Integrating OpenLDAP With Camunda in Windows

In this article, we'll see a working example of OpenLDAP and its integration with Camunda using Camunda Distribution so that you can easily check it in your local setup and then use these concepts take it further to higher environments in your project.


To test OpenLDAP integration with Camunda in your local windows machine, you need to have below tools/software which we will be using for our use case. 

Java High Availability With WildFly on Kubernetes

Legacy Java Applications

With the advancement of the dockerization of applications, Kubernetes has become a standard in the market, but we must remember that there are still thousands of legacy applications that depend on certain features provided by the application servers. So, if you need to use session replication, you will surely need Wildfly instances to be clustered. To solve this smoothly, you can use the “Kubernetes discovery protocol for JGroups” aka “KUBE-PING”. KUBE_PING is a discovery protocol for JGroups cluster nodes managed by Kubernetes: jgroups-kubernetes.


I assume you already have a Kubernetes cluster, so let’s just focus on WildFly settings.

Building a Mission-Critical Open Source Java Platform – The Web Layer

Currently the Java platform is one of the most consolidated in the world, much of this is due to platform's ability to support other languages such as Kotlin, Groovy and Scala, etc. Thousands of web and mobile applications are developed using the platform as a base. The Java platform has changed a lot in recent years and probably will keep evolving.

In parallel with these changes, we see the evolution application servers, that increasingly offer highly complex features such as load balancing components, smart asynchronous messaging, transaction control and many other technologies facilitating application development and standardization. They also provide a stable and scalable infrastructure for mission critical applications. One of the biggest challenges for application servers is to couple highly complex services, making them stable and flexible.

Getting Started With Java EE 8, Java 11, and Eclipse for Enterprise Java and Wildfly 16

If you have been in the Java EE space over the last few years, Eclipse IDE for Java Enterprise Developersis probably one of the best IDE experiences, making the creation of applications with important EE components like CDI, EJB, JPA mappings, configuration files, and good interaction with some of the important application servers (TomEE, WebLogic, Payara, Wildfly, JBoss).

In this line, Red Hat develops the Eclipse variant "CodeReady Studio," providing you with an IDE that supports Java Enterprise frameworks, Maven, HTML 5, Red Hat Fuse, and OpenShift deployments.