8 Rules To Writing Blog Titles Your Readers Can’t Resist

Do you want to entice more prospects and boost your website traffic drastically? Well, there’s something that can help. Catchy blog titles to a well-written blog can make all the difference. It’s one thing to write high-quality, well-researched content, but it’s a completely different thing to earn clicks and views — which is where the […]

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What is a HIPAA Compliant Fax API?

You’ve been tasked with utilizing a HIPAA compliant fax API for your company or client. You understand what fax is, but how do you make it HIPAA compliant? If you Google search HIPAA compliance you will see things like needing a BAA, cover pages, disclaimers, and massive fines for HIPAA violations. It’s a lot to take in and it may seem overwhelming.

New Editor Focus Keyboard Commands

We've just released some key keyboard commands for the Pen Editor that have been highly requested for years: the ability to move from editor to editor.

  • Command (Mac) / Control (PC) + Option (Alt) + 1: Move focus to the HTML Editor
  • Command (Mac) / Control (PC) + Option (Alt) + 2: Move focus to the CSS Editor
  • Command (Mac) / Control (PC) + Option (Alt) + 3: Move focus to the JavaScript Editor

This way if you're the type that really likes to stay on your keyboard at all times, you don't have to lift your hands to move editors.

You can't see my keyboard, but here's a little video showing how I can hop between the editors. Even my cursor position is maintained!

Keyboard commands are tricky on the web because you're balancing multiple operating systems' keyboard commands with multiple browsers keyboard commands. Then at CodePen, we use CodeMirror which has its own set, and Emmet which adds more, and also offer alternate key bindings like Sublime Text and Vim bindings. So we really hope we aren't stomping on someone's very important keyboard command here, but so far so good.


Having control over focus is an accessibility consideration too, so I'm also very pleased to say that you can now press the ESC key to move focus out of the editor and onto the settings button for that editor.

After you've escaped, focus is on the settings button you can can pop that open pretty easily, and the next tab is the editor actions.

Hopefully, this makes the editors a bit more accessible and useful in that you can always get focus out of the editor with the keyboard (rather than being trapped in there with no way to get focus out).


Vim key bindings make heavy use of the ESC key already for core functionality, so we skip our focus movement when those are active.

APIs to Track Coronavirus COVID-19

Editor's Note: Please check back as this article will continue to be updated as new APIs related to COVID-19 are made available.

Since the early days of the COVID-19 outbreak, ProgrammableWeb has been tracking APIs that provide access to data related to the pandemic. The World Health Organization now reports that the virus has infected over 40,000,000 people across more than 200 countries.

Why My In-Memory Cluster Underperforms: Negating Network Impact

Memory access is so much faster than disk I/O that many of us expect to gain striking performance advantages by merely deploying a distributed in-memory cluster and start reading data from it. However, sometimes we overlook the fact that a network interconnects cluster nodes with our applications, and it can quickly diminish the positive effects of having an in-memory cluster if a lot of data gets transferred continuously over the wire.

With that being said, using proper data access patterns provided by distributed in-memory technologies can negate the effect of the network latency. In this article, we're using the APIs of Apache Ignite's in-memory computing platform to see how the performance of our application changes if we put less pressure on the communication channels. The ultimate goal is to be able to deploy horizontally scalable in-memory clusters that can tap into the pool of RAM and CPUs spread across all machines with minimal impact of the network. 

After the Acquisition: Flywheel in the New Year

Some WordPress developers and agencies were caught off guard when WP Engine announced it had acquired Flywheel in June last year. Flywheel had quickly become a trusted web hosting company for many that specifically catered to the needs of developers and agencies. For some, they questioned whether such a buyout would change the company culture and whether the good things about Flywheel’s services would be swallowed by WP Engine’s offerings.

The move had also come only a month after Flywheel closed its $15 per month Tiny plan. There was some initial confusion that the two events were linked.

“With any acquisition of this scale, there is going to be an initial wave of confusion, skepticism, and a bit of shock,” said Dusty Davidson, CEO and co-founder. “People had come to know, love, and trust Flywheel, and when it was announced that two well-known WordPress companies (and former competitors) were joining forces, they weren’t sure where we would stand as a company.”

Davidson said the company fielded more questions that were concerned about the future than outright pushback against the move. Most such questions centered on whether Flywheel would continue offering their existing services and tools.

“It’s now been six months since one of the largest acquisitions in WordPress history, and we’re happy to report that things remain ‘business as usual,'” said Davidson. “We’ve remained true to our word, and Flywheel is continuing to live out our mission to help creatives do their best work. The community may have been skeptical about how this acquisition was going to pan out, but the fact is that nothing has really changed and our products have only improved!”

How Flywheel would be folded into WP Engine was not clear early on. The two companies approached the change by learning from each other and gathering feedback. “We announced that we were acquired back in June, and it took about six months to figure out the logistics of the acquisition and the relationships between both companies,” said Davidson.

After working out the details, it was decided that Flywheel would operate as a separate division within WP Engine with its own services.

Bringing the Tiny Plan Back

Some users expressed disppointment with the removal of the Tiny plan last year. It was an affordable tier for small sites at $15 per month.

The plan change was the first time Flywheel had changed pricing in the company’s history. “The changes to plans back in May 2019 were made to allow us to continue investing more into the future of our platform, existing and future features, and to offer up more solutions to better fit our customers,” said Davidson.

Based on customer feedback, Flywheel began to see that Tiny was a valuable plan for agencies who needed to offer a managed WordPress hosting solution for smaller clients. “When we joined forces with WP Engine, we were able to realign our goals as a business and refocus our efforts on the audience we’ve always catered to best: freelancers and small agencies,” said Davidson.

SOC Type 2 Certification

Earlier this month, Flywheel announced it had completed SOC 2 compliance and certification as part of their long-term plan in building a more robust and trusted company.

“Businesses using cloud service providers use SOC 2 reports to assess and address the risks associated with third-party technology services,” said Tommy Vacek, VP of Engineering. “When you boil it down though, it essentially means that Flywheel’s security practices are the best in the industry, and we’re one of the only WordPress hosts that has achieved it.”

“It’s a sign of maturity on almost all areas of our business, from finance to information technology, and it also allows us to assess risk in our business and make decisions based off of it,” he said. “It’s a stamp of approval to demonstrate Flywheel’s intentionality around security.”

The 2020 Roadmap and Beyond

Rick Knudtson, CPO and co-founder, feels like the acquisition will allow the Flywheel team to better cater to creative agencies in the WordPress space. “Our product team is working on an exciting update to our offering entirely focused on supporting the growth of agencies, and our marketing team is hard at work creating brand new resources for agencies aspiring to make 2020 a great year,” he said. “Joining forces with WP Engine has allowed us to accelerate our product initiatives.”

The company is now offering a free course on selling WordPress maintenance to clients. Themes by StudioPress, acquired by WP Engine in 2018, are all free for Flywheel customers. Flywheel is also working heavily on tools for WordPress developers.

“Developers drive WordPress forward and WP Engine is committed to supporting the future of WordPress through industry-leading developer tools,” said Knudtson. One such tool is Local, the company’s local development environment built for working with WordPress. “Since joining the WP Engine family, Local has become the standard local development and deployment tool for our customers across both of our platforms.”

Local is currently used by over 50,000 developers. The team spent the last few months re-architecting the tool from the ground up. Knudtson said it is now five times faster than before. They are expanding the team that is working on Local to help handled more advanced developer workflows.

“In 2020, we’ll introduce new ways to use Local so that all developers — novices or advanced, solo or within a team — can build their perfect development on top of Local,” said Knudtson. “Whether you just want to connect to your host and deploy, or you’re integrating into your existing CI/CD workflow, Local should be the solution.”

The Local turnkey products, such as Local Pro and Local Teams, will be available to developers across both platforms in the future.

Since the acquisition, Flywheel has included a new technology called Smart Refresh as part of their in-house caching engine. The system watches for updates made to a WordPress install and clears the cache when needed. Knudtson claims the updates to their system has increased backend performance on the platform by 50%.

The company also recently announced its new Performance Insights feature. The tool provides proprietary performance data for developers to make decisions with sites they control.

Exploratory Testing: A Detailed Guide

What Is Exploratory Testing?

In exploratory testing, testers check a system without a plan in mind to discover bugs that users may face when navigating a website or app. It tries to mimic the personal freedom and choices of individual end-users. It is a simultaneous process in which testers go through the software of their own accord to understand the quality of the user experience it provides. 

For example, developers of a shopping website know what it is meant to do. Let users select products of their choice, move it to cart, pay and confirm their order. Exploratory testing helps verify that the system is working as expected, but also that it is an easy and pleasant process for users.

Effective Microservices CI/CD With GitHub Actions and Ballerina


In a microservice architecture, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) is critical in creating an agile environment for incorporating incremental changes to your system. This requires every code change you push to your repository to be immediately built, tested, and deployed to your infrastructure. There are many technologies that help make this happen, and it often requires you to set up complex pieces of software to get things done.

You may also like: The Complete CI/CD Collection

Spring Boot Quickstart

Spring Boot is a Java framework that allows the development of web services. This article will show you all the steps to get started with Spring Boot and create your first web service on IntelliJ IDE.

First of all, you need to install the following requirements: 

Developers Alone Cannot Reduce Technical Debt in a Silo

Technical Debt is something that accumulates over a period and at some point, it could render an application unviable to maintain. It is like a time bomb which if not diffused soon could cause serious customer repercussions and financial damages to an organization.

With the name ‘technical’ debt, it is often perceived that reducing technical debt is the sole responsibility of the developers. Of course, developers play a key role in refactoring code and reducing technical debt. But refactoring is not always restricted to only the code. Many other groups have to play their related roles to enable refactoring and reduction of technical debt.

Redis-Based TransferQueue in Java

The TransferQueue interface in the Java programming language is a queue for passing messages according to the producer-consumer programming design pattern. The TransferQueue interface is based on the BlockingQueue interface in Java, with the additional stipulation that producers can wait until consumers receive their messages.

Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that is often used to build distributed NoSQL key-value databases. Although many Java programmers would like to use Redis with Java, Redis is not automatically compatible with Java constructs such as TransferQueue out of the box.