Buttons vs. Links

There are thousands of articles out there about buttons and links on the web; the differences and how to use them properly. Hey, I don’t mind. I wrote my own as well¹.

It’s such a common mistake on the web that it’s always worth repeating:

  • Is the intention to send someone to another URL? It’s a link in the form of <a href="">.
  • Is it to trigger some on-page interactivity? It’s a button in the form of <button>.
  • Any devition from from those and you better smurfing know what you are doing.

Eric Eggert wrote a pretty good piece recently with a nice line about why it matters:

If you had a keyboard and your “e” key would only work 90% of the time, it would be infuriating. Reliability and trust in user interfaces is important to allow users to navigate content and application with ease. If you use the right elements, you support users.

Manuel Matuzović has a Button Cheat Sheet that is a lol-inducing ride about why literally everything other than a <button> isn’t as good as a button. Manuel links up Marcy Sutton’s epic The Links vs. Buttons Showdown (video), pitting the two against each other in a mock battle — “We’ll pit two HTML elements against each other in a crusade of better and worse, right and possible wrong. One element is triggered with the space bar, the other with the enter key. Who will win?” I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at how far we have to go to spread this information.

  1. I think our article A Complete Guide to Links and Buttons is a pretty good example of beginner-oriented content, which is my favorite style of content to write and publish! But because there is so much beginner-oriented content on the web, the bar is pretty high if you want to make and impact and get enough SEO for anyone to even ever find it. So, in this case, the idea was to go big and write nearly as much as there is to write about the technical foundation of links and buttons. If you’ve got a knack for this kind of writing, reach out for sure.

The post Buttons vs. Links appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

NaNoWriMo? NaBloPoMo? A Month of Writing Challenges

It is November, and that only means one thing. It is National Novel Writing Month — NaNoWriMo for short.

Autumn is my favorite time of year. Football is in full swing. Warm mugs of coffee replace the cold brew. Eggnog cartons line supermarket fridges. There are weekend hayrides, face paintings, corn mazes, ring-toss games, and more as fall festivals and fairs are underway. Local farmers’ markets are selling off the last of the summer crop. Many of us can begin switching our thermostats over to heating mode — anything below 60° in my home state of Alabama is jeans and jacket weather. Walks around the neighborhood or park are ablaze with reds, browns, and oranges as the yearly cycles start to wind down. It is always a magical time that offers one last explosion of life before winter comes.

November is smack in the middle of it all. While it can be a busy month for many, it is always the ideal time for writing. The changing season creates moments worth capturing and stories to savor.

Between the hustle and bustle of autumn activities and upcoming holidays, the season also has those quiet moments that allow us to reflect on the world around us. There is a calmness in the cooling air for those who slow down and simply observe.

This is the season where I get the itch to write fiction. While I enjoy the work I do here at the Tavern, I am a novelist at heart. If I am fortunate, I will one day publish a novel. Until then, there is this worldwide movement known as NaNoWriMo. It is an event where 1,000s of people attempt to write a 50,000-word first draft.

There is also a massive community around the challenge. It is sort of like group therapy for those crazy enough to attempt it.

It is a wild ride that is only driven by grit and coffee. There are no guaranteed publishing deals or trophies at the end of the road. The reward is a printable certificate, self-pride, and a month of household chores you likely skipped out on. You may bask in the glory of an achievement few others have accomplished. Many crash and burn by the end of Week #1.

But, if you are a writer, the techniques and lessons you learn along the way are well worth it.

I have a B.A. in English and am a published tech book author. Nothing has taught me more practical writing skills than my participation and victory in NaNoWriMo 2018. School gave me the foundation, but NaNoWriMo taught me about word sprints and how to disable my inner editor.

I will once again participate in NaNoWriMo. I was unable to do so over the past couple of years because of preexisting obligations. But I have that itch again and need to see this thing through.

While NaNoWriMo is not directly related to WordPress (though many participants blog their journey via the platform), there is a spin-off of the event for bloggers:

National Blog Posting Month.

NaBloPoMo does not roll off the tongue quite as well, and it has never reached the global success of NaNoWriMo. There is not even an official website dedicated to the month-long blogging challenge. However, it was once popular enough that WordPress.com hyped it for several years. The last announcement seems to be from 2014.

In 2006, blogger Eden Kennedy began NaBloPoMo in response to the NaNoWriMo mania. Not everyone has the time or desire to write 50,000 words in a month, but many want to up their writing game. Instead of averaging 1,667 words per day, the challenge is merely to blog something — anything — every day throughout November.

Our frenemies over at Post Status have also been running a similar event called #ClickPublish throughout the year via Slack. Today is the start of a new month-long challenge in which WordPress professionals might participate. Side note: “Click Publish” is much better branding than NaBloPoMo.

If you are looking for an excuse to wipe the dust off your WordPress blog, what better reason than a 30-day publishing challenge?

Any of our readers up for it? Feel free to let us know in the comments, and share your articles if you jump on the bandwagon.

Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web? (“Transitional Apps”)

A big heaping 19-minute bowl of not-too-hot, not-too-cold baby bear porridge website building from Rich Harris.

I’ve certainly overheard more than my fair share of arguments about Single Page Apps (SPAs) vs Multi-Page Apps (MPAs). Although it’s only recently that I’ve heard people put an acronym to MPA, and it feels weird.

My guess is that most folks actually hold appropriately-nuanced opinions about what site-building architectures are appropriate for the sites they are building. But it’s fun to pit hardline-opinioned caricatures of developers against each other and extract the best points from each side.

The irony is that the way the industry is going, picking SPA or MPA isn’t an all-in choice. You can literally have aspects of both on one site. And while technologies, like SvelteKit and Astro, are helping it along directly (seems like Next 12 and server-rendered components are part of this shift too somehow), I’m sure there are lots of sites out there already doing it by virtue of being a hodgepodge of technology smushed together to make business happen over long spans of years. (I may or may not be talking about my own experience on CodePen.)

I quite like how some very newfangled stuff is awesome and worth picking up and taking advantage of, while some old stuff has really stood the test of time and is just as useful today as ever.

If you can’t get enough of the topic, Surma and Jake get into it as well.

The post Have Single-Page Apps Ruined the Web? (“Transitional Apps”) appeared first on CSS-Tricks. You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

Top 5 Git Tips and Tricks to Improve Your Workflow

Becoming a Git power user is on the bucket list of every developer. Here are five Git tips that will help you level up your workflow and bring you one step closer to Git mastery.

Tip #1: Modify the Previous Commit Without Changing the Commit Message

You’ve just committed your changes on your local copy with a detailed and thought-through message, but the moment you hit RETURN, you realize you forgot to add that one change that really belongs there. If only there was a way to update the previous commit instead of creating a new one…

Inserting Dynamic Data Into Jekyll Static Sites Using Python or Bash

Jekyll, the static site generator, uses the _config.yml for configuration. The configurations are all Jekyll-specific. But we can also define variables with our own content in these files and use them throughout our website. In this article, I’ll highlight some advantages of dynamically creating Jekyll config files.

On my local laptop, I use the following command to serve my Jekyll website for testing:

5 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a SIEM Platform in 2021 and Beyond

You've probably never heard any company tout the fact that theirs is a "legacy solution." Of course not. The term legacy carries a negative connotation — it's the opposite of "new and improved" in the language of marketers. But, in reality, some solutions indeed are legacy, and others represent the next generation of technology.

Both next-gen and legacy are overused terms that have no consistently precise meaning. Marketing folks can use them however they choose. So how do you determine which SIEM platforms are deserving of either the legacy or next-gen moniker?

Are You Ready for a Leadership Position?

I have worked with some excellent managers, people who were not only good at what they did, but also had great leadership potential. Sadly though, these managers didn’t invest in their own growth. They were so busy attending to the daily demands of the management job — putting out fires, resolving production issues, solving for customer escalation, moving from one delivery timeline to another — that they failed to build the skills required to become a great leader someday.

Like many managers in their position, they kind of assumed that by doing their job fairly well and staying in it for too long, they will automatically earn the leadership title. And I don’t blame them for this kind of thinking. For years, we have seen leaders rise through the ranks of the corporate ladder who had no business to be in those positions. When you see examples of bad leadership all around you, it’s kind of easy to assume you can be a leader too — after all, you consider yourself better than them. If they can be in those positions, you can be too. If they can jump through a fire hoop, you can jump too.

Cloud Metrics: A Tool to Measure Success of Cloud Adoption


As organizations are becoming bigger and more complex, it is becoming difficult to meet the business expectations and alignment of business and IT. Measuring the performance and progress of organizations, cloud adoption gives the cloud team an opportunity to identify areas where they need to focus more in order to ensure that the cloud center of excellence (CCoE) is functioning properly and delivering the business value.

Today, businesses are adopting the cloud as part of the transformation journey to improve business agility and customer relationships while delivering operational efficiencies. However, most organizations have no mechanism to measure the effectiveness of cloud adoption. Also, there exists very little guidance on the measurement of cloud adoption effectiveness within the organization. Most organizations focus on the definition, completeness of the cloud adoption, and maturity of the cloud development processes rather than the effectiveness of cloud adoption measurement.   

AWS CloudWatch + yCrash = Monitoring + RCA

AWS Cloud Watch + yCrash = Monitoring + RCAWe had an outage in our online application GCeasy on Monday morning (PST) Oct 11, 2021. When customers uploaded their Garbage Collection logs for analysis, the application was returning an HTTP 504 error. HTTP 504 status code indicates that transactions are timing out. In this post, we would like to document our journey to identify the root cause of the problem.

Application Stack

 Here are the primary components of the technology stack of the application:

How Vertical Industries are Driving API Adoption

Market, technology, and legislative trends create needs for digital transformation, but the true value comes not from the implementation of any single technology – not from SaaS, Mobile, IoT, or Big Data in and of themselves – but rather from bringing multiple technologies together. And so, with an eye towards orchestrating those and other technologies into composite solutions, it is those companies that harness APIs as a core competency that are able to drive digital transformations successfully to ultimately win.

Build Live Video Mobile Apps With Flutter

Many cameras can stream video using Motion JPEG. This is a stream of JPEG images that can be displayed in sequence to form a video. Many IP cameras use a GET HTTP request to an IP address. The camera I am using in this example is a RICOH THETA 360° camera that requires a POST command. More information on how this particular camera handles MotionJPEG is available in the community. Regardless of whether you use an HTTP GET or a POST request to start the motionJPEG stream, the processing is the same.

Motion JPEG Resolution and Framerate

Motion JPEG sends a stream of JPEG images at a specified resolution and framerate. Changing the resolution and framerate affects both the data transmission requirements and the latency.

What Is FlutterFlow? Build Flutter and Firebase Apps Visually

It is a tool that allows you to build mobile apps without writing any code.

FlutterFlow offers a simple drag-and-drop interface that makes building all sorts of apps for iOS and Android easy. Besides, users need to be able to create their content, and for that, it also exports the generated flutter code. You can even switch from FlutterFlow to a GitHub repository!

What Is the Difference Between Git and GitHub?

Do you think GitHub is your source control? Can you install Git and GitHub on your machine? 

If you are looking for answers to these questions, you are in the right place. In this article, you will learn the core concepts about Git and GitHub, how they are different, and their similarities. 

The UX Files: Accessibility

Our topic focuses on a very important principle that helps break critical usability barriers, making software more sensible and inclusive. Yet often it gets overlooked. Sit back as we open the file and unravel the mysteries on: Accessibility.

#include <all_users>

An accessible user interface provides usability for people who interact with software differently, be it by preference or impairment. There are users that prefer to use keyboard-based navigation because they find it optimal. On the other hand, there are users that, due to certain conditions, find it hard to properly control a pointing device.

Turing Machine: Prototype of Programming Language by Alan Turing, the Father of IT Era

Programming Language Roots

Nowadays programming languages are recognized as something ordinary, which does not come as a surprise. But in general, this technology is relatively young and appeared about 50 years ago. The first abstract idea of a programming language was introduced in mathematics. There are many related notions, such as a state machine, computer algorithm, and combinational logic, that have been introduced in mathematics and after defining the notion of the Turing machine.

Founder of IT Era: Alan Turing

Alan Turing, the Father of computer science, invented the Turing machine in 1936. Alan Turing is a legendary person who anticipated the IT era and became its founder. He is also known as a person who cracked the Enigma code and brought significant value to the second World War victory. His prediction that programming languages will be a part of normal life before the year 2000 was unthinkable during the years of his life.