Exploring the Role of Data Analytics in SOC Alert Tuning

Security Operations Centers (SOCs) play a crucial role in detecting, responding to, and mitigating security threats in an increasingly complex threat landscape. One fundamental aspect of SOC efficiency is the tuning of alerts to ensure accurate and timely threat detection without overwhelming analysts with false positives. 

SOC alert tuning involves configuring and refining security alerts to cut false positives and negatives to a minimum. False positives can overwhelm analysts with harmless alerts, while false negatives can enable genuine threats to slip through the security nets. 

‘AI Is Expected to Transform the Role of Controllers & Analysts ‘

AI will automize many routine tasks in accounting and the role of financial controllers and analysts will change, but not be replaced say Manoj Kumar Vandanapu and Sandeep Kumar.


In the latest AGI Talks, two renowned finance experts share their insights by answering 10 questions about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

About Manoj Kumar Vandanapu & Sandeep Kumar

Manoj Kumar Vandanapu and Sandeep Kumar are experienced experts in the fields of finance and controlling.


Manoj, serving as a Corporate Finance Controller for a multinational investment bank and an independent researcher in Illinois, is recognized for integration of finance and technology. With a background in accounting combined with a passion for AI and Machine Learning, Manojs career focuses on driving financial practices forward. His leadership in deploying innovative solutions within the investment banking sector has markedly enhanced operational efficiencies and established new industry benchmarks. As a researcher, peer reviewer, and adjudicator, he continues to play a critical role in the evolution of financial technologies, mentoring emerging professionals along the way.


Sandeep is an expert for SAP AI and Data Analytics with over 20+ years of experience. He has served in leadership roles to implement and operate multi-million, multi-year SAP ERP projects, and has utilized broad cross-functional business and technology know-how in the fields of systems architecture, data engineering, AI and analytics.

AGI Talks with Manoj and Sandeep

In our interview, Manoj and Sandeep share insights on AIs impact on finance and accounting:

1. What is your preferred definition of AGI?

Manoj & Sandeep: From a finance and accounting perspective, AGI can be defined as an AI system that possesses the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of financial and accounting tasks at a level of competence comparable to or surpassing that of a human expert. This includes abilities such as conducting financial analysis, making investment decisions, managing risk, and interpreting complex tax and accounting laws autonomously.

2. and ASI?

ASI refers to a hypothetical AI system that not only matches but significantly surpasses human intelligence across all fields, including finance and accounting. In the finance and accounting domains, super-intelligent AI could potentially revolutionize insight generation in the financial markets, decision making based on financial data, audit processes, and strategic financial planning and forecasting by processing and analyzing data at a scale and speed unattainable by human beings.

3. In what ways do you believe AI will most significantly impact society in the next decade?

In the next decade, AI is poised to significantly impact society by automating routine tasks, enhancing decision-making processes, and personalizing services. In finance and accounting, this could translate into more efficient operations, improved accuracy in financial reporting, and personalized financial advice. However, it may also lead to job displacement for roles that require mundane repetitive tasks like financial reconciliations, data analysis and consolidation, operational reporting and will require a shift/alignment in respective skills to enhance and support AI utilization in the finance domain.

4. What do you think is the biggest benefit associated with AI?

The biggest benefit of AI, particularly in finance and accounting, is its potential to enhance efficiency and accuracy. By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, AI can free up human professionals to focus more on strategic and analytical tasks, potentially leading to more insightful financial decisions and innovations.

5. and the biggest risk of AI?

The biggest risk associated with AI is the potential for exacerbating inequalities and causing job displacement. As artificial intelligence systems become more capable, there is a risk that they could replace a significant number of jobs in finance and accounting, leading to economic and social challenges. However, at the same time, it will also open doors to new opportunities and roles to optimally enhance the design and utilization of AI capabilities. Additionally, the concentration of AI capabilities in the hands of a few could increase wealth and power disparities.

6. In your opinion, will AI have a net positive impact on society?

Whether AI will have a net positive impact on society depends on how its development and deployment is managed. If governed ethically and inclusively, AI has the potential to contribute positively by driving economic growth, improving financial services, and enhancing productivity. However, addressing the challenges of equity, privacy, and employment in the initial stage will be crucial.

7. Where are the limits of human control over AI systems?

The limits of human control over AI systems are defined by the complexity of a systems and the unpredictability of their learning processes. As AI systems, particularly those based on GenAI, evolve based on their interactions and data inputs, ensuring they adhere to human values and ethics becomes increasingly challenging, especially for complex and autonomous systems in the field of finance, healthcare, and law of the land.

8. Do you think AI can ever truly understand human values or possess consciousness?

While AI can be programmed to mimic certain aspects of human ethics and decision-making, genuinely comprehending the depth of human values or achieving consciousness involves subjective experiences and emotions that are currently beyond AI's capabilities. However, we are hopeful, it is going to evolve with time.

9. Do you think your jobs as controllers and analysts will ever be replaced by AI?

While AI is set to automate certain aspects of the financial controller's or Advance Analytics role, especially the more routine tasks, it is less likely to replace the role entirely. Instead, AI is expected to transform the role, elevating the importance of strategic oversight, decision-making, and technological proficiency. Financial controllers and Analytics experts will adapt and support changes by acquiring new skills. Learning to leverage AI effectively can enhance their value and remain indispensable to their organizations.

10. We will reach AGI by the year?

Predicting the timeline for achieving AGI is highly speculative, with estimates ranging from a decade (i.e. 2035) to few more decades. Factors such as breakthroughs in computational power, algorithmic efficiency, and data availability play crucial roles. From a finance and accounting perspective, reaching AGI would mean developing systems that can fully understand and innovate within these domains autonomously, a milestone that is very much possible, but yet uncertain and dependent on numerous technological and ethical considerations.

Empowering Insights: Unleashing the Potential of Microsoft Fabric for Data Analytics

One of the prominent challenges within enterprise operations revolves around the intricacies and complexities of the data ecosystem. The presence of diverse data sources or in different platforms and the utilization of various Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) tools to ingest and transform data create a complex landscape. There was a need for streamlining these processes effectively, ensuring that business users can readily access and utilize the data for informed decision-making.  Microsoft Fabric, a comprehensive data analytics platform, emerges as a key player, seamlessly integrating with Azure services to empower businesses with robust, flexible, and secure data workloads and data analytics capabilities.

What Is Microsoft Fabric?

Microsoft has demonstrated robust capabilities across a spectrum of services within the realm of big data, exemplified by platforms such as Power BI, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Data Lake, and Azure Data Factory. What Microsoft Fabric does is combine all these capabilities into one package and provide an all-in-one analytics platform created for businesses and data professionals. The platform handles everything from data science and real-time analytics to data storage and data migration.  To grasp the essence of Fabric, it is best perceived through its fundamental objective: simplicity. This tool empowers organizations to amalgamate data from multiple sources seamlessly within a unified environment. 

An Approach To Construct Curated Processed Dataset for Data Analytics

Organizations in today’s world have increased focus on data as a tool to perform various kinds of profound analysis to extract vital outcomes, which will help organizations make the right decision to define future strategies.

For the success of an organization in today’s world, having the right data processing strategy on all the organization’s data to harness and extract different kinds of perspectives and information is becoming paramount to the success of the organization.

Data Science vs. Data Analytics

Data science and data analytics are among the greatest scientific disciplines that everyone would benefit from learning. 

Data science is an exciting field that, because of its nature to collect, store and process massive volumes of information, can yield a level of knowledge that is impossible in any other discipline.

Data Analytics and Visualization Dashboard Development: Choosing the Right Metrics

In the world of the cut-throat competitive world, businesses that have discovered the mantra of effective information and data management will only prosper. Though the job is wearisome, it is imperative, thanks to technology that reduces the complexities in information and data management by granting businesses a tool like a dashboard.

Dashboard, a product of high-end technology, helps businesses to gain an in-depth understanding of metrics and crucial information while leveraging the power of decision-making. The effective use of a data analytics and visualization dashboard has a certain impact on business productivity, ROI, and maximum use of in-hand data. However, this can only be accomplished if the at-service dashboard is purpose build and have the right metrics.