Testing Fragmentation and the Need for Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing


In the last few decades, the internet has seen tremendous growth; internet users are increasing each day, which has increased the demand for websites. Every stunning website has the support of rigorous testing behind it. But, testing different web applications is not as easy as it may sound. Things that work perfectly fine in one browser might not be fit for the other. It becomes quite challenging for the teams to keep up with this issue. Hence, investing in cross-browser compatibility testing becomes a necessity. Cross-browser testing has so far been quite an ordeal for all the front-end developers and testers on earth. The underlying cause of the problem certainly is the browser fragmentation issue, and to resolve it cross-browser compatibility testing seems like the only possible solution.

Cross-Browser Compatibility

In simple terms, Cross-browser Compatibility mainly focuses on ensuring that the basic features of your website are compatible with different operating systems, devices, browsers, and browser-OS combinations. There are many browsers in the market, but the popular ones like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, and UC browser, capture the maximum market share. Compatibility is an ever-prevailing issue in the software world. Cross-browser testing plays a critical role in easing the situation; however, it is not an end to the problem. Testing compatibility ensures that your websites and web apps work well on the maximum number of web browsers.

Best Automated Cross-Browser Testing Tools

What is your favorite browser testing tool?

In this fast-paced software market, companies need to deliver products not just with quality but also at a rapid speed. If you are not providing the product according to customer requirements, then you might end up losing your reputation in the market. With the involvement of Agile practices, it has become highly crucial for organizations to meet the standards of software or web development.

One thing that is more important than a faster delivery of products is the browser compatibility of your business site that visitors use to see your products. If the web app isn’t compatible with the browser standards that people use to access your site, then they might not revisit your site.

The Benefits Of Website Testing On The Cloud

Here are the reasons you should adopt cloud-based testing

The development of web applications is becoming more and more dynamic. Large and small enterprises are rolling out web applications and upgraded versions in very short intervals. The faster your release cycles are, the more important it becomes to thoroughly your web applications. To support Agile methodology, professionals are constantly striving to discover assets beneficial to the QA teams. One such asset is cloud testing, where you perform web application or website testing over the cloud.

The Ultimate Website Testing Checklist Before Going Live

Website testing.

We know the excitement when it comes to launching your first web site. After working hard on the stunning design, user interface, and engaging content, you cannot wait to share it with the audience. Are you sure your website is completely ready to launch? Aren’t you missing anything in it?

You may also like: Web Testing Challenges Testers Will Encounter in 2019

Most individuals often make their site live in a hurry without checking some essential factors, and later on, receive negative feedback from the users. It’s necessary to understand that launching a website is critical, as you can easily miss out on essential steps.

Cross-Browser Testing: Best Practices and Useful Resources

Wine testing...browser testing...what's the difference?

In the earlier days of web development, executing cross-browser testing used to be very easy. There used to be only a few limited browsers, each browser had limited versions in usage, and most importantly, there were not so many different mobile screen sizes to worry about. But time has turned upside-down, now there are multiple devices to check on, there are many different browsers available on the market that are used by a considerable number of internet goers, and there are thousands of different screen sizes to test on.

22 Reasons Why Test Automation Fails For Your Web Application

Automation testing in progress.

I can relate to the feeling where you wish to achieve flawless automation testing in the blink of an eye! On the other hand, I also understand the apprehension that is causing you to delay test automation. When an enterprise has just begun the transformation, there are a plethora of challenges to overcome. Even if you apply the best practices, some shortcomings can result in wastage of automation efforts. So, I’ve decided to list out 22 reasons that in my experience, are responsible for automation testing failure.

Selenium Automation Testing With LambdaTest

Automation testing has become a basic need for organizations that run their businesses online. It is a testing technique that is used to ensure that a web application works fine across all browsers, operating systems, and devices in terms of functionality, speed, and accuracy. There are multiple testing platforms and tools that can be used for automation testing like Robotium, TestComplete, SoapUI, and Ranorex.

But, there is no match for Selenium. It is the most recommended tool for automation testing by large as well as small organizations. So, if you’re starting out with automation testing and don’t know what selenium is and how it is beneficial for automation testing?

Why Understanding Regression Defects Is Important for Your Next Release

‘Regression’ a word that is thought of with a lot of pain by software testers around the globe. We are aware of how mentally taxing yet indispensable regression testing can be for a release window. Sometimes, we even wonder whether regression testing is really needed? Why do we need to perform it when a bug-free software can never be ready? Well, the answer is yes! We need to perform regression testing on regular basis. The reason we do so is to discover regression defects. Wondering what regression defects are and how you can deal with them effectively? Well, in this article, I will be addressing key points for you to be aware of what regression defects are and how you can discover and handle regression defects for a successful release.

So, What Are Regression Defects Bugs?

Often during software testing, some bugs are detected and a quick bug fix is carried out. Regression testing is executed in order to ensure that the bug fix didn’t cause any abruption in the application’s intended functionality. When some bugs are found to be occurring as a result of the bug fix, those are known as regression bugs. For example, let’s say your login page is having some errors and the developer fixed it. Now, the login page is working fine, but the registration page is causing some validation or other errors that did not exist earlier. The new error may have been caused because of the fix on the login page. This is a regression defect and it is relevant to deal with for delivering a more robust product in the market.