Verification and Validation in Testing


You are at the right place! This is not a free vocabulary-building class but a critical evaluation of a much sought-after debate around verification and validation in the software testing world. Why do we need to know the difference between Verification and Validation? Even though they sound just about the same, they carry different meanings depending on what you intend to do as a tester/developer in the software development and testing process. They both go hand in hand while solving a problem. However, there is a lot of confusion around the meaning of these two words concerning software testing. While there may be many definitions of these terms in various fields on the internet, here we will look at these terms in the testing space and analyze both of these terms in detail.

Verification vs Validation

Software testing is a vast field. It involves various methods and processes proposed to solve different software testing issues. Verification and Validation are also a part of the same group in software testing. It is also known as a V-Model (Verification and Validation model) in the context of software development and testing.

Amount Validator JS [Snippets]

I have been working on Fintech projects for a long time. While working with business people I have realized that they want to see financial items in a proper business format. One of the most common requirements is they want to input amounts filed in a business format (like comma-separated amounts field by only allowing two decimal points, etc).

I have searched a lot on the internet and didn’t there any complete article or guideline to validate and take input of the amount field properly, and finance clients always want to input/type the amount field in a way where the user can feel that he/she is inputting/typing an amount, not a number or anything else.

Chicken or Egg? Are We Building in Roadblocks Waiting for Feedback?

User feedback is vital to the success of our projects. It can help us identify which new ideas we should pursue as we develop and can keep us focused on delivering just what users need.

Minimum Viable Feedback (MVF)

We have all seen projects that didn’t have the right user validation and feedback. We know this information is important, but getting it, and using it effectively, can be difficult. This can be especially problematic with new projects where you can get into that tricky phase of being slightly ahead of where the users are. It may be tempting to wait to proceed based on user feedback, but that leads to a “chicken or egg” scenario. The faster you can provide meaningful improvements, the greater the adoption, which means greater feedback.

How to Validate Code Identifiers in Java

When building applications and programs for use by other developers, ensuring you are utilizing valid code identifiers is an important component. These unique identifiers are symbols that have been designated to specific program elements essential to the successful creation of a program, and they can refer to a wide variety of features, including class, namespace, types, variables, and more. To avoid any confusion or misinterpretation, the names given to the symbols should clearly indicate the usage of the corresponding element. The general idea is to create an identity of sorts for the symbol so that it can easily be identified by any individual, not just the original developer.

During the creation of these integral program pieces, it is also important to be conscious of the technical nuances of the applicable programming language; for example, since Java is case sensitive, identifiers that have different cases will be treated differently. As you may know, attempting to navigate the various rules and requirements for code identifiers can take up a lot of time, so we are going to highlight an easy tool you can integrate to do the work for you. The following API can be run in Java to validate input identifiers and analyze for incorrect strokes including usage of whitespace, hyphens, underscores, and other special symbols within the identifier. This is accomplished by configuring input rules for the symbols, such as allowing the identifier “helloWorld” but not "hello*World".

Pushing Rails Validations Down to The Database?

Ever open up a Rails console to debug a problem and come away wondering how the data got so funky? Despite our best efforts, the database will accept plenty of garbage data if you let it. There are tons of methods to bypass the Rails callbacks and validations while still updating your database. If you are like me you have probably used these methods in the Rails console to fix some of that funky data you found after some other code created it in the first place.

Active Record Validations are a good place to start to prevent the funk. They will check the attributes for presence, absence, numericality, length, inclusion, format, exclusion, acceptance, and more. You can validate your model’s data easily and prevent any number of common errors this way. They aren’t the end of the problem but for most funky data you see your mind should go to checking the validations and probably writing another one. 

Spring Custom Validations

While building applications and services it is very important that we maintain data integrity especially if they are data-centric. It is crucial to have control over the data that the application interacts with to ensure it behaves as expected.

There are many times the data received may get corrupted before reaching the application or the user may provide wrong inputs. This will not create a problem if validations are applied as the application can return invalid requests and may ask the user to provide correct fields, but in the absence of validations, it is sure to cause problems in some instances, as it may process incorrect data and disrupt the flow.

Validating EDI Data in Java

One of the most common requirements when dealing with EDI data is the need to validate messages. Last time, we looked at reading EDI data in Java which included a basic example of validating an X12 acknowledgment message. In that article, a sample schema (a set of validation rules) was given along with some basic Java code using the StAEDI library to set up the validator. This time, let's dig a little deeper into how the validator notifies an application about validation events and also discuss the differences between EDI standards and implementations — and how to validate both.

EDI Event Streams with Errors

While reading through an EDI message using the EDIStreamReader in StAEDI, the various structures found in the data are reported to an application as events. When a schema has been provided and the EDI data does not match the schema in some way, the invalid segments and elements are also reported as events as they are found in the data.

Transaction Execution — Ethereum Yellow Paper Walkthrough (4/7)

In this post, we start looking into how the Ethereum platform executes transactions. We will learn transaction validity rules and why they exist. After that, we will deep-dive into transaction execution and understand the steps taken by nodes while processing a transaction.

This post is the fourth in the series Ethereum Yellow Paper Walkthrough. The goal of this series is to demystify the concepts in the paper, making it accessible to a broader audience. If you missed the previous posts, here they are!

http4s: JSON Request Validator

There are three things a software developer can watch forever: fire, water, and request validators. In the previous blog post, I demonstrated how to develop a simple REST API application with http4s. But that app has a drawback  — the user can send any invalid data to the API and it will be processed with no error messages.

You may also like: Implementing Validation for RESTful Service With Spring Boot

The Problem

The main problem of 99.99 percent of web apps is that they have users (and feel free to tweet this). As a result, there is a huge human factor, which leads to a tremendous amount of inappropriate interactions with web applications. One of my favorites is invalid data input. For example, the user may enter "blablabla" in an email field, "MyNickName" in a phone number field or even leave a form field empty when it's required.

5 Techniques for Spotting Mistaks Before They Go Live

Launching a new website can be exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time. You want to show off what you’ve been building, what you’ve learned, and the creative solutions you’ve come up with. You can already taste that first celebratory taco. You go live.

At first, you get a lot of comments from your friends saying, “Hey, that looks great!” Then the bug reports come in. A feature isn’t working as intended. A bit of CSS is playing merry hell with the live content in ways you couldn’t foresee. A link is broken. And worst of all: you have typos. So many typos.

Okay, most of the time, it won’t be as bad as all that. Veteran designers and developers usually have processes in place to reduce the amount of errors that go live. New designers usually build smaller sites, so the number of errors is reduced in any case. Still, if you’re new to web design, and you want to spend as little time fixing things post-launch as possible, we can help.

1. Follow a Checklist

As you are the designer and/or developer, you are the first and last line of defense against mistakes. However, even the best of us can just plain forget things. One of the easiest ways to avoid this is to use a pre-launch checklist for every website you build. The checklist would include things like making sure all of the links work, making sure the contact forms work as intended, making sure your hosting is set up right, and so on.

You can write your own checklist, and as you develop your own way of working through projects, you might want to. In the meantime, you can adapt any number of pre-made checklists to your projects. Here are a couple to get you started:

And there are a few more here: 45 Incredibly Useful Web Design Checklists and Questionnaires

2. Get More Eyeballs

For clarity’s sake (and because this is the Internet) these eyeballs should remain attached to their original owners. What you want to do is get some people who aren’t experts in computing, be they relatives, friends, or passing salesmen, and direct their eyeballs at your design, before you launch. Get some basic user testing in by asking these people to perform basic tasks on your site.

This has the double benefit of providing you with some usability testing data, as well as an easy way to find out if anything important is broken. After they’ve followed the main calls to action, ask them to click around on anything they find interesting, to help you check other links.

3. Hire Professional Eyeballs

This may not be feasible for projects with smaller budgets, but if you have the money, it couldn’t hurt to hire a professional or two. For example, you could hire another designer to check for common bugs, peek at the source, and so on. Have them test how the layout handles on their devices, and give you feedback.

If you want to take this further, there are services that will test your site under myriad conditions, in all sorts of browsers, on all sorts of devices. Given that most of us lack a browser testing lab, and these services generally aren’t expensive, they can be worth it.

Here are some of the more popular options (as defined by Google search results):

Lastly, consider hiring a proofreader and/or editor, if your website is text-heavy. They can drastically help you to improve the quality and clarity of your writing, as well as help you to avoid the dreaded typos.

4. Take a Break Before Launch

One of the biggest contributors to screwing up is stress. Launching websites can be stressful, especially if you’ve been working on the same thing, day in and day out. For future projects, it might be a good idea to schedule in a break before launch time. And I mean a proper break, as in one day as a bare minimum. Giving your brain time to think about other things is a known and proven tactic for creativity, but it also works for spotting mistakes.

Take that time off, come back, and run through your pre-flight checklist when you’re rested, and can think straight. Your brain, your heart, your users, and your clients will thank you.

5. Validation and Linting

If you’re developing the site yourself, you can take advantage of services that help you clean up, or “lint”, your code by pointing out problems in your HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. How you do this will depend on what text editor you’re using. Just about every major text editor (Sublime Text, Atom, Brackets, etc.) has a number of plugins to help you with this. There’s no one right tool for this job, so you’re going to have to do some Googling.

You should also run your HTML and CSS through the validating services provided by the W3C. These services won’t catch every bug, but they can help point out potential problems in your markup.


So what happens if you do all of these things, and still miss a few things at launch? Realistically, the world just keeps on turning. We’re imperfect creatures, and we’ll never get everything right, all of the time. And that’s fine. When mistakes are inevitably spotted in your newly-launched site, fix them fast and move on.

Constant perfection will have to wait until our robot overlords get here.

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