WordPress 5.6 to Introduce Application Passwords for REST API Authentication

In 2015, WordPress 4.4 introduced a REST API, but one thing that has severely limited its broader use is the lack of authentication capabilities for third-party applications. After considering the benefits and drawbacks of many different types of authentication systems, George Stephanis published a proposal for integrating Application Passwords, into core.

Stephanis highlighted a few of the major benefit that were important factors in the decision to use Application Passwords: the ease of making API requests, ease of revoking credentials, and the ease of requesting API credentials. The project is available as a standalone feature plugin, but Stephanis and his collaborators recommended WordPress merge a pull request that is based off the feature plugin’s codebase.

After WordPress 5.6 core tech lead Helen Hou-Sandi gave the green light for Application Passwords to be merged into core, the developer community responded enthusiastically to the news.

“I am/we are 100% in favor of this,” Joost deValk commented on the proposal. “Opening this up is like opening the dawn of a new era of WordPress based web applications. Suddenly authentication is not something you need to fix when working with the API and you can just build awesome stuff.”

Stephanis’ proposal also mentioned how beneficial a REST API authentication system would be for the Mobile teams‘ contributors who are relying on awkward workarounds while integrating Gutenberg support.

“This would be a first step to replace the use of XMLRPC in the mobile apps and it would allow us to add more features for self hosted users,” Automattic mobile engineer Maxime Biais said.

After the REST API was added to WordPress five years ago, many had the expectation that WordPress-based web applications would start popping up everywhere. Without a reliable authentication system, it wasn’t easy for developers to just get inspired and build something quickly. Application Passwords in WordPress 5.6 will open up a lot of possibilities for those who were previously deterred by the lack of core methods for authenticating third-party access.

3 Lessons DevOps Can Learn From 5 Biggest Outages of Q2 2020

‘Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself’ – Eleanor Roosevelt.

Nobody is immune from outages but it’s better to learn from other’s mistakes than from your own. The second quarter of 2020 was marked by several serious outages at prominent services including IBM Cloud, GitHub, Slack, Zoom and even T-Mobile (Source: StatusGator Report). I’m sure you noticed these outages like our team did. I decided to share the lessons we learned from this downtime, hoping we can all grow from it.

7 Key Benefits of Adopting Scrum in RPA Projects

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is a process of automating Business Operations processes using software robots, wherein the processes being automated are repetitive in nature and are based on rules. RPA projects are slowly adopting Scrum Methodology for its benefits.

The length of an RPA project can vary anywhere from 2 weeks to 6 months, sometimes beyond that as well. Due to this varied duration of projects, we often think RPA projects cannot be benefitted by adopting an Agile Scrum methodology. But in basic nature, RPA projects are like complex web-development projects.

Untangling SAP for Serverless Deployment

There are few technology trends that are a better fit for the current moment than serverless computing – particularly with its benefits of greater scalability, faster development, more efficient deployment, and lower cost. 

But it can be difficult to harness the power of serverless when critical data and workflows are housed in the powerful, widely used enterprise resource planning (ERP) system SAP. Organizations typically rely on SAP to centralize data management and optimize critical business functions like accounting, financials, human capital management, enterprise performance management, etc.

WP Agency Summit Begins Its Second Annual Virtual Event October 12

Jan Koch, the founder and host of WP Agency Summit, is kicking off his second annual event on October 12. The five-day event will feature 37 speakers from a wide range of backgrounds across the WordPress industry. It is a free virtual event that anyone can attend.

“The focus for the 2020 WP Agency Summit is showing attendees how to bring back the fun into scaling their agencies,” said Koch. “It is all about reducing the daily hustle by teaching how to successfully build and manage teams, how to work with enterprises (allowing for fewer customers but bigger projects), how to build sustainable recurring revenue, and how to position your agency to dominate your niche.”

This year’s event includes three major changes to make the content more accessible to a larger group of people. Each session will be available between October 12 – 16 instead of the previous 48-hour window that attendees had to find time for in 2019.

After the event has concluded, access to the content will be behind a paywall. Koch reduced the price to $77 for lifetime access for those who purchase pre-launch, which will increase to $127 during the event. Last year’s prices ballooned to $497, which meant that it was simply not affordable for many who found it too late.

Some of the proceeds this year are going toward transcribing all the videos so that hearing-impaired users can enjoy the content.

This year’s event will also focus on a virtual networking lounge for attendees. “I’ve seen how well it worked at the WP FeedBack Summit — we even had BobWP record a podcast episode on the fly in that lounge!” said Koch. “I’ve seen many new friendships develop, people connecting with new suppliers or getting themselves booked on podcasts, and sharing experiences about their businesses.”

The lounge will be open during the entirety of the summit, which will allow attendees to jump into the conversation on their own time.

A More Diverse Speaker Lineup

Koch received some backlash for the lack of gender diversity last year. The 2019 event had over 20 speakers from a diverse male lineup. However, only four women from our industry led sessions.

When asked about this issue in 2019, Koch responded, “I recognize this as a problem with my event. The reason I have so much more male than female speakers is quite simple, the current speaker line-up is purely based on connections I had when I started planning for the event. It was a relatively short amount of time for me, so I wasn’t able to build relationships with more female WP experts beforehand.”

The host said he paid attention to the feedback he received. While not hitting the 50/50 split goal he had for 2020’s event, 16 of the 37 speakers are women.

Koch said he strived to get speakers from a wider range of backgrounds. He wanted to bring in both freelancers and multi-million dollar agency owners. He also focused on getting people from multiple countries to represent WordPress agencies.

“I did reach out to around 130 people four months before the event to make new connections,” he said. “The community around the Big Orange Heart (a non-profit for mental well-being) also helped a lot with introducing me to new members of the WP community.”

Koch said he learned two valuable lessons when branching out beyond his existing connections for this year’s event:

Firstly, don’t hesitate to reach out to people you think will never talk to you because they’re running such big companies. For example, I immediately got confirmations from Mario Peshev from Devrix, Brad Touesnard from Delicious Brains, or Marieke van de Rakt from Yoast. When first messaging them, I had little hope they’d set aside time to jump on an interview with me – but they were super supportive and accommodating! The WordPress community really is a welcoming environment if you approach people in a humble way.

Secondly, build connections with sincerity. Do not just focus on what you can get from that connection but how you can help the other person. I know this sounds cheesy and you’ve heard this quite often — but it is true. Once I got the first response from new contacts and explained my goal of connecting fellow WordPress community members virtually, most immediately agreed because they also benefit from new connections and being positioned as a thought-leader in this event.

WP Agency Summit? WP FeedBack Summit?

For readers who recall the Tavern’s coverage of the WP FeedBack Summit earlier this year, the article specifically stated that the WP FeedBack Summit was a continuation of 2019’s WP Agency Summit. The official word at the time from WP FeedBack’s public relations team was the following:

Last year’s event, the WP Agency Summit has been rebranded under the umbrella of WP FeedBack’s brand when Jan Koch the host of last’s year WP Agency Summit joined WP FeedBack as CTO.

Koch said that it was a standalone event and not directly connected to WP Agency Summit but had the same target audience. However, the WP FeedBack Summit did use the previous WP Agency Summit’s stats and data to promote the event.

“The WP FeedBack Summit was hosted under the WP FeedBack brand because I joined their team as CTO in March this year,” he said. “Vito [Peleg] and I had the idea to host a virtual conference around WordPress because of WordCamp Asia being canceled — we wanted to help connect the community online through our summit.

Koch left WP FeedBack soon after the summit ended and is currently back on his own and has a goal of making WP Agency Summit a yearly event.

Going Serverless With Oracle Stored Procedures

Serverless computing promises greater scalability, faster development, more efficient deployment, and lower cost.

But the benefits of going serverless can feel out of reach for companies that rely heavily on Oracle stored procedures: named PL/SQL blocks which perform specific tasks and are commonly used for building complex enterprise applications on top of relational databases.

Azure Spring Cloud: A Comprehensive Overview


In this article, you will learn about Azure Spring Cloud and its main features quickly and with ease, through a very down-to-earth approach.

What Made it Possible

Azure Spring Cloud is the natural consequence of Microsoft getting closer to the Java community over the last few years, on top of the fact that the Java ecosystem has been completely dominated by Spring for a long time now.

NLTK Hello World Python Example

In this post, you will learn about getting started with natural language processing (NLP) with (Natural Language Toolkit), a platform to work with human languages using Python language. The post is titled hello world because it helps you get started with NLTK while also learning some important aspects of processing language. In this post, the following will be covered:

  • Install/Set up NLTK
  • Common NLTK commands for language processing operations

Install/Set up NLTK

This is what you need to do set up NLTK.

Continuous Deployment Shouldn’t Be Hard


Over the past decade, continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) have become staples of the software development lifecycle. CI automates the process of merging code and checking for basic regressions and code quality issues, relieving some of the code review burdens on your dev team. CD and automated deployments eliminate the overhead involved each time a new feature or a hotfix needs to get deployed. 

Imagine if there were no more nights and weekends spent packaging builds and manually deploying across servers! A functional CI/CD setup makes it significantly easier to have a truly agile workflow, as you can deploy as frequently as you want to.

Supercharge Your Java Career With Digital Transformation

If you are an experienced Java developer and you want to know how to get ahead in these unprecedented times, then adding digital transformation skills to your resume will give you the boost you want. 

In this article, I will define digital transformation and discuss how to leverage your Java expertise to gain an advantage in this high demand area. To know more join the Mule Integration for Java professionals meetup (also in Spanish) where I discuss this exciting topic together with a chance to receive free professional training and certification. 

Create an Email Newsletter Using Mule

This article shows how to create an email newsletter using Mule as shown below.

newsAPIHere, I have used NewsAPI, you can use any API of your choosing. Almost all APIs need clients to authenticate themselves before serving the request. So, the first step is to register for a dev account on the portal and get an API key.

Generating Dynamic Open Graph Images With Azure Functions

Open Graph (OG) tags allow you to control what content shows up when you share the webpage on major social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google. The essential Open Graph properties that you must configure in the <head> section of your webpage are the following.

  1. og:title: The title of your webpage.
  2. og:image: An image URL displayed as the thumbnail of your webpage when it is shared. The recommended dimension of this image is 1200px X 627 px.
  3. og:url: The canonical URL of your webpage.

Azure Functions now supports running headless Chrome on Linux, and with this feature, you can now run browser automation tools such as Puppeteer on Azure Functions. Since this feature is also available on the consumption plan, you can keep the cost of running such functions very low by only paying for the processing capacity that you utilize.

7 Web Application Security Best Practices

Web Application Security has been one of the most significant parts when it comes to web app development. Developers need to make sure the security of apps as there is a substantial rise in the number of cyberattacks such as DDoS attacks that have been affecting the entire health of any site.

Factors like the rise of cloud platforms, use of open-source tools and technologies, complications of web apps, the increment in data processing needs, and an augment in the sophistication level of cyber attackers have led to an tremendously complex and challenging environment for IT security in any organization. As per Security Magazine, a cyber attack happens somewhere in the globe every 39 sec. As hackers are more interested on people’s confidential data and the cases of cyberattacks increase, it is crucial to make sure reliable security of your web application.

Introduction to Contract Testing, Setting the Context

Application development has evolved, and therefore new needs have arisen when it comes to testing and new tools to deal with them. Let’s take a look!

We have gone from having monolithic architectures to applications based on (micro) services. Why do I say (micro) services instead of microservices? Because although the literature talks about the evolution of development from monolithic applications to applications based on microservices, in reality, we often find ourselves with the integration of services (as is, without the need for them to be micro). The concept at hand applies equally well to the concept of microservices as it does to services, so from here on we will simplify using the term services.