Replacing variable name in excel

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Hi all,
Before I begin this question, and before you tell me we dont do homework, I would like to state that I have read a few articles, I have tried a couple of functions (=REPLACE, =SUBSTITUTE) but i'm not able to get the reuslts require, I'm new to Excel
Question: Useappropriate text functions to shorten the variable names to something like Arizona Females Young, Arizona Females Old, and Arizona Females All, also is there a way to do it automatically for all variables in 1 function. The screenshot is attached.
It is kind of urgent (I understand people help within their own time).
Thanks in advance.


Rapidops Announces API Accelerator for Enterprise Resource Planning

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Rapidops Inc. today announced its innovative new API Accelerator to rejuvenate legacy ERP systems. Changing ERP systems is not necessary today, and not viable in most cases due to the high switching costs and the time-consuming endeavor that is fraught with business risks. The ERP becomes a piece of the technology platform, not the platform itself. Rapidops has deployed API/ERP solutions in many middle-market companies allowing maximum innovation to occur without business disruption.

Noindex AMP pages?

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Is it appropriate to noindex AMP pages whose desktop canonicals are noindexed?

Currently, my valid but low-quality pages are noindexed. They point to an amphtml version, and that AMP page is noindexed as well.

Submit AMP page to Google Sitemap

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Is there an advantage to submitting my AMP pages to my Google sitemap?

I am using <link rel="amphtml" ... but I was wondering if submitting them lead to faster discovery?

My AMP pages are starting to show up in Google Search Console Coverage for "Indexed, not submitted in sitemap"

However, I cannot confirm that their non-AMP canonicals are in the latest version of the sitemap that Google has crawled and parsed.