Adopting Kubernetes? Here Are Some Pitfalls You Should Avoid

Knowing your way around a tool is key to putting it to good use, and this concept doesn't just apply to your weekend hobby projects. It's just as true of DevOps essentials like Kubernetes as it is of an artist's favorite brushes or a woodworker's lathe – Cultivating a thorough understanding of your systems enhances the work you produce.

...Or at least it should. Many devs barely have enough time to learn the basics of their preferred toolkits, let alone dive into the intricacies that make them enterprise-worthy. The reality is that mastering Kubernetes is no small task. Although its complexity isn't out of line for such a powerful tool, it tends to work against those trying to find their footing.

Gain Better Visibility Into Kubernetes Cost Allocation

The Complexity of Measuring Kubernetes Costs

Adopting Kubernetes and service-based architecture can benefit organizations – teams move faster, and applications scale more easily. However, visibility into cloud costs is made more complicated with this transition. This is because applications and their resource needs are often dynamic, and teams share core resources without transparent prices attached to workloads. Additionally, organizations that realize the full benefit of Kubernetes often run resources on disparate machine types and even multiple cloud providers.

In this blog post, we’ll look at best practices and different approaches for implementing cost monitoring in your organization for a shrowback/chargeback program and how to empower users to act on this information. We’ll also look at Kubecost, which provides an open-source approach for ensuring consistent and accurate visibility across all Kubernetes workloads.