How To Establish a Reliable Tech Hiring Process for Your Company


All companies struggle with hiring the right hands (and minds) from time to time. But the challenge is particularly hard for the tech industry, where the demand is high and the supply…well, leaves much to be desired. So, if you’re serious about recruiting qualified candidates for your vacancy, you need to have a well-laid-out hiring process in place.

Being an outsource recruitment partner for multiple tech companies, we’re here to share the hiring process steps we take when searching for candidates. You’re more than welcome to adopt them in your tech company as they’re sure to improve your hiring process, keep you organized, and focused.

7 Essential Measures You Can Take to Improve Program Management

Program Management is a complex jumble of brilliant projects all maintained together to keep the affairs of a company in order — or any company for that matter. But handling multiple projects altogether can be quite challenging and may cause the company damage if not handled correctly. If it isn’t, that may result in:

  • Quality issues.
  • Overloading of employees.
  • An unnecessary increase in costs.
  • Inefficient scheduling.

These are troublesome issues, but the right environment is the key to help you and your team to improve program management and remedy these problems.

10 Top Law APIs

Navigating through the legal system can be a tricky endeavor. Laws are complex, can be interpreted in multiple ways, have their own terminology, and often get amended. Several tools are available for lawmakers as well as litigators that can help simplify the legal system, including legal search engines, law journals and catalogs, law practice software, lawsuit evidence tools, security and compliance tools, court records, cases, and judgement databases, and legal document forms and contract templates, to name a few.

Visual studio – Add static string to text in a cycle

Hi, all I've a question, i have a series of links and need to put it in a specific point of a static string, that will need to stay with every cycle and don't want to lose it I make this one till now:

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        For Each line As String In TextBox1.Lines
            TextBox2.Text = "[link ]" & "(" & TextBox1.Text & ")" & vbCrLf
    End Sub
End Class

The problem I'm encounting it's when i put text in the first one textbox (That I use as input for after convert with a button and on the other one textbox2 will give me the result) for ex:
Textbox1 text
https first link
http second link
but the result will be that, only the first line, link will be correctly inserted inside of it. How can I fix it, keeping that string also for others too, because there are a lot of it, and also it's possible to make sure that if I'll put ex:
google - https first link
yahoo - http second link
The program find by itself the link part and add this static string ? ex:
google - (link ) (https first link)
yahoo - (link) (https second link)
Thank you in advice.

Search Upgrades

CodePen search has recently gotten better!

Quick story first: we had a little unplanned downtime last week. It was ~18 minutes where the web servers were really struggling and most requests timed out or failed. It turns out that our search servers were the root cause. Sometimes a little on fire situation like that causes some unplanned development work, but ends up being of benefit to everyone after it’s done because it forces rethinking, upgrading, and attacking a problem fresh with new lessons learned. For one thing, no longer is it even possible for our search server to take down the site. A “circuit breaker” is now in effect for that and other similar dependencies. But we also took the opportunity to improve just about everything there is to improve about search.

Like any development work, some of it ends up being user-facing, and some of it has benefits that are

What else has improved from a user-facing perspective?

  • Speed! When you execute a search on CodePen, we have to send your request over to our search servers to work their magic and return results. This happens now faster than it ever has.
  • Better index! It’s leaner and meaner and a fresh re-indexing should yield better results.
  • Speaking of re-indexing, we’ve set ourselves up such that re-indexing is much easier for us to do. This means if we need to tinker with what is indexed and how, we can do that more swiftly.

Now here’s the most important thing about this blog post: we’d love some feedback around search from you! Any feedback regarding search is useful, but I’m particularly interested in when you don’t find something you are looking for, but feel like you should. Feel free to shoot that feedback to with a search query and what you thought you should have found.

The post Search Upgrades appeared first on CodePen Blog.

DevOps is not just automation!

I was in the first week of a new job and the assignment was to install a company software on the local machine. In the beginning, I found that there are some documents on the internal website which I could follow to install. This was a very optimistic expectation of course. As soon as I started reading and doing the steps, I realized that there are many things that are not mentioned in the document and I began to ask a lot of questions that I do not have any answers to. I had to ask the current DevOps engineers for each unclear part. Later, I found that every day I am on a call for hours with these engineers and we achieve bit by bit of this installation together. I would say 20% of the operations were documented and automated, but the rest of the things should be done manually. Finally, I managed to install the software in a week but still, there were many things I did not know how I had done, and forgot many other details that were not in the document. 

It turns out every time we have a new hire, this situation happens again and again and there has been no update neither on the document nor in the software installation process. What amazed me was that the DevOps engineers were proud of what they have already created after years but they did not realize that no one can install that software without them. This situation created a huge amount of complexity around the software deployment and takes hours for employees to figure out things again and again. So, no matter how nice all those scripts were, it created a high overhead for the company which was quite hidden for the managers for years. 

Creating a .Net 5 Web app from my PHONE

Interoperability is something I care a lot about, because not having it, is the equivalent of painting yourself into a corner, becoming dependent upon obsolete components, and sometimes even obsolete hardware. Once you dive as deep into the ideas of interoperability as I have done, you get interesting results - Such as the ability to create a .Net 5 Web API from a 5 year old phone. In the video below I am illustrating this process, and showing you how you can reproduce it for yourself, using nothing but pure Magic!

Of course, the whole point about the above video, is that Magic does all the coding for me, allowing me to simply declare which database and tables I want it to wrap, through a simple to understand Web API - Which results in that my backend is "generating" HTTP backend endpoints for me, wrapping all CRUD operations from my database, inside of their own unique URL, associated with the relevant HTTP verb.

jOOQ Internals: Pushing Up SQL Fragments

Over the past 13 years, jOOQ has accrued quite a few internal features, which you, the user, are not exposed to. One very interesting feature is the capability for any arbitrary jOOQ expression tree element to push a SQL fragment up to a higher level.

How does it work?

The Fundamentals of Software Architecture and Microservices

According to Cambridge Dictionary, "evolutionary" is a gradual process of change and development, whereas "revolutionary" is a complete change in a system, or bringing or causing great change.

The question that this article poses is a necessary one to define how microservices have changed and affected the way we build and design our systems.

Apache Kafka for Smart Grid, Utilities and Energy Production

The energy industry is changing from system-centric to smaller-scale and distributed smart grids and microgrids. A smart grid requires a flexible, scalable, elastic, and reliable cloud-native infrastructure for real-time data integration and processing. This post explores use cases, architectures, and real-world deployments of event streaming with Apache Kafka in the energy industry to implement a smart grid and real-time end-to-end integration.

Smart Grid - The Energy Production and Distribution of the Future

The energy sector includes corporations that primarily are in the business of producing or supplying energy such as fossil fuels or renewables.