Twilio Vs. MirrorFly: Who Is the Future of Real-Time Communication?


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the corporate business world to network with associates and communicate with potential clients using online communication tools. Hence, given the current market conditions – having a functional and efficient communication system has become the need of the hour. Due to which platforms offering text, voice, and video chat features must ensure they offer enterprise-level models. These platforms must be customizable and scalable. It is also important for the communication platform to be of a certain standard that supports a huge number of users with minimal latency rates. Nevertheless, with multiple options in the market, it can be difficult to choose the right real-time communication platform.


So, what is Twilio? Twilio is one of the top-rated cloud communication platforms in the market that uses a PaaS model. Twilio offers developers tools or software-based platforms to integrate voice, video, or messaging into any mobile app. Twilio is basically a developer’s platform, which means that this platform cannot be used by a marketer or a non-developer. Twilio as a communication platform provides a powerful API system for phone services offering companies to make and receive phone calls and send and receive text messages instantly.

Remote Cybersecurity: Threats and Best Practices While Working From Home

COVID-19 has transformed how companies operate today. With 50 percent to 90 percent of staff working remotely, organizations are now looking at remote work as the new working style in the future. While working remoting has its benefits, one of the biggest challenges it presents is cybersecurity problems. Businesses face remote cybersecurity issues like protection of data, networking challenges, and issues with cloud computing. 

OpenVPN conducted a study recently which showcased that 90 percent of IT professionals believed that remote workers are not secure. Because every remote worker works on a different network, which may not be secured, employee security issues are a major concern. Working from home issues involve working from public networks and personal devices, which possess a multitude of security vulnerabilities.

Today’s World Calls for a New Kind of Database

Over the past decade, applications have become more and more data-intensive. Dynamic data, analytics, and models are now at the core of any application that matters. To support these requirements, there is a commonly held, but often incorrect, belief that modern applications need to be built on top of a variety of special-purpose databases, each built for a specific workload. It is said that this allows you to pick the best ones to solve your application needs. 

This trend is apparent when you look at the plethora of open-source data tools that have proliferated in recent years. Each one was built to scratch an itch, optimized for specific, narrow use cases seen in a smattering of projects. In response, some of the cloud vendors have packaged up these multiple database technologies for you to choose from, commonly forking from existing open-source projects. You’re then meant to wire together several of these tools into the needed data solution for each application.  

Why You Can’t Have a Real Conversation With Your Chatbot

Sure, we can ask Siri or Alexa to answer a question or perform an action for us.  But Siri and Alexa can only respond to pre-programmed questions and commands.  (You can find a detailed explanation of how personal assistants work here).  They do not really understand what you are saying, and you cannot have a real conversation with a personal assistant like you can with another person.

Three-year-old children understand language. We have computers that can beat chess champions. Why is building computer systems that understand natural language so difficult?  (Natural languages are the languages that people speak as opposed to computer languages).

Tutorial: How to Build a Progressive Web App (PWA) with Face Recognition and Speech Recognition

This is a follow up to the second tutorial on PWA. You can also follow this tutorial if you haven't followed the second one or my first tutorial about PWA. We are going to focus on some new Web APIs, such as:

We add these APIs to our existing PWA for taking 'selfies.' With face detection, we predict your emotion, your gender, and your age.

3 Hardest Python Code Challenges and How To Overcome Them

Python as a programming language is used for developing desktop and web-based applications. It is an open-source, high-level programming language that is versatile and can be used for different purposes but is used mainly for data analysis, back-end website development, and artificial intelligence. Python is regarded as one of the easiest programming languages to learn and also very user-friendly.

However, for first-time users, beginners, and learners, they could encounter different Python challenges, which could discourage them. Before discussing what these challenges are in Python, it’s essential to learn one or two things about Python first. 

JavaScript Design Patterns

This article is a summary of the various design patterns in JavaScript that help us create clean, easier to maintain code without polluting the global namespace.

Object Literal Design Pattern

To avoid the possibility of collusion with other variables of the same name in the global namespace, take all your variables and functionn and make them part of an object with a unique name.

var com = com || {};
com.digitalinspiration = com.digitalinspiration || {};
com.digitalinspiration.person = {
  _name: "Amit Agarwal",
  _country: "",
  setCountry: function (country) {
    this._country = country;
  printCountry: function () {
    console.log(this._name + " lives in " + this._country);

Module Design Pattern

This pattern helps create private variables in JavaScript that cannot be accessed from the global scope as everything is wrapped inside an IIFE. We create a module that returns an object containing all the public functions. The variable are not accessible outside the module.

var personModule = (function () {
  // private variables and methods
  var _name = "Amit Agarwal";
  var _country = "";
  var print = function () {
    console.log(_name + " lives in " + _country);
  return {
    setCountry: function (country) {
      _country = country;
    printCountry: function () {
      console.log("Calling private method to print " + _country);


Module Reveal Pattern

The Reveal Module design pattern makes it easy for the private methods and properties to communicate with the public methods. All methods and variables are hidden unless deliberately exposed inside the returning object.

var personModule = (function () {
  var _name = "Amit Agarwal";
  var _interests = [];
  function _printInterests() {
    console.log(_name + " likes " + _interests.join(", "));
  function addInterest(interest) {
  function printInterests() {
    console.log("Calling private method");
  return {
    printInterests: printInterests,
    addInterest: addInterest,


Avoid the Global Scope

Here we conditionally add our module to the global scope and make everyithng private by wrapping our entire module in an IIFE. The advantage with the pattern is that we are not immediately adding elements to the global scope but performing checks to avoid overriding names.

(function (win) {
  var personModule = (function () {
    var _name = "Amit Agarwal";
    function printName() {
    return {
      printName: printName,
  if (!win.personModule) {
    win.personModule = personModule;
  } else {
    throw new Error("Cannot initialize application");


Approaches to Automating Microservices Testing

Organizations at some stage of their journey switch to a microservices architecture, which is a collection of self-contained and autonomous services that help execute a business capability from a monolithic architecture to derive key business benefits.

In a microservices architecture, an entire codebase doesn’t have to be rewritten to add or modify an application feature. Organizations thus reduce time-to-market for their applications and products. Debugging and testing applications are simpler too, and it helps organizations significantly improve their rate of delivering error-free applications.

can someone help me with this code.

Write a program simulator that will compute for the average waiting time of each customer in a bank. Also the program will indicate the number of the teller who accomodates the customer.

Assume that the bank has 3 teller that may be accomodate the customers. The first customer to arrive will be served by teller 1 and the arrival time is zero(0). The second customer will be served by teller 2, the third customer by teller 3, the fourth customer will be served by the any teller who is already free and so on. The bank is using FIFO in serving their customers.

The length of service depends on the type of service the customer will avail. Services available in the bank are:
Deposit - 5 minutes
New accounts - 8 minutes
Withdrawal - 3 minutes
Check encash - 4 minutes

The program should reord the arrival time of each customer. For simplicity, assumed that the arrival time is in minutes. Again, the first customer will always have an arrival time of 0. Eliminate the concept of several clients that will arrive at exact;y the same time.

The program should be abale to determine the number of customers each teller accommodated.

The waiting time is computed as the time the service is started minus arrival time of the customer. For example, the first customer arrives at 0 and the service also started at time 0 since there is no queque yet. So, the waiting time for customer 1 is 0. If customer 2 arrives at time 5, he will be the first customer for teller 2. The service time will also start at time 5 thus, the waiting time of customer 2 is also 0.

Assume that the bank can serve 20 customers at the most.

Colored text based on days of the week

I created an html page with days of the week

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
The corresponding page is linked to each day

I would need that when the page opens, the day is automatically highlighted based on the day of the week and that there is a bar under the day to highlight it
Example: if today is Friday, Fri becomes a different color than on other days

I've seen similar things on web pages, but I don't know where to start. Is there anyone who can help me?

Java and GraphQL: A Guide

It is quite difficult to design REST APIs as they need to serve multiple clients efficiently. Each client has their own needs, and therefore requires different parameters around data filtering and searching, which is where a traditional rest API comes in. Clients can navigate the single version, picking and choosing the data they want.

Developed by Facebook to overcome the shortcomings of REST API, GraphQL acts as a query language for APIs, as well as a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your extant data. When you provide a complete and clear description of the data in your API, clients can utilize that to ask for exactly what they need. When you expose your schema, the evolution of APIs becomes much easier. Clients can still navigate the schema to fit their needs, even if you add more fields and relations over time.

8 Tips for Building an API

At Twelve Data, we have a lot of experience in creating various APIs. Some of these tips have been gained through practical errors. We would like to share with you some of them that we ourselves are following in order to make it easier to develop and maintain our own product in the future.


From the very beginning of the development of your API, no matter how small it may seem to you, take versioning into an account in your architecture. If you don't want to write code to support versioning right away, then at least try to agree on how you will do it in the future. At the very least, you need to be prepared for this.

Implementing Product Visual Search

Use Case 

  • We will capture a product image from our developed shopping application using a device camera.

  • We will show the returned products list.


  • Java JDK 1.8 or higher is recommended.

Circle Text With CSS and JavaScript

In this article, I will share the CSS and JS code to generate circle text from an HTML text element. This technique makes a span element for each letter and rotates it slightly.  You can generate a circle text by adjusting the font size and circle radius.

Similar techniques have been implemented in online web applications like in the circle text generator in MockoFun.

Why We Switched from bcc-tools to libbpf-tools for Linux BPF Performance Analysis

Distributed clusters might encounter performance problems or unpredictable failures, especially when they are running in the cloud. Of all the kinds of failures, kernel failures may be the most difficult to analyze and simulate.

A practical solution is Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF), a highly flexible, efficient virtual machine that runs in the Linux kernel. It allows bytecode to be safely executed in various hooks, which exist in a variety of Linux kernel subsystems. BPF is mainly used for networking, tracing, and security.