CSS Border Font

Every letter in this “font” by Davor Suljic is a single div and drawn only with border. That means employing some trickery like border-radius with exotic syntax like border-radius: 100% 100% 0 0 / 37.5% 37.5% 0 0; which rounds just the top of an element with a certain chillness that works here. Plus, using pseudo-elements. I love all the wacky variations with colors, shadows, and border styles, leaning into the limits of CSS.

Drawing things with CSS has long fascinated people. Icons are a popular choice (famously, Nicolas Gallagher’s Pure CSS GUI icons from 2010), since we can draw so many shapes with CSS without even needing to lean on the all-powerful clip-path.

But as Lynn Fisher has taught us, a single div is barely a limitation at all.

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Next.js on Netlify

(This is a sponsored post.)

If you want to put Next.js on Netlify, here’s a 5 minute tutorial¹. One of the many strengths of Next.js is that it can do server-side rendering (SSR) with a Node server behind it. But Netlify does static hosting not Node hosting, right? Well Netlify has functions, and those functions can handle the SSR. But you don’t even really need to know that, you can just use the plugin.

Need a little bit more hand-holding than that? You got it, Cassidy is doing a free Webinar about all the next Thursday (March 4th, 2021) at 9am Pacific. That way you can watch live and ask questions and stuff. Netlify has a bunch of webinars they have now smartly archived on a new resources site.

  1. I’ve also mentioned this before if it sounds familiar, the fact that it supports the best of the entire rendering spectrum is very good.

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The post Next.js on Netlify appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

You can support CSS-Tricks by being an MVP Supporter.

Play music from a remote URL in android studio

Hi guys,

Am building an application in android studio that should play music from my web site.

Below is the code to add music to the media player. But when I run the app. There is music list created. Kindly help me to load music in the music player.

Thanks in advance.

public void getMusic() {
        Uri  songUri;

        Cursor songCursor = contentResolver.query(songUri, null, null, null, null);
        if (songCursor != null && songCursor.moveToFirst()) {
            int songTitle = songCursor.getColumnIndex(String.valueOf(songUri));
            int songArtist = songCursor.getColumnIndex(String.valueOf(songUri));
            int songPath = songCursor.getColumnIndex(String.valueOf(songUri));

            do {
                songsList.add(new SongsList(songCursor.getString(songTitle), songCursor.getString(songArtist), songCursor.getString(songPath)));
            } while (songCursor.moveToNext());

Developing Loosely Coupled Micro Frontends via RxJS

My last article Developing Micro Frontends with Single-Spa explained how to break down monolithic web applications in micro frontends using single-spa. In order to ensure loosely coupling between the micro frontends, I’ve used RxJS in my sample application.

This article is part of a series of articles that documents how to modernize a sample Java EE application from 2010 with modern technologies. The sample application is a simple e-commerce application. The original application and the source code of all subsequent modernization steps is available as open source on GitHub.

Developing Micro Frontends With Single-Spa

In the process of building new or modernizing older applications, backend functionality is often broken down into multiple microservices. Without modular frontends though, applications often don’t gain the benefits of modern cloud-native architectures like continuous deliveries and the abilities to update components separately from each other.

In my previous article Using Micro Frontends in Microservices based Architectures, I explained how to modularize a sample e-commerce web application. This allows, for example, to add rating functionality to the catalog user experience without impacting other parts of the user interface.

Build a Secure GraphQL API With MicroProfile

MicroProfile is an open-source community project with the goal to encourage the development of Java microservice solutions. It was created in 2016 in response to the changing needs of modern web development. In particular, it seeks to foster the development of smaller, less monolithic services (microservices) that can run on faster release cycles than the typical, old-school Enterprise Java application. Shortly after its creation, it joined the Eclipse foundation.

MicroProfile, in essence, is a set of specifications and standards agreed upon by a community of developers that allows for “write once, run anywhere” in the Java microservice ecosystem. There are currently around nine compliant runtimes for MicroProfile, including Apache TomEE, Quarkus, and Open Liberty. A program written for one can be seamlessly run on another. The community also serves as an incubator for new ideas within Enterprise Java and microservice architectures.

The Death of Freedom by Software

The opinions expressed in this article are solely mine, Justin Albano, and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of DZone, the editorial staff at DZone, or Catalogic Software, Inc. All research, citations, and supporting arguments have been footnoted. Any discrepancies or errors are mine alone.

There have always been concerns and debates about free speech and when and where it is appropriate to censor speech, but the pace at which we have moved towards suppression of speech in the last two months is startling. Just as observers, it is frightening the direction public opinion about speech has turned and where this path will lead us.1 As software engineers and developers, we are not afforded the luxury of being simple observers; unlike speech suppression of the past, we are the ones on the frontlines. It is no longer some obscure aberration that censors speech from on high, but it is us creating these systems that are cracking down on offensive speech. We are no longer passive on-lookers, but rather, active participants.

I try to convert a python script to ph

i have start to convert by hand a python script to php its an example how to mine in python but i want implement a kind of same in my php project
That its what i did until now

$MAX_NONCE = 100000000000;

$prefix_zeros = need convertion;
//execute sql statement and return a single field value
$params        = array('active');
$value         = $db->rawQueryValue("SELECT id FROM mdlabsnetwork WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1", $params);

$block_number = $value;

//execute sql statement and return a single field value
$params        = array('active');
$value         = $db->rawQueryValue("SELECT hash FROM mdlabsnetwork WHERE hash = ? LIMIT 1", $params);

$previous_hash= $value;

$transactions=password_hash("New Job From Network->mdlabsnetwork->1", PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

$newhashtext = password_hash($previous_hash . ' ' .'".USER_NAME."'.' ' .'".datetime_now()."', PASSWORD_DEFAULT);

function getnewhash($newhashtext){
    return $newhashtext;

function mine($block_number, $transactions, $previous_hash, $prefix_zeros){
    $prefix_str = '0' * $prefix_zeros;


And this is the main python script in question

from hashlib import sha256
MAX_NONCE = 100000000000

def SHA256(text):
    return sha256(text.encode("ascii")).hexdigest()

def mine(block_number, transactions, previous_hash, prefix_zeros):
    prefix_str = '0'*prefix_zeros
    for nonce in range(MAX_NONCE):
        text = str(block_number) + transactions + previous_hash + str(nonce)
        new_hash = SHA256(text)
        if new_hash.startswith(prefix_str):
            print(f"Yay! Successfully mined bitcoins with nonce value:{nonce}")
            return new_hash

    raise BaseException(f"Couldn't find correct has after trying {MAX_NONCE} times")

if __name__=='__main__':
    difficulty=4 # try changing this to higher number and you will see it will take more time for mining as difficulty increases
    import time
    start = time.time()
    print("start mining")
    new_hash = mine(5,transactions,'0000000xa036944e29568d0cff17edbe038f81208fecf9a66be9a2b8321c6ec7', difficulty)
    total_time = str((time.time() - start))
    print(f"end mining. Mining took: {total_time} seconds")

Can some one help me finish the convertion , Tank you in advance.

Fresh Inspiration For March And A Smashing Winner (2021 Wallpapers Edition)

More than ten years ago, we embarked on our monthly wallpapers adventure to provide you with new and inspiring wallpaper calendars each month anew. This month, the challenge came with a little twist: As we announced in the February wallpapers post, we’ll give away a smashing prize to the best March design today.

Artists and designers from across the globe tickled their creativity and designed unique and inspiring wallpapers for this occasion. As usual, you’ll find all artworks compiled below — together with some timeless March favorites from our archives that are just too good to be forgotten. But first, let’s take a look at the winning design, shall we? Drumrolls, please...

Submit your wallpaper

Did you know that you could get featured in one of our upcoming wallpapers posts, too? We are always looking for creative talent, so if you have an idea for a wallpaper for April, please don’t hesitate to submit it. We’d love to see what you’ll come up with. Join in! →

And The Winner Is…


With Botanica, Vlad Gerasimov from Russia designed a wallpaper that beautifully plays with color, shapes, and texture to give botanical illustrations a modern twist:

“It’s been almost a year since I published a wallpaper. 2020 has been tough! Anyway, this is something I made just to get back in shape. And, I’ve been trying a new drawing app, Pixelmator Pro — excellent so far. Hope you like the picture!”

Congratulations, dear Vlad, and thank you for sharing your artwork with us! You won a ticket for one of Vitaly’s upcoming online workshops (Designing The Perfect Navigation, New Adventures In Front-End, or Smart Interface Design Patterns) — we’ll get in touch with you shortly to sort out the details.

More Submissions

A huge thank-you also goes out to everyone who took on this little creativity challenge and submitted their wallpaper designs this month. We sincerely appreciate it!️ So without further ado, here they are. Enjoy!

March For Equality

“This March, we shine the spotlight on International Women’s Day, reflecting on the achieved and highlighting the necessity for a more equal and understanding world. These turbulent times that we are in require us to stand together unitedly and IWD aims to do that.” — Designed by PopArt Studio from Serbia.

St. Patrick’s Day

“On the 17th March, raise a glass and toast St. Patrick on St. Patrick’s Day, the Patron Saint of Ireland.” — Designed by Ever Increasing Circles from the United Kingdom.

Spring In Moscow

“If you think of Moscow, you think of winter, snow… but why not spring?” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela Jimenez from Spain.

Smells Like Spring Spirit

“We’re looking forward to springtime and cultivating a better future!” — Designed by Milica Aleksic from the United States.

Colorful March

“I used bold colors because it makes people smile and I integrated a handmade touch to humanize my wallpaper.” — Designed by Guylaine Couture from Canada.

Earth Hour Day

“I think this is an important date, and this year there’s going to be more activity on social media during this hour. Climate change affects us more and more, so every important day that reminds us that we only have one planet and that we should do everything to help it is important.” — Designed by Pedro Gonçalves from Portugal.


“BatPig isn’t as fast as Batman. That’s why there are so many messages on the Bat-Signal.” — Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Stay Home

“The character is the Dungeon Master from the old TV series ‘Dungeons & Dragons’. The show focused on a group of six friends who were transported into the titular realm and followed their adventures as they tried to find a way home with the help of their guide, the Dungeon Master. He is happy because these days everybody says ‘Stay at home’.” — Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Learn To Fight Alone

“I believe it’s very important that your family/friends lift you up in moments of success and in moments of doubts. The bond you create with them is very special. However you can’t rely on them to help reach your goals. You have to fight alone and this is how you become stronger every day.” — Designed by Hitesh Puri from India, Delhi.

Tacos To The Moon And Back

Designed by Ricardo Gimenes from Sweden.

Spring Awakens A New Hope

“With March comes spring, nature awakens, and along with it comes new hope that soon we will leave this difficult period behind and replace masks with smiles.” — Designed by LibraFire from Serbia.

Sail The Night Sky

Designed by Hannah Joy Patterson from South Carolina, USA.

Oldies But Goodies

Birds singing, flowers blooming, the great unknown, and, well, pizza — a lot of different things have inspired the community to design a March wallpaper in all those years that we’ve been running our monthly series. Below you’ll find some almost-forgotten favorites from the past. (Please note that these wallpapers don’t come with a calendar.)

Bunny O’Hare

“When I think of March, I immediately think of St. Patrick’s Day and my Irish heritage… and then my head fills with pub music! I had fun putting a twist on this month’s calendar starring my pet rabbit. Erin go Braugh.” — Designed by Heather Ozee from the United States.

Wake Up!

“Early spring in March is for me the time when the snow melts, everything isn’t very colorful. This is what I wanted to show. Everything comes to life slowly, as this bear. Flowers are banal, so instead of a purple crocus we have a purple bird-harbinger.” — Designed by Marek Kedzierski from Poland.


“A day, even a whole month, isn’t enough to show how much a woman should be appreciated. Dear ladies, any day or month are yours if you decide so.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa from Belgrade, Serbia.

Queen Bee

“Spring is coming! Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, bees are flying… Enjoy this month!” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans from Belgium.


“Doodles are slowly becoming my trademark, so I just had to use them to express this phrase I’m fond of recently. A bit enigmatic, philosophical. Inspiring, isn’t it?” — Designed by Marta Paderewska from Poland.

The Unknown

“I made a connection, between the dark side and the unknown lighted and catchy area.” — Designed by Valentin Keleti from Romania.

Spring Bird

Designed by Nathalie Ouederni from France.

Spring Is Inevitable!

“Spring is round the corner. And very soon plants will grow on some other planets too. Let’s be happy about a new cycle of life.” — Designed by Igor Izhik from Canada.

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

“March the 2nd marks the birthday of the most creative and extraordinary author ever, Dr. Seuss! I have included an inspirational quote about learning to encourage everyone to continue learning new things every day.” — Designed by Safia Begum from the United Kingdom.</p


“I am the kind of person who prefers the cold but I do love spring since it’s the magical time when flowers and trees come back to life and fill the landscape with beautiful colors.” — Designed by Maria Keller from Mexico.

Marching Forward!

“If all you want is a little orange dinosaur MARCHing (okay, I think you get the pun) across your monitor, this wallpaper was made just for you! This little guy is my design buddy at the office and sits by (and sometimes on top of) my monitor. This is what happens when you have designer’s block and a DSLR.” — Designed by Paul Bupe Jr from Statesboro, GA.

Let’s Spring!

“After some freezing months, it’s time to enjoy the sun and flowers. It’s party time, colours are coming, so let’s spring!” — Designed by Colorsfera from Spain.

Pizza Time!

“Who needs an excuse to look at pizza all month?” — Designed by James Mitchell from the United Kingdom.


Designed by Evacomics from Singapore.

Keep Running Up That Hill

“Keep working towards those New Year’s resolutions! Be it getting a promotion, learning a skill or getting fit, whatever it is — keep running!” Designed by Andy Patrick from Canada.

Never Leave Home Without Your Umbrella

“I thought it would be cute to feature holographic umbrellas in a rain-like pattern. I love patterned wallpapers, but I wanted to do something a little fun and fresh with a pattern that reminded me of rain and light bouncing off an umbrella!” — Designed by Bailey Zaputil from the United States.


“In some parts of the world there is the beauty of nature. This is one of the best beaches in the world: Ponta Negra in the North East of Brazil.” — Designed by Elisa de Castro Guerra from France.


“A daydream is a visionary fantasy, especially one of happy, pleasant thoughts, hopes or ambitions, imagined as coming to pass, and experienced while awake.” Designed by Bruna Suligoj from Croatia.

Achieving Micro-frontend Architecture Using Angular Elements

There are several open-source and third-party libraries that have become de-facto standards to reduce development effort and keep complexity out. But as applications tend to become complicated over time, demanding on-the-fly scalability and high responsiveness, a micro-frontend architecture using Angular elements serves as the need of the hour in fulfilling these criteria. In this blog post, we discuss the importance of building a micro frontend using Angular elements and hosting it on Microsoft Azure, along with a technical demonstration of how we can create a micro-frontend using Angular.

What Is Micro-frontend Architecture?

Micro-frontend is a design approach in which app developers split the coding task into multiple frontend apps to ease the app development process. This helps many teams to work simultaneously on a large and complex app using a single frontend code. A micro-frontend architecture offers a more manageable, independent, and maintainable code. Using micro-frontend architecture, development teams can easily integrate, innovate, and iterate apps. Importantly, it encourages making changes to apps like write, rewrites, updates, and improvements in an incremental manner. In a nutshell, it allows enterprises to develop and deploy enterprise-level apps with greater accuracy.

SKP’s Product Dev Master Class #02: Creativity and Innovation

[Sumith Puri has 16y 04m of Experience and is at a Principal Software Level in the Software Industry. An Ex-Yahoo, Symantec, Huawei, Oracle*, OpenText*, Finastra* (*Original Product Firms Acquired by these Companies). His Deep Rooted Expertise in Product Development, Technology, Java/Java EE Architecture and Development, Programming, Software Engineering is Shared via this Series of Articles. Please Note that the Images, Videos, Artwork, and Quotes are the Sole Property  of the Copyright Owner and Used Here for Non-Commercial Demonstration Purposes]


There are various approaches to define Innovation. Innovation can have various or different meanings to various or different people. Since there are so many definitions for Innovation — As a student, I present the top 10 along with the sources or individuals who defined them. You may find individuals and sources from all walks of life providing their own perspective or a definition of Innovation itself. The remaining for you to find from the Internet as a TODO through your own efforts.

1. Innovation is “The creation of new products and/or services.” [Investor Words]
2. Innovation “Lowers the costs and/or increases the benefits of a task.” [Yost]
3. Innovation is “A patentable solution (external verified uniqueness) with a differentiated business model that changes the basis of business for that specific industry sector.” [Ray Meads]
4. Innovation is “To dare to challenge mainstream thinking and behavior pattern.” [Lars Christensen]
5. Innovation is “The practical translation of ideas into new or improved products, services, processes, systems or social interactions.” [The University of Melbourne]
6. Innovation Tournaments: “A new match between a need and a solution.” [Christian Terwiesch and Karl T. Ulrich]
7. Innovation is then “Simply new technology, i.e. the systematic application of (new) knowledge to (new) resources to produce (new) goods or (new) services.” [Maciej Soltynski]
8. Innovation is “The successful exploitation of new ideas.” [Ber]
9. Innovation is “The creation of something that improves the way we live our lives.” [Barack Obama]

That one definition that is accepted by most: Innovation is a) something fresh (new, original, or improved) b) that creates value

It is important we also quote from Wikipedia: 

Innovation is defined simply as a "new idea, device, or method."

However, innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or existing market needs. This is accomplished through more-effective products, processes, services, technologies, or business models that are readily available to markets, governments, and society. The term "Innovation" can be defined as something original and more effective and, as a consequence, new, that "breaks into" the market or society. It is related to, but not the same as, invention.


Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value, more often than not comes about through the interaction of different disciplinary ways of seeing things.” [Sir Ken Robinson]

Wikipedia provides the following definition:

Creativity is a Phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory, a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a literary work, or a painting).

Creativity and Innovation

It is very important that one is able to appreciate the difference between Creativity and Innovation before getting ahead with further topics. 

Value + Creativity + Execution = Innovation

Something new is not enough for the definition of innovation. There are plenty of cases where something new has no new value ( a new color of a product or a new chemical produced that does nothing). Sometimes, the value creation results because the item is simply useful to us. We can create a lot of fresh or new things that are of no use and no value. It must create value to be innovative. Also note that the “something” could be a process, product, or service and can start as small as your ideas and thoughts in your brain. In that case, it might just be innovative thinking.

This piece from Business Inside Australia is apt in putting the right thought process across in an Organizational or Corporate Context, including Software Product Companies.

[The main difference between creativity and innovation is the focus. Creativity is about unleashing the potential of the mind to conceive new ideas. Those concepts could manifest themselves in any number of ways, but most often, they become something we can see, hear, smell, touch, or taste. However, creative ideas can also be thought experiments within one person’s mind. Creativity is subjective, making it hard to measure, as our creative friends assert. Innovation, on the other hand, is completely measurable. Innovation is about introducing change into relatively stable systems. It’s also concerned with the work required to make an idea viable. By identifying an unrecognized and unmet need, an organisation can use innovation to apply its creative resources to design an appropriate solution and reap a return on its investment. Organisations often chase Creativity, but what they really need to pursue is Innovation. Theodore Levitt puts it best: “What is often lacking is not creativity in the idea-creating sense but innovation in the action-producing sense, i.e. putting ideas to work.”]

SKP’s Product Dev Master Class #01: Innovative Thinking

[Sumith Puri has 16y 04m of Experience and is at a Principal Software Level in the Software Industry. An Ex-Yahoo, Symantec, Huawei, Oracle*, OpenText*, Finastra* (*Original Product Firms Acquired by these Companies). His Deep Rooted Expertise in Product Development, Technology, Java/Java EE Architecture and Development, Programming, Software Engineering is Shared via this Series of Articles. Please Note that the Images, Videos, Artwork, and Quotes are the Sole Property  of the Copyright Owner and Used Here for Non-Commercial Demonstration Purposes]


SKP’s Java/Java EE Gotchas: Clash of the Titans, C++ vs. Java!

As a Software Engineer, the mind is trained to seek optimizations in every aspect of development and ooze out every bit of available CPU Resource to deliver a performing application. This begins not only in designing the algorithm or coming out with efficient and robust architecture but right onto the choice of programming language. Most of us, as we spend years in our jobs — tend to be proficient in at least one of these.  
Recently, I spent some time checking on the Performance (not a very detailed study) of the various programming languages. One, by researching on the Internet; Two, by developing small programs and benchmarking. The legacy languages — be it ASM or C still rule in terms of performance. But these are definitely ruled out for enterprise applications due to the complexity in development, maintainability, need for object orientation, and interoperability. They still will win for mission-critical or real-time systems, which need performance over these parameters. There were languages I briefly read about, including other performance comparisons on the internet. These include Python, PHP, Perl, and Ruby. Considering all aspects and needs of current enterprise development, it is C++ and Java which outscore the other in terms of speed. According to other comparisons [Google for 'Performance of Programming Languages'] spread over the net, they clearly outshine others in all speed benchmarks. So much for my blog title :-) So when these titans are pit against each other in real-time, considering all aspects of memory and execution time — Java is floored. Though I have spent the last ~17 years (In 2021) of my life coding and perfecting my Java and J2EE skill — I suddenly feel... Ahem, Slow! One of the problem statements to verify this is given below (along with the associated code) and the associated execution parameters. 

[Disclaimer: Problem Statement given below is the property of www.codechef.com

In Byteland they have a very strange monetary system. Each Bytelandian gold coin has an integer number written on it. A coin n can be exchanged in a bank into three coins: n/2, n/3, and n/4. But these numbers are all rounded down (the banks have to make a profit). You can also sell Bytelandian coins for American dollars. The exchange rate is 1:1. But you can not buy Bytelandian coins. You have one gold coin. What is the maximum amount of American dollars you can get for it? Input The input will contain several test cases (not more than 10). Each test case is a single line with a number n, 0 <= n <= 1 000 000 000. It is the number written on your coin. 
JAVA SOLUTION (Will Be Uploaded Later)
C++ SOLUTION (Will Be Uploaded Later)


SKP’s Agile and Scrum Basics: Part 02/02

I have about ~16y 04m of Software Development Experience (2021) and have been working on Agile Projects since about 2006. My First Formal Introduction to Agile was through a Training by Thoughtworkers (Thoughtworks is a Leading Agile Company). This was while I was a Senior Software Engineer at Huawei, Bangalore, India. I have worked on Agile/TDD/Pair Programming (Various Variants) in multiple companies including Huawei, Symantec, Yahoo, Finastra*, Oracle*, OpenText*. Recently and Once Again, I attended a Formal Classroom Training (Company Internal) on Agile. I jotted down the most important points and now am presenting them in this Blog. I hope it helps and becomes a Ready Reckoner for Understanding/Learning the Agile Basics (Needs, Motivations, Practice, and Story of Evolution).

* [Original Product Firms were Acquired by these Current Companies]

Scrum Basics

The term Scrum was first mentioned in the 1986 Harvard Business Review Article by  Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka. They compared High Performing Cross-Functional Teams to Scrum Formation in Rugby. Scrum is a way to Implement Agile and teams working are called Scrum Teams. The Five Values that should Drive Scrum Teams are Below:

Focus: Because we Focus on only a Few Things at a time, we work Well Together and produce Excellent Work. We deliver Valuable Items sooner. 
Courage: Because we work as a Team, we feel supported and have more resources at our Disposal. This gives us the courage to Undertake Greater Challenges.
Openness: As we Work Together, We Express How We're Doing, What's in Our Way? and Our Concerns, so they can be addressed.
Commitment: Because we have Great Control over our Own Destiny, we are more Committed to Success.
Respect: As we Work Together, Sharing Successes and Failures, We come to Respect each other and to help each other become Worthy of Respect. 

 Three Pillars of Scrum that are Fundamental to Scrum Include the Following:

Transparency: Advocates that the Significant Parts of the Process to be Visible to All.
Inspection: Scrum Artefacts Constantly Inspected as also Progress towards Milestones.
Adaptation: Deviation of any Process Aspects Outside Acceptable Limits must be Adjusted.

Scrum Roles

The real world Implementation of Agile through Scrum has Three Important Roles. 

Development Team/Member
Takes on Tasks and Delivers Chunks of Work, In Frequent Increments

Scrum Master
Protects the Scrum Process and Prevents any Distractions.

Product Owner
Determines what Needs to be Done and Sets Priorities to Deliver the Highest Value

Companies Adopting Agile

I myself have worked for Top Software Companies of the World including Yahoo (Altaba), Symantec, Huawei, Siebel (Oracle), GXS (OpenText), and Misys (Finastra). Also, I have worked for some well known IT Services/Consulting Companies like Infosys, Headstrong (Genpact) and also relatively smaller Product Brands like Persistent and Aptean. Since I started my career in 2003, I saw the move towards Agile Adoption (Variants, Loose Variants) in Various Companies throughout my Experience — It was really exciting for me as a Software Developer since the greatest crib that I ever had was Excessive Software Documentation and the Lack of Energy and ExcitementThe idea of Regular Delivery of Working Software (Demos) was inherent and natural to me as a Software Developer. It is the one that brings the Greatest Joy (Apart from Everything, as Discussed in Earlier Sections) in Software Development. I am enlisting few of the Other Companies that have Adopted Agile (or are Agile Proponents), across Business Lines.

  • Google 
  • Microsoft
  • ThoughtWorks
  • CA Technologies
  • Barclays
  • Ericsson

From my Own Experience, I can comfortably say that almost all companies in the world now use Agile/Scrum (and/or Variants) as one the Software Development Methodology of Choice. Also, Most Software Development Companies (Read Product Software) were always almost Agile, but now may be using the Formal Agile Principles as their Driving Factor to achieve Greater Efficiency. Many Companies use Variants of Agile or Mix of Agile with Other Processes for their Teams. Agile is also not restricted to Software Development — There are Industries and Functions that now use Formal Agile Methods for their Deliverables and Daily Tasks.

Popular Tools for Agile/Scrum

You will come across these Tools and Technologies that are used to Implement or Drive Agile/Scrum Methods and Practices in Organizations Worldwide. There may be many more Tools, Frameworks, Technologies — But I am only enumerating either the ones that I have come across or the Ones that are Popular. They may not be directly Agile Tools, but ones that either Accelerate Agile, Used for Agile Project Management, Agile Planning, Agile Task Management and Continuous Integration/Delivery.