How to Automatically Add WordPress Products in Google Shopping

Do you want to add your WordPress products to Google Shopping?

Adding your online store products to Google Shopping can help you increase traffic, reach more customers, and generate greater revenue.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily add WordPress products to Google Shopping.

How to Add WordPress Products in Google Shopping

Why Should You Add WordPress Products to Google Shopping

Google Shopping is a virtual marketplace like Amazon and Etsy, where users can search, view, and compare products from different online stores that have paid to advertise their products.

If you have a WooCommerce store, then adding your products to Google Shopping can prove to be extremely beneficial for your business.

Your products will be shown to all users browsing through Google shopping which will increase traffic on your WordPress website, generate more revenue and bring in more customers.

Google Shopping

That being said, let’s see how you can add WordPress products to Google Shopping.

How to Add WordPress Products in Google Shopping

Step 1: Creating a Google Merchant Account

To add your products to Google Shopping, you have to start by creating an account in the Google Merchant Center. This is the place where your product information will be stored for viewing by Google Shopping.

First, go to the Google Merchant Center page and click the ‘Sign up for free’ button.

Sign up for the Google Merchant account

After that, Google will ask you about your online business.

Just check the answers that apply to you, and then provide your website’s URL.

Provide the URL of your online store

After you’ve provided the details, you’ll be redirected to another page.

Here, you simply have to click the ‘Create a Google Merchant Account’ button at the bottom of the page.

Click the Create Google Merchant Account button

Now, you will be asked to provide your business details. You can start by writing your business name.

Next, select the country where your business is based from the dropdown menu below the ‘Registered Country’ option.

After that, click the ‘Continue to Merchant Center’ button.

Provide business details

You’ve successfully created your Google Merchant Account. Now all you have to do is provide your business info and shipping details.

Once you’ve filled in those details, simply click the ‘Save’ button at the bottom to store your settings.

Provide shipping and business details once a GMC account is created
Step 2: Linking Your Google AdWords Account

Now you’ll have to link your Google AdWords account to your Google Merchant Center account so that you can show your products via Google Shopping.

To link your account, simply go to the Google Merchant Center dashboard and click the gear icon at the top of the page.

Clicking it will open up a ‘Tools and Settings’ prompt. Here you simply have to choose the ‘Linked Account’ option present.

Click the Linked Accounts option from the Settings

This will take you to the ‘Linked Accounts’ page.

Now you simply have to click the ‘+’ button to create your Google Ads account.

Click the Plus button to create a Google Ads account

This will open up a ‘Create Your Google Ads Account’ prompt.

Simply choose your preferred time zone and currency and then click the ‘Create’ button.

Create a Google Ads account

You have now successfully created your Google Ads account.

This is how it will look once your account has been created.

GMC account has now been linked to the Google Ads account
Step 3: Adding WordPress Products to Google Shopping

To add your WordPress products to Google Shopping, we will be using the ELEX Google Shopping plugin to display your WooCommerce products in Google Shopping.

First, you need to do is install and activate the ELEX Google Shopping plugin. For more instructions, check our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, head over to the Google Shopping Feed » Create Feeds page from the WordPress admin sidebar.

From here, simply fill in your business details and click the ‘Continue’ button at the bottom.

Fill basic info on the Google Shopping Feed page

Next, you’ll be taken to the ‘Map Category’ page. Here you simply have to select your product categories.

Simply type your product categories in the ‘Google Categories’ tab and click ‘Continue’

Select Map Category

After that, you’ll be directed to the ‘Map Attributes’ page.

This is where you’ll have to fill in your product details including product id, product description, product link, pricing, image, and more.

Here select and fill in as many attributes as possible for more visibility in Google Shopping and click the ‘Continue’ button.

Map attributes

Now that you’re on the ‘Filtering Options’ page, simply fill in the details as required for your online store.

For example, you can include how many items you have in stock or note how many have sold already.

Next, simply click the ‘Generate Feed’ button at the bottom.

Click the Generate Feed button

After you’ve created your Google Shopping feed, go to the Google Shopping Feed » Manage Feeds page from the admin sidebar.

Here you will be able to view your Google Shopping Feed. Now you have to simply click the ‘Download’ button beside it.

Click the Download button

Once you’ve downloaded your feed as an XML file, go back to the ‘Google Merchant Center’ dashboard and click the Products » Feeds option from the sidebar.

This will open up the ‘Primary Feeds’ page where you have to click the ‘+’ button to add a new feed.

Click the plus button to create a feed

This will take you to the ‘New Primary Feed’ page where you can start by filling in basic details. First, start by adding all your target countries.

Next, select your preferred language and then click the ‘Continue’ button.

Fill in basic details

Then, you have to choose a name for your feed and select a method to connect your data to the Merchant center.

For this tutorial, we will be uploading the feed XML from WordPress.

After that, just click on the ‘Continue’ button.

Choose a name and method for uploading the feed

Now that you’re on the ‘Setup’ page, simply type the name for your Google Shopping Feed.

Next, just upload the Feed file you got from WordPress and click the ‘Create Feed’ button.

Upload file and click the Create Feed button

You have now successfully added your WordPress products to Google Shopping.

Bonus: How to Add Google Merchant Center Schema in WordPress

To improve your product search visibility in Google Shopping and increase conversion rates, you should add a Google Merchant schema in WordPress.

Schema markup is an HTML code that provides more details about your products to search engines.

A GMC listing schema will make your search snippets more prominent and will allow your products to be featured as popular products for the relevant search terms.

The easiest way to add a Google Merchant Center listing schema to WordPress is by using the All in One SEO for WordPress.

It is the best SEO plugin for WordPress that is used by over 3 million websites.

First, you need to install and activate the All in One SEO for WordPress. For more instructions, please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, a setup wizard will open up. Simply go ahead and click the ‘Get Started’ button.

All in One SEO setup

After that, you need to follow the onscreen instructions in the setup wizard to configure the plugin. If you need help, please see our guide on how to properly set up AIOSEO in WordPress.

After the AIOSEO plugin has been set up, you need to visit the Products » All Products page from the admin sidebar.

From here, simply click on the ‘Edit’ link below a product to open up the ‘Edit Product’ page.

Click the Edit link below the product name

Once there, you need to scroll down to the ‘AIOSEO Settings’ section and click on the ‘Schema’ tab.

Now, you need to make sure that the schema type is set to ‘Product’ by default.

If that is not the case, then simply click on the ‘Generate Schema’ button.

Click the Generate Schema button to add another schema

It will open up the Schema Catalog which will list all the available schema templates.

From here, you need to click the ‘Add Schema’ (+) button beside the Product option to set it as your primary schema.

Note: You may see the ‘Article’ schema already applied. If so, you can remove it as you add the new one because this particular page isn’t an article or blog post in Google’s eyes.

Click the Add Schema button next to the Product option

Next, you will need to fill in the product information to add the GMC listing schema.

For that, you need to click the ‘Edit Schema’ button next to the ‘Schema in Use’ option.

Click the Edit button next to the Schema in use option

This will open up the ‘Edit Product’ modal where you will need to fill in the product details.

If you’re using WooCommerce, then AIOSEO will automatically pull most of the product data from your product information.

However, if you want to fill in the information manually, you need to simply toggle the ‘Autogenerate Fields’ switch to ‘No.’

Toggle the Autogenerate fields switch to No

The product attributes that you will need to add include the product name, description, image, ISBN, price, material, color, shipping details, and more.

We recommend that you provide all the details so that the schema markup can make your product snippets more engaging.

Once you’re done, simply click the ‘Update Schema’ or ‘Add Schema’ button to store your settings.

Click the Update Schema button

You have now successfully added the Google Merchant Center listing schema to WordPress, and your products can now be featured on the platform and hopefully earn you more sales.

We hope you learned how to add WordPress products to Google Shopping. You may also want to check out our best WooCommerce reporting and analytics plugins and our article on how to speed up your eCommerce website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Automatically Add WordPress Products in Google Shopping first appeared on WPBeginner.

Market Your WooCommerce Store with Google Merchant Center

Market Your WooCommerce Store with Google Merchant CenterEvery online store owner will be looking for innovative ways to market their products. One of the preferred channels for marketing in the digital space is Google Shopping ads. Your product ads with images will be displayed when a user searches with a relevant query on Google. As they are visually appealing and offer updated […]

The post Market Your WooCommerce Store with Google Merchant Center appeared first on WPExplorer.

How To Setup Product Listing Ads In Google Ads

If you have a physical product that you sell on your ecommerce website, product listing ads (PLA) are for you.

PLA ads allow you to show off your product’s images, prices, and description within Google’s search results.

However, setting up a PLA campaign isn’t as simple or straightforward as your average Google Ads (formally Google AdWords) campaign. I’ll walk you through the steps you need to take to get your first PLA campaign off the ground.

What are product listing ads? When you run a normal Google Ads campaign and you bid on keywords like Boston dentist or other service based keywords, or informational keywords like SEO tips, you see the normal AdWords ads that we all know and love. You have some ads in the fold and some ads on the sidebar. But, if you search for certain product related keywords that have a strong buyer intent, you have two options. You can advertise like normal with an AdWords ad, or you can use a PLA ad.

This right here is an example of a bunch of different PLA ads. What this is is an ad that shows product information. It shows an image, a price, and a little bit of a description. You can click on it and go right to that section of someone’s site and make a purchase.

Here’s another example of PLA ads. When someone searches for USB microphone you’ll see some PLA ads, and instead of being on the sidebar these are actually above the fold at the top of the search results.

Now it’s time to go over how to set these up for your site. Your first step is to create what’s known as a Google Merchant Center account. This is important because this is where Google actually pulls your product information from. To set up your Merchant Center account just google Google Merchant Center, and it’s obviously the first result. Click on that. Choose your country, click continue.

Then, it’s time to configure your account, which is basically just giving them information about your business like your store name, the description, a website URL, and where you’re located. Once you have all this filled out click on save updates and, bingo, you now have a Google Merchant Center account.

Your first step is to click on the blue button that’ll appear when you first login to your Google Merchant Center account. Then, you want to integrate your AdWords account with your Merchant Center account. To do that with the AdWords account that you’re already logged into just click the blue button. If you want to link your Merchant Center account with a different AdWords account you can add the AdWords customer ID here, click link account, and it’ll do that. We’re going to link it with our AdWords account that I’m currently signed into.

Now it’s time to get your PLA ads all set up. Your first step is to create a campaign just like you would within Google AdWords. You want to give your campaign a descriptive name. So, if you were selling, let’s say, baseball bats you’d call it baseball bats. Then, you’d choose the countries that you want to target with your PLA ads. Then, click create AdWords campaign and continue.

Next, you want to customize your bid and budget. Your max cost per click is just like with an AdWords ad. This is what you pay when someone clicks on your ad. Then, you can set your daily budget. When that’s all set click save campaign settings and continue. Once you see this screen you’re good to go, and then you just want to click on finish. Then you’ll see information about your PLA ad campaign performance like clicks, impressions, click through rate, cost per click, just like you would with a normal AdWords account.

The major difference between a PLA ad campaign and a regular AdWords campaign is that there’s no quality score. The only things that influence your visibility are your bid, your daily budget – so if you go over that, obviously, it won’t show any ads, and the data that you give it in your data feed which I’ll go over next.

Let’s say that you’re not getting much traffic from this. It could be that your bid is too low and you’re not showing up high enough or in enough searches. So, you may want to change that to, let’s say, 20 cents, and you can increase your daily budget. When you want to make a change just make the change here and click on update.

If you want more advanced settings than just being able to modify the bid, budget, and target countries you can click on advanced manage in AdWords and you can actually manage the settings within your AdWords account. As you can see here, you get a lot more robust information. For example, you can filter, you can add and remove columns, you can add new ad groups just like you would within a regular AdWords campaign. So, if you really want to invest in PLA ads I do recommend managing your PLA ads within AdWords.

Once you have everything set up in terms of bids it’s time to actually get your products into the Google Merchant Center so Google can display them as PLA ads. To do that you want to click on data feeds in the side bar, and click on new data feed. This is where you give Google specific information about the products that you sell, like the category, the type, the price, and the availability.

What you want to do is give your data feed a file name, like baseball bats two, or dresses three, or whatever describes what type of products that you’re going to upload. Then, you want to click on I want to use Google spreadsheeets to store, edit, and upload my feed, because that just makes everything a lot easier. Then, you want to keep this checked off, please generate a template spreadsheet for me, and click on save changes.

Then, you want to click on edit spreadsheet. This is the spreadsheet that you want to modify based on what you sell. At the top they give you an example of what to do. You have your ID which is unique to your account, the title which describes what it is, a little description, the condition, the price, et cetera. You would just fill in the blanks for whatever it is that you’re selling.

That’s all there is to PLA ads. As you can see, if you run an e-commerce store that sells a lot of different products this is a great way to get traffic from people that are actively searching for what you’re selling.