Collections: Reordered!

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Collections are the perfect way to group and share Pens. We’ve just given them a big round of improvements including reordering, sorting, and commenting!


Many of you (including some of our own Team CodePen members) have been asking for the ability to reorder Collections. A simple request on the surface, but it required a lot of reworking and rethinking all the way from the database to the UI.

Now that we’ve done the heavy lifting, reordering is as simple as dragging & dropping or typing in an exact position!

Got a step-by-step process you want to share in a specific order? Want to feature some great examples of your new library? Order them however you like!

Fresher Look

Collections got a fresh coat of paint! The layout has been streamlined to keep the content front & center.


By default Collections are sorted by the given order but you can also sort by the most recent additions, newest Pens and more!

Changing these controls also updates the URL so you can easily share a specific view.

Details & Comments

See more details down below and add comments, just like a Pen! Perhaps suggest some new Pens to add or get some more details on a technique.

Learn More

We have much more in the Collections Documentation, and you can hear us dive into the new Collection features and the behind-the-scenes work on CodePen Radio #281: Collection Reordering.

The post Collections: Reordered! appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Posts Sunset

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We are removing the Posts editor from CodePen in December 2020.

If you’re looking for a great place to publish blog posts, there are lots of places you can blog for free, like the developer-focused DEV,, or hey, maybe it’s a good time to play around with a static site generator and self-publish.

Here’s what’s changed now:

  • Readers cannot create new comments on Posts
  • Readers cannot heart Posts
  • We are no longer picking Posts for the homepage picks
  • Posts are removed from Topics

Here’s what will happen in December:

  • The Post editor at will be removed
  • Post editing will be disabled
  • The Posts section of member profiles will be removed
  • Search for Posts will be removed
  • Only users with published Posts will see UI for it in their own work

But all published Posts will remain published at their original URLs. Nothing is being deleted or taken offline.

  • Private Posts will remain private
  • Public Posts will remain public
  • Post authors can delete published Posts and unpublished drafts
  • Post authors can view and copy the raw Markdown of published Posts and unpublished drafts

Any questions at all, feel free to message us in support.

The post Posts Sunset appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Copy the Browser’s Native Focus Styles

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Remy documented this the other day. Firefox supports a Highlight keyword and both Chrome and Safari support a -webkit-focus-ring-color keyword. So if you, for example, have removed focus from something and want to put it back in the same style as the browser default, or want to apply a focus style to an element when it isn’t directly in focus itself, this can be useful.

For example:

button:focus + span {
  outline: 5px auto Highlight;
  outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;

Looks good to me. It’s especially helpful with the sorta weird new Chrome double-outline style that would be slightly tricky to replicate otherwise.

Chrome 84
Safari 13.1
Firefox 80

The post Copy the Browser’s Native Focus Styles appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Local seo Question

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If i creat a section on my website or a blog (and redirecting it to the website) where i talk about local events, i will rank better for that locality?
Though the contents are difficult to correlate?
I have no idea if this can work maybe some of you can clarift this.