Kubernetes in Production: Best Practices to Follow

No doubt, DevOps has come a long way! Platforms like Docker and Kubernetes have made companies ship their software faster than ever. With the ever-growing usage of containers to build and ship software, Kubernetes has gained colossal popularity among software enterprises as a defacto container orchestration tool. 

Kubernetes has excellent features that support scaling, zero-downtime deployments, service discovery, automatic rollout and rollback capabilities, etc. To manage your container deployment at scale, Kubernetes is a must.  It enables flexible distribution of resources and workloads. No doubt, Kubernetes in production is a great solution, but it takes some time to set up this tool and be familiar with it. Since many companies want to use Kubernetes in production these days, it is essential to prioritize some best practices. In this article, we will be discussing some Kubernetes best practices in production. 

How Python Can Be Your Secret Weapon As a Data Scientist

Python is highly versatile and one of the most advanced programming languages in the world. There are tons of reasons why Python is getting extremely popular these days. Many experts consider it as one of the first choices in industries coming to programming languages. 

Also, there have been many sayings about Python that the development of future technologies will solely rely on it. Technologies that include Data Science, AI, ML will take the driver seat to combine with Python. By adding more and more easiness in deep-driven research purposes and better product development.

Message Throttling Implementation With Buffering


Software engineers spend a great deal of their time improving the speed and throughput of their systems. Scalability is also a big concern nowadays, usually tackled by building scale-out capabilities. There are times, however, when we have to slow down the system's rate. It may be due to a limited resource that is very hard (or very expensive) to scale or even a dependency on a third-party service that imposes a fixed rate for billing purposes (i.e., speed tiers). How can you add such throttling capability to a scalable system that may span to hundreds of servers? Furthermore, how do you implement such a bottleneck with proper overflow handling so it can gracefully handle spikes without messages getting lost?

Problem Definition and Constraints

For the purposes of this article, we assume that there is a need to limit a message delivery rate because a downstream provider imposes such a limit. This provider can support higher rates but at an increased cost. Since the upstream clients only occasionally exceed this rate, there is no business justification for upgrading the speed tier. Also, let's assume that the provider will drop any messages arriving at a rate greater than the speed tier rate.

Here Are the Top Predictions for SRE in 2021

Who else is glad that 2020 is almost over? We’ve had one of the most difficult years in recent history. With everything going on, it’s been difficult to think further than a few days out, much less into the new year. But, we’re hopeful that 2021 will be a better year for everyone. And we’re predicting some exciting things in the future for SRE.

Here are our two cents: SRE adoption will only continue to grow. Yet, the practice and culture shift, rather than the role, will take priority in 2021. More people (not only SREs) will have a reliability mindset, which means reliability will be shifting left through the software lifecycle. SLIs, SLOs, and error budget policies will become common practice. Practices such as observability, runbook automation, and blameless retrospectives continue to be table stakes.

10 Most Popular Energy APIs

Making energy more efficient is necessary for many reasons, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants from coal and oil, reducing demand for energy imports, and saving money. Luckily for us, advancing technology is making it easier to conserve energy. Energy conservation innovations include energy data monitoring and smart automation, smart appliances, solar thermal systems, wind power, batteries and other renewable energy, LED and other efficient lighting, and Electrical Distribution System Optimization (EDSO).

Send a Table-Valued Parameter to a MS SQL Stored Procedure in Mule 4


Most of us have called a stored procedure in Mule to pass data to or receive data from database tables. However, one interesting variation of sending data via table-valued parameter (TVP) is not so commonly used. This article will show you how to send data in a TVP format to an MS SQL table via a stored procedure in Mule 4.

Before we proceed with the actual Mule development, let's first understand what a table-valued parameter is. As the name suggests, it is a parameter where data is sent in the form of a table, comprised of columns and rows. Within the database, table-valued parameters are declared by using user-defined table types. The main purpose of a TVP is to pass multiple values for a record, e.g. Multiple contact number values for a user record merged in the record itself. The benefit is that it associates the values, maintains the sequence, and reduces code complexity in the stored procedure.

An AWS Lambda Advent-ure in Python

For many of us, Advent is a time to look forward; a countdown to Christmas; 24 days in December at the end of the year that we mark with special calendars. Hiding behind little windows in a festive picture are sketches, quotes, or perhaps even chocolates! I've built a simple AWS Lambda application to publish a custom Advent calendar with programming videos behind the windows.

I've published the code for this on my Github profile so you can clone it and run your own calendar.

Integrating Online Document Editors Into Confluence

Online document editing can be a valuable addition to digital collaborative workplaces, and there're open-source tools that can be used for it. In this article, we'll show you how to bring doc editing to your Сonfluence, a web-based corporate wiki by Atlassian, by integrating ONLYOFFICE Docs.  

We will create an integration app (plugin) that will serve as a bridge between Confluence and ONLYOFFICE instances. With its help, users will be able to edit DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, and other office files within Confluence.

I need help with files, multidimensional arrays and structures

The user is going to enter the product number, then the program must be able to open the file, read the information of a inventory in the company, capture the information into an structured array and display the specific product with its information in the labels. all this using a multidimensional arrays and also the structures. currently in the execution it reads only one part of the data.

I think that the direct declaration of the array is causing part of the problem, also my program is not reading and capturing well.

Imports System.IO

Public Class frmMain
    Public Structure sInventory
        Public strProductNumber As String
        Public strProductDescription As String
        Public intProductQuantity As Integer
        Public dblProductCost As Double
        Public dblProductMarkup As Double
    End Structure

    Private Sub mnuBuscarProducto_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles mnuBuscarProducto.Click
        ' read the file
        Dim inventarioFile As StreamReader
        inventarioFile = File.OpenText("DatosInventario.txt")

        Dim strProductos() As String = {"123", "234", "345", "456", "567", "678"}
        Dim strDescripcion() As String = {"Juego de comedor con 2 sillas", "Sof cama", "Escritorio", "Cama king", "Librero de 6'", "Mueble para pecera"}
        Dim intCantidad() As Integer = {15, 10, 25, 5, 35, 8}
        Dim dblCostos() As Double = {425.0, 769.0, 250.0, 1875.0, 399.0, 350.0}
        Dim dblProrciento() As Double = {0.25, 0.25, 0.35, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2}
        Dim i As Integer = 0
        Dim intProducto As Integer 'Valor que ingres el usuario capturado

        'capture and validate
        If Integer.TryParse(txtNumeroProducto.Text, intProducto) Then
            intProducto = CInt(txtNumeroProducto.Text)
            MessageBox.Show("Debe ingresar un entero de tres dgitos")
        End If

        'Find something in the archive
        Dim blnBuscador As Boolean = False
        Do While blnBuscador = False And i <= (strProductos.Length - 1)
            If strProductos(i) = intProducto Then
                blnBuscador = True
                lblDescripcion.Text = inventarioFile.ReadLine()
                lblInventario.Text = inventarioFile.ReadLine()
                lblCosto.Text = inventarioFile.ReadLine()
                lblPrecioVenta.Text = inventarioFile.ReadLine()
                lblImporteCosto.Text = inventarioFile.ReadLine
                lblImportePrecioVenta.Text = inventarioFile.ReadLine
            End If
        i += 1
    End Sub

    Private Sub frmMain_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing
        If MessageBox.Show("Desea cerrar la aplicacin?", "Confirmar", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.Yes Then
            e.Cancel = False
            e.Cancel = True
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub mnuSalir_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles mnuSalir.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub frmMain_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        'Open the file text
    End Sub
End Class