Top 6 WordPress Plugins for Social Networks Including TikTok

Are you looking for plugins to add social buttons to your WordPress website? Do you know which ones work best? Which ones stand out for some features or are less recommended by others? In this list, we’ve collected and analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the top six WordPress social networking plugins. Today there are […]

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Firmex Launches API for Integrating and Automating With Third-Party Apps

Firmex, a global provider of virtual data room (VDR) and secure document sharing solutions used by more than 140,000 companies worldwide, recently announced the availability of its application programming interface (API) that enables developers to integrate their VDR with existing third-party enterprise systems. Enterprise developers and IT teams can now connect their organization's suite of applications with their Firmex VDR, to streamline and automate workflows and increase efficiency.

How to start a window coverings business with WordPress and WooCommerce

First, we came across this tip after one of our editors (looking at you Jeff!) from Australia happened to need custom made window blinds for his brand new home he had purchased. Being a tech-savvy person he knew all about the DIY options available online and browsed the web for his window coverings until ultimately […]

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