13 Tips to Write Better Posts for Developers

You want to start a blog, or perhaps you already have one and want to improve your style. Maybe you’re writing documentation and struggling to make it concise and clear. Whatever the case, you have a blank screen in front of you and a head full of ideas. How do you start? How do you write a blog that other developers will enjoy?

Here are 13 things I’ve learned over my years of writing for developers.

Why Start a Technical Blog

About 3,5 years ago, I started this blog. Why have I done this and has it brought to me what I expected it to be. In this blog, I will look back at the past 3,5 years and share my experiences. It will also containe some tips and tricks when you want to start blogging yourself. Enjoy!

1. The Beginning

Since the start of my career, I have always been interested in learning new things. About 15 years ago, I learnt myself programming in Java and wanted to find a job as a Java software developer. It was difficult, because I almost always got rejected because of lack of experience. In those days, I started my first website where I would write about the books I read, the small applications I wrote, etc. This has definitely helped me getting my first Java job. For numerous reasons, I quit maintaining my website although I did keep on reading books, exploring new technologies, etc.

Trending Tech Topics: What’s In, and What’s Out

Is your business focusing on tech topics that have fizzled out? Read on to find out.

In an environment that’s constantly changing, it can be hard to keep up with what software developers are talking about and what they are losing interest in – at least for now.

With that in mind, we took a look at which of our tags were trending on the 285,800 articles in the DZone database. The tags are assigned by our editors and used to help readers search once they’re on our site. They are not keywords.