What Are Good Traits That Make Great API Product Managers

As more companies realize the benefits of an API-first mindset and treating their APIs as products, there is a growing need for good API product management practices to make a company’s API strategy a reality. However, API product management is a relatively new field with little established knowledge on what is API product management and what a PM should be doing to ensure their API platform is successful.

Many of the current practices of API product management have carried over from other products and platforms like web and mobile, but API products have their own unique set of challenges due to the way they are marketed and used by customers. While it would be rare for a consumer mobile app to have detailed developer docs and a developer relations team, you’ll find these items common among API product-focused companies. A second unique challenge is that APIs are very developer-centric and many times API PMs are engineers themselves. Yet, this can cause an API or developer program to lose empathy for what their customers actually want if good processes are not in place. Just because you’re an engineer, don’t assume your customers will want the same features and use cases that you want.

WordPress Documentation Team Discusses Modifying External Linking Policy Following Opposition to the Ban on Commercial Links

Last month the WordPress Documentation Team announced a ban on links to commercial websites within the official docs. These include the HelpHubCode ReferencePlugin and Theme Developer Handbooks, Block Editor Handbook, and the Common APIs Handbook. The reason behind the ban was that heavily policing commercial links placed too much responsibility on the documentation team, when they are already working with limited time and resources.

The decision was instantly controversial, igniting a heated discussion in the comments. A blanket ban on links to commercial sites, without a clear outline of what that includes, was confusing.

“There isn’t clarity what will/won’t be allowed, you state that the rules are expected to change in the future (more lax after some trial and error), and end users lose in the end as a result of excluding actually helpful information because it’s free but at a domain that has non-free content,” Core contributor Clifford Paulick commented on the ban announcement.

The level of opposition seemed to indicate that there may not have been enough discussion up front and that other branches of the WordPress contributor community, including commercial entities who are also contributors, were not considered.

“Discussion on [the] external linking policy is going in the way we wanted to avoid,” Milana Cap said during the July 13th docs team meeting. “I was thinking to explore a different approach.” She gave more background on why the team is reconsidering the ban:

The reason we didn’t want to allow ‘commercial’ links is to avoid abuse and make it ‘fair’ for everyone and not promote any product. We also wanted to save time for our members in a matter of maintenance and sort of automate the process. The further and deeper discussion goes I’m realizing this will not be possible. It won’t be fair, we won’t save time because we’ll have to do through discussion every time someone suggest ‘commercial’ link and I’m pretty sure we’ll never come to agreement on what’s ‘commercial.’ Personal blogs, services, products.. all of it is mixed now. So my suggestion is to allow them all, make process transparent and set strict rules about the actual ‘content.’

A Google document is now home to a collaborative effort on a new policy that Cap says is “fundamentally different from previous discussions.” The new approach proposes a set of criteria for allowing external links, banning things such as product promotion within the tutorial, affiliate links, paywalls, and tracking. The specific criteria and wording of the new policy are still under active discussion.

Sometimes it pays to speak up, if you have a strong opinion about a decision. Reconsideration of this external linking policy is the direct result of feedback on the initial controversial decision, even after it seemed to be final. This may result in a better solution for all stakeholders involved in this discussion.

Next week the Documentation Team will be hosting a Zoom call to discuss the proposal they have been collaborating on in Google docs. This meeting is for anyone who is interested, not just Documentation team members. If you want to get in on the discussion, check out the Doodle poll for the proposed dates and times.

Button Array in HTML

Hello everyone, Could someone please help me with an Html and CSS issue. I am using asp.net c#.
I am stuck in how to create an array of buttons in HTML.

I do know how to create 1 button but I need to create about 10-12 buttons.

Would like to know how to declare an array.

Thank you

GPT-3 Does Not Understand What It Is Saying

Imagine that we sent a robot-controlled spaceship out to the far reaches of the galaxy to contact other life forms. On the ship, we placed a copy of all the text on the internet over the last three years so intelligent alien races would be able to learn something about us. After traveling twelve light-years, the ship enters the solar system around the star Luyten where it is boarded by aliens. The Luytenites retrieve the copy of the internet text and try to make sense of it.

They ask their top linguists to interpret these strange symbols but make little progress. The Luytenites were in the same position as eighteenth-century archaeologists who kept discovering stones with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. Finally, in 1799, archaeologists discovered the Rosetta stone which had both Egyptian hieroglyphs and ancient Greek text. Because they had what turned out to be the same decree in two languages, they were finally able to figure out the meanings of the hieroglyphs.

Bees360 Introduces Drone-based Underwriting Platform API

Bees360, deep learning, and drone technology company, has released an underwriting platform API. Bees360 applies its technology specifically to property underwriting and claim inspections industry, and the API is meant to streamline underwriting efforts based on a carrier’s needs.

Bitbucket Pre-Commit Hooks With Husky for Better Code Quality

BitBucket is Git Management solution from Atlassian. It is free for small teams up to 5 active team members and support all Git repository features. More about Bitbucket could be fount at their website https://bitbucket.org/ .

Pre-commit hooks are powerful functionality to execute own scripts after staging git changes but before commit them to the local repository. Thanks to this solution developers are able to execute code quality checks and code tests before the code officially lands at the repository. Pre-commit hook is not the only hook supported by Git. Other common hooks are:

Connecting Snowflake With MuleSoft Database Connector


Snowflake is an analytics data warehouse provided as Software as a Service. It is faster, flexible, and easy to use and it is not built on the top of any BigData platform like Hadoop. It has many similarities to the Enterprise data warehouse but also some unique and additional capabilities. As Snowflake is a SaaS application, there is no need for any hardware need to set up virtually or physically, and no additional software required to install, configure, or manage.

MuleSoft Database Connector

MuleSoft database connectors have capabilities to connect any database like MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL, etc. The database connector provides many operations like Select, Update, Delete, Insert, Calling Stored Procedure, etc.

A Journey From MuleSoft to Serverless Integration

In the current highly volatile market trend the cost optimizationinfinite scalability, and agile development tools are very vital for any enterprise digital roadmap. The fast-growing trend of FaaS world with AWS Lambda, Google Cloud function, and Azure Fn has already received recognition of small, medium, and large enterprises and this indicates that the move from the iPaaS to FaaS is natural and unavoidable. This move opens a new world of Serverless Integration.

The key features of serverless integration are:

Optimize Images with a GitHub Action

I was playing with GitHub Actions the other day. Such a nice tool! Short story: you can have it run code for you, like run your build processes, tests, and deployments. But it’s just configuration files that can run whatever you need. There is a whole marketplace of Actions wanting to do work for you.

What I wanted to do was run code to do image optimization. That way I never have to think about it. Any image in the repo has been optimized.

There is an action for this already, Calibre’s image-actions, which we’ll leverage here. You’ll also need to ensure Actions is enabled for the repo. I know in my main organization we only flip on Actions on a per-repo basis, which is one of the options.

Then you make a file at ./github/workflows/optimize-images.yml. That’s where you can configure this action. All your actions can have separate files, if you want them to. I made this a separate file because (1) it only works with “pushes to pull requests,” so if you have other actions that run on different triggers, they won’t mix nicely, and (2) That’s what is in their docs and looks like the suggested usage.

name: Optimize images
on: pull_request
    name: calibreapp/image-actions
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout Repo
        uses: actions/checkout@master

      - name: Compress Images
        uses: calibreapp/image-actions@master
          githubToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Now if you make a pull request, you’ll see it run:

That successful run then leaves a comment on the pull request saying what it was able to optimize:

It will literally re-commit those files back to the pull request as well, so if you’re going to stay on the pull request and keep working, you’ll need to push again before you can push to get the optimized images.

I can look at that automatic commit and see the difference:

The commit preview in Git Tower.

How I can merge the PR knowing all is well:

Pretty cool. Is optimizing your images locally particularly hard? No. Is never having to think about it again better? Yeah. You’re taking on a smidge of technical debt here, but reducing it elsewhere, which is a very fair trade, at least in my book.

The post Optimize Images with a GitHub Action appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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To grid or not to grid

Sarah Higley does accessibility work and finds that “tables and grids are over-represented in accessibility bugs.”

The drum has been banged a million times: don’t use a <table> for layout. But what goes around comes around. What’s the the #1 item in a list of “some of the ways tables and grids can go wrong”?

Using a grid when a table is needed, or vice versa

The day has come. CSS grid has dug its way into usage so deeply that developers are using it by default instead of using a classic <table>. And we don’t even have flying cars yet!

Sarah shows clear examples of both techniques and how the same information can be presented in different ways both visually and semantically. For example, a list of upcoming concerts can be displayed as a <table>, and that might be fine if you can imagine the purpose of the table being used for sorting or comparing, but it can also be presented as a grid, which has other advantages, like headers that are easier to skim.

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The post To grid or not to grid appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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Implementing One and Two Way SSL (Mutual Authentication) for MuleSoft Application


In this article, we will be going to learn how to set up the one-way SSL and two-way SSL for MuleSoft applications.  In one way SSL, the client always verifies the server certificates and the server never verifies the client certificates whereas in two-way SSL client verifies the server certificates and server verifies the client certificates. Sometimes two-way SSL is also known as Mutual Authentication.

One Way SSL

As mentioned above in one way SSL only client verifies the server certificates. At the server end, there will be a Keystore that will hold the private and public certificate of the server whereas, at the client end, there will be a truststore that will hold the public certificate of the server.

Why Data-Driven Customer Success is Essential in Today’s COVID World

In today’s unprecedented economic downturn, it’s more difficult than ever to find and close new customers. The onus is now on maintaining existing customers as productive users of your product. By closely monitoring API metrics, Customer Success Management (CSM) teams can get an early warning on those that are at risk of churning, and rectify things before it’s too late.

Customer Acquisition Versus Customer Retention: At Least 5X Difference in Cost

According to different surveys, the average cost of acquiring a new customer is between 5X and 25X the cost of retaining an existing one. That was in the pre-COVID era. In today’s world, it’s probably more.

5 Growing Channels to Boost Traffic to Your WordPress Site

5 Growing Channels to Boost Traffic to Your WordPress SiteWith everyone sticking to email, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram, you may start to feel like these channels are getting overcrowded. To change your results, sometimes you need to do something different. If you use a channel that’s popular but new, you may have a higher chance of success. Below are five relatively new channels […]

The post 5 Growing Channels to Boost Traffic to Your WordPress Site appeared first on WPExplorer.

No Minimum PHP Version Bump This Year, WordPress to Support PHP 5.6 for a While Longer

We should be leading the users, not following them.
We should be guiding the users, not coddling them.
We should carve out the road to the future, not continue to fix a broken road to the past.
We should say what we do and do what we say.

Juliette Reinders Folmer wrapped up her final thoughts on a ticket she had opened a mere three days ago. She had opened the ticket in anticipation of movement on WordPress’s minimum supported version of PHP. She had opened it after seeing the plan to no longer support PHP 5.6 in the WordPress 5.6 release plans (note that initial release plans are not necessarily set in stone).

There is no denying the symmetry of dropping support for PHP 5.6 with the release of WordPress 5.6. Fate seemed to be calling down, saying that it was time to move past the platform’s support of a version that reached End of Life in December 2018. It would be a nice sendoff, a farewell that could usher in a new era of maintaining some semblance of staying up to date with the latest and greatest the programming language has to offer.

But the excitement was cut short. WordPress developers, especially those who have longed for WordPress to be more proactive in updating its PHP requirements, will have to continue pushing for modernization into 2021. It does not look like it will happen this year.

Matt Mullenweg, WordPress co-founder and project lead, closed the ticket a few short hours after its opening. “Just so we don’t cherry-pick stats to make a point, it’s worth noting that the PHP distribution across all WP sites we track is the same as when that post was made in 2018: 85% are 5.6 or above,” he wrote. “Only about 66% are 7.1 and above.”

WordPress has required a minimum of PHP 5.6 since its version 5.2 release. Of the WordPress installs on versions 5.2 through the current 5.5 only 10.69% of those are running PHP 5.6, according to Sergey Biryukov, a core committer for WordPress. This percentage is even lower than when the team flipped the switch to PHP 5.6+.

“Given that we’re still releasing security updates for WP 3.7 (released almost 7 years ago), it’s not like we’re leaving PHP 5.6 or 7.0 users without security updates, they just won’t have some latest and greatest features of WP 5.6+, which seems fair,” he said in the comments on the WordPress 5.6 announcement.

“This is obviously a key philosophical decision that should be made by the project lead,” tweeted lead developer Andrew Nacin. “And for what it’s worth, our philosophies and standards on this have been consistent for more than a decade. The numbers strongly suggest it’s too early to drop PHP 5.6.”

While there are certainly arguments to looking at the data in different ways, one of WordPress’s guiding philosophies has been making the platform accessible to as many users as possible over the years. This has meant taking a slow, deliberate approach while also reaching out to web hosts and users alike. Dropping support for old versions of PHP has not been nearly as fast as some — including me — would like.

The need for updating the minimum version of PHP is not simply about developers wanting to use the newest and shiniest tools. There are practical concerns. PHP 8.0 is slated for release on November 26, 2020. Regardless of WordPress’s minimum required version, it must also work with the most up-to-date version of PHP. The wider the range of versions that the platform supports, the harder it is to test.

Such is the case with PHPUnit, a testing framework for PHP applications like WordPress. PHPUnit 8 supports a minimum of PHP 7.2. Technically, it has syntax that requires PHP 7.1 — hence, the need for the WordPress version bump. PHPUnit 9 requires a minimum of 7.3 and is necessary for testing PHP 8.0 compatibility. There is an open ticket for solving issues with PHPUnit testing where the team is exploring options to support the range of PHP versions.

“We also need to work on our messaging around these PHP and core upgrades, so we don’t cry wolf and cause these notices to be ignored,” continued Mullenweg in his explanation for closing the ticket, pointing to the current site health messaging in WordPress. “They do not say what version it is currently on. They do not provide a good way to contact the host. They do not give accurate information about security, as most hosts run backports that patch security on older versions separate from what is officially supported by the core PHP project. These are not free upgrades, and I think the cost vs what we are able to deliver to users, vs the hard caused by leaving so many people behind, needs to be seriously weighed. Right now it feels like we’re a bit trigger happy on these requirements, and I’d even be open to rolling some back.”

WordPress may be joked about in “real” programming circles. Its reliance on outdated tools may be the punchline from developers who are building sites with the Next Big Thing. However, maybe in spite of or maybe because of the platform’s reluctance to quickly drop support for older versions of PHP, it has swallowed up 38% of the web. Any project lead would question meddling too much with its leave-no-users-behind formula that was part of the journey getting here.

It is a tough call for a project lead to make. It is also tough because developers like Folmer have put a ton of work into PHP coding standards tools and do the often thankless job of advocating for pushing WordPress into modern-day coding practices.

WordPress is in a position where it has some leverage. If the software demands an upgraded PHP experience, it can put its massive user base to work by forcing web hosting companies to cater to their needs. Money talks, and if enough users begin looking for greener pastures, perhaps those web hosts will make some adjustments. That is at least the theory that some in the community share. “If there are no consequences to user/host (in-)action, why would they ever bother to take action?” asked Folmer.

It is also a gamble that the WordPress project does not look to be taking, at least for the version 5.6 release.

Red Hat Introduces OpenShift 4.5

Red Hat has introduced OpenShift 4.5. It incorporates Kubernetes 1.18 and has a particular focus on stability within high scale operations. As expected, the new release includes a number of quality improvements and many new features.

Collective #619

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The Just in Case Mindset in CSS

Ahmad Shadeed writes about the “just in case mindset” which aims to educate designers and developers to think ahead of time of some possible failure scenarios for a component.

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