How do you put in a prompt in to request the input file name?


This is what I have so far the teacher wants us to request the file name and I have no clue where to even start. Thank you for the help!

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main() 

   ifstream inFile;
   ofstream outFile;

   string firstName;
   string lastName;

   double currentSal;
   double payInc;"Ch3_Ex5Data.txt");"Ch3_Output.dat");

outFile << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

inFile >> lastName >> firstName;
inFile >> currentSal >> payInc;
outFile <<  firstName << " " << lastName << " " <<  ((currentSal + currentSal * (payInc / 100)));
outFile << endl;

inFile >> lastName >> firstName;
inFile >> currentSal >> payInc;
outFile <<  firstName << " " << lastName << " " << ((currentSal + currentSal * (payInc / 100)));
outFile << endl;

inFile >> lastName >> firstName;
inFile >> currentSal >> payInc;
outFile <<  firstName << " " << lastName << " " << ((currentSal + currentSal * (payInc / 100)));
outFile << endl;


return 0;

Mixing broadband packages

Category Image 041

Sorry, but my question requires a long-winded explanation. Because of where we live, my wife and I cannot get decent broadband except through a satellite package which recently went down for two days. It leaves us totally isolated since the phone is also satellite and we get no mobile reception here either. So calling any technical support or anyone is almost impossible!! So we will get a landline installed but the basic broadband costs only marginally more and would be useful as back up when the satellite package goes down, though it's only 1- 5 Mb/s instead of 45 Mb/s. Rather than use wireless both my wife and I connect to our computers through Home Plugs which work well for us. My question is this. If both the landline broadband and satellite broadband are connected to a homeplug, what will I get when I connect my computer to my homeplug . . . a scrabbled mess or two distinct LAN connections that I can choose at random?