New Embed Modal

Featured Imgs 23

If you’ve used Embedded Pens before, you might notice the UI for helping you get the code from them has been updated:

All the same functionality there, it’s just everything works better. I’m a particular fan of how clear the choice is now on which tabs to display by default (that was a bit wonky before, sorry!). Plus, as you resize the height now, you’ll get a height readout in case you’re aiming for a very particular value. We’ll also remember all of your settings, so for example, if you always tend to select the same theme, that’ll be pre-selected when you open it back up.

Always feels good for us to bring areas of the site like this in-line with our latest-and-greatest design patterns, not only ensuring it looks and works good now, but will continue to take advantage of our pattern work.

The post New Embed Modal appeared first on CodePen Blog.

how can this code be written


hey guys
i have this question that i am finding difficulity in help will be appriciated
Modify the Wombat 1 computer to Wombat 2 by adding Stack. Stack is a memory which
has only one opening where the values are pushed into or popped from stack. The values
pushed into the stack will settle down on top of other value. The last value pushed into the
stack will be the first one to come out and similarly the first value pushed into the stack will
be the last one to come out of the stack. The stack has two operations: which are Push
and Pop. Add a stack, a new stack pointer register, push and pop machine instructions to
make Wombat 2 computer. Please note that the push operation will push a value from the
main memory to the stack while the pop operation will pop a value from the stack to the
main memory.
Also, add call and return machine instructions. call instruction will allow the
subprogram to be called (which means start executing the code for the subprogram)
whereas return instruction will allow the subprogram to end and return to main program
(start executing the main program from where function call was made).
Write a complete Wombat 2 assembly language program. The main program should take a
positive number as input and call first subprogram to calculate the radix 4 representation
for that number and the second program will display the result. The radix 4 calculation
should use stack.