#303: Using JavaScript Packages / ES Modules on CodePen

Stephen and I dig into just about every way that ES Modules are relevant on CodePen. They are extremely wonderful. The fact that browsers support native import/export for JavaScript, and the existence of amazing projects like Skypack which bring the npm ecosystem to ES Modules, opens up all sorts of doors on CodePen. We look at how to use ES Modules in the Pen Editor, Project Editor, and Vue Editor.

Sponsor: Jetpack

Jetpack is a plugin for WordPress, and we use it right here on this very site. It powers our realtime backups, helps secure the site, allows us to use Markdown, speeds up the site with a CDN, and provides a powerful site search experience.

The post #303: Using JavaScript Packages / ES Modules on CodePen appeared first on CodePen Blog.

problem with zuEuz server

Hello ..

i have created an asp net web app (.Net FrameWork ) website local "which has connection with my local sql database " on my device and i want some other client to work on it remotly ... i have tried to get IIS but faced different some problems in it ...

so i have used zuEuz server instead ... but still facing same problem in accessing it remotly however i have managed to get it work on my pc and my devices connected to same network ...

i have done the followig ::

assigning firewall port for it ..
changed my router port to allow it ...

but when someone tries to access it remotly it gets thet page that it took long time to reposne how to solve that ...


Front of the Front / Back of the Front

People really latched onto Brad’s framing. And for good reason. Front-end development has gotten so wide scoping that there are specialists inside of it. Two years ago, I cut it down the middle and now Brad is putting a point on that here, saying he has actual clients who have shifted their hiring strategy away from full-stack and toward these exact distinctions. Nice.

Brad shoots for a simple distinction:

A succinct way I’ve framed the split is that a front-of-the-front-end developer determines the look and feel of a button, while a back-of-the-front-end developer determines what happens when that button is clicked.

Part of me loves the clarity there. And part of me is like But! But! Wait! I’m a front-of-the-front kinda guy, but I totally deal with what happens on click. I’m a state updating machine over here. I’ll fire off that GraphQL mutation myself, thankyouverymuch. I friggin own that onClick.

And yet, I still don’t feel back-of-the-front at all. I can’t set up that GraphQL API or troubleshoot it. I don’t know what the security implications of the network request is. I don’t know if the query I wrote will be performant or not, nor where to look at a graph to find out. I think I’d draw the line in a slightly different place than Brad, but he knows that. He’s flexible here:

The line between front-of-the-front-end and back-of-the-front-end can be fuzzy and varies greatly from developer to developer. It’s totally possible that one developer might be able to perform many tasks across the front-end spectrum. But it’s also worth pointing out that’s not super common.

That’s why the term full-stack isn’t my favorite. I bet an awful lot of developers have skill sets on both sides of the “great divide”, which I think makes it feel like you’re full-stack when it’s more likely you’re cross-stack. Full-stack makes me feel like you’re deeply knowledgeable about literally everything across not only the front-end spectrum but back-end too. Brad says that’s not common and I’ll up that and say it’s downright rare.

My main regret about trying to cut front-end development in half is that it’s too clean of a metaphor for a messy thing.

I live in Bend, Oregon where outdoor hobbies are like the main thing. You don’t really go up and ask people if they are a summer sports person or a winter sports person because they are almost always both. But one person might be into snowshoeing, downhill skiing, and day hiking, where the next person might be into paddle boarding, nordic skiing, and mountain biking. So I had this idea of Bend Name Tags where it lists all the outdoor hobbies and you write your name and then circle all the ones that you’re into.

It should almost be like that with front-end development. You write your name and then list out all the things you’re into. Me? I like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Build Processes, Design, React, WordPress, with a dash of Accessibility, Performance, and Copywriting. What does that make me? Me.

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Anglia Components Launches Product Database API

Anglia Components, one of the UK’s largest providers of electronic components, has launched a new API that will provide access to the company’s product database. Developers can utilize the API to integrate inventory, pricing, and availability data into third-party systems.

Additionally, this new resource provides access to delivery lead time data and long-term product availability information.

Spring — DWR — Ext JS Chat Application

[GitHub Repository for Code Samples]

I was curious to explore the capabilities of Reverse Ajax. That's when I created this simple chat application using Spring/DWR/Ext JS.

From my experience, I can easily say that DWR is easy to learn and configure, especially when you are planning to integrate with Spring on the application tier. DWR has a powerful API to perform all relevant operations, right from accessing page script sessions to util classes for sending updates to the client.

I used Ext JS for creating the user interface, which renders stunning displays for elements like forms, buttons, etc. Ext JS has a very steep learning curve and each operation requires a lot of configuration and reference. Also, I found that the event handling mechanism, though complete, is very complex to use. I relied on external Javascript coding for handling events. On the upside, the documentation and support are really good for this framework. Despite this, I would instantly recommend the use of Ext JS for large-sized customer-facing web-based applications, especially for the internet. For medium-scale projects or enterprise-based projects, I would think twice.

Phoenix, a Block-Based WordPress Theme With a Sidebar

Earlier today, the Phoenix theme was merged into the WordPress Theme Experiments repository on GitHub. Like all themes in the repo, it is not meant for use on a live site. It is a project to test new ideas for the upcoming Full Site Editing (FSE) system.

Imran Sayed of Codeytek Academy created the theme and is hosting a live demo. Those who want to give it a test drive can grab the code from GitHub.

Until now, every block-based theme I have seen has been missing a left or right sidebar. I am a fan of the open-canvas format that focuses on content, hiding the often-frivolous widgets that only detract from the important bits. However, sidebars are sometimes useful and even necessary.

When I refer to a “sidebar,” I am not talking about the dynamic sidebar system of widgets that we have all come to love or hate since WordPress 2.2. That system no longer exists in the world of FSE. The site editor merely has a concept of templates and template parts, which are containers for blocks. It is up to the theme author to give some default structure, even building template parts that work like sidebars.

A sidebar in the Phoenix theme literally means a block area on the side of the page.

It is such a simple idea, one that is nearly as old as blogs. It hardly seems something worth getting excited about, but I have been waiting a while to see a block-based theme with a sidebar. The feature further legitimatizes the path that WordPress is heading down. The greater theme development community needs to see these simple architectural ideas put into action. They need to see someone saying, “Hey, here’s how you do this simple thing you’ve been doing for a decade in this new system.”

Phoenix only adds a sidebar on the front page, but this is a start.

The theme is also more ambitious than some previous attempts by mixing static and dynamic features on the front page. Phoenix includes a header area with the standard site title and a nav menu. Below that, it adds a static hero section that users can customize.

Phoenix WordPress theme header area on front page.  Includes a hero area with image next to text.
Front page hero section.

It then uses the Columns block to split the content and sidebar. On the left, the theme uses the Query block to list the latest posts. On the right, it adds a sidebar template part.

Content area next to sidebar in the Phoenix WordPress theme.
Latest blog posts section next to sidebar.

The footer design is also bold in comparison to some other block-based themes so far. It has a full-width Cover block, which is followed by a group of columns, which is basically what a footer sidebar is.

Phoenix theme footer with full-width Cover block followed by columns.
Large footer area with columns.

Again, these are basic concepts that theme authors have been doing for ages. The idea behind many of these experimental themes is to start testing how to make them a reality using blocks. By the time the site editor lands in WordPress, theme authors can build upon these initial techniques and create more complex layouts.

This is especially the case with front-page design. If there is one area that has created roadblock upon roadblock when developing traditional themes, it has been the front page. Whether through custom options pages, the theme customizer, widgets, or a host of other solutions, nothing has stuck for well over a decade now. While the single post template is arguably the most important view on a WordPress website, it is the front page design that draws in the average user. It is also one of the biggest points of failure after users install a theme. That carefully-crafted front page in the demo looks nothing like what the users see on their own sites.

Phoenix is a step in the right direction because it shows how to mix these basic elements. Because it is a block-based theme, end-users have instant visual feedback in the site editor if they want to customize it.

The next step is for more themers to get involved in the Theme Experiments project. Start exploring more complex ideas and layouts. Use this moment to share knowledge and build upon the work that so few others are doing right now.

Phoenix is by no means a perfect theme. The front end and the site editor are not a one-to-one match at this point. Everything that looks wrong with it in the editor highlights just how far we have left to go.

I am carefully maintaining hope while being a realist about where FSE will be in 2021. This is a year for exploration. Perhaps we will have a few breakout themes that push the envelope toward the end of the year, but it all starts with experimental projects like Phoenix.

Easy Digital Downloads 3.0 Now in Public Beta

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is coming up on a major milestone with version 3.0 in active development, a huge undertaking spanning nearly three years. The first beta was released today with one of the most extensive and technically detailed beta testing guides I’ve seen for a major plugin update.

Version 3.0 will migrate the bulk of EDD data out of WordPress core tables to custom database tables. During the lifespan of this nearly 10-year old plugin, practices have changed regarding the use of custom tables and the coming update will bring improvements to performance and data structures. Testers can download it from GitHub and go through the data migration process. The beta testing guide specifies a list of seven tables to check after migration to ensure there are no issues with data transfer or backwards compatibility.

The release post noted that the order refund functionality is still in development and will not yet be ready for testing until the beta 2 release.

EDD first came on the scene in 2012. Inspired by Jigoshop and WooCommerce’s successes with the “extensions marketplace” business model, EDD creator Pippin Williamson has prioritized extensibility from the beginning. There are now more than 102 official extensions and themes, and hundreds more third-party extensions. Anytime EDD core moves forward with major changes, the wide community of extensions is a critical consideration.

For this reason, EDD is pursuing a strategy of releasing a series of updates to as many extensions as possible that contain compatibility with 3.0. The announcement lists eight extensions, including Stripe Gateway, Software Licensing, PDF Invoices, Commissions, and others which have been updated and can be used in testing.

EDD is also encouraging third-party developers to check out the 3.0 code base and ensure compatibility ahead of the official release. WordPress freelancers and agencies who have clients using EDD will want to test out the 3.0 beta 1 ahead of time to find any concerns with data migration that would prevent their clients from having a smooth transition when the official release drops.

Eliminating Local Resource Constraints for Building Cloud-Native Applications

Is Minikube melting your laptop? Are your local integration tests suffering because you can’t run dependencies on your development machine?

As organizations adopt Kubernetes and cloud-native architectures, development teams will often run into resource constraints as their architectures get more complex. Additionally, Kubernetes presents new challenges for configuring local development environments in comparison with legacy monolithic applications.

Preventing XXE in Java Applications

Welcome back to AppSec simplified! In this tutorial, we are going to talk about how you can prevent XXEs in Java applications. If you are not already familiar with XXEs, please read my previous post first: https://blog.shiftleft.io/intro-to-xxe-vulnerabilities-appsec-simplified-80be40102815.

Why XXEs Happen

DTDs are used to define the structure of an XML document. Within DTDs, you can declare “XML entities”. There is a special type of XML entities called “external entities”, which are used to access local or remote content with a URL.

What We’ve Learned From Coaching DevOps Teams in Git Branching Strategies

Version control is fundamental to DevOps, so using it becomes second nature for DevOps teams. But the choices teams made when setting up their workflow, and the reasons for those choices, get forgotten and are rarely revisited.

Gearset operates in an ecosystem where many development teams are still adopting DevOps. As a result, we spend a fair amount of time helping teams move from manual deployments and slow release cadences to a mature DevOps process. Even though their priorities and challenges vary, teams in small startups and large enterprises alike are all looking for the same thing: the agility that comes from DevOps.

Decrypt a PDF Document With a Password in Java

Document encryption is one of the most common methods to ensure the secure passing of information between a business and its external customers. The encryption feature is offered on all PDF files and acts as an assurance that nobody who attempts to intercept the information will be able to open it without the password, which should follow in a separate communication. 

Once you receive the file it should usually be stored with the encryption intact. However, if you have an encrypted drive or store your confidential files in an encrypted container, decrypting the file becomes an option. Decryption of a file will enable the print function, which is disabled on a secured PDF, and will also ensure that documents that were downloaded online can be opened without a password in the future.

Best CRM Tools for WordPress in 2023

Best WordPress CRM ToolsBuilding a strong and loyal relationship with customers is important and necessary when running a successful business. To make this process easier it’s best to configure a single platform to make the communication with customers smooth and systematic. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tools are one of the best ways to manage the communication between the […]

The post Best CRM Tools for WordPress in 2023 appeared first on WPExplorer.

Get Beyond Small Talk To Forming Meaningful Connections At Work

Striking up a conversation at work can be intimidating. We avoid eye contact, turn our heads away, and pretend to be busy on our phones all in an attempt to save ourselves from the awkward moment of meeting someone and being not sure what to say.

And if we do gather up a little courage to look them in the eye, the conversation starter 'hey, what's up, how is it going, how are you?' instantly kills the conversation. Everyone knows these words are an attempt to be polite without the intention to engage.

There are plenty of opportunities at work to bond with coworkers. How about a few moments before the meeting gets started, lunch hours, coffee breaks, or those other water cooler chats.

[SKP’s Novel Concept #04] The World of Meld Advertising

There are numerous benefits of having a unified advertising mechanism for the business of an organisation. Today, most of the advertising that is done across various media is disparate and not having a unified mechanism for generation, distribution, maintenance, reporting, or collection. To bridge this gap, I conceptualized and coined the term Meld Advertising (Referred to as 'It'). Meld Advertising brings out all of these in the form of providing tools to automate most of these processes and to directly connect with all unique advertising channels. The tools help in the creation, beta, subscription, payments, real-time reporting, cost-effectiveness, and overall maintenance of the advertisements.

It helps all types of users including the end contractors who work on actually putting up advertising for diverse media. These include all tools which facilitate the entire workflow of advertising. It also recognizes that usage of effective tools, which are simple to use and create advertisements online, will lead to a faster execution of marketing campaigns. Also, ready-made templates, tie-ups with other advertising tools, and online expert help will allow for a more efficient generation of advertisements.

[SKP’s Novel Concept #03] The Idea of Mood Blogging

Mood Blogging is primarily location-based blogging that captures and enhances the spirit of blogging and also provides location determination, service feedbacks, product reviews, and product offers. It is primarily an internet concept that allows microblogging linked to the mood of that particular blog post and which also allows automatic detection of the current blog mood. It also allows blogs to be posted on other sites as well as to blog from other sites. Apart from this, it allows automatic location determination on the logged-in device and thereby allowing to temporarily subscribe to nearby blogs. This allows location-based subscriptions for temporary usage and automatically un-subscribing based on preferences. When working in a location-based mode would allow real-time feedback on services, products and also allow to obtain the latest offers and discounts. Most of all, it can be a place where people who have just joined a particular location set can look up to for live reviews and feedbacks.

It also involves automatic detection of high traffic generating blogs and gets these pages to be sponsored and customized as per the primary data and blogger profile. It allows another striking user experience feature where it allows mood icons, images, and graphics; thereby taking visual blogging to newer levels. Also, it provides an all-inclusive user interface which allows video, audio, images, files, long blogs, links, and a variety of other types of information to be blogged all in one place. Location determination allows blogs to be now more dynamic and also have location-based advertising and also advertising applied to specific location check-ins.

On the mobile continues the spirit of mood blogging on mobile by allowing to determine location (or change subscriptions) when the device is in the vicinity of another subscriber or a set of similar subscribers. The location determination is dependent on registering with exact details including the zip code and also on the features of the device itself.

The idea of Mood Blogging will be based on concepts of Intelligent Agents, Sentiment Analysis, Emotion Analysis, and Auto Location Determination.

[SKP’s Novel Concept #02] The Concept of Software Recycle

I want to put forward the idea of software recycle. Software recycle is software reuse taken to a new level, wherein the components that are outdated or written in older generation languages (of current era) are retrofitted with newer components. Multiple integration points are used to combine, create and establish collaborative functionality. In this way, we are able to take component-based development to a newer level, with greatest reuse. Apart from this, Software Recycle also combines software hosting both from open source developers and commercial and independent software vendors. It thereby acts as a software catalogue for various types of users such as students, professionals, and even organizations. 

Software Recycle takes software reuse to a newer level — wherein components that were written in older languages (of the current era), but which could be useful in certain scenarios are retrofitted with newer components or functionality and then put up on a public catalogue for use. This helps in reusing a lot of functionality without requiring to rewrite a lot of it. It will essentially then be a public catalogue of software components, promoting component-based development. The greatest advantage will be that it would include thoroughly tested, documented, and maintainable code — which could allow to save time in development. The possible users of this site include students, professionals, and organisations alike.