page significantly by completely avoiding downloading the images over the network again.

Another technique for improving performance is to deliver the required image information more efficiently by reducing the number of bytes that need to be downloaded while preserving the desired image quality. One method to achieve this is to use a modern image format such as WebP. Images encoded as WebP are generally 25% to 35% smaller than equivalent images encoded as PNG or JPG. Images uploaded to Wix are automatically converted to WebP before being delivered to browsers that support this format.

Very often images need to be resized, cropped, or otherwise manipulated when displayed within a webpage. This manipulation can be performed inside the browser using CSS, but this usually means that more data needs to be downloaded than is actually used. For example, all the pixels of an image that have been cropped out aren’t actually needed but are still delivered. We also take into account viewport size and resolution, and display pixel depth, to optimize the image size. For Wix sites, we perform these manipulations on the server-side before the images are downloaded, this way we can ensure that only the pixels that are actually required are transmitted over the network. On the servers, we employ AI and ML models to generate resized images at the best quality possible.

Yet another technique that is used for reducing the amount of image data that needs to be downloaded upfront is lazy loading images. This means not loading images that are wholly outside the visible viewport until they are about to scroll in. Deferring image download in this way, and even avoiding it completely (if a visitor never scrolls to that part of the page), reduces network contention for resources that are already required as soon as the page loads, such as an LCP image. Wix websites automatically utilize lazy loading for images, and for various other types of resources as well.

Looking Forward

Over the past two years, we have deployed numerous enhancements to our platform intended to improve performance. The result of all these enhancements is a dramatic increase in the percentage of Wix websites that get a good score for all three CWVs compared to a year ago. But performance is a journey, not a destination, and we still have many more action items and future plans for improving websites’ speed. To that end, we are investigating new browser capabilities as well as additional changes to our own infrastructure. The performance budgets and monitoring that we have implemented provide safeguards that these changes provide actual benefits.

New media formats are being introduced that have the potential to reduce download sizes even more while retaining image quality. We are currently investigating AVIF, which looks to be especially promising for photographic images that can use lossy compression. In such scenarios, AVIF can provide significantly reduced download sizes even compared to WebP, while retaining image quality. AVIF also supports progressive rendering which may improve perceived performance and user experience, especially on slower connections, but currently won’t provide any benefits for CWV.

Another promising browser innovation that we are researching is the content-visibility CSS property. This property enables the browser to skip the effort of rendering an HTML element until it’s actually needed. In particular, when content-visibility:auto setting is applied to an element that is off-screen its descendants are not rendered. This enables the browser to skip most of the rendering work, such as styling and layout of the element’s subtree. This is especially desirable for many Wix pages that tend to be lengthy and content-rich. In particular, Wix’s new EditorX responsive sites editor support sophisticated grid and flexbox layouts that can be expensive for the browser to render, so that avoiding unnecessary rendering operations is especially desirable. Unfortunately, this property is currently only supported in Chromium-based browsers. Also, it’s challenging to implement this functionality in such a way that no Wix website is ever adversely affected in terms of its visual appearance or behavior.

Priority Hints is an upcoming browser feature that we are also investigating, which promises to improve performance by providing greater control over when and how browsers download resources. This feature will inform browsers about which resources are more urgent and should be downloaded ahead of other resources. For example, a foreground image could be assigned a higher priority than a background image since it’s more likely to contain significant content. On the other hand, if applied incorrectly, priority hints can actually degrade download speed, and hence also CWV scores. Priority hints are currently undergoing Origin Trial in Chrome.

In addition to enhancing Wix’s own infrastructure, we’re also working on providing better tooling for our users so that they can design and implement faster websites. Since Wix is highly customizable, users have the freedom and flexibility to create both fast and slow websites on our platform, depending on the decisions they make while building these sites. Our goal is to inform users about the performance of their decisions so that they can make appropriate choices. This is similar to the SEO Wiz tool that we already provide.


Implementing a performance culture at Wix enabled us to apply performance enhancements to almost every part of our technological stack — from infrastructure to software architecture and media formats. While some of these enhancements have had a greater impact than others, it’s the cumulative effect that provides the overall benefits. And these benefits aren’t just measurable at a large scale; they’re also apparent to our users, thanks to tools like WebPageTest and Google PageSpeed Insights and actual feedback that they receive from their own users.

The feedback we ourselves receive, from our users and the industry at large, and the tangible benefits we experience, drive us forward to continue improving our speed. The performance culture that we’ve implemented is here to stay.

Related Resources

How to Disable New User Notifications in WordPress (Easy Way)

Do you want to stop receiving new user email notifications in WordPress?

If you have enabled user registration on your site, then WordPress sends a notification email to the admin email address every time a new user registers. As your site grows, you will get many new users joining every day, which can make these emails annoying to deal with.

In this article, we will show you how to disable new user notifications in WordPress.

Disable new user notification in WordPress

Why Disable User Notification Emails in WordPress?

Allowing user registration in WordPress has a lot of benefits. If you have a multi-author blog, online store, or membership website, then user registrations are necessary.

However, there is also a downside. WordPress will send an email by default to the admin email address, notifying you whenever a new user registers.

While these emails are good for keeping an eye on who is registering on your website and keeping out spam registrations, they can be annoying to deal with if you have several people joining each day.

Having a lot of new user notifications can clutter your email inbox, making it difficult to spot important emails from your clients and customers.

This is where disabling emails about new users can come in handy. We will look at two beginner-friendly ways to help you turn off email notifications. The best part is that you won’t have to know how to write code.

Let’s look at how to disable new user notifications in WordPress using WP Mail SMTP and WPCode:

Method 1: Disable New User Notifications Using WP Mail SMTP

If you are take better control of your WordPress emails, including new user notifications, then this method is for you.

WP Mail SMTP is the best WordPress SMTP plugin on the market that can dramatically improve your email deliverability.

The plugin fixes the problem of emails not being delivered to your customers. That means that all your emails will reach your users instead of ending up in their spam folders or being blocked completely.

WP Mail SMTP website

WP Mail SMTP also offers different settings to take control of your WordPress emails, such as disabling automatic update notifications. Among these settings is the option to disable new user notification emails sent to the admin’s email.

Note: For this tutorial, we will be using the WP Mail SMTP Pro version since it includes the Email Control options. There is also a free version of WP Mail SMTP that you can use to fix email deliverability issues on your site.

First, you will need to install and activate the WP Mail SMTP plugin on your WordPress site. If you need help, then follow our step-by-step guide on how to install a plugin.

Upon activation, go to WP Mail SMTP » Settings from your WordPress admin panel and then enter your license key. You can find the license key in your WP Mail SMTP account area.

WP Mail SMTP verify key

After entering the key, go ahead and click the ‘Verify Key’ button.

You will now see a popup showing that you have successfully verified the key, and your WordPress website will receive automatic updates.

verification key confirmed

Next, you can head over to the ‘Email Controls’ tab from the menu on the top in WP Mail SMTP.

This is where you can customize your new user registration email notifications.

Email controls

After that, simply scroll down to the New User section.

Then, you need to click on the toggle to disable the ‘Create (Admin)’ option. And don’t forget to hit ‘Save Settings’ when you are done.

New user

Once this setting is toggled off, the admin won’t receive the default WordPress email from new users. However, the new user who registered will still get an email confirmation.

That’s it! You’ve successfully disabled new user notification emails for admins using the WP Mail SMTP plugin.

Method 2: Disable New User Emails in WordPress Using WPCode

If you don’t want to use an SMTP plugin, then you can add a code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file or use a code snippet plugin to disable email notifications:

function wpcode_send_new_user_notifications( $user_id, $notify = 'user' ) {
	if ( empty( $notify ) || 'admin' === $notify ) {
	} elseif ( 'both' === $notify ) {
		// Send new users the email but not the admin.
		$notify = 'user';
	wp_send_new_user_notifications( $user_id, $notify );

	function () {
		// Disable default email notifications.
		remove_action( 'register_new_user', 'wp_send_new_user_notifications' );
		remove_action( 'edit_user_created_user', 'wp_send_new_user_notifications' );

		// Replace with custom function that only sends to user.
		add_action( 'register_new_user', 'wpcode_send_new_user_notifications' );
		add_action( 'edit_user_created_user', 'wpcode_send_new_user_notifications', 10, 2 );

We don’t recommend editing your functions.php file directly. That’s because even the tiniest of mistakes in the code snippet can make your site inaccessible.

The easiest way to add custom code in WordPress without breaking your site is with the free WPCode plugin. It is the most popular code snippets plugin, used by 2 million+ WordPress websites.

The first thing you will need to do is install and activate the WPCode plugin in WordPress. For more detailed instructions, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Head over to Code Snippets » + Add Snippet in the WordPress site admin area. There, you will see a library of code snippets to choose from.

The good news is that WPCode has a pre-made template for disabling new user notification emails. Just type in ‘user’ in the search bar and click ‘Use snippet’ under the ‘Disable New User Notifications’ snippet.

Add disable new user notification snippet

Since the template already has the code inside, you don’t have to write your own.

You will see the code already in place with the ‘Code Type’ set as a PHP snippet.

Disable new user notifications code snippet

If you want to adjust where this code runs, you can scroll down. The Insertion method should be set to ‘Auto Insert’.

You can open the dropdown menu to decide where you want the code to be executed or even set a schedule for when you want the code to be active.

Insertion method in WPCode

For example, you can set the code snippet to disable user registrations from certain pages. This could be handy if you have custom user registration pages for different membership programs.

You can even choose to have the code only disable user registrations from WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, or MemberPress.

Woocommerce auto insert

But for most website owners, leaving the default setting to ‘Run Everywhere’ is the way to go.

Once you are done configuring where to execute the code snippet, you can scroll to the top right corner and toggle the ‘Inactive’ button to ‘Active’ to activate the code.

Inactive button in WPCode

You have now successfully disabled the new user notification emails.

Don’t forget to click the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.

Update button in WPCode

Bonus: Turn Off Comments Notifications in WordPress

WordPress notifications can be super annoying. If your website receives a high volume of traffic, particularly on older posts, then you may also be flooded by comment notification emails.

The good news is that there’s a quick fix for this.

All you have to do is go to Settings » Discussion. The comment notification emails are automatically enabled by default in WordPress.

Turn off comments notifications in WordPress

You can disable comment notifications by unchecking the boxes next to ‘Anyone posts a comment’ and ‘A comment is held for moderation’. That way, you won’t receive emails when someone posts a comment or when a comment is held for moderation.

For more details, check out our post on how to turn off comments notifications in WordPress.

We hope this article helped you disable new user notification emails in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to disable WordPress admin email verification notices or our expert comparison of the best email marketing services to grow your audience.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Disable New User Notifications in WordPress (Easy Way) first appeared on WPBeginner.


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