Everything You Need To Know About Page Object Model and Page Factory in Selenium

As we continue to automate the test cases on a daily basis using Selenium automation, the maintenance of the growing test suite parallelly becomes complicated. While automating the test cases on Selenium, there would be an instance where we use the same web element in multiple test scripts. For example, while automating an E-Commerce application, in every test case we have to search for a particular item from a search field using Selenium locator i.e. using XPath or ID. For such scenarios, we add the search field locator in every test script which would eventually increase code duplication.

Moreover, if there is any change in the locator, we have to change the locator in every test script where a particular web element is used. To overcome such challenges, we would be further looking at the Page Object Model that would help build a framework that is easy to use and maintain.

10 of the Best Chrome Extensions to Find XPath in Selenium

Are you facing problems while trying to find XPath in Selenium? Well, you are not alone! This is among the most common challenges most developers face while using Selenium for web testing. But not anymore, as we have picked 10 of the best Chrome extensions to make it easier for you to find XPath in Selenium.

Before we begin, we think it’s a good idea to point out what XPath in Selenium is.

Query Languages That Can Handle ShadowDOM

XPath is a query language that is widely used by developers and QA automation engineers. Very often, XPath becomes the main engine for querying DOM nodes inside Selenium projects. Its ability to walk up or down to apply different filters and functions makes it a solid choice.

What Has Changed?

UIs are becoming increasingly more complicated. This can make for a real headache for developers who have to design their applications to be easily supportable and scalable.