Top Reasons Why You Should Opt for Native Mobile App Development

Developing a mobile app is second to starting a business these days. Gone are the days when a business owner had to advertise and reach out to the public manually. It is an era of digitization, and people are keen on using mobile apps for almost every maneuver of their daily routine. Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives, from waking up in the morning with an alarm clock as an application to sleeping while watching Netflix. There is no substitute for mobile phones and apps in our lives. This is the stage where giving up on technology is nearly impossible if we wish to survive in this world. 

For the same reason, mobile app development companies have flourished a great deal in these times. They have got enough projects and are continuing in the field. There are two categories of apps developed — native apps and hybrid apps. We are going to talk about native mobile app development services here. 

Get Started With TypeScript the Easy Way

There’s no denying that TypeScript has taken hold in the JavaScript community. And there’s no wonder when it offers features like improved Intellisense, static analysis (aka “type-checking”), and inline documentation.

These features are not unique to TypeScript. They’re part of any strongly-typed language, and they translate to improvements in productivity and code quality such as:

  • Write code faster with autocomplete code suggestions as you type.
  • Warns you if you have a typo or error in your code.
  • Easier to introduce new people into the codebase.
  • Better collaboration for team members across code they did not write.
  • Can prevent broken code from getting through automatic deployments. 
  • Makes maintaining old code is easier and safer to modify.
  • Can be used to automatically document your project.

That’s all well and good, but I’m not trying to sell you on using TypeScript. This article is intended for JavaScript developers that have heard of TypeScript and are interested in getting started with it or anyone that has already tried TypeScript and wants to give it another perspective.

Advanced Jenkins

Scaling Jenkins usage across a growing enterprise, without affecting the security or stability of its software development lifecycle (SDLC) is challenging, particularly for highly regulated industries. In this Refcard, we outline core practices for setting up efficient, secure Jenkins pipelines.

Donate to Big Orange Heart, Become a Self-Proclaimed Winner in the WP Builds WordPress Awards 2021

Flipping the usual popularity contests WordPress-related award systems on their heads, Nathan Wrigley has created something where we can all be a winner. What started as a joke to crown his WP Builds podcast as the best quickly took a positive turn that has seen several charitable donations in the past week or so.

The awards “contest” is simple. Anyone can donate the minimum amount of $10 to Big Orange Heart and show their receipt via the submission form. They can then create a new award category for the WP Builds awards page and claim themselves as the sole winner. There are 27 days remaining to enter.

Screenshot of the WP Builds WordPress 2021 joke awards and submission form.
Awards page and submission form.

While I certainly want to be charitable, I saw this as an opportunity to crown myself as the Best WordPress Halo Player in 2021. I have already won, so no one can dispute it.

In all seriousness, Big Orange Heart is a worthy cause in which to donate, regardless of whether you claim your award. The charity organization focuses on mental and physical health for remote workers. It offers coaching, mentoring, workshops, and other resources to over 14,500 members.

“So I really did not come up with this,” said Wrigley. “It was an accident. I saw a few posts about a variety of awards polls (both inside WordPress and outside too), and I thought that it would be funny to create an Awards poll of my own. It had only one question, which was ‘Best Podcast called WP Builds’ and there was only one option to choose from, which was, erm…WP Builds. I thought that this was enormously funny because somewhat humorless dad jokes are the level that I’m on.”

He then posted on Twitter and got 30 votes for the joke award poll in which his podcast could be the only winner.

“A day later, I got a tweet from Jamie Marsland of PootlePress who said (jokingly, I expect) that he’d give me £10 if I would add a new question of ‘Best WordPress Tennis Player’ and him as the only possible winner. Now, I know nothing about tennis (or WordPress, if the truth be known), and so I thought about this for a moment. I imagined all of the things that I would do with Jamie’s £10. The new Bond film at the cinema, some new tennis balls, a billionth of a Bitcoin…Then I remembered Big Orange Heart.”

Thus, a new fundraiser and faux awards contest had been born. Wrigley described Big Orange Heart as a charity that’s really close to his heart. He told Marsland to donate to the organization to earn his spot. A $25 contribution and a screenshot of a receipt later, and he had become the unofficial best WordPress tennis player.

Not to be outdone, Nigel M Rodgers later won the “Bestest Best WordPress Tennis Player” award. It is all in good fun.

“So this silliness had taken a new turn,” said Wrigley. ” A silly idea had generated $25 for Big Orange Heart. My heart was racing; this could be huge. I went to bed. In the morning, I woke up and sent out a new tweet.”

“I had set a new low for Awards,” he said. “I will allow you to donate/buy your way into winning whatever category you choose for yourself in exchange for a guarantee that you’ll win!”

The WP Builds WordPress Awards 2021 is, without a doubt, unique. Now that we are just ahead of the holidays, it is always a welcome time to donate.

Michelle Frechette “is actually triplets masquerading as one person” reads one award. Leanne Mitton is the “Best Gnome Collector in the WordPress community.” Isaac Coleman is “The Most Awesome 13 Year Old in the World” — there could be a proud parent involved in that one. And, there are many others to read through just for laughs.

Wrigley does not yet know if he will run it in 2022. He is waiting to see how this one turns out. With enough support from the WordPress community, it could be fun to keep up with every year.

For now, Big Orange Heart is the only accepted charitable organization. However, I asked if Wrigley would be open to others in our space in the future, assuming he keeps it up next year.

“I’m sure that there would be ways to allow the person making the donation to choose alternative charities,” he said. “This seems like a great idea! I’m open to suggestions about which charities we could include.”

Note: Nathan Wrigley runs the WP Jukebox podcast for WP Tavern.

Collective #688

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API Prototyping for Salesforce with Postman


Whether you’re a longtime Salesforce developer, new to the platform, or just need to integrate your system of choice to Salesforce, Postman brings you all the tools you need to make the process easier, faster, and more streamlined.

In this article, we’ll show how Postman can help you start building the core of your API-driven integration on both sides of the API—either as the provider or the consumer.

Using Appropriate Annotations in Spring Testing

1. Introduction

There's heavy use of annotations in Spring Framework. This makes confusion about what annotations should be used especially in tests. It sometimes ends up with adding redundant annotations or the tests not working as expected. On StackOverflow, you can easily find the developers who make mistakes with Spring annotations or someone who makes things work but does not fully understand why.

To make things clear, in this article, I would summarize the annotations we should use in each testing scenario using JUnit 5 and Spring Test Framework.

Migrating Oracle EBS to Cloud via Test Automation

Business leaders are looking to transform their business technology stack and optimize economic and business benefits by migrating to the cloud. The users of Oracle EBS, E-Business Suite installation, are no more an exception to this. However,  EBS customers have an option to migrate to Oracle Cloud without much re-configuration, re-integration, or business process change. 

The migration to Oracle cloud is not a walk in the park. If not performed properly, there might be chances that application crashes may occur leading to a series of glitches and business disruption. In this article, we’ll discuss what challenges enterprises might face during Oracle Cloud Migration. We will also discuss how test focussed migration strategy can address these challenges.

Reverse Debugging – What You Should Know

Reverse debugging is a debugging system that makes it possible to stop code execution and move backward (and forward) in the code’s history to discover the cause of failure in a program. Reverse debugging involves remote debugging, debugging on the same machine, or debugging on a simulator.

Not all debuggers are capable of reverse debugging it is a vital tool to have in your arsenal. It empowers developers to record program operations and then rewind and replay to check the program state for failures.