How to Search Google Images by the Exact Size

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Google Images earlier offered a useful “search by size” option in advanced search to help you find logos, wallpapers and other images on the Internet by their exact size (or resolution).

For instance, you could limit your search for landscape photographs to image files that were at least 10 Megapixels in size. Or, if you are were using Google Image search to find wallpapers for the desktop, you could specify the image resolution as 1920x1080 pixels and Google would only return large images with those exact dimensions.

Google Image Search by Size

The “exact size” search option is no longer available in Google Image Search but you can still limit your image searches to a particular size by using the secret imagesize search operator in the query itself.

Here’s how.

Go to and enter the search terms as before. Then append imagesize:WIDTHxHEIGHT to your query and hit Enter. Google Images will remove the operator from the query but the results will only display images that match the specified size.

The search by size operators works on the mobile version of Google as well so you may use the simple trick to find that perfect size wallpaper for your phone.

More Search Tricks

You an also use search operators in Gmail, Google Drive, YouTube and Twitter to easily find stuff you’re looking for.

What is Parallax Effect? Why & How to Use it for WordPress

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The post What is Parallax Effect? Why & How to Use it for WordPress appeared first on WPExplorer.