Help solving encrypted message with C++ Cipher

Can you help me decrypt the message with the given information. I figured out the first line is using Xor ciphers but how do I figure out the rest?

Ogaqkxpgbqbfiof! Cyw'ss bun!
Zqksxl cywd lnepwvs uozneh.
Qjc mgabiy nfx vmz-djrhkfalfq.
Xnjfx ai qjvi viqi uat pgw odjwp.
The radio operators have some information that they share with you, in their attempt to decrypt the message. The information is as follows:
The first character of the entire message decrypts to the number 5.
It is known that the first line of the message forms some sort of combined encryption key that is
required to decrypt the rest of the message.
Special characters and spaces are not encrypted in the message. They can be skipped.
XOR encryption was not done on the entire message but all other forms of numerical conversion
and encryption are possibly used within the message.
The use of uppercase and lowercase characters in the message are important for decryption.