How to Manage a WooCommerce Store

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How to Manage a WooCommerce StoreWooCommerce is an open-source eCommerce plugin for WordPress. It allows you to convert your WordPress website into an online store and helps you manage it as well. Opening an online store is fairly easy with the help of WooCommerce, but when it comes to long-term management, you may need expert guidance and extensions to increase […]

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Oracle v. Google Isn't That Complicated, The Supreme Court Is

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Last week’s Supreme Court oral arguments regarding Oracle v. Google were the culmination of a decade-long legal battle between the two tech giants. Frustratingly, for all of the anticipation leading up to these hearings, only questions remain as the oral arguments were dominated by the usual search for a legal precedent, which requires tossing analogies back and forth. To the unaware, the banter at times felt overly simplistic and occasionally nonsensical. This is, however, all a part of the process.

Keep the selected treeview row fixed


The selected row keeps on deselect when the new value is updated in that position. Can we just keep the selection fixed even when the row value changes. Please have a look at the sample code given below, where a treeview row are getting updated every second but as the value gets updated, the row automatically deselects. Please help me with the idea to get the selection fixed even when the value changes. Thank you.

from tkinter import ttk
import tkinter
import threading

def main():
    root = tkinter.Tk()

    ccols = ('num1','num2')
    treeview = ttk.Treeview(root, columns=ccols)
    for col in ccols:
        treeview.heading(col, text=col)
    treeview.grid(row=8, column=0)

    def sample():
       for i in range(100):

       threading.Timer(1.0, sample).start()


if __name__ == '__main__':


Wix vs Shopify Compared: Which Is Better for eCommerce Websites in 2020?

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When pitting Wix vs Shopify, it’s important to focus on your individual needs and what’s best for the project you’re working on. In certain scenarios, one platform will be a clear winner over the other, but things are not that simple for every scenario and every user. Most of the time, you’ll need a deeper look to make a good decision between these two.