the code please


Mr.Sadik and Ramadan are competing together, both of them wants to become expert on Codeforces first.

You will be given two numbers R1 and R2, where R1 is the current rate of Mr.Sadik and R2 is the current rate of Ramadan.

Can you determine who will become expert first after adding X1 to Mr.Sadik rate and adding X2 to Ramadan rate.

Note that the rate must reach 1600 to become an expert.

You will be given two lines. The first line will be current rates R1 and R2 where (0R1,R2106).

The second line will be additonal rates X1 and X2 where (0X1,X2106).

Print Mr.Sadik if he became expert first otherwise print Ramadan.

If they both became expert print the one who has higher rate.

If none of them became expert print None.

I would like to know if someone can help me with this !


I would like a help from someone who knows how to ...

I want a PHP Search that does sarch for a specific keyword or something inside a directory with full of .txt files and gives the output of all Searched files with matched words with a Link where you can vist ! if someone has the time and willing to help me thank you very much in regards :)