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An interactive tool for learning grid syntax from Etesam Ansari. In the Learn section, it teaches you some concepts (involving multiple bits of the grid syntax) then gives you a task to complete by filling out the right syntax. I’m sharing because I think this sort of thing really clicks with people — I know Flexbox Froggy did. Once you know the possibility, there is no shame in memorizing all the details, that’s what our guides are for: we have them for flexbox and grid. Generators can be awfully helpful too, like Sarah’s Grid Generator.

Aside: I wonder what Euismod means. Google suggests it is Latin for Performance.

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the importance of cleaning

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The Arab countries are famous for the Arab councils, in which a large number of individuals meet and which needs permanent cleaning, so we provide a cleaning company in Riyadh that provides its services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through which the council can be cleaned and sterilized and overcome all kinds of insects and dirt accumulated inside the place with ease from During the work team assigned by the company

8 Top eBooks APIs

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Digital Transformation is impacting all parts of entertainment. Streaming TV is now almost as popular as cable TV, digital music outsells analog CDs or vinyl records, online news subscriptions are slowly replacing print newspapers, and eBooks are just as popular as paper books. Although nothing feels as great as a paper book in one's hands, eBooks have some great advantages.

Sort an arraylist of an arraylist of doubles


I am looking to sort an arraylist of arraylist of doubles and I require help?

I was informed that I need to implement comparator or comparable and then use the collection.sort to sort the list of list in order...

ArrayList<ArrayList> list = new ArrayList<ArrayList>()

If you look at the list of list as the following example:




It show go to this




Salt Security Expands API Protection Platform

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In 2019, Salt Security launched an API Protection Platform that leverages artificial intelligence in order to provide detailed API traffic monitoring that detects malicious behavior and prevents attacks before they can happen. Salt is now expanding this platform to include automated OpenAPI Specification (OAS) analysis and new security analysis points. 

RPA Use Cases in The Field of Healthcare

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Many large healthcare organizations are adopting RPA leading to digitalization which can lead to healthy competition between medical services. The use of disruptive science and technology can make the healthcare industry more efficient. Using RPA can perfectly automate the query tasks of Electronic Health Record data, partner ecosystem, financial and accounting systems, and payment personnel letter, thereby reducing the workload of medical personnel.

In different industries, RPA is considered to be an exploratory step for enterprises and organizations to move into the world of artificial intelligence. According to the recent RPA report, increasing productivity and improving customer experience are the top priorities for organizations to adopt RPA.

DevTools for CSS layouts 2021 edition

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Chen Hui Jing covers some recent movement in DevTools:

Firefox’s grid inspector was pretty full-featured from the get-to and released together with CSS grid in Firefox 52. It was constantly improved upon since. Chrome added a basic grid inspector tool in Chrome 62 that let developers highlight elements using grid layout, but more robust features were only added in Chrome 87. And now, Webkit [sic] has joined the party, as Safari Technology Preview 123 adds Grid inspecting features as well.

You love to see it. DevTools have a massive impact on how front-end developers think about, build, and of course, debug websites. Stuff like seeing the numbered grid lines visually is a huge deal. I’ve done enough mentally counting what rows/columns I want to place things on, thank you very much.

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The post DevTools for CSS layouts 2021 edition appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

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2021 Design Systems (Survey/Courses)

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My friends at Sparkbox are doing a survey on design systems, as they do each year. Go ahead and fill it out if you please. Here are the results from last year. In both 2019 and 2020, the vibe was that design systems (both as an idea and as a real thing that real companies really use) are maturing. But still, it was only a quarter of folks who said their actual design system was mature. I wonder if that’ll go up this year.

In my circles, “design system” isn’t the buzzword it was a few years ago, but it doesn’t mean it’s less popular. If anything, they are more popular almost entering the territory of assumed, like responsive design is. I do feel like if you’re building a website from components, well, you’ve got a component library at least, which is how I think of design systems (as a dude who pretty much exclusively works on websites).

I’d better be careful though. I know design systems mean different things to different people. Speaking of which, I’d be remiss if I didn’t also shout out the fact that Ethan has a handful of totally free courses he’s created on design systems.

As you might have guessed from the titles, we’ve broadly organized the courses around roles: whether you’re a designer, a developer, or a product manager, we’ve got something for you. Each course focuses on what I think are the fundamentals of design systems work, so I’ve designed them to be both high-level and packed with information

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Square Bolsters Integration Ecosystem Via Snippets API

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Today at Square Unboxed, the digital payment company’s fifth annual developer conference, the company has announced a collection of new developer tools that aim to help partners build engaging and interactive payment experiences. These announcements include early access to a new API that enables the creation of platform extensions that will be available in the Square Online community marketplace. 

#315: Support Success

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Over the last year, almost every metric that you want to go up has gone up at CodePen. More users creating and doing more things. You’d think that customer support would go up at the same level. And if it did, we would have thought that was very normal and dealt with it. But customer support doesn’t have to be this static thing that just is the way it is forever. If you find that people have the same questions over and over, you can fix your app or documentation such to answer that question better. If people report bugs, you can fix them. In fact, if you do a lot of those things, you can reduce customer support even as the number of customers you support grows. That’s exactly what we did at CodePen.

The result is that our customer support went from a job nearly impossible to get all done in a day, or the point where it is a part-time endeavor for whoever is on support that day. Even while our time-to-respond to tickets has also dramatically dropped. We’re just over one hour right now, and of course hope to drop below that line. The truth is though, most tickets are half that, it’s just some tickets that slip between the cracks and take days that hurt our average.


  • 00:23 Support levels in 2021
  • 02:52 What’s changed
  • 06:13 …while still getting new users!
  • 11:11 Sponsor: Netlify
  • 12:15 Average response time to tickets
  • 15:12 Measuring the right thing is difficult
  • 20:32 COVID isn’t the main thing
  • 28:26 Focused on support tickets

Sponsor: Headless Commerce Summit

Netlify is throwing a totally free online conference: Headless Commerce Summit.

E-commerce is growing at an unprecedented rate, making everything from your site performance to your ability to iterate faster a critical business advantage.

Take have a day and go! Even if you aren’t currently literally building a headless site, it would be good to have in your brain how other people are doing it and what they are getting out of it.

The post #315: Support Success appeared first on CodePen Blog.

Find the smallest, largest and medium number by comparing 3 array list


How do I compare 3 Arraylist with each other and find the small, medium and large elements. I was thinking something like this but its not working.

ArrayList<interger> a = new ArrayList<ArrayList<interger> >(); 
ArrayList<interger> b =new ArrayList<ArrayList<interger> >();
ArrayList<interger> c = new ArrayList<ArrayList<interger> >();

 for (int i = 0; i < ; i++) 
            for (int j = 0; j < ; j++) 
                for (int k = 0; k < ; k++) 

        if () {}

        if () {}    

        if () {}

small =1,2,1
medium = 5,9,7
large = 8,9,8