We Rebuilt Our Backend Feed Service! Here’s What I Learned

I’m a Software Engineer in Kurio (a news aggregator in Indonesia). As an aggregator application, our main job is: collecting many of our publisher partner's websites (news or articles) then serve it to our users through our application.

How we serve this content is just like other news aggregators out there, we serve many feeds (list of content) to our users, such as feeds sorted by our top_stories logic, feeds sorted by what’s trending, or just a feed from a specific publisher or category.

Advanced Basics: Bootstrap 4 With ASP.NET Core TagHelpers

The title of this post, Advanced Basics, takes the basics and fundamental concepts of what a developer has learned, whether it be a technique or library, and extends it exponentially to advance it to be something more efficient and useful for future projects.

We kick this post off by combining some Bootstrap with ASP .NET Core TagHelper goodness to provide a worthy post (maybe even a series? See below for more).

Node.js Tutorial for Beginners (Part 4): Making an App Responsive With Bootstrap

Introduction and Project Refresh

Throughout this series, we've been building an application to keep track of the National Parks we've visited. In the last article, we looked at how to transfer data between two Express-based web pages using the body-parser middleware. In this post, we'll look at how to style our pages and make them responsive using the open source Bootstrap framework.

Quick PSA: If you're smart, you'll do what I didn't and wait to make any CSS tweaks until after Bootstrap has been properly integrated and all our elements are responsive. 

6 Steps for a More Accessible Web


Imagine a brand new public access library is being built in your city. Everyone is invited to the opening day ceremony and there is a great atmosphere.

Everyone is cheering as the building opens to the public for the first time. Then you notice that there’s a set of a few steps you must climb up to get inside the building. Normally it wouldn’t be such a big deal but you happen to have broken your foot last week while playing a soccer match and you’re still in a cast.