Test Case vs. Test Scenario: Key Differences to Note for Software Developers

Test cases and test scenarios are two of the most common test artifacts: both are documentation produced by the software development team in order to track progress on a project. 

With the current shift away from the Waterfall method of software development and towards Agile testing, it is important to understand the differences between test cases and test scenarios. But it is also important to note that the methods are most valuable when used together appropriately.

Test Case vs. Test Scenario

Test Case

A test case is a set of activities that are carried out to verify the functionality of a certain component or feature of your product application. A test case is a set of test steps, test information, preconditions, and postconditions built for specific test cases to ensure that all prerequisites are met.

It's a collection of circumstances or elements. When a tester determines whether an application, programming framework, or one of its features is performing as expected.

What Is Test Scenario?

What Is a Test Scenario?

A Test Scenario is any user that can be tested. Test Scenario is also known as Test Possibility or Test Condition. As an analyst, you should put yourself in the shoes of the end client and sort out the current actual situation while using examples of the Application under Test.

What Is Scenario Testing?

In programming testing, situation testing refers to an approach that uses real-world scenarios rather than experiments to test a product's applicability. Situation testing is used to test a product's complicated issues from beginning to end. Situations make it easier to test and evaluate complicated problems from beginning to end.