Blocksy WordPress Theme Provides a Solid Block-Editor Experience

Screeshot of the Blocksy theme blog posts page.
Screenshot of the Blocksy theme blog posts page.

Creative Themes dropped version 1.6.8 of its Blocksy WordPress theme yesterday. It was an update to a theme that is quickly becoming popular, having garnered 58 five-star reviews and one thousand active installs since it first went live in the WordPress theme directory. The theme is specifically built to work with the block editor and is a nice example of what is currently possible with blocks.

Blocksy is billed as a general-purpose theme and also works with other popular page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, and Visual Composer. The truth-test is whether it handles the block editor, especially given its primary audience (it is named Blocksy, after all). Aside from a few trivial quirks, the theme handled nearly every bit of test content I threw at it.

Blocksy is one of the better-designed free themes for the block editor that I have seen.

I want to use this theme for a project. Unfortunately, I have no site to use it on at the moment. I do not say this about many free, repository-hosted WordPress themes. The quality of work is on par with themes from the majority of commercial theme shops I have tested or used over the years.

The theme is not without a few issues, which we’ll get to, but it is a solid offering.

Block Design

Screenshot of post with block designs from the Blocksy theme.
A few block design examples from the theme.

With a name like Blocksy, I went into this review with a mindset that the theme better handle every test block I dropped into the block editor with grace. I wanted to make sure it lived up to its name.

I am happy to report that it handles block design as good as or better than most themes designed for showcasing the block system. It adds just enough stylistic flair, such as a unique pull-quote design, without getting in the way of the content.

One problem area is the font in the editor does not match the font on the front end completely. This is a minor issue that should be easily fixed in an update.

You can find some good examples of block design on the theme’s Gutenberg demo page.

Block Editor Sidebar

Screenshot of the Blocksy theme editor sidebar.
Custom block editor sidebar for post meta.

The latest update of the theme includes additional integration with the block editor. The team moved its old meta box, which sat below the post content editor, to a new sidebar panel. This change is refreshing.

I did not know the meta box existed until the theme developers pointed out this change in feature (I first started testing the previous version of the theme). At this point, I never look at the bottom of the block editor for meta boxes. I expect any additional settings to be placed firmly in the right sidebar area. I applaud this move. It could confuse old theme users when updating, but it feels more natural in its new home.

The team has done a nice job with this custom sidebar for the most part. The biggest issue is with the button for switching to it. By using both an icon and the “Page Settings” text, it uses more room than necessary. To fit in line with the existing UI, it should simply display an icon. The button text is also hard to read when selected, which is a minor CSS issue that can be corrected in an update.

Customizer Options

Screenshot of the Blocksy theme's customizer control panel design.
Custom-designed customizer control panel.

For users who like to have full control over the site’s display, this theme won’t disappoint. For users who dislike by many options, the number of design settings will likely feel overwhelming.

Blocksy has more design options than most people will ever need. Some options, such as letter-spacing and line-height controls for fonts may be going overboard. Ideally, those things would be automatically adjusted based on the chosen font family.

The theme also uses a custom design for the customizer control panel. In general, the custom design looks nice. However, is not good practice for themes to customize a shared WordPress UI element. Plugins with options in the customizer could break. It is best to stick with the default design.

Blocksy Companion Plugin

The theme promotes an additional plugin named Blocksy Companion. The add-on plugin provides users with additional widgets, a cookies-consent feature for the front end, and integrations with Mailchimp, Instagram, and WooCommerce. It also provides an avenue for importing custom-made demo content.

Most of the companion plugin’s features are fairly routine compared to similar themes in the WordPress theme repository. The cookies-consent feature is something I haven’t seen before as part of a theme add-on plugin.

My biggest complaint with the plugin is that it makes the “Blocksy” admin menu item a top-level item. It is a waste of valuable real estate in an already-cluttered admin menu. Plus, there is no good reason for a single theme/plugin screen to take a top-level spot when it has no sub-menus.

How Does the Code Look?

If I were describing the code in one phrase: average but gets the job done.

The theme has a lot of PHP code. Most of it is dropped into a single /inc folder and not organized nearly as well as it could be. It feels like a giant mish-mash of functions with almost non-existent inline documentation for most of them. It’s not something a developer who is not intimately familiar with the theme would want to dive into.

This is not an argument that the theme’s code is bad. It passed the official review process and made it into the theme directory, so it is at least doing the minimum necessary. It’s simply unimpressive, which is par for the course when it comes to most WordPress themes. Code architecture seems like an afterthought, which could make it tougher to maintain over the long haul. With a theme as much code as this one, this is more important than it is for simpler themes. It can also easily be remedied with a week or so of dev time strictly devoted to architecture.

Final Thoughts

Blocksy is a well-designed theme that does the job it sets out to do. It is ideal for users who are working with the block editor or a third-party page builder. The theme is packed with far more options than I could cover in this review. If customizability is your thing, you will likely enjoy this theme.

The team shared some of their future ideas. They have plans to add conditional headers, footers, and sidebars; a sticky header; AMP support; and more. They seem excited about the future of the theme.

Overall, I would recommend this theme for users who want a clean, relatively fast, block-ready WordPress theme.

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MUnit Towards Automated Unit Test Cases

Test beakers
Find out how to use MUnit with Mule for automated unit testing.

Why Unit Testing?

This is the first question most beginners ask when they struggle to relate unit test cases with real scenarios, like what value-added unit testing is doing. This was my first thought after reading JUnit documents fifteen years back. I am sure most new developers would have similar feelings after reading unit test documents alone, but I realized that unit testing is a powerful tool to release defect-free code to production. The unit testing helps to do regression testing and gives confidence for new developers to make changes to the old codebase.

MUnit For Mule Flows

MUnit is an extension of JUnit. Developers are allowed to write XML-based test cases or Java code-based test cases for Mule flows. This document covers MUnit basics, practical options for different scenarios, and automating the business validations.

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So where does mocking come into the picture? Why do we need it? And how do we understand what we should mock while writing unit test cases? Answers to these questions are right below in this blog.

Eleventy Love

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The post Eleventy Love appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Autumn (macOS window manager)

I love how nerdy this is. Autumn allows you to write JavaScript to control your windows. Get this window, move it over here. Nudge this window over. There are all sorts of APIs, like keyboard command helpers and doing things on events, like waking up from sleep.

I love that it exists, but for the moment, my window management mostly consists of: grab this window and chuck it on the left half of the screen, and grab this window and chuck it on the right half of the screen. That and just a handful of other simple things are handled really nicely by Moom.

Doing life tasks with JavaScript is only gonna get bigger and bigger. I love controlling and querying Spotify with GraphQL.

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The post Autumn (macOS window manager) appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

How to Learn MuleSoft: An Exciting and Viable Career Option on the Brink of Digital Evolution

Nature has a way of forcing evolution, requiring one field after the next to transform in an attempt to stay competitive and viable. As mankind branches out further into the depths of complicated technological processes, so do the tools that help reach new heights; and at the forefront is technology. Businesses around the world are starting to follow their breathing counterparts, transforming into seemingly solo-functioning entities where little to no human interference is required.

Thanks to MuleSoft, businesses have more freedom and creativity in their hands than ever before, using the application building platform to increase client connection and overall productivity. No longer is there a need for separate clouds and bulky connectors to create the perfect workflow. MuleSoft essentially blurs the lines and borders traditionally set by separate systems allowing them to communicate seamlessly in a matter of seconds.

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Doesn't Allow the Exclusion of Environments

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