What is Developer Experience (DX)?

Developer Experience¹ is a term² with a self-declaring meaning — the experience of developers — but it eludes definition in the sense that people invoke it at different times for different reasons referring to different things. For instance, our own Sarah Drasner’s current job title is “VP of Developer Experience” at Netlify, so it’s a very real thing. But a job title is just one way the term is used. Let’s dig in a bit and apply it to the different ways people think about and use the term.

People think of specific companies.

I hear DX and Stripe together a lot. That makes sense. Stripe is a payment gateway company almost exclusively for developers. They are serious about providing a good experience for their customers (developers), hence “developer experience.” Just listen to Suz Hinton talk about “friction journals”, which is the idea of sitting down to use a product (like Stripe) and noting down every single little WTF moment, confusion, and frustration so that improvements can be made:

Netlify is like Stripe in this way, as is Heroku, CodePen, and any number of companies where the entire customer base is developers. For companies like this, it’s almost like DX is what UX (User Experience) is for any other company.

People think of specific technologies.

It’s common to hear DX invoked when comparing technologies. For instance, some people will say that Vue offers a better developer experience than React. (I’m not trying to start anything, I don’t even have much of an opinion on this.) They are talking about things like APIs. Perhaps the state is more intuitive to manage in one vs. the other. Or they are talking about features. I know Vue and Svelte have animation helpers built-in while React does not. But React has hooks and people generally like those. These are aspects of the DX of these technologies.

Or they might be speaking about the feeling around the tools surrounding the core technology. I know create-react-app is widely beloved, but so is the Vue CLI. React Router is hugely popular, but Vue has a router that is blessed (and maintained) by the core team which offers a certain feeling of trust.

> vue create hello-world
> npx create-react-app my-app

I’m not using JavaScript frameworks/libraries as just any random example. I hear people talk about DX as it relates to JavaScript more than anything else — which could be due to the people in my circles, but it feels notable.

People think of the world around the technology.

Everybody thinks good docs are important. There is no such thing as a technology that is better than another but has much worse docs. The one with the better docs is better overall because it has better docs. That’s not the technology itself; that’s the world around it.

Have you ever seen a developer product with an API, and when you view the docs for the API while logged in, it uses API keys and data and settings from your own account to demonstrate? That’s extraordinary to me. That feels like DX to me.

Airtable docs showing me API usage with my own data.

“Make the right thing easy,” notes Jake Dohm.

That word, easy, feels highly related to DX. Technologies that make things easy are technologies with good DX. In usage as well as in understanding. How easily (and quickly) can I understand what your technology does and what I can do with it?

What the technology does is often only half of the story. The happy path might be great, but what happens when it breaks or errors? How is the error reporting and logging? I think of Apollo and GraphQL here in my own experience. It’s such a great technology, but the error reporting feels horrendous in that it’s very difficult to track down even stuff like typos triggering errors in development.

What is the debugging story like? Are there special tools for it? The same goes for testing. These things are fundamental DX issues.

People think of technology offerings.

For instance, a technology might be “good” already. Say it has an API that developers like. Then it starts offering a CLI. That’s (generally) a DX improvement, because it opens up doors for developers who prefer working in that world and who build processes around it.

I think of things like Netlify Dev here. They already have this great platform and then say, here, you can run it all on your own machine too. That’s taking DX seriously.

One aspect of Netlify Dev that is nice: The terminal command to start my local dev environment across all my sites on Netlify, regardless of what technology powers them, is the same: netlify dev

Having a dedicated CLI is almost always a good DX step, assuming it is well done and maintained. I remember WordPress before WP-CLI, and now lots of documentation just assumes you’re using it. I wasn’t even aware Cloudinary had a CLI until the other day when I needed it and was pleasantly surprised that it was there. I remember when npm scripts started taking over the world. (What would npm be without a CLI?) We used to have a variety of different task runners, but now it’s largely assumed a project has run commands built into the package.json that you use to do anything the project needs to do.

Melanie Sumner thinks of CLIs immediately as core DX.

People think of the literal experience of coding.

There is nothing more directly DX than the experience of typing code into code editing software and running it. That’s what “coding” is and that’s what developers do. It’s no wonder that developers take that experience seriously and are constantly trying to improve it for themselves and their teams. I think of things like VS Code in how it’s essentially the DX of it that has made it so dominant in the code editing space in such a short time. VS Code does all kinds of things that developers like, does them well, does them fast, and allows for a very wide degree of customization.

TypeScript keeps growing in popularity no doubt in part due to the experience it offers within VS Code. TypeScript literally helps you code better by showing you, for example, what functions need as parameters, and making it hard to do the wrong thing.

Then there is the experience outside the editor, which in the browser itself. Years ago, I wrote Style Injection is for Winners where my point was, as a CSS developer, the experience of saving CSS code and seeing the changes instantly in the browser is a DX you definitely want to have. That concept continues to live on, growing up to JavaScript as well, where “hot reloading” is goosebump-worthy.

The difference between a poor developer environment (no IDE help, slow saves, manual refreshes, slow pipelines) and a great developer environment (fancy editor assistance, hot reloading, fast everything) is startling. A good developer environment, good DX, makes you a better and more productive programmer.

People compare it to user experience (UX).

There is a strong negative connotation to DX sometimes. It happens when people blame it for it existing at the cost of user experience.

I think of things like client-side developer-only libraries. Think of the classic library that everyone loves to dunk: Moment.js. Moment allows you to manipulate dates in JavaScript, and is often used client-side to do that. Users don’t care if you have a fancy API available to manipulate dates. That is entirely a developer convenience. So, you ship this library for yourself (good DX) at the cost of slowing down the website (bad UX). Most client-side JavaScript is in this category.

Equally as often, people connect developer experience and user experience. If developers are empowered and effective, that will “trickle down” to produce good software, the theory goes.

Worst case, we’re in a situation where UX and DX are on a teeter totter. Pile on some DX and UX suffers on the other side. Best case, we find ways to disentangle DX and UX entirely, finding value in both and taking both seriously. Although if one has to win, certainly it should be the users. Like the HTML spec says:

In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity.

People think about time.

How long does a technology take to adopt? Good DX considers this. Can I take advantage of it without rewriting everything? How quickly can I spin it up? How well does it play with other technologies I use? What is my time investment?

This kind of thing makes me think of some recent experience with Cloudflare Workers. It’s really cool technology that we don’t have time to get all into right here, but suffice to say it gives you control over a website at a high level that we often don’t think about. Like what if you could manipulate a network request before it even gets to your web server? You don’t have to use it, but because of the level it operates on, new doors open up without caring about or interfering with whatever technologies you are using.

Not only does the technology itself position itself well, the DX of using it, while there are some rough edges, is at least well-considered, providing a browser-based testing environment.

A powerful tool with a high investment cost, eh, that’s cool. But a powerful tool with low investment cost is good DX.

People don’t want to think about it.

They say the best typography goes unnoticed because all you see is the what the words are telling you, not the typography itself. That can be true of developer experience. The best DX is that you never notice the tools or the technology because they just work.

Good DX is just being able to do your job rather than fight with tools. The tools could be your developer environment, it could be build tooling, it could be hosting stuff, or it could even be whatever APIs you are interfacing with. Is the API intuitive and helpful, or obtuse and tricky?

Feel free to keep going on this in the comments. What is DX to you?

  1. Are we capitalizing Developer Experience? I’m just gonna go for it.
  2. Looks like Michael Mahemoff has a decent claim on coining the term.

The post What is Developer Experience (DX)? appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Hoss Launches New API Monitoring Platform

Hoss, a Y-combinator backed startup, launched an API tracking and management platform today. The platform allows companies to track, monitor, and manage all the APIs consumed by their business across the board. Hoss built its platform because of the ever-increasing use of APIs across business and overwhelming issues related to those same businesses not having visibility into the performance of the APIs consumed.

Build Forms via the Block Editor With Gutenberg Forms

The quest for the perfect form plugin is nearly as old as WordPress. Projects have come and gone. There are some great form plugins out there, but far too often the choices are between massive builders that do things their own way and solutions so simple that they do not quite live up to expectations. Munir Kamal has put his hat into the ring with his take on this saturated market with Gutenberg Forms, a plugin designed for exclusively building forms within the block editor.

The plugin is by no means perfect. It has numerous quirks. It does a lot of things right. It fails at times with features that could be game-changing. It has the potential to be one of the best form-building plugins for WordPress.

As of version 1.4.0, the latest update, Gutenberg Forms is a mixed bag of success and frustration. I am excited about it.

I am excited because we are still in the early part of this plugin’s lifespan. I am excited because Kamal has built some successful Gutenberg-related projects in a short amount of time, including Gutenberg Hub and ACF Blocks. I am excited because I believe it will improve over time.

Form plugins are not easy. Despite its current issues, which we’ll get to, Gutenberg Forms is a useful plugin that ticks many of the boxes that I want to see in a form builder going forward. The ideas needed for block-based forms are in place. The execution just needs some refinement.

Gutenberg Forms was recreated in February this year. Kamal originally released the plugin in 2018, but it sat in limbo for a year and a half before he updated it with the latest APIs. Since then, he has been on a tear, releasing frequent updates and improving how the plugin works. I first tested it months ago and was not happy with the result. However, the latest iteration shows much more promise.

With only 200+ current users, the biggest thing the plugin needs is more feedback from more users.

Building Forms

Creating a standard form with the Gutenberg Forms plugin.
Creating a standard form.

Gutenberg Forms makes form building simple. There are two ways to build forms in the plugin. The first method is a custom “Forms” screen in the admin. It is a custom post type that works just like a post or page. The difference is that users are limited to adding form fields provided by the plugin. Using this method of building forms is ideal because the form is saved in a single place and can be used anywhere on the site.

The second method is building a form directly from the post or page editor. All of the plugin’s custom blocks are available for creating a custom form. For one-off forms, this may be the method to use, but I recommend building from the Forms screen instead.

After building a form via the Forms screen, users can later use the Gutenberg Forms block to insert a saved form. What actually happens when inserting this block is that, when choosing a saved form, the plugin inserts a shortcode into the editor. This is one of those quirks with the plugin. One of the ideas of building blocks is for developers to move away from utilizing the shortcode system. There is no need to mix in a shortcode here from a technical perspective. It should simply be a server-side block. I do not imagine this matters much to end-users. It works. It is simply an oddity that I hope evolves in the long run.

Inserting a saved form into a page with the Gutenberg Forms plugin.
Inserting a saved form into a page.

The plugin provides most of the common form fields that end-users would expect to see in a form plugin. The following are the form-field blocks currently available:

  • Calculation
  • Checkbox
  • Date Picker
  • Email
  • File
  • Form Button
  • Message
  • Name
  • Number
  • Phone
  • Radio
  • Select
  • Text
  • Website
  • Yes / No

Gutenberg Forms also includes other blocks that are not for outputting fields. The Form Columns block allows end-users to create columnized fields. This works great for fields that need to be lined up horizontally, such as city, state, and ZIP code fields. The Form Group block allows users to group multiple blocks. It also has several design options, including custom colors and padding. The Form Step block is useful for adding steps in multi-step forms.

The biggest but least polished feature is the pre-designed templates library that Gutenberg Forms makes available. Currently, the plugin has around three dozen custom templates. Given Kamal’s work with templates at Gutenberg Hub, I am guessing that we will see even more templates in the future.

Inserting a form template into a page with the Gutenberg Forms WordPress plugin.
Inserting a form template into a page.

The problem? The form template inserter does not always work.

Testing the plugin against both the latest WordPress and Gutenberg plugin, I was not able to insert any form template via the new form screen. There were JavaScript errors that prevented it from being inserted. One of the most exciting features of the plugin failing to work, at least in my test environment, was a bit of a letdown.

While inserting a template did not work on the form-building screen, it did work when building one-off forms on the page-editing screen. However, I did receive the dreaded “this block contains unexpected or invalid content” message for some of the blocks after insertion.

This issue is not insurmountable. The Gutenberg project is in a constant state of flux. I am forgiving of these types of issues right now because things are so unsettled, and I also know they can be addressed in an update. However, I do want to point them out for users who may need something a bit more polished in their production environments. You can build forms easily without the template feature.

Final Thoughts

Yes, Gutenberg Forms is a bit rough around the edges. It is not at the point where it can be competitive with some of the other major players in the forms marketplace. However, six months or a year from now, assuming continued improvement, it should be in a position to start slicing its own piece of the pie.

There are some other nitpicks with the plugin. For example, the “Inline” block style available with some blocks cannot be reset to the default. The “C” in the Checkbox block name is lowercase while all other block names begin with an uppercase letter. These minor things make the plugin seem less polished than it is.

Even with the issues I have outlined, I would recommend people in the market for a block-based form builder to give this plugin a test run. Its simplicity will make it an easy choice for many. For the most part, it works well. At the end of the day, it lets you build forms and stores the submissions for those forms directly in the database, and that is what truly matters.

I am a firm believer that we are at the beginning of something special. It will just take a bit of time before we get there. Even if Gutenberg Forms does not take over the form-builder market, other plugin developers should start taking cues from what this plugin is doing.

WordPress Bumps Minimum PHP Recommendation to 7.2

Late last week WordPress made major progress towards the goal of getting users to adopt newer versions of PHP. The ServeHappy API has been updated to set the minimum acceptable PHP version to 7.2, while the WordPress downloads page recommends 7.3 or newer.

Sergey Biryukov committed this change on the meta trac after Marius Jensen opened a ticket for it nine days ago. Previously, the ServeHappy dashboard widget was showing the upgrade notice to users of PHP 5.6 or lower.

“After discussing with the core Site Health team and the Hosting Team, it has come up that the most sensible next move is to show the upgrade notice to users of PHP <=7.1 (this means setting ACCEPTABLE_PHP to 7.2),” Jensen said.

“Looking at the numbers, we’re seeing roughly 25% of sites running a WordPress version that includes ServeHappy [that] would then get an upgrade notice.”

This change means that the majority of WordPress sites are using an acceptable version of PHP. Approximately 47% are running WordPress on older versions. Those who are on WordPress 5.2+ (when Site Health was introduced) will see the upgrade notices generated by the ServeHappy API.

WordPress.org stats: PHP versions in use as of June 14, 2020

This update also bumps the lowest branch of PHP which is actively supported to 7.3 and bumps the lowest branch of PHP that is receiving security updates to 7.2.

The Site Health team scheduled the change for last Friday, but Jensen noted that the API call is cached for a week in core. It should start popping up for users throughout this week.

In December 2018, PHP 5.6 and 7.0 reached End of Life (EOL) and stopped receiving security updates. This left approximately 83% of users on unsupported versions of PHP at the end of 2018. Today, with the progress encouraged by the Site Health project, 47% are on unsupported PHP versions. The update put in place last week should help significantly decrease this number before PHP 7.2 reaches EOL in November 2020.

Jenny Wong, who helped coordinate the project as part of the Site Health team, described how they got started and worked successfully across teams with design, Polyglots, and Hosting contributors to make this update possible.

“I remember going to WordCamp San Francisco and sitting down with Andrew Nacin and Mark Jaquith at lunch and asking them why WordPress supported such old versions and what the project was doing about it,” Wong said. “They told me the work that had been going on.

“They told me the issues, they took the time took explain it all to me and answer all my questions.”

Wong said she was grateful to be part of that initial discussion in 2014 and to have shared in the journey with dozens of contributors.

“To the polyglots who translated everything we threw at them, to everyone else who gave feedback, argued, fought, discussed and debated, to everyone who has shared ideas and patches, to every person who has listened to me complain, took my wild ideas and made them an reality – Thank you!” Wong said.

Given WordPress’ large share of the market, encouraging adoption of newer versions of PHP will help make the web more secure. Please note that this update means that 7.2 is now the lowest branch of PHP that is considered acceptable for use with WordPress, according to the ServeHappy API. Sites that are running on older versions may continue to work but WordPress will continue strongly urging users to upgrade.

25+ Best Business WordPress Themes In 2020

Trying to build a business website can feel daunting at times – especially if building websites is not how you make money. And yes, there are many business WordPress themes available you can use, but even that notion is overwhelming because there are so many to choose from. Lucky for you, we’ve taken some of the effort out of the ordeal by compiling a list of the best business WordPress themes right here.

All of these themes are sourced from Envato Elements and can be downloaded along with thousands more for a subscription starting at $16.50 per month.

UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: 400,000+ Fonts & Design Assets

Starting at only $16.50 per month!


Example of Pithree

The Pithree WordPress theme is fantastic for construction and building-related websites. It’s got a clean design and construction graphics that will suit your needs.


Example of Pogon

Another solid choice is the Pogon theme. It’s built for business, finance, and corporate-style websites and has a clean layout that’s appealing to the eye.


Example of Unova

Unova is another business theme for WordPress sites, this time with an emphasis on consulting practices. It comes with four homepage demos and 12 subpages, too.


Example of WealthCo

Or, you could opt for WealthCo, a WordPress theme that prioritizes financial websites. With a clean layout, it is actually defined as multipurpose and could be customized to suit any industry.


Example of Busis

Another option is the Busis WordPress theme. This one is chock full of business-related features and makes it easy to sell your services or products.

Farm Agrico

Example of Farm Agrico

If you’re in the farming, agricultural or food industries, the Farm Agrico theme is a good choice. With full-width sliders, compelling calls-to-action, and a responsive design, it’s a sure hit.


Example of Morello

Morello is another business WordPress theme that could be a great fit for your website. It’s multipurpose and loaded with features, making it a solid choice.


Example of Weberium

Weberium is still another WordPress theme that any business could use. However, this one is centered around digital agencies. It includes 10 homepage variations and has compatibility with top plugins, too.


Example of Aspero

Aspero is a corporate-centered theme that offers a clean design, responsive layout, and key features businesses come to rely on like service widgets and pricing tables.


Example of Dallas

The Dallas theme is a responsive offering that maintains a clean and simple layout that can be customized in any number of ways. At the end of the day, it’s modern and a great compliment for any content you want to add.


Example of Insugroup

Insugroup is a theme with all the features you need for an insurance or finance website. With a stylish full-width layout, you’ll have ample opportunity to showcase your services.


Example of Simple

Simple is a multipurpose WordPress theme that can work for any type of business or corporate website. It comes with several homepage options and is minimal yet professional.



Example of Cooper

Cooper is another great choice of theme that offers a straightforward layout with a few fun touches that level up the creativity factor considerably.


Example of BuildPro

Here’s another theme option for construction websites. BuildPro offers a wide range of features including 15 different homepages and compatibility with current top WordPress plugins and page builders.


Example of Continal

The Continal WordPress theme is another choice for those in the construction industry, though you could easily customize it to suit a more corporate-leaning business, too.


Example of HotStar

And then there’s HotStar, which is a theme that promises to be multipurpose in its target audience and feature set. It’s also compatible with Visual Composer Page Builder.


Example of Kroth

Kroth is another business WordPress theme with a responsive layout and stylish design. And you can customize it any number of ways thanks to four homepage demos and 30+ page layouts.


Example of ITok

ITok is a standout choice for any business website having to do with financial subjects, but its particularly geared toward bitcoin and cryptocurrency. This business WordPress theme includes 5 different homepage layouts and parallax effects that further engage visitors.


Example of Calia

Calia is another theme for businesses that offers a wide range of functionality. It’s customizable with Elementor and includes numerous homepages, subpages, widgets, and more to make building the site of your dreams easier.


Example of Opus

Opus is another solid choice for businesses, specifically web design agencies. It includes features that make highlighting your company’s services easy.


Example of FLAP

Another option is FLAP. This WordPress theme is multipurpose and effective. It includes six demo site options to choose from and can be customized to sell products, apps, or services.

The Business

Example of The Business

The aptly named The Business theme is a minimal theme that offers a one-page scrolling experience to quickly get potential customers acquainted with what you’re offering.


Example of Creatify

The Creatify WordPress theme offers a sleek and professional design for any web agency, app, or tech industry website.


Example of Onepage

As its name would suggest, Onepage is a WordPress theme that offers a one-page scrolling experience for your visitors. It’s perfect for selling a mobile app or for any service website.


Example of One

Another one-page theme is One. This WordPress theme can be customized any number of ways to for any type of business. Whether you sell an app, service, or physical product, the galleries, social integration and interesting one-page scrolling effects are real winners.


Example of ChainPress

Last on our list is ChainPress. This WordPress theme is ideal for businesses that deal in cryptocurrency. However, with a few tweaks it could work for any sort of business or corporate site.

Launch Your Site with a Business WordPress Theme

Hopefully this collection of business WordPress themes will make it easier for you to select one and get your site up and running quickly. There’s a decent amount of variety represented here.

And remember, you can gain access to all of these themes from Envato Elements via a monthly subscription fee. This is especially helpful if you plan on building more than one website or you need additional graphics or digital collateral.

Best of luck!

A Simple Introduction to Apache Camel

A "Stable, Consistent Architecture" is a myth. It can never be achieved. Over the years, each of us has come to accept this fact, and with a microservices architecture, it is a lot easier to live with this fact. But, that does pose a lot of other issues that we need to look at.

An important hurdle in this journey is that of application integration. A core tenet of the microservice architecture is that any interaction or integration between systems should be based on globally accepted standards rather than a mutually accepted protocol. If we build a system based on a protocol that is based on a simple mutual agreement between two developers, it can never work beyond those two developers. To enable a generic plug and play interface, the communication has to be based on globally accepted standards.

How I Used Brotli:11 to Get Even Smaller CSS and JavaScript Files at CDN Scale

This article is about my experience using Brotli at production scale. Despite being really expensive and a truly unfeasible method for on-the-fly compression at higher compression levels, Brotli is actually very economical and saves cost on many fronts, especially when compared with gzip or lower compression levels of Brotli.

Brotli’s Beginning…

In 2015, Google published a blog post announcing Brotli and released its source code on GitHub. The pair of developers who created Brotli also created Google's Zopfli compression two years earlier. But where Zopfli leveraged existing compression techniques, Brotli was written from the ground-up and squarely focused on text compression to benefit static web assets, like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and even web fonts.

At that time, I was working as a freelance website performance consultant. I was really excited for the 20-26% improvement Brotli promised over Zopfli. Zopfli in itself is a dense implementation of the deflate compressor compared with zlib's standard implementation, so the claim of up to 26% was quite impressive. And what's zlib? It's essentially the same as gzip.

11 Best CSS Frameworks To Look Forward In 2020

For any front end developer, there are two major concerns. The first one is time & efficiency and the other is browser compatibility testing issues. To address both concerns, it’s important to adopt a web design methodology that helps one save time and improve efficiency besides enhancing user experience. Speaking of which, CSS proves to be a win-win for both users and web designers.

Cascading Style Sheets or simply CSS are web design tools that separate document content from document presentation. This results in a dramatic decrease in the file transfer size. Once you apply a change to the site’s CSS style sheet, it can automatically reflect on all the pages alike. CSS offers great design consistency and offers a wide array of formatting options.

Dependency Inversion Principle in C++: SOLID as a Rock

Dependency Inversion Principle(in C++) is the fifth and last design principle of a series SOLID as a Rock design principles. The SOLID design principles focus on developing software that is easy to maintainable, reusable, and extendable. In this article, we will see an example code with the flow and correct it with help of DIP. We will also see guidelines and benefits of DIP at the ens of the article.

By the way, If you haven't gone through my previous articles on design principles, then check out the following quick links:

How to Insert image in WordPress

“Hearing and seeing something, which exists physically are two different things. When you hear about something then it is likely that you will begin to believe in it, but when you see that thing then it occurs to you that whatever you heard and believed in was accurate”. In WordPress, we see a number of […]

The post How to Insert image in WordPress appeared first on WPArena.